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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!--Generated by Enterprise Architect 15.1.1526 ( Build: 1526 )-->
	<xs:include schemaLocation=""/>
	<xs:import namespace="" schemaLocation=""/>
	<xs:import namespace="" schemaLocation=""/>
			-- Name --
			-- Definition --
			[Operational definition. Not in the WFD] Reporting unit. River basin districts larger than 50000 square kilometre should be divided into comparable sub-units with an area between 5000 and 50000 square kilometre. The sub-units can be created using river basins (if more than one river basin exists in the RBD) or sub-basins, for example. If the RBD area is less then 50000 square kilometre, the RBD itself can be used as a sub-unit.
	<xs:element name="FeatureCollection" type="wfdgml:FeatureCollectionType" substitutionGroup="gml:AbstractFeature"/>
	<xs:complexType name="FeatureCollectionType">
			<xs:extension base="gml:AbstractFeatureType">
					<xs:element name="featureMember" type="wfdgml:SubUnitPropertyType" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
	<xs:complexType name="FeatureCollectionPropertyType">
		<xs:sequence minOccurs="0">
			<xs:element ref="wfdgml:FeatureCollection"/>
		<xs:attributeGroup ref="gml:AssociationAttributeGroup"/>
		<xs:attributeGroup ref="gml:OwnershipAttributeGroup"/>
	<xs:complexType name="SubUnitType">
			<xs:extension base="gml:AbstractFeatureType">
					<xs:element name="geometry" type="gml:MultiSurfacePropertyType">
								-- Definition -- 
								The geometry representing the spatial extent of the spatial object.
								-- WISE GIS Guidance -- 
								The element is required.
								The geometry of a Management Area, Restriction or Regulation Zone can be reported using a polygon, a polyline or a point geometry. Only one type of geometry can be used for a given object. Only one type of geometry can be reported in a given data set.
								-- Guidance -- 
								Only areal geometries are allowed.
					<xs:element name="inspireIdLocalId" type="wfd:String254LeadingLetterOrNum">
								-- Definition -- 
								A local identifier, assigned by the data provider. The local identifier is unique within the namespace, that is no other spatial object carries the same unique identifier.
								-- Description -- 
								Note: It is the responsibility of the data provider to guarantee uniqueness of the local identifier within the namespace. 
								-- Source --
								-- WISE GIS Guidance -- 
								The element is required.
								It is recommended that Data Providers reporting under WFD use a localId value identical to the thematicIdIdentifier value.
								-- Additional information -- 
								Recommendation 3: The localId attribute of the external object identifier of a spatial object shall be the same as the ID used for reporting obligations under the Water Framework Directive [2000/60/EC]. 
								-- Source -- , page 150
					<xs:element name="inspireIdNamespace" type="wfd:String254LeadingLetterOrNum">
								-- Definition -- 
								Namespace uniquely identifying the data source of the spatial object.
								-- Description -- 
								Note: The namespace value will be owned by the data provider of the spatial object and will be registered in the INSPIRE External Object Identifier Namespaces Register. 
								-- Source --
								-- WISE GIS Guidance -- 
								The element is required.
								Data Providers must report the namespace of the data source of the spatial object, if an INSPIRE data set was used for reporting.
								For Data Providers in countries not implementing the INSPIRE Directive, the country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) can be used as placeholder.
					<xs:element name="inspireIdVersionId" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" type="wfd:String25Type">
								-- Definition -- 
								The identifier of the particular version of the spatial object, with a maximum length of 25 characters. If the specification of a spatial object type with an external object identifier includes life-cycle information, the version identifier is used to distinguish between the different versions of a spatial object. Within the set of all versions of a spatial object, the version identifier is unique. 
								-- Description -- 
								NOTE 1: The maximum length has been selected to allow for time stamps based on ISO 8601, for example, "2007-02-12T12:12:12+05:30" as the version identifier.
								NOTE 2: The property is void, if the spatial data set does not distinguish between different versions of the spatial object. It is missing, if the spatial object type does not support any life-cycle information. 
								-- Source --
								-- WISE GIS Guidance -- 
								The element is optional. 
								Data Providers must report the version of spatial object, if an INSPIRE data set was used for reporting and life-cycle info is supported.
