Vocabulary: Designation type code

Folder cdda (CDDA)
Identifier designationTypeCodeValue
Label Designation type code
Base URI http://dd.eionet.europa.eu/vocabulary/cdda/designationTypeCodeValue/
Registration status Released 13 Mar 2024 07:24:04
Type Common
  • Designation types classify designations by certain common characteristics, such as statutory status, purpose of the protected area, conservation objectives and the related restrictions of use or management measures. The designation type code list is a sequential list with definitions from the sub-national, national, regional or international level. The national designation type codes are used in the Nationally designated areas (CDDA) reporting, in the Natura 2000 Standard Data Form and in the Emerald Standard Data Form. The regional and international designation type codes are related to regional or international legislation such as Natura 2000, Bern Convention, Barcelona Convention or World Heritage Sites or Ramsar sites. The national designation type codes are maintained by the countries. The national designation type code consists of: - two-letter country or region code, as defined by the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standard, except for Greece and United Kingdom where Eurostat country codes are used instead ('EL' and 'UK' respectively) - 2 numerical values starting with '00', indicating designation type "No protection status", and ending with '99', indicating "Others". The designation type codes are maintained by the countries (the respective Eionet NRCs). The designation type code consists of ISO2 character country code + 2 numbers starting with '00' (indicating designation type "No protection status" and ending with '99' indicating "Others") A new code is to be given by countries in case another designation type, than those already provided, is to be added to the list. The regional or international designation type codes are decided by the custodian of the international legislation in question, the EEA and its ETC/BD. International designation types will have the prefix 'INT' instead of the two-letter country or region code.

Bound elements for concepts

Element Type Status
adms:status Vocabulary
  • Step 1
  • Step 2
  • Step 3
  • Step 4
  • Step 5
01 Oct 2015
skos:broadMatch Quantitative
  • Step 1
  • Step 2
  • Step 3
  • Step 4
  • Step 5
30 Sep 2013

Vocabulary concepts

749 concepts found, displaying 41 to 60.First12345678Last
Id Label Status Status Modified Notation
AT23 Protected Habitat Valid 15.09.2020 AT23
AT25 Flora Protection Area Valid 15.09.2020 AT25
AT29 Biosphere Park Valid 15.09.2020 AT29
AT39 landscape and nature protection area Valid 15.09.2020 AT39
AT40 protected biotopes Valid 15.09.2020 AT40
AT51 Ecological Development Area Valid 15.09.2020 AT51
AT52 ex-lege landscape protection Valid 15.09.2020 AT52
AT54 special conservation areas Valid 15.09.2020 AT54
AT55 townscape protected area Valid 15.09.2020 AT55
AT56 regional protected areas Valid 15.09.2020 AT56
AZ00 No Protection Status Valid 15.09.2020 AZ00
AZ01 Strict Nature reserve, Valid 15.09.2020 AZ01
AZ02 National Park Valid 15.09.2020 AZ02
AZ03 Nature Park Valid 15.09.2020 AZ03
AZ04 Ecological park Valid 15.09.2020 AZ04
AZ05 State Natural Sanctuary Valid 15.09.2020 AZ05
AZ06 Natural Monument Valid 15.09.2020 AZ06
AZ07 Zoological park Valid 15.09.2020 AZ07
AZ08 Botanical garden Valid 15.09.2020 AZ08
AZ10 Medical - improving places and resorts Valid 15.09.2020 AZ10