Vocabulary: AQD - Objective Type

Folder aq (Air Quality Directive e-Reporting)
Identifier objectivetype
Label AQD - Objective Type
Base URI http://dd.eionet.europa.eu/vocabulary/aq/objectivetype/
Registration status Public draft 04 Aug 2016 10:48:53
Type Common
  • AQD Decision 2011/850/EU
  • 0.0

Bound elements for concepts

No bound elements found.

Vocabulary concepts

12 concepts found, displaying all concepts.
Id Label Status Status Modified Notation
ALT Alert threshold (ALT) Valid 22.03.2013 ALT
CL Critical level (CL) Valid 22.03.2013 CL
ECO Exposure concentration obligation (ECO) Valid 22.03.2013 ECO
ERT Exposure reduction target (ERT) Valid 22.03.2013 ERT
INT Information Threshold (INT) Valid 22.03.2013 INT
LTO Long term objective (LTO) Valid 22.03.2013 LTO
LV Limit Value (LV) Valid 22.03.2013 LV
LV-S2 Limit Value (Stage II) for reporting … Valid 04.08.2016 LV-S2
LVMOT Limit value plus applicable margin of … Valid 22.03.2013 LVMOT
LVmaxMOT Limit value plus maximum margin of … Valid 11.11.2013 LVmaxMOT
MO Monitoring objective (MO) Valid 22.03.2013 MO
TV Target Value (TV) Valid 22.03.2013 TV