					<xs:element name="thematicIdIdentifier" type="wfd:FeatureUniqueEUCodeType">
								-- Definition -- 
								Unique identifier used to identify the spatial object within the specified identification scheme. 
								-- Source --
								-- Guidance -- 
								For Data Providers reporting under WFD, the thematicIdIdentifier must have the same value as euSubUnitCode used in the River Basin Management Plans reporting.
					<xs:element name="thematicIdIdentifierScheme" type="wfdgml:IdentifierScheme">
								-- Definition -- 
								Identifier defining the scheme used to assign the identifier. 
								-- Description -- 
								Note 1: Reporting requirements for different environmental legislation mandate that each spatial object is assigned an identifier conforming to specific lexical rules.
								Note 2: These rules are often inconsistent so a spatial object may be assigned multiple identifiers which are used for object referencing to link information to the spatial object. 
								-- Source --
								-- Guidance -- 
								Data Providers reporting under WFD (i.e. EU Member States, Norway and Iceland) must use the value 'euSubUnitCode'.
								Data Providers reporting under WISE-5 (i.e. non-EU countries reporting only under WISE SoE) must use the value 'eionetSubUnitCode'.
					<xs:element name="beginLifespanVersion" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" type="wfd:WiseDateTimeType">
								-- Definition -- 
								Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was inserted or changed in the spatial data set. 
								-- Source --
								-- WISE GIS Guidance -- 
								The element is conditional.
								Data Providers should report this information, if available.
								The beginLifespanVersion value must be reported if the endLifespanVersion value is reported.
					<xs:element name="endLifespanVersion" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" type="wfd:WiseDateTimeType">
								-- Definition -- 
								Date and time at which this version of the spatial object was superseded or retired in the spatial data set.
								-- Source --
								-- WISE GIS Guidance -- 
								The element is optional.
								Data Providers should report only the latest version of the spatial object: the endLifespanVersion attribute is not required. 
								This element is kept in the data model to allow future updates and support the traceability of changes to objects previously reported, if there are resubmissions.
					<xs:element name="predecessorsIdentifier" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" type="wfd:String254LeadingLetterOrNum">
								-- Definition -- 
								In a genealogy, the object(s) that has(have) been deactivated/replaced by another one.
								-- Description --
								Note 1: The predecessorIdentifier value is a comma-separated list with the thematicIdIdentifier of the existing object(s) that were deactivated/replaced.
								Note 2: Semantically, the predecessorIdentifier element is equivalent to the supersedesIdentifier element in the MonitoringSite data set.
								-- WISE GIS Guidance -- 
								The element is conditional. 
								It must be reported if, and only if, the object replaces one or more objects that were previously reported. 
								Data Providers should report a comma-separated list with the thematicIdIdentifier of the object(s) that have been replaced.
								Note 1: This element does not apply to the case where a newer version of the same object is being reported. In other others, an object never replaces itself.
								Note 2: The number of predecessors depends on the wiseEvolutionType value.
								Note 3: The objects reported as predecessors must exist in the WISE register. 
					<xs:element name="predecessorsIdentifierScheme" type="wfdgml:IdentifierScheme" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
								-- Definition -- 
								Identifier defining the scheme used to assign the identifier value(s) in the predecessorsIdentifier element.
								-- Description -- 
								Note 1: The element is mandatory, if and only if one or more predecessors are reported.
								Note 2: All predecessors must belong to the same identifier scheme.
								-- WISE GIS Guidance -- 
								The element is conditional. 
								It must be reported if, and only, if the predecessorsIdentifier is reported. 
								The predecessorIdentifierScheme value is identical to the thematicIdIdentifierScheme. In other words, the object being reported can only replace another object in the same identifier scheme.
					<xs:element name="successorsIdentifier" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" type="wfd:String254LeadingLetterOrNum">
								-- Definition -- 
								In a genealogy, the newly active object(s) that replaces(replace) the current one.
								-- Description -- 
								Note 1: The successorsIdentifier value is a comma-separated list with the thematicIdIdentifier of the object(s) that replace the current object.
								Note 2: Semantically, the successorsIdentifier element is equivalent to the supersededByIdentifier element in the MonitoringSite data set.
								-- WISE GIS Guidance -- 
								The element is conditional.
								It must be reported if, and only if, the reported object has been replaced and no longer exists. 
