Allowable values of EUNIS_Hab element

Code Label Definition
A Marine habitats Marine habitats
A1 Littoral rock and other hard substrata Littoral rock and other hard substrata
A1.1 Littoral rock very exposed to wave action Littoral rock very exposed to wave action
A1.11 Mussels and/or barnacles on very exposed littoral rock Mussels and/or barnacles on very exposed littoral rock
A1.12 Robust fucoids or red seaweeds on very exposed littoral rock Robust fucoids or red seaweeds on very exposed littoral rock
A1.13 Communities of the upper mediolittoral rock Communities of the upper mediolittoral rock
A1.14 Communities of the lower mediolittoral rock very exposed to wave action Communities of the lower mediolittoral rock very exposed to wave action
A1.2 Littoral rock moderately exposed to wave action Littoral rock moderately exposed to wave action
A1.21 Mussels and/or barnacles on littoral rock moderately exposed to wave action Mussels and/or barnacles on littoral rock moderately exposed to wave action
A1.22 Fucoids and barnacles on moderately exposed littoral rock Fucoids and barnacles on moderately exposed littoral rock
A1.23 Red seaweeds on moderately exposed littoral rock Red seaweeds on moderately exposed littoral rock
A1.24 Ephemeral green or red seaweeds (freshwater- or sand-influenced) on moderately exposed littoral rock Ephemeral green or red seaweeds (freshwater- or sand-influenced) on moderately exposed littoral rock
A1.25 Mussels and fucoids on moderately exposed littoral rock Mussels and fucoids on moderately exposed littoral rock
A1.26 [Sabellaria] reefs on littoral rock [Sabellaria] reefs on littoral rock
A1.27 Communities of the lower mediolittoral rock moderately exposed to wave action Communities of the lower mediolittoral rock moderately exposed to wave action
A1.3 Littoral rock sheltered from wave action Littoral rock sheltered from wave action
A1.31 Dense fucoids on sheltered littoral rock Dense fucoids on sheltered littoral rock
A1.32 Fucoids, barnacles or ephemeral seaweeds on sheltered littoral mixed substrata Fucoids, barnacles or ephemeral seaweeds on sheltered littoral mixed substrata
A1.33 Mussel beds on sheltered littoral mixed substrata Mussel beds on sheltered littoral mixed substrata
A1.34 Red algal turf in lower eulittoral, sheltered from wave action Red algal turf in lower eulittoral, sheltered from wave action
A1.35 Communities of the lower mediolittoral rock sheltered from wave action Communities of the lower mediolittoral rock sheltered from wave action
A1.4 Rock habitats exposed by action of wind (e.g. hydrolittoral) Rock habitats exposed by action of wind (e.g. hydrolittoral)
A1.41 Hydrolittoral soft rock Hydrolittoral soft rock
A1.42 Hydrolittoral solid rock (bedrock) Hydrolittoral solid rock (bedrock)
A1.43 Hydrolittoral hard clay Hydrolittoral hard clay
A1.44 Hydrolittoral [Mytilus edulis] beds Hydrolittoral [Mytilus edulis] beds
A1.45 Hydrolittoral peat Hydrolittoral peat
A1.5 Rockpools Rockpools
A1.51 Communities of littoral rockpools Communities of littoral rockpools
A1.52 Communities of rockpools in the supralittoral zone Communities of rockpools in the supralittoral zone
A1.53 Brackish permanent pools in the geolittoral zone Brackish permanent pools in the geolittoral zone
A1.6 Littoral caves and overhangs Littoral caves and overhangs
A1.61 Communities of littoral caves and overhangs Communities of littoral caves and overhangs
A2 Littoral sediments Littoral sediments
A2.1 Littoral gravels and coarse sands Littoral gravels and coarse sands
A2.11 Shingle and gravel shores Shingle and gravel shores
A2.12 Estuarine coarse sediment shores Estuarine coarse sediment shores
A2.13 Communities of the mediolittoral coarse detritic bottoms Communities of the mediolittoral coarse detritic bottoms
A2.2 Littoral sands and muddy sands Littoral sands and muddy sands
A2.21 Sandy and muddy sand shores with 90-100% air exposure Sandy and muddy sand shores with 90-100% air exposure
A2.22 Sandy and muddy sand shores with 70-90% air exposure Sandy and muddy sand shores with 70-90% air exposure
