Allowable values of observedProperty element

Code Label Definition
LOSS_LEAK Leakage losses Volume of water lost during transport through leakage between a point of abstraction and a point of use, between a water supplier/distributor and a point of use or between points of use and reuse.
NON_TREATED_EFFL Non-treated effluent Effluent that has not undergone any wastewater treatment and was returned to the water body. It includes water that was directly discharged from a user (e.g. domestic, industrial etc. including cooling water, mining, and water used for hydropower generation), and water lost from the waste water collection system (due to overflow or leakage).
TREATED_EFFL Treated effluent Effluent that has undergone treatment through a UWWTP or other WWTP. UWWTP: all treatment in urban wastewater treatment plants. UWWTPs are usually operated by public authorities or by private companies working by order of public authorities. Includes the treatment of wastewater delivered to treatment plants by trucks. Other WWTP: treatment in any non-public treatment plant, e.g. industrial wastewater treatment plants or treatment facilities of hotels, army camps etc. that do not fall under Independent Treatment. Excluded from "other wastewater treatment" is the treatment in septic tanks. Treated effluent (UWWTP) + Treated Effluent (Other WWTP) = Treated effluent (Total)