								Data Providers should report a comma-separated list with the thematicIdIdentifier of the object(s) that replace it.
								Note 1: Objects that no longer exist should be reported with wiseEvolutionType = 'deletion'. 
								If the object has not been replaced, the successorsIdentifier element is not reported.
					<xs:element name="successorsIdentifierScheme" type="wfdgml:IdentifierScheme" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
								-- Definition -- 
								Identifier defining the scheme used to assign the identifier value(s) in the successorsIdentifier element.
								-- Description -- 
								Note 1: The element is mandatory, if and only if one or more successors are reported.
								Note 2: All sucessors must belong to the same identifier scheme.
								-- WISE GIS Guidance -- 
								The element is conditional. 
								It must be reported if, and only if, the successorsIdentifier is reported.
								(With the exception described below) The successorsIdentifierScheme value is identical to the thematicIdIdentifierScheme. In other words, the object being reported can only replace another object in the same identifier scheme.
								Special case: 
								If applicable, Data Providers reporting under WISE-5 may replace obsolete EIONET codes by their corresponding WFD codes, if the WFD data sets have already been reported, accepted, processed and integrated in the WISE registers.
					<xs:element name="wiseEvolutionType" type="wfdgml:WiseEvolutionTypeValue">
								-- Definition -- 
								Type of event that produced or modified the version of the object being reported (creation, change, deletion, aggregation, splitting). This attribute is required to explicitly report changes and update the current status of the object in the Water Information System for Europe.
								-- Description -- 
								The allowable values are based on those defined in 
								See also Annex F of the INSPIRE Data Specification on Statistical Units (D2.8.III.1_v3.0RC3) for examples of application.
								-- WISE GIS Guidance --
								The element is required.
								The wiseEvolutionType value determines the type of acceptable values in the predecessorsIdentifier element. 
								Example 1: if the wiseEvolutionType is 'changeCode' then only one predecessor can be reported (the "old code").
								Example 2: if the wiseEvolutionType is 'aggregation' then more than one predecessor must be reported.
								Example 3: if the wiseEvolutionType is 'splitting' then one and only one one predecessor must be reported.
								See the WISE GIS Guidance document for additional information on the management of life-cycle information.
					<xs:element name="nameTextInternational" type="wfd:String254Latin">
								-- Definition -- 
								Name, in English. English exonym, or understandable English version of the name of the geographical feature or spatial object.
								-- Description -- 
								Note 1: For this element, the language code is 'eng' (by definition) and is not reported.
								-- WISE GIS Guidance -- 
								The element is required.
								Note 1: In the 2016 WFD reporting exercise, the element was optional is the spatial data, and mandatory is the descriptive reporting sheets. Presently, the element is only requested in the spatial data.
								Note 2: If an English version does not exist, report a transliteration of the national name to the ISO basic Latin alphabet (which uses the same 26 letters that comprise the English alphabet).
					<xs:element name="nameText" type="wfd:String254Type">
								-- Definition -- 
								Name, in the national language. National language endonym, or national language version of the name of the geographical feature or spatial object.
								-- Source --
								-- WISE GIS Guidance -- 
								The element is required.
					<xs:element name="nameLanguage" type="wfd:WiseLanguageCode_Enum">
								-- Definition -- 
								Language code of the language used in the nameText attribute value.
								-- Source --
								-- WISE GIS Guidance -- 
								The element is required.
								Use the ISO 639-2/B code of the national language used for the object's geographical name.
								Note 1: ISO 639-3 is a code that aims to define three-letter identifiers for all known human languages. 
					<xs:element name="designationPeriodBegin" type="wfd:WiseDateTimeType">
								-- Definition -- [Beginning of the] time period defining when the management, restriction or regulation zone was legally designated or became effective in the real world.
								-- Source --
								-- WISE GIS Guidance -- 
								The element is required.
					<xs:element name="designationPeriodEnd" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" type="wfd:WiseDateTimeType">
								-- Definition -- [End of the] time period defining when the management, restriction or regulation zone was legally designated or became effective in the real world.
								-- Source --
								-- Description -- 
								Note 1: If the designationPeriodEnd is not reported, it is assumed that the zone shall remain in force for an indeterminate period of time.
