View common element definition


Identifier resultObservationStatus
Short name Observation status
RegistrationStatus Released 14 September 2022
Reference URL
Name Observation status flag
Definition Status of the observed value in terms of its availability, relevancy, correctness or specifics of its source category.
Methodology for obtaining data - Use the 'A' observation status flag to confirm that the given record is correct. The flag should not be applied to all valid records. It is intended for confirmation of extremely high or low values or for other special cases where confirmation is needed or is relevant.

The following four codes ('O', 'M', 'L', 'N') are applicable to missing or zero values:

- Use the 'O' observation status flag if the value is missing and no further information is available as to the reason why.

- Use the 'M' observation status flag if the value is missing because the data cannot exist (e.g. the value can't be reported due to a missing observed value source in the respective spatial unit).

- Use the 'L' observation status flag if the value is missing because the data was not collected.

- Use the 'N' observation status flag if the value is missing because it isn't relevant or significant.

Three codes ('W', 'X' and 'Y') describe situations where the specific source categories do not follow the standard definition (applicable only for WISE-1 Emissions):

- Use the 'W' observation status flag if the observed value for a specific source category is missing because the data is reported under other source categories. Use the "Remarks" field to specify the other source categories.

- Use the 'X' observation status flag if the reported value for a specific source category includes data from other source categories. Use the "Remarks" field to specify the other source categories represented by the reported value.

- Use the 'Y' observation status flag if the definition of a specific source category does not exactly match the standard definition, because it includes also other sources not belonging to the specific category. Use the "Remarks" field to provide additional information on the other sources.

- Use 'Z' observation status flag to identify previously reported records that should be deleted. Explanation for the reason why it should be deleted can be provided in the Remarks field.
Datatype string
Public or Internal Public attribute
Owner (Accountable)
CheckInNo 3

Allowable values

Code Label Definition
A Record is confirmed as correct Use this flag to speed up the data check...
L Missing observed value, the data were no...
M Missing observed value, the data can not... E.g. a given observed value source does ...
N Missing observed value, observed value i...
O Missing observed value, no further infor... No further information is available as t...
W Missing observed value, data are include... Observed value for given source category...
X Reported value includes data from anothe... Reported value for given source category...
Y The source category does not exactly mat... The source category includes also source...
Z Record reported in the past should be de... Use this flag to identify previously rep...

Tables using this common element

Table Dataset Owner
AdditionalWaterResources WISE SoE - Water Quantity fantamir
AggregatedData WISE SoE - Water Quality ICM staromar
AggregatedDataByWaterBody WISE SoE - Water Quality ICM staromar
BiologyEQRClassificationProcedure WISE SoE - Biology Not specified
BiologyEQRData WISE SoE - Biology Not specified
BiologyEQRDataByWaterBody WISE SoE - Biology Not specified
DisaggregatedData WISE SoE - Water Quality ICM staromar
Emissions WISE SoE - Emissions fantamir
MonitoringData WISE SoE - Water Quantity fantamir
RenewableFreshwaterResources WISE SoE - Water Quantity fantamir
ReservoirData WISE SoE - Water Quantity fantamir
RiverineInputLoads WISE SoE - Emissions fantamir
WaterAbstraction WISE SoE - Water Quantity fantamir
WaterReturns WISE SoE - Water Quantity fantamir
WaterUse WISE SoE - Water Quantity fantamir