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Identifier Nutrients_Point_Emission
Short name Nutrients_Point_Emission
Dataset WISE-SoE: Emissions
Reference URL
Name Nutrients and Organic Matter Emission Discharges from Point Sources
Definition Annual emission of nutrients and organic matter from point (discharges) to rivers and lakes are requested from EEA Member Countries on a three year basis. However, if major changes have occurred, annual reporting is requested.
Methodology for obtaining data Annual nutrient and organic matter emissions from point sources to rivers and lakes are requested. Direct discharges to coastal water are part of SoE Reporting: Transitional, Coastal and Marine Waters.

Data should be aggregated at the national RBD level. A phased approach to reporting is expected, with the level of spatial detail increasing progressively over time. Consequently, it is intended that RBD scale data provided in the first years of reporting be replaced as RB (sub-unit), or waterbody information becomes available and should be supplied by electronic means at this time. Nutrient and organic matter emissions should be split by agglomerations and divided according to the population equivalent (p.e.). Point sources from collected but untreated agglomerations are also requested. Data from agglomerations p.e. < 2000 are requested only if they are significant - see also scattered dwelling under diffuse pollution.

We would like to encourage all countries to provide annual emissions data for nutrients and organic matter from point discharges, for as long a time series as possible. If the data was provided by WFD, UWWTD or SoE Transitional, Coastal and Marine Waters (Riverine load or Direct Discharges) reporting, please flag using value -1, -2 or -5 respectively.
If the value of emissions is not known or not available, enter -8 into the Emission field. In case emissions are not relevant or not significant, enter -9. Please do not use zero but suggested codes, if relevant.


Element name Datatype Element type
* Country Code (CountryCode) C  (PK) string Fixed values
* Spatial Unit Code (SpatialUnitCode) C  (PK) string Quantitative
* Spatial Unit Name (SpatialUnitName) C string Quantitative
* SpatialUnitCategory (SpatialUnitCategory) C string Fixed values
* Period - Years (PeriodYears) C  (PK) string Quantitative
* Nutrients Determinand ID (DeterminandNutrientsID) C  (PK) string Fixed values
Nutrients Determinand Name (DeterminandNutrientsName) C string Fixed values
* Source of Point Emissions (SourcePointEmission) C  (PK) string Fixed values
* EPRTR Facilities (EPRTRfacilities) C  (PK) string Fixed values
* Emission (Emission) float Quantitative
Method Emissions from Point Sources (MethodEmissionsPointSources) C string Fixed values
Source of the data (DataSource) C string Quantitative
Remarks (Remarks) C string Quantitative
(an asterisk in front of element name indicates that the element is mandatory in this table)
(the C sign marks a common element)