								-- WISE GIS Guidance -- 
								The element is conditional. 
								Data Providers are required to report this information only if the end of the validity period is known or has already occorred.
								Data Providers are required to report this information if the object has wiseEvolutionType = 'deletion'. 
					<xs:element name="zoneType" type="wfdgml:ZoneTypeCode">
								-- Definition -- 
								High-level classification defining the type of Management, Restriction or Regulation Zone.
								-- Source --
								-- WISE GIS Guidance -- 
								The element is required.
								See the allowable values for each data set.
								-- Guidance -- 
								Use the value 'riverBasinDistrict' for the zoneType element.
					<xs:element name="specialisedZoneType" type="wfdgml:SpecialisedZoneTypeCode">
								-- Definition --
								 Additional classification value which further specialises the type of management, regulation or restriction zone relevant to the domain. 
								-- Source --
								-- WISE GIS Guidance -- 
								The element is required or conditional in all data sets to which it is applicable.
								-- Guidance -- 
								The element is required.
								Use the value 'riverBasinDistrictSubUnit' for the specialisedZoneType attribute.
					<xs:element name="legalBasisName" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" type="wfd:String254LeadingLetterOrNum">
								-- Definition -- 
								Name of the document. 
								-- Description -- 
								NOTE: For legal documents, this should be the official name assigned to the legislative instrument. 
								EXAMPLE The official legal name for the INSPIRE Directive is "Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 March 2007 establishing an Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community (INSPIRE)"
								-- Source --
								-- WISE GIS Guidance -- 
								The element is optional in some data sets.
								Note 1: The following applies to the RiverBasinDistrict, the SubUnit, SurfaceWaterBody, SurfaceWaterBodyLine and the GroundWaterBody data sets: if a specific value is not reported by Data Providers reporting under WFD, the default value 'Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2000 establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policy' can be used by the EC and the EEA when publishing derived European data sets.
								-- Guidance -- 
								The element is optional in the SubUnit data set.
					<xs:element name="legalBasisLink" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" type="wfd:URLType">
								-- Definition -- 
								link to an online version of the document
								-- Source --
								-- WISE GIS Guidance -- 
								The element is optional in some data sets.
								Note 1: The following applies to the RiverBasinDistrict, the SubUnit, SurfaceWaterBody, SurfaceWaterBodyLine and the GroundWaterBody data sets: if a specific value is not reported by Data Providers reporting under WFD, the default value '' can be used by the EC and the EEA when publishing derived European data sets.
								-- Guidance -- 
								The element is optional in the SubUnit data set.
					<xs:element name="legalBasisLevel" type="wfdgml:LegislationLevelValue" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
								-- Definition -- 
								The level at which the legislative instrument is adopted. Allowable values are {'european','international','national','sub-national'}
								-- Source --
								-- WISE GIS Guidance -- 
								The element is optional in some data sets.
								Note 1: The following applies to the RiverBasinDistrict, the SubUnit, SurfaceWaterBody, SurfaceWaterBodyLine and the GroundWaterBody data sets: if a specific value is not reported by Data Providers reporting under WFD, the default value 'european' can be used by the EC and the EEA when publishing derived European data sets.
								-- Guidance -- 
								The element is optional in the SubUnit data set.
					<xs:element name="relatedZoneIdentifier" type="wfd:FeatureUniqueEUCodeType">
								-- Definition -- 
								Reference to a related management, regulation or restriction zone. 
								-- Source --
								INSPIRE Technical Guidelines , page 48
								-- Description --
								Note: The relation will be established via the thematic identifier of the related zone, i.e. using the unique identifier used to identify the spatial object within the specified identification scheme. 
								-- WISE GIS Guidance -- 
								The element is required in all data sets to which it is applicable.
								-- Guidance -- 
								The element is required.
								For each object, the identifier of the corresponding River Basin District must be provided (i.e. the thematicIdIdentifier of the containing sub-unit reported in the RiverBasinDistrict data set).
					<xs:element name="relatedZoneIdentifierScheme" type="wfdgml:IdentifierScheme">
								-- Definition -- 
								Identifier defining the scheme used to assign the identifier value in the relatedZoneIdentifier element.
								-- Description -- 
								Note 1: The element is mandatory, if and only if one related zone is reported.