A2.23 Sandy and muddy sand shores with <70% air exposure Sandy and muddy sand shores with <70% air exposure
A2.24 Sand shores Sand shores
A2.25 Muddy sand shores Muddy sand shores
A2.3 Littoral muds Littoral muds
A2.31 Muddy shores with 90-100% air exposure Muddy shores with 90-100% air exposure
A2.32 Muddy shores with 70-90% air exposure Muddy shores with 70-90% air exposure
A2.33 Muddy shores with <70% air exposure Muddy shores with <70% air exposure
A2.34 Saltmarsh creeks Saltmarsh creeks
A2.35 Saltmarsh pools Saltmarsh pools
A2.36 Sandy mud shores Sandy mud shores
A2.37 Soft mud shores Soft mud shores
A2.4 Littoral combination sediments Littoral combination sediments
A2.41 Sheltered combination sediment shores Sheltered combination sediment shores
A2.5 Habitats with sediments exposed by action of wind (e.g. hydrolittoral) Habitats with sediments exposed by action of wind (e.g. hydrolittoral)
A2.51 Hydrolittoral stony substrates Hydrolittoral stony substrates
A2.52 Hydrolittoral gravel substrates Hydrolittoral gravel substrates
A2.53 Hydrolittoral sandy substrates Hydrolittoral sandy substrates
A2.54 Hydrolittoral muddy substrates Hydrolittoral muddy substrates
A2.55 Hydrolittoral mixed sediment substrates Hydrolittoral mixed sediment substrates
A2.56 Geolittoral wetlands and meadows: reed, rush and sedge stands Geolittoral wetlands and meadows: reed, rush and sedge stands
A2.6 Coastal saltmarshes and saline reedbeds Coastal saltmarshes and saline reedbeds
A2.61 Saltmarsh driftlines Saltmarsh driftlines
A2.62 Species-rich upper saltmarshes Species-rich upper saltmarshes
A2.63 Mid-upper saltmarshes and saline reedbeds Mid-upper saltmarshes and saline reedbeds
A2.64 Low-mid saltmarshes Low-mid saltmarshes
A2.65 Pioneer saltmarshes Pioneer saltmarshes
A2.7 Littoral sediments dominated by aquatic angiosperms Littoral sediments dominated by aquatic angiosperms
A2.71 [Zostera] beds on littoral sediments [Zostera] beds on littoral sediments
A2.72 [Eleocharis] beds [Eleocharis] beds
A2.73 [Ruppia] beds on littoral sediments [Ruppia] beds on littoral sediments
A2.74 Methane seeps in littoral sediments Methane seeps in littoral sediments
A2.8 Biogenic structures on littoral sediments Biogenic structures on littoral sediments
A2.81 Biogenic features (scars) on littoral mixed sediments Biogenic features (scars) on littoral mixed sediments
A3 Sublittoral rock and other hard substrata Sublittoral rock and other hard substrata
A3.1 Infralittoral rock very exposed to wave action and/or currents and tidal streams Infralittoral rock very exposed to wave action and/or currents and tidal streams
A3.11 Kelp with cushion fauna, foliose red seaweeds or coralline crusts (exposed rock) Kelp with cushion fauna, foliose red seaweeds or coralline crusts (exposed rock)
A3.12 Fauna and seaweeds on vertical exposed infralittoral rock Fauna and seaweeds on vertical exposed infralittoral rock
A3.13 Communities of infralittoral algae very exposed to wave action Communities of infralittoral algae very exposed to wave action
A3.14 Areas dominated by encrusting algae Areas dominated by encrusting algae
A3.15 Areas dominated by frondose algae, other than kelp Areas dominated by frondose algae, other than kelp
A3.2 Infralittoral rock moderately exposed to wave action and/or currents and tidal streams Infralittoral rock moderately exposed to wave action and/or currents and tidal streams
A3.21 Kelp and red seaweeds on moderately exposed infralittoral rock Kelp and red seaweeds on moderately exposed infralittoral rock
A3.22 Grazed kelp with algal crusts on moderately exposed infralittoral rock Grazed kelp with algal crusts on moderately exposed infralittoral rock
A3.23 Sand-tolerant or disturbed kelp and seaweed on moderately exposed infralittoral rock Sand-tolerant or disturbed kelp and seaweed on moderately exposed infralittoral rock
A3.24 Fauna and seaweeds on vertical moderately exposed infralittoral rock Fauna and seaweeds on vertical moderately exposed infralittoral rock
