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Identifier Spatial_Unit_Characterisation
Short name Spatial_Unit_Characterisation
Dataset WISE-SoE: Emissions
Reference URL
Name Spatial Unit Characteristics and Pressures
Definition Detailed information on the physical characteristics and proxy pressures relating to the spatial unit used (River Basin Districts, sub-units or water bodies) are requested from EEA Member Countries on a three year basis.
Methodology for obtaining data Provide the data only once for each assessment unit unless there are changes between reporting periods.

Data about area and RBD is necessary when emission information is provided on SubUnit or water body level. SubUnit or water body can be part of the RBD only.

The SpatialUnitCode should be unique in this table and no duplicate records should exist.

We would like to encourage all countries to provide data on the physical characteristics and proxy pressure data relating to the spatial units used. If the data regarding proxy pressures (= fields Permanent Population Number and Maximum Population Number) has already been provided under WFD reporting, please flag using value -1. If data regarding water quantity (= fields Long-Term Mean Internal Flow Value and Annual Mean Internal Flow Value) has been provided via SoE Quantity reporting, please use value – 4.


Element name Datatype Element type
* Country Code (CountryCode) C  (PK) string Fixed values
* Spatial Unit Code (SpatialUnitCode) C  (PK) string Quantitative
* Spatial Unit Name (SpatialUnitName) C string Quantitative
* SpatialUnitCategory (SpatialUnitCategory) C string Fixed values
Sub Unit Code (SubUnitCode) C string Fixed values
Sub Unit Name (SubUnitName) C string Fixed values
* River Basin District Code (RBDcode) C string Fixed values
River Basin District Name (RBDname) C string Quantitative
* Spatial Unit Area (SpatialUnitArea) C float Quantitative
Permanent Population Number (PermanentPopulationNumber) integer Quantitative
Maximum Population Number (MaximumPopulationNumber) integer Quantitative
Long-Term Mean Internal Flow Value (LongTermIntFlow) float Quantitative
Period of Long-Term Internal Flow Value (PeriodLongTermIntFlow) string Quantitative
Annual Mean Internal Flow Value (AnnIntFlow) float Quantitative
Period - Years (PeriodYears) C string Quantitative
Remarks (Remarks) C string Quantitative
(an asterisk in front of element name indicates that the element is mandatory in this table)
(the C sign marks a common element)