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Identifier FLAAgglomerations
Short name FLAAgglomerations
Dataset UWWTDArt17
Reference URL
Name FLAAgglomerations
Short Description Information on non-compliant agglomerations or agglomerations under pending deadlines that do not meet the UWWTD requirements.
Definition Forward looking aspects-agglomerations: Disaggregated information on actual nature of the problems faced at agglomeration level, planned measures, expected compliance dates and support (to be) provided.


Element name Datatype Element type
* flarepCode (flarepCode) C string Quantitative
* aggCode (aggCode)  (PK) string Quantitative
* aggName (aggName) C string Quantitative
* flaggStatus (flaggStatus) string Fixed values
* flaggReasons (flaggReasons) string Quantitative
* flaggMeasures (flaggMeasures) string Quantitative
* flaggExpecDateStart (flaggExpecDateStart) date Quantitative
* flaggExpecDateStartWork (flaggExpecDateStartWork) date Quantitative
* flaggExpecDateCompletion (flaggExpecDateCompletion) date Quantitative
* flaggInv (flaggInv) decimal Quantitative
flaggEUFundName (flaggEUFundName) string Quantitative
flaggEUFund (flaggEUFund) decimal Quantitative
flaggComments (flaggComments) string Quantitative
flaggExpLoad (flaggExpLoad) integer Quantitative
flaggExpLoadColl (flaggExpLoadColl) decimal Quantitative
flaggExpLoadIAS (flaggExpLoadIAS) decimal Quantitative
flaggOtherFund (flaggOtherFund) decimal Quantitative
flaggOtherFundName (flaggOtherFundName) string Quantitative
flaggLoan (flaggLoan) decimal Quantitative
flaggLoanName (flaggLoanName) string Quantitative
(an asterisk in front of element name indicates that the element is mandatory in this table)
(the C sign marks a common element)