								-- WISE GIS Guidance -- 
								The element is required in all data sets to which it is applicable.
								-- Guidance -- 
								The element is required.
								Data Providers reporting under WFD (i.e. EU Member States, Norway and Iceland) must use the value 'euRBDCode'.
								Data Providers reporting under WISE-5 (i.e. non-EU countries reporting only under WISE SoE) must use the value 'eionetRBDCode'.
					<xs:element name="relatedZoneTransboundaryIdentifier" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" type="wfd:String254LeadingLetterOrNum">
								-- Definition -- 
								Reference to a related management, regulation or restriction zone, in a different country. 
								-- Source --
								INSPIRE Technical Guidelines , page 48
								-- Description --
								Note: The relation will be established via the thematic identifier of the related zone, i.e. using the unique identifier used to identify the spatial object within the specified identification scheme. 
								-- WISE GIS Guidance -- 
								The element is optional in all data sets to which it is applicable.
								-- Guidance -- 
								If the SubUnit is part of an international River Basin District, provide the identifier of the adjacent sub-unit in the corresponding RiverBasinDistrict in the neighboring country.
								Note 1: If there is more than one adjacent sub-unit, provide the identifier of the Sub-unit were the majority of the upstream catchment area is located.
								Note 2: Use the WISE register to find the correct identifier (
					<xs:element name="relatedZoneTransboundaryIdentifierScheme" type="wfdgml:IdentifierScheme" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
								-- Definition -- 
								Identifier defining the scheme used to assign the identifier value in the relatedZoneTransboundaryIdentifier element.
								-- Description -- 
								Note 1: The element is mandatory, if and only if one related transboundary zone is reported.
								-- WISE GIS Guidance -- 
								The element is conditional in all data sets to which it is applicable.
								It must be reported if, and only if, the relatedZoneTransboundaryIdentifier is reported.
								Note 1: Note that the identifiers for countries that do not report under WFD (e.g. Switzerland) are under the EIONET identifier schemes.
								Note 2: Use the WISE register to find the identifier scheme (
								-- Guidance -- 
								The element is conditional.
								If a transboundary identifier was reported, use the value 'euSubUnitCode' or 'eionetSubUnitCode' (because the relatedZoneTransboundaryIdentifier must match a valid identifier of a SubUnit in the neighbouring country).
					<xs:element name="sizeValue" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" type="wfd:PositiveDecimalType">
								-- WISE GIS Guidance -- 
								The element is optional in all data sets, except SurfaceWaterBody.
								-- Definition -- 
								The area of the reference geometry (in square kilometre) or length of the reference geometry (in kilometre).
								-- Description --
								Note: The size value can be derived from the geometry of the objects. However, for river water bodies reported as polygons, an estimate of the total length is requested to allow for comparisons to be made with objects reported as polylines.
								-- Guidance -- 
								The element is optional.
								The geometry of the sub-unit must include coastal waters and not include territorial waters, so the area of the sub-unit must include coastal waters (and exclude territorial waters).
					<xs:element name="sizeUom" type="wfdgml:UomSize" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
								-- WISE GIS Guidance --
								The element is conditional. 
								It must be reported if and only if the sizeValue is reported.
								-- Definition -- 
								Unit of measure of the value provided in the 'sizeValue' attribute.
								Allowable units of measure are { 'km2', 'km'}.
								Use 'km2' if sizeValue is the area of the spatial object.
								Use 'km' if sizeValue is the length of the spatial object.
								-- Guidance -- 
								The element is conditional. The allowable value is 'km2'.
								It must be reported if, and only if, the sizeValue is reported.
					<xs:element name="link" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" type="wfd:URLType">
								-- WISE GIS Guidance --
								The element is optional.
								-- Definition --
								Hyperlink to where additional information on the Area of Management or Reporting Unit is available on the web, at national level. 
								Report only if a stable and resolvable URL can be provided to the specific object being reported (i.e. do not provide generic URLs to institutional internet domains).
	<xs:complexType name="SubUnitPropertyType">
		<xs:sequence minOccurs="0">
			<xs:element name="SubUnit" type="wfdgml:SubUnitType"/>
		<xs:attributeGroup ref="gml:AssociationAttributeGroup"/>
		<xs:attributeGroup ref="gml:OwnershipAttributeGroup"/>

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