Folder | IEDAnnexIIModule3 (IED Annex II Module 3 (Sectoral spotlight of IED installation – BAT conclusion implementation)) |
Identifier | EQSWaterPollutantsIronSteelCode |
Label | Water Environment Quality Standards for the for Iron and Steel Sector |
Base URI | |
Registration status | Public draft 29 Jan 2018 18:02:33 |
Type | Common |
No bound elements found.
Id | Label | Status | Status Modified | Notation |
035 | Cypermethrin | Valid | 23.01.2018 | 035 |
036 | Di(2-ethylhexyi)phthalate (DEHP) | Valid | 23.01.2018 | 036 |
037 | Dichloromethane | Valid | 23.01.2018 | 037 |
038 | Dichlorvos | Valid | 23.01.2018 | 038 |
039 | Dicofol | Valid | 23.01.2018 | 039 |
040 | Dioxins and dioxin-like compounds | Valid | 23.01.2018 | 040 |
041 | Diuron | Valid | 23.01.2018 | 041 |
043 | Endosulfan | Valid | 23.01.2018 | 043 |
045 | Fluoranthene | Valid | 23.01.2018 | 045 |
048 | Heavy metals (∑ of As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, … | Valid | 23.01.2018 | 048 |
050 | Heptachlor and heptachlor epoxide | Valid | 23.01.2018 | 050 |
051 | Hexabromocyclododecanes (HBCDD) | Valid | 23.01.2018 | 051 |
052 | Hexachlorobenzene | Valid | 23.01.2018 | 052 |
053 | Hexachlorobutadiene | Valid | 23.01.2018 | 053 |
054 | Hexachlorocyclohexane | Valid | 23.01.2018 | 054 |
059 | Iron (Fe) | Valid | 23.01.2018 | 059 |
060 | Isoproturon | Valid | 23.01.2018 | 060 |
061 | Kjeldahl Nitrogen (KN) | Valid | 23.01.2018 | 061 |
062 | Lead (Pb) | Valid | 23.01.2018 | 062 |
063 | Lead and its compounds | Valid | 23.01.2018 | 063 |
European Environment Agency
Kgs. Nytorv 6, DK-1050 Copenhagen K, Denmark