View table

There are 0 QA scripts and 4 conversion scripts registered for this table.
Link to the schema page on XMLCONV
Identifier Site_boundaries
Short name Site Boundaries
Dataset CDDA
Reference URL
Name Site Boundaries
Definition Officially recognised boundaries in an interchangeable digital format with known projection at a scale of 1/100.000 or nearest possible for all designation types and sites in the CDDA.
Methodology for obtaining data The geographical details must have been digitised only from maps or geographical documents of the same detail and quality as the official published topographic maps and meeting all the standards of the competent topographical institute.

Polygons should be referenced to the CDDA designation types (designation type code) on the one hand and the CDDA sites data base (site code) on the other hand.

You may find useful information at EIONET GIS


Element name Datatype Element type
* Data format (Data_format) string Quantitative
* Topology (Topology) string Fixed values
* Scale (Scale) string Quantitative
* Datum (Datum) string Quantitative
* Projection (Projection) string Quantitative
* National designation type code (DESIG_ABBR)   (FK) string Quantitative
* Site code (Sitecode)   (FK) integer Quantitative
(an asterisk in front of element name indicates that the element is mandatory in this table)