A3.25 Communities of infralittoral algae moderately exposed to wave action Communities of infralittoral algae moderately exposed to wave action
A3.26 Baltic brackish water sublittoral biocenoses of hard substrata influenced by varying salinity Baltic brackish water sublittoral biocenoses of hard substrata influenced by varying salinity
A3.27 Animal-dominated communities of moderately exposed infralittoral rock Animal-dominated communities of moderately exposed infralittoral rock
A3.3 Infralittoral rock sheltered from wave action and currents and tidal streams Infralittoral rock sheltered from wave action and currents and tidal streams
A3.31 Silted kelp communities on sheltered infralittoral rock Silted kelp communities on sheltered infralittoral rock
A3.32 Estuarine faunal communities on shallow rock or mixed substrata Estuarine faunal communities on shallow rock or mixed substrata
A3.33 Submerged fucoids, green and red seaweeds on reduced/low salinity infralittoral rock Submerged fucoids, green and red seaweeds on reduced/low salinity infralittoral rock
A3.34 Communities of infralittoral algae sheltered from wave action Communities of infralittoral algae sheltered from wave action
A3.35 Animal-dominated communities of sheltered infralittoral rock in full salinity Animal-dominated communities of sheltered infralittoral rock in full salinity
A3.4 Caves, overhangs and surge gullies in the infralittoral zone Caves, overhangs and surge gullies in the infralittoral zone
A3.41 Robust fauna on infralittoral surge gullies and cave walls Robust fauna on infralittoral surge gullies and cave walls
A3.5 Circalittoral rock very exposed to wave action or currents and tidal streams Circalittoral rock very exposed to wave action or currents and tidal streams
A3.51 Faunal crusts or short turfs on exposed circalittoral rock Faunal crusts or short turfs on exposed circalittoral rock
A3.52 [Alcyonium]-dominated communities on tide-swept circalittoral rock [Alcyonium]-dominated communities on tide-swept circalittoral rock
A3.53 Barnacle, cushion sponge and [Tubularia] communities on very tide-swept circalittoral rock Barnacle, cushion sponge and [Tubularia] communities on very tide-swept circalittoral rock
A3.6 Circalittoral rock moderately exposed to wave action or currents and tidal streams Circalittoral rock moderately exposed to wave action or currents and tidal streams
A3.61 Mixed faunal turf communities on moderately exposed circalittoral rock Mixed faunal turf communities on moderately exposed circalittoral rock
A3.62 Sand-influenced bryozoan and hydroid turfs on moderately exposed circalittoral rock Sand-influenced bryozoan and hydroid turfs on moderately exposed circalittoral rock
A3.63 [Sabellaria spinulosa] communities on circalittoral rock [Sabellaria spinulosa] communities on circalittoral rock
A3.64 Mussel beds on moderately exposed circalittoral rock Mussel beds on moderately exposed circalittoral rock
A3.65 Brittlestar beds on circalittoral rock or mixed substrata Brittlestar beds on circalittoral rock or mixed substrata
A3.66 Grazed faunal communities on moderately exposed or sheltered circalittoral rock Grazed faunal communities on moderately exposed or sheltered circalittoral rock
A3.67 Silt-influenced ascidian communities on moderately exposed circalittoral rock Silt-influenced ascidian communities on moderately exposed circalittoral rock
A3.68 Communities on soft moderately exposed circalittoral rock Communities on soft moderately exposed circalittoral rock
A3.69 Faunal turfs on vertical circalittoral rock Faunal turfs on vertical circalittoral rock
A3.6A Coralligenous communities moderately exposed to hydrodynamic action Coralligenous communities moderately exposed to hydrodynamic action
A3.7 Circalittoral rock sheltered from wave action and currents including tidal streams Circalittoral rock sheltered from wave action and currents including tidal streams
A3.71 Brachiopods and solitary ascidian communities on sheltered circalittoral rock Brachiopods and solitary ascidian communities on sheltered circalittoral rock
