Edit vocabulary

Folder Mandatory
Identifier Mandatory
Label Mandatory
Base URI Optional
Registration status Mandatory
Type Mandatory Common
Numeric concept identifiers Mandatory
Definition Optional
Version Optional
Source Optional
License Optional

Bound elements for concepts

Element Type Status
measuresPollutant Vocabulary
  • Step 1
  • Step 2
  • Step 3
  • Step 4
  • Step 5
21 Jul 2014
skos:editorialNote Quantitative
  • Step 1
  • Step 2
  • Step 3
  • Step 4
  • Step 5
24 Sep 2013
skos:example Quantitative
  • Step 1
  • Step 2
  • Step 3
  • Step 4
  • Step 5
24 Sep 2013
skos:relatedMatch Quantitative
  • Step 1
  • Step 2
  • Step 3
  • Step 4
  • Step 5
24 Sep 2013

Add new data elements


Vocabulary concepts

358 concepts found, displaying 141 to 160.First4567891011Last
Id Label Status Status Modified Notation
Serinus10 Serinus 10 O3 Quick edit Valid 2024-08-02 Serinus10
Serinus30 Serinus30 CO Quick edit Valid 2024-08-02 Serinus30
Serinus50 Serinus 50 SO2 Quick edit Valid 2024-08-02 Serinus50
TEOM1400 TEOM 1400 Quick edit Valid 2024-08-02 TEOM1400
TEOM1400A TEOM 1400A Quick edit Valid 2024-08-02 TEOM1400A
TEOM1400AB TEOM 1400AB Quick edit Valid 2024-08-02 TEOM1400AB
TEOM1400AB-FDMS TEOM 1400AB with FDMS module (8500) Quick edit Valid 2024-08-02 TEOM1400AB-FDMS
TEOM1400FDMS-8500B-CB TEOM 1400 FDMS + 8500 B or CB Dryer Quick edit Valid 2024-08-02 TEOM1400FDMS-8500B-CB
TEOM1405 TEOM 1405 Quick edit Valid 2024-08-02 TEOM1405
TEOM1405D TEOM 1405D Quick edit Valid 2024-08-02 TEOM1405D
TEOM1405DF-FDMS TEOM 1405DF with FDMS Dichotomous monitor for PM2.5 & PM10 Quick edit Valid 2024-08-02 TEOM1405DF-FDMS
TEOM1405F-FDMS TEOM 1405F with FDMS Quick edit Valid 2024-08-02 TEOM1405F-FDMS
THERMO450i THERMO 450i Quick edit Valid 2024-08-02 THERMO450i
TSI3022ACPC TSI 3022A CPC Quick edit Valid 2024-08-02 TSI3022ACPC
TSI3031 TSI Ultrafine Particle Monitor 3031 Quick edit Valid 2024-08-23 TSI3031
TSI3080SMPS TSI Electrostatic Classifier 3080 Quick edit Valid 2024-08-23 TSI3080SMPS
TSI3550NSAM TSI Nanoparticle Surface Area Monitor 3550 Quick edit Valid 2024-08-23 TSI3550NSAM
TSI3750CPC TSI Condensation Particle Counter 3750 Quick edit Valid 2024-08-23 TSI3750CPC
TSI3752CPC TSI model 3752 High Concentration Condensation Particle Counter Quick edit Valid 2024-08-02 TSI3752CPC
TSI3772CPC TSI Condensation Particle Counter 3772 Quick edit Valid 2024-08-23 TSI3772CPC
CSV Import

The CSV file should contain a header row for element names and data rows for concepts.
It is strongly recommended to use an exported CSV file as a template for bulk editing. Columns and rows can be added to or deleted from the template file.
A concept can be ignored by prepending a double-slash '//' to the concept row in the CSV
  • If the header row contains unknown elements the import will aborted and data will be rolled back
  • Erroneous concept rows are ignored, valid data rows are still imported
  • Successful import cannot be undone (unless "undo checkout" is performed)
  • If a concept with the same identifier already exists in the vocabulary it will be overwritten
  • "Purge Vocabulary" option deletes all the vocabulary concepts before import
  • With this operation, contents of RDF file will be imported into vocabulary folder.
  • Only a working copy can be updated with a RDF file upload.
  • If user select "Purge Per Predicate" option. All seen predicates will be removed from vocabulary.
  • If user select "Purge All Vocabulary Data" option. All data will be removed from vocabulary.
  • Once import is successful, operation cannot be undone. If an error occurs during import, then all data will be rolled back.
In this case, existing vocabulary information will be updated with information from imported concepts.
In this case, predicates of existing concepts will be replaced with the imported predicates.
In this case, all existing concepts will be removed and the imported concepts will be added.
In this case, all imported concepts will be removed from the vocabulary.
How to handle missing concepts?