Browse vocabularies

Note: Unauthenticated users can only see vocabularies in Released and Public Draft statuses.

  • aq (Air Quality Directive e-Reporting)
  • art12_2012 (Birds directive Art. 12 reporting)
  • art12_2018 (Birds directive Art. 12 reporting in year 2018)
  • art17_2006 (Habitats directive Art. 17 reporting in year 2006) Export RDF
  • art17_2012 (Habitats directive Art. 17 reporting in year 2012)
  • art17_2018 (Habitats directive Art. 17 reporting in year 2018)
  • biodiversity (Biodiversity) Export RDF
  • cdda (CDDA)
  • common (Shared vocabularies) Export RDF
  • datadictionary (Data Dictionary's own code lists)
  • dataquality (Data Quality Checks)
  • eprtr (European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register)
  • EPRTRandLCP (Code lists for the integrated reporting to the E-PRTR and Combustion Plants)
  • euregistryonindustrialsites (EU Registry on Industrial Sites)
  • eurostat (Eurostat dictionaries)
  • fao (FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization)
  • fgases (Fluorinated Greenhouse Gas Reporting)
  • gemet2 (GEMET version 2)
  • ghg (Greenhouse gas inventories)
  • habides (HaBiDeS dataflow codelists) Export RDF
  • ias (Invasive Alien Species)
  • ied (Industrial Emissions Directive)
  • IEDAnnexIIModule1 (IED Annex II Module 1 (MS implementation of IED))
  • IEDAnnexIIModule3 (IED Annex II Module 3 (Sectoral spotlight of IED installation – BAT conclusion implementation))
  • IEDAnnexIIModule4 (IED Annex II Module 4 (Waste incineration and solvent emissions under IED)) Export RDF
  • inspire (INSPIRE-related vocabularies (not normative))
  • landcover (Landcover nomenclatures)
  • lau1 (LAU1 codes)
  • lau2 (LAU2 codes)
  • lau2018 (Local Administrative Units (LAU, version 2018))
  • lcp (Large Combustion Plants Directive)
  • msfd (Marine Strategy Framework Directive)
  • noise (Environmental Noise - END)
  • publications (EU Publications Office)
  • seveso (Seveso III directive 2012/18/EU reporting)
  • test (Testing)
  • uom (Units of Measurement)
  • wise (WISE - Water Information System for Europe)
  • worldbank (World bank classifications)