Vocabulary: Turkey

Folder lau2018 (Local Administrative Units (LAU, version 2018))
Identifier tr
Label Turkey
Base URI http://dd.eionet.europa.eu/vocabulary/lau2018/tr/
Registration status Released 10 Nov 2018 08:45:28
Type Common
  • Local Administrative Units (LAU) from Eurostat
  • 2018
  • (c) European Union, 1995-2018. Reuse is authorised, provided the source is acknowledged, https://ec.europa.eu/info/legal-notice_en#copyright-notice

Bound elements for concepts

No bound elements found.

Vocabulary concepts

19,660 concepts found, displaying 1 to 20.FirstPrev12345678Last
Id Label Status Status Modified Notation
1 SEYHAN Valid 10.11.2018 1
1000 KARAARSLAN Valid 10.11.2018 1000
1002 KIZILDAĞ Valid 10.11.2018 1002
10027 ÇARDAK Valid 10.11.2018 10027
1003 KOZLUCA Valid 10.11.2018 1003
10035 ÇİVRİL Valid 10.11.2018 10035
1004 KÖPRÜLÜ Valid 10.11.2018 1004
1006 KÜÇÜKKALECİK Valid 10.11.2018 1006
1007 NURİBEY Valid 10.11.2018 1007
1008 OLUCAK Valid 10.11.2018 1008
1009 OMUZCA Valid 10.11.2018 1009
1010 SAADET Valid 10.11.2018 1010
10104 GÜNEY Valid 10.11.2018 10104
1012 SALAR Valid 10.11.2018 1012
10122 HONAZ Valid 10.11.2018 10122
1013 SARAYDÜZÜ Valid 10.11.2018 1013
10139 KALE Valid 10.11.2018 10139
1014 SARIK Valid 10.11.2018 1014
1015 SUSUZ Valid 10.11.2018 1015
1016 SÜLÜMENLİ Valid 10.11.2018 1016