Vocabulary: AQ - Adjustment Source Type

Folder aq (Air Quality Directive e-Reporting)
Identifier adjustmentsourcetype
Label AQ - Adjustment Source Type
Base URI http://dd.eionet.europa.eu/vocabulary/aq/adjustmentsourcetype/
Registration status Public draft 14 Jul 2022 14:12:37
Type Common
  • AQD Decision 2011/850/EU (Use to be Natural Source Type) (ONLY used for Attaintment) (Corrected TYPO on Identifier)
  • 0.2

Bound elements for concepts

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Vocabulary concepts

16 concepts found, displaying all concepts.
Id Label Status Status Modified Notation
A1 Volcanic eruption inside the Member … Valid 17.04.2013 A1
A2 Volcanism outside the Member State Valid 17.04.2013 A2
B Coastal wetlands Valid 17.04.2013 B
B1 Seismic activity inside the Member State Valid 17.04.2013 B1
B2 Seismic activity outside the Member … Valid 17.04.2013 B2
C1 Geothermal activity inside the Member … Valid 17.04.2013 C1
C2 Geothermal activity outside the Member … Valid 17.04.2013 C2
D1 Wild-land fire inside the Member State Valid 17.04.2013 D1
D2 Wild-land fire outside the Member State Valid 17.04.2013 D2
E1 High wind event inside the Member State Valid 17.04.2013 E1
E2 High wind event outside the Member State Valid 17.04.2013 E2
F1 Atmospheric resuspension inside the … Valid 17.04.2013 F1
F2 Atmospheric resuspension outside the … Valid 17.04.2013 F2
G1 Transport of natural particles from dry … Valid 17.04.2013 G1
G2 Transport of natural particles from dry … Valid 17.04.2013 G2
H Sea spray Valid 17.04.2013 H

Other versions of this vocabulary

Label Status Last modified
AQD - Adjustment Type Public draft 18.03.14 11:59:27