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Identifier BiologyEQRClassificationProcedure
Short name BiologyEQRClassificationProcedure
Dataset WISE SoE - Biology
Reference URL
Name Classification procedure for ecological status or potential based on biology EQR data
Short Description Classification procedure for ecological status or potential based on biology EQR data
Definition Information on national classification system for each biological determinand and waterbody type, including the boundaries of ecological status classes (and of ecological potential classes, for artificial or heavily modified waterbodies).
Methodology for obtaining data A prefilled-table with previously reported national data on Classification procedures is available in the CDR (use 'Add prefilled file(s)' in activated WISE2 Draft envelope). The pre-filled records should be changed only in case of errors or revised classification systems. No pre-filled record can be deleted. Missing components of the classification system can be added as new records.

Class boundaries for the national classification system should be reported using the the scale of national EQR (Ecological Quality Ratio) values. Please see the descriptive image below on the "Reporting of biological metric values and class boundaries in EQR scale".

Whenever a reported EQR value is identical to a class boundary, the worse status class will be assigned to the record. (E.g. if the G/M boundary is 0.6, a record with EQR = 0.6 will be assigned Moderate status).

Each record in this table must have a unique combination of the values in these fields (no duplicates can exist):
- countryCode
- parameterWaterBodyCategory
- observedPropertyDeterminandBiologyEQRCode
- parameterNCSWaterBodyType
- parameterNaturalAWBHMWB

The "parameterNaturalAWBHMWB" is mandatory because it is needed for the definition of some classification systems for rivers and lakes.

Please see the descriptive image below on the "Reporting of biological metric values and class boundaries in EQR scale".

For artificial and highly modified water bodies, the information given on class boundaries will represent ecological potential instead of ecological status.

For cases where the High/Good boundary is not defined, set parameterBoundaryValueClasses12 = 1. For cases where Moderate/Poor and/or Poor/Bad boundaries are not defined, set parameterBoundaryValueClasses34 = 0 and/or parameterBoundaryValueClasses45 = 0.

Classification systems for the different national EQRs can depend on water body type, therefore the field "parameterNCSWaterBodyType" should always be filled in. Each "parameterNCSWaterBodyType" value reported in this table must be identical to one or more "parameterNCSWaterBodyType" values reported in the tables BiologyEQRdata or BiologyEQRdataByWaterBody. For more information on water body types, please see point 6 in the Methodology section of the dataset definition.

Use the [resultObservationStatus]='Z' to indicate records that are either retired or not valid and should be removed. No other [resultObservationStatus] codes are valid in this table, and they will not be accepted.
Descriptive image


Element name Datatype Element type
* Country Code (countryCode)  (PK) string Fixed values
* Water body category code (parameterWaterBodyCategory) C  (PK) string Vocabulary
* Water body type in the National Classification System (parameterNCSWaterBodyType) C  (PK) string Quantitative
* Natural, artificial or heavily modified water body (parameterNaturalAWBHMWB) C  (PK) string Fixed values
* Determinand code for biology data (Impact-specific BQE) (observedPropertyDeterminandBiologyEQRCode) C  (PK) string Vocabulary
Classification system (procedureClassificationSystem) C reference Vocabulary
* Boundary value between High (or Maximum) and Good ecological status or potential classes (parameterBoundaryValueClasses12) C float Quantitative
* Boundary value between Good and Moderate ecological status or potential classes (parameterBoundaryValueClasses23) C float Quantitative
* Boundary value between Moderate and Poor ecological status or potential classes (parameterBoundaryValueClasses34) C float Quantitative
* Boundary value between Poor and Bad ecological status or potential classes (parameterBoundaryValueClasses45) C float Quantitative
Observation status flag (resultObservationStatus) C string Fixed values
Remarks (Remarks) C string Quantitative
(an asterisk in front of element name indicates that the element is mandatory in this table)
(the C sign marks a common element)