Vocabulary: Poland

Folder lau2018 (Local Administrative Units (LAU, version 2018))
Identifier pl
Label Poland
Base URI http://dd.eionet.europa.eu/vocabulary/lau2018/pl/
Registration status Released 10 Nov 2018 08:32:50
Type Common
  • Local Administrative Units (LAU) from Eurostat
  • 2018
  • (c) European Union, 1995-2018. Reuse is authorised, provided the source is acknowledged, https://ec.europa.eu/info/legal-notice_en#copyright-notice

Bound elements for concepts

No bound elements found.

Vocabulary concepts

2,478 concepts found, displaying 2,321 to 2,340.First113114115116117118119120Last
Id Label Status Status Modified Notation
1007142263504 Somianka Valid 10.11.2018 1007142263504
1007142263505 Wyszków Valid 10.11.2018 1007142263505
1007142263506 Zabrodzie Valid 10.11.2018 1007142263506
1007142266101 Ostrołęka Valid 10.11.2018 1007142266101
1007142270101 Białobrzegi Valid 10.11.2018 1007142270101
1007142270102 Promna Valid 10.11.2018 1007142270102
1007142270103 Radzanów Valid 10.11.2018 1007142270103
1007142270104 Stara Błotnica Valid 10.11.2018 1007142270104
1007142270105 Stromiec Valid 10.11.2018 1007142270105
1007142270106 Wyśmierzyce Valid 10.11.2018 1007142270106
1007142270701 Garbatka-Letnisko Valid 10.11.2018 1007142270701
1007142270702 Głowaczów Valid 10.11.2018 1007142270702
1007142270703 Gniewoszów Valid 10.11.2018 1007142270703
1007142270704 Grabów nad Pilicą Valid 10.11.2018 1007142270704
1007142270705 Kozienice Valid 10.11.2018 1007142270705
1007142270706 Magnuszew Valid 10.11.2018 1007142270706
1007142270707 Sieciechów Valid 10.11.2018 1007142270707
1007142270901 Chotcza Valid 10.11.2018 1007142270901
1007142270902 Ciepielów Valid 10.11.2018 1007142270902
1007142270903 Lipsko Valid 10.11.2018 1007142270903