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Identifier WISE-SoE_WaterQualityICM
Short name WISE SoE - Water Quality ICM
Registration status Released 04 October 2024
Reference URL
Name WISE SoE - Water Quality in Inland, Coastal and Marine waters (WISE-6)
Keywords Groundwater, Inland water, Lake, Marine, Ocean, River, Sea, Surface water, Water, Water quality
Short Description Data on water quality in inland, coastal and marine waters.
Definition Data on water quality in inland, coastal and marine waters reported by countries within WISE-SoE reporting.
Methodology for obtaining data OVERVIEW:

Water quality in inland, coastal and marine waters is reported under WISE-SoE using a harmonised data model. All determinands (nutrients, hazardous substances and supportive determinands) are coded using a unique identifier.

Raw data (i.e. sample values) are reported in the DisaggregatedData table. Annually aggregated data, by monitoring site, are reported in the AggregatedData table. Annually aggregated data, by water body, are reported in the AggregatedDataByWaterBody table.

The full list of determinands, and the indicative thresholds for "potentially high mean annual value" (i.e. used to flag potential outliers in the quality control procedures), is available in

1. Coverage and reference period

The data should be derived from existing national or regional monitoring programs within each EEA Member Country.
It is recognised that whilst member countries already deliver data to the Marine Conventions, there may be gaps in the data supplied in terms of the requirements of the EEA. It is not the intention of the EEA that member countries should make duplicate deliveries, so any data already submitted to the Marine Conventions need not be resupplied through the WISE-SOE process, as these will be requested directly from the Marine Conventions. Member countries are only asked to provide missing or additional data.
Submit data collected up to the end of the previous year (e.g. in 2023, submit data collected until the end of 2022).

2. Data content

Submit data on nutrients in water and hazardous substances in biota, sediment and water in disaggregated (sample dates) or aggregated (yearly averages or aggregated by water bodies) format. Single sample determinations are preferred, particularly for hazardous substances where many values may be below the limits of quantification and this approach will provide a more robust assessment of how the data should be statistically treated and presented. Data will be aggregated to annual averages by the EEA, to be used for the publication of EEA water indicators. If, for a specific sample value, the measured concentration is below the limit of quantification (LOQ), then leave the "Observed Value" field empty, and report 'True' (or '1') in the Boolean "Observed value below LOQ" field. The reporting of values <=LOQ in the "Observed Value" field (for technical reasons) is also accepted, but the values will not be used. It is also essential that the "procedureLOQValue" field is filled.

3. Spatial reference data

The time series reported in the DisaggregatedData and in the AggregatedData table must be linked to a monitoring site, using a unique identifier. The monitoring site identifier must be a valid identifier in the WISE register (

The time series reported in the AggregatedDataByWaterBody table must be linked to a water body, using a unique identifier. The waterbody identifier must be a valid identifier in the WISE register (

Countries reporting under the Water Framework Directive (WFD) must use WFD monitoring sites and WFD water bodies.

The countries that do not report under WFD must use EIONET identifiers.

If an identifier does not exist, then the time series cannot be reported until the spatial data is updated: the location, identification and characteristics of the monitoring site (or of the waterbody) must be reported.

For new EIONET monitoring sites and water bodies, the update of the spatial data must be done under the WISE Spatial data flow (WISE-5). Only complete data sets can be reported.

For new WFD monitoring sites and water bodies, the update of the spatial data must be done under the WFD2022 Spatial data flow.

4. Decimal separators and precision of the reported data.

Use a decimal point '.' as the decimal separator. Do not use a comma ','.

The general recommendation concerning the decimal precision is as follows:
- Use 1 to 3 decimal places in reporting nutrients (usually in milligrams per litre),
- Use 3 to 4 decimals places in reporting hazardous substances (usually in micrograms per litre).

5. Other recommendations

Please provide long time series without gaps and as complete a geographic coverage as possible.

6. Reporting format and delivery

Use the reporting templates (MS Excel, XML schemas) and template specifications when formatting and collating the data delivery. The templates can be downloaded from the data dictionary.

Data can be delivered in XML files or in MS Excel file format. Please do not use formulas in MS Excel files and do not rename the worksheets or column names. The file name can be renamed.

Delivery can be split into a multiple files if necessary.

Import files and/or manually edit the data in under the data flow named WISE 6 - (year)

For further guidance on how to use Reportnet 3 please refer to

If you have any questions about the format and content of the data request, please contact the helpdesk, e-mail:
Version December 2023
Consulted on changes
Reporting obligation

Data model

Click thumbnail to view large version of the data model

Dataset tables

Full name Short name
Annual statistics data by monitoring sit ... AggregatedData
Annual statistics data by water body AggregatedDataByWaterBody
Disaggregated data in water, sediment an ... DisaggregatedData