A3.72 Sheltered [Modiolus] beds Sheltered [Modiolus] beds
A3.73 Coralligenous communities sheltered from hydrodynamic action Coralligenous communities sheltered from hydrodynamic action
A3.8 Deep circalittoral rock habitats exposed to strong currents Deep circalittoral rock habitats exposed to strong currents
A3.81 Animal communities of deep circalittoral rock habitats exposed to strong currents Animal communities of deep circalittoral rock habitats exposed to strong currents
A3.9 Deep circalittoral rock habitats exposed to moderately strong currents Deep circalittoral rock habitats exposed to moderately strong currents
A3.91 Animal communities of deep circalittoral rock habitats exposed to moderately strong currents Animal communities of deep circalittoral rock habitats exposed to moderately strong currents
A3.A Deep circalittoral rock habitats exposed to weak or no currents Deep circalittoral rock habitats exposed to weak or no currents
A3.A1 Animal communities of deep circalittoral rock habitats exposed to weak or no currents Animal communities of deep circalittoral rock habitats exposed to weak or no currents
A3.B Caves and overhangs below the infralittoral zone Caves and overhangs below the infralittoral zone
A3.B1 Communities of circalittoral caves and overhangs Communities of circalittoral caves and overhangs
A3.B2 Caves in total darkness, including deep-sea caves Caves in total darkness, including deep-sea caves
A3.C Vents and seeps in sublittoral rock Vents and seeps in sublittoral rock
A3.C1 Bubbling reefs in the sublittoral euphotic zone Bubbling reefs in the sublittoral euphotic zone
A3.C2 Bubbling reefs in the aphotic zone Bubbling reefs in the aphotic zone
A3.C3 Freshwater seeps in sublittoral rock Freshwater seeps in sublittoral rock
A3.C4 Oil seeps in sublittoral rock Oil seeps in sublittoral rock
A3.C5 Vents in sublittoral rock Vents in sublittoral rock
A4 Sublittoral sediments Sublittoral sediments
A4.1 Sublittoral mobile cobbles, gravels and coarse sands Sublittoral mobile cobbles, gravels and coarse sands
A4.11 Animal communities in shallow-water gravels Animal communities in shallow-water gravels
A4.12 Animal communities in shallow-water coarse sands Animal communities in shallow-water coarse sands
A4.13 Animal communities of circalittoral mobile cobbles, gravels and sands Animal communities of circalittoral mobile cobbles, gravels and sands
A4.14 Animals communities in deeper coarse sands Animals communities in deeper coarse sands
A4.15 Animal communities in variable or reduced salinity gravels and coarse sands Animal communities in variable or reduced salinity gravels and coarse sands
A4.2 Sublittoral sands and muddy sands Sublittoral sands and muddy sands
A4.21 Animal communities in fully marine shallow clean sands Animal communities in fully marine shallow clean sands
A4.22 Communities of fine sands in very shallow waters Communities of fine sands in very shallow waters
A4.23 Communities of well sorted fine sands Communities of well sorted fine sands
A4.24 Animal communities in variable or reduced salinity shallow clean sands Animal communities in variable or reduced salinity shallow clean sands
A4.25 Animal communities in fully marine shallow-water muddy sands Animal communities in fully marine shallow-water muddy sands
A4.26 Animal communities in variable or reduced salinity muddy sands Animal communities in variable or reduced salinity muddy sands
A4.27 Animal communities of circalittoral muddy sands Animal communities of circalittoral muddy sands
A4.28 Communities of the muddy detritic bottom Communities of the muddy detritic bottom
A4.3 Sublittoral muds Sublittoral muds
A4.31 Shallow fully marine mud communities Shallow fully marine mud communities
A4.32 Variable or reduced salinity sublittoral muds Variable or reduced salinity sublittoral muds
A4.33 Communities of superficial muddy sands in sheltered waters Communities of superficial muddy sands in sheltered waters
A4.34 Communities of coastal terrigenous muds Communities of coastal terrigenous muds
A4.35 Periodically and permanently anoxic sublittoral muds Periodically and permanently anoxic sublittoral muds
A4.36 Animal communities of circalittoral muds Animal communities of circalittoral muds
A4.4 Sublittoral combination sediments Sublittoral combination sediments
A4.41 Kelp and seaweeds on shallow-water mixed sediments Kelp and seaweeds on shallow-water mixed sediments
A4.42 Animal communities in shallow-water mixed sediments Animal communities in shallow-water mixed sediments
A4.43 Variable and reduced salinity sublittoral mixed sediments Variable and reduced salinity sublittoral mixed sediments
A4.44 Animal communities of circalittoral mixed sediments Animal communities of circalittoral mixed sediments
A4.45 Communities of the coastal detritic bottom Communities of the coastal detritic bottom
A4.5 Shallow sublittoral sediments dominated by angiosperms Shallow sublittoral sediments dominated by angiosperms
A4.51 [Cymodocea] beds [Cymodocea] beds
A4.52 [Halophila] beds [Halophila] beds
A4.53 [Zostera] beds in infralittoral sediments [Zostera] beds in infralittoral sediments
A4.54 [Ruppia] and [Zannichellia] communities [Ruppia] and [Zannichellia] communities
A4.55 Sublittoral macrophyte beds of coastal brackish waters Sublittoral macrophyte beds of coastal brackish waters
A4.56 [Posidonia] beds [Posidonia] beds
A4.6 Biogenic structures over sublittoral sediments Biogenic structures over sublittoral sediments
A4.61 Seaweeds and maerl on coarse shallow-water sediments Seaweeds and maerl on coarse shallow-water sediments
A4.62 Maerl beds on shallow-water muddy mixed sediments Maerl beds on shallow-water muddy mixed sediments
A4.63 Oyster beds Oyster beds
A4.64 Structures formed by mussels over sublittoral sediment Structures formed by mussels over sublittoral sediment
A4.65 Maerl beds on deep-water muddy sediments Maerl beds on deep-water muddy sediments
A4.7 Deep shelf sediment habitats Deep shelf sediment habitats
A4.71 Animal communities of deep circalittoral gravel bottoms Animal communities of deep circalittoral gravel bottoms
A4.72 Animal communities of deep circalittoral sandy bottoms Animal communities of deep circalittoral sandy bottoms
A4.73 Animal communities of deep circalittoral shell gravel bottoms Animal communities of deep circalittoral shell gravel bottoms
A4.74 Animal communities of deep circalittoral muddy bottoms Animal communities of deep circalittoral muddy bottoms
A4.75 Animal communities of deep circalittoral mixed sediment bottoms Animal communities of deep circalittoral mixed sediment bottoms
A4.76 Communities of shelf-edge detritic bottom Communities of shelf-edge detritic bottom
A4.8 Seeps and vents in sublittoral sediments Seeps and vents in sublittoral sediments
A4.81 Freshwater seeps in sublittoral sediments Freshwater seeps in sublittoral sediments
A4.82 Methane seeps in sublittoral sediments Methane seeps in sublittoral sediments
A4.83 Oil seeps in sublittoral sediments Oil seeps in sublittoral sediments
A4.84 Vents in sublittoral sediments Vents in sublittoral sediments
A5 Deep-sea bed Deep-sea bed
A5.1 Deep-sea rock and artificial hard substrates Deep-sea rock and artificial hard substrates
A5.11 Deep-sea bedrock Deep-sea bedrock
A5.12 Deep-sea artificial hard substrates Deep-sea artificial hard substrates
A5.13 Deep-sea manganese nodules Deep-sea manganese nodules
A5.14 Boulders on the deep-sea bed Boulders on the deep-sea bed
A5.2 Deep-sea combination substrates Deep-sea combination substrates
A5.21 Deep-sea lag deposits Deep-sea lag deposits
A5.22 Deep-sea biogenic gravels (shells, coral debris) Deep-sea biogenic gravels (shells, coral debris)
A5.23 Deep-sea calcareous pavements Deep-sea calcareous pavements
A5.24 Communities of allochthonous material Communities of allochthonous material
A5.3 Deep-sea sand substrates Deep-sea sand substrates
A5.31 Communities of bathyal detritic sands with [Grypheus vitreus] Communities of bathyal detritic sands with [Grypheus vitreus]
A5.4 Deep-sea muddy sand substrates Deep-sea muddy sand substrates
A5.5 Deep-sea muds Deep-sea muds
A5.51 Abyssal hills Abyssal hills
A5.52 Communities of bathyal muds Communities of bathyal muds
A5.53 Communities of abyssal muds Communities of abyssal muds
A5.6 Deep-sea bioherms Deep-sea bioherms
A5.61 Deep-sea bioherm dominated by scleractinian coral framework Deep-sea bioherm dominated by scleractinian coral framework
A5.62 Deep-sea bioherm dominated by Porifera Deep-sea bioherm dominated by Porifera
A5.63 Communities of deep-sea corals Communities of deep-sea corals
A5.7 Canyons, channels, slope failures and slumps on the continental slope Canyons, channels, slope failures and slumps on the continental slope
A5.71 Active downslope channels Active downslope channels
A5.72 Inactive downslope channels Inactive downslope channels
A5.73 Alongslope channels Alongslope channels
A5.74 Turbidites and fans Turbidites and fans
A5.8 Deep-sea trenches Deep-sea trenches
A5.9 Deep-sea reducing habitats Deep-sea reducing habitats
A5.91 Seeps in the deep-sea bed Seeps in the deep-sea bed
A5.92 Gas hydrates in deep-sea Gas hydrates in deep-sea
A5.93 Cetacean and other carcasses on the deep-sea bed Cetacean and other carcasses on the deep-sea bed
A5.A Deep-sea bed influenced by hypoxic water column Deep-sea bed influenced by hypoxic water column
A6 Isolated 'oceanic' features: seamounts, ridges and the submerged flanks of oceanic islands Isolated 'oceanic' features: seamounts, ridges and the submerged flanks of oceanic islands
A6.1 Permanently submerged flanks of oceanic islands Permanently submerged flanks of oceanic islands
A6.2 Seamounts, knolls and banks Seamounts, knolls and banks
A6.21 Summit communities of seamount, knoll or bank within euphotic zone Summit communities of seamount, knoll or bank within euphotic zone
A6.22 Summit communities of seamount, knoll or bank within the mesopelagic zone, i.e. interacting with diurnally migrating plankton Summit communities of seamount, knoll or bank within the mesopelagic zone, i.e. interacting with diurnally migrating plankton
A6.23 Deep summit communities of seamount, knoll or bank (i.e. below mesopelagic zone) Deep summit communities of seamount, knoll or bank (i.e. below mesopelagic zone)
A6.24 Flanks of seamount, knoll or bank Flanks of seamount, knoll or bank
A6.25 Base of seamount, knoll or bank Base of seamount, knoll or bank
A6.3 Oceanic ridges Oceanic ridges
A6.31 Communities of ridge flanks Communities of ridge flanks
A6.32 Communities of ridge axial trough (i.e. non-vent fauna) Communities of ridge axial trough (i.e. non-vent fauna)
A6.33 Oceanic ridge without hydrothermal effects Oceanic ridge without hydrothermal effects
A6.4 Isolated ‘oceanic’ features influenced by hypoxic water column Isolated ‘oceanic’ features influenced by hypoxic water column
A6.5 Vents in the deep sea Vents in the deep sea
A6.51 Active vent fields Active vent fields
A6.52 Inactive vent fields Inactive vent fields
A7 Pelagic water column Pelagic water column
A7.1 Neuston Neuston
A7.11 Temporary neuston layer Temporary neuston layer
A7.12 Permanent neuston layer Permanent neuston layer
A7.2 Completely mixed water column with reduced salinity Completely mixed water column with reduced salinity
A7.21 Completely mixed water column with reduced salinity and short residence time Completely mixed water column with reduced salinity and short residence time
A7.22 Completely mixed water column with reduced salinity and medium residence time Completely mixed water column with reduced salinity and medium residence time
A7.23 Completely mixed water column with reduced salinity and long residence time Completely mixed water column with reduced salinity and long residence time
A7.3 Completely mixed water column with full salinity Completely mixed water column with full salinity
A7.31 Completely mixed water column with full salinity and short residence time Completely mixed water column with full salinity and short residence time
A7.32 Completely mixed water column with full salinity and medium residence time Completely mixed water column with full salinity and medium residence time
A7.33 Completely mixed water column with full salinity and long residence time Completely mixed water column with full salinity and long residence time
A7.4 Partially mixed water column with reduced salinity and medium or long residence time Partially mixed water column with reduced salinity and medium or long residence time
A7.41 Partially mixed water column with reduced salinity and medium residence time Partially mixed water column with reduced salinity and medium residence time
A7.42 Partially mixed water column with reduced salinity and long residence time Partially mixed water column with reduced salinity and long residence time
A7.5 Unstratified water column with reduced salinity Unstratified water column with reduced salinity
A7.51 Euphotic (epipelagic) zone in unstratified reduced salinity water Euphotic (epipelagic) zone in unstratified reduced salinity water
A7.52 Mesopelagic zone in unstratified reduced salinity water Mesopelagic zone in unstratified reduced salinity water
A7.53 Bathypelagic zone in unstratified reduced salinity water Bathypelagic zone in unstratified reduced salinity water
A7.54 Abyssopelagic zone in unstratified reduced salinity water Abyssopelagic zone in unstratified reduced salinity water
A7.6 Vertically stratified water column with reduced salinity Vertically stratified water column with reduced salinity
A7.61 Water column with ephemeral thermal stratification and reduced salinity Water column with ephemeral thermal stratification and reduced salinity
A7.62 Water column with seasonal thermal stratification and reduced salinity Water column with seasonal thermal stratification and reduced salinity
A7.63 Water column with permanent thermal stratification and reduced salinity Water column with permanent thermal stratification and reduced salinity
A7.64 Water column with ephemeral halocline and reduced salinity Water column with ephemeral halocline and reduced salinity
A7.65 Water column with seasonal halocline and reduced salinity Water column with seasonal halocline and reduced salinity
A7.66 Water column with permanent halocline and reduced salinity Water column with permanent halocline and reduced salinity
A7.67 Water column with ephemeral oxygen stratification and reduced salinity Water column with ephemeral oxygen stratification and reduced salinity
A7.68 Water column with seasonal oxygen stratification and reduced salinity Water column with seasonal oxygen stratification and reduced salinity
A7.69 Water column with permanent oxygen stratification and reduced salinity Water column with permanent oxygen stratification and reduced salinity
A7.7 Fronts in reduced salinity water column Fronts in reduced salinity water column
A7.71 Ephemeral fronts in reduced salinity water column Ephemeral fronts in reduced salinity water column
A7.72 Seasonal fronts in reduced salinity water column Seasonal fronts in reduced salinity water column
A7.73 Persistent fronts in reduced salinity water column Persistent fronts in reduced salinity water column
A7.8 Unstratified water column with full salinity Unstratified water column with full salinity
A7.81 Euphotic (epipelagic) zone in unstratified full salinity water Euphotic (epipelagic) zone in unstratified full salinity water
A7.82 Mesopelagic zone in unstratified full salinity water Mesopelagic zone in unstratified full salinity water
A7.83 Bathypelagic zone in unstratified full salinity water Bathypelagic zone in unstratified full salinity water
A7.84 Abyssopelagic zone in unstratified full salinity water Abyssopelagic zone in unstratified full salinity water
A7.9 Vertically stratified water column with full salinity Vertically stratified water column with full salinity
A7.91 Water column with ephemeral thermal stratification and full salinity Water column with ephemeral thermal stratification and full salinity
A7.92 Water column with seasonal