View table

There are 1 QA scripts and 4 conversion scripts registered for this table.
Link to the schema page on XMLCONV
Identifier designation_boundaries
Short name Designation boundaries
Dataset CDDA
Reference URL
Name Spatial coverage of protected areas not defined as sites
Definition Indicates whether digital boundaries have been reported for areas protected by a designation which does not create a network of sites; for example Danish heathlands are protected where ever they occur.
Provides information on resolution of source material from which the boundary has been derived. Instructs EEA regarding dissemination of boundaries.


Element name Datatype Element type
* Parent ISO code (PARENT_ISO) C string Fixed values
* ISO 3 character code (ISO3) C string Fixed values
* National designation type code (DESIG_ABBR) C  (PK) string Quantitative
* Availability of boundaries (CDDA_Availability_code) C string Fixed values
* Spatial resolution code (CDDA_Resolution_code) C string Fixed values
* Dissemination instruction code (CDDA_Dissemination_code) C string Fixed values
(an asterisk in front of element name indicates that the element is mandatory in this table)
(the C sign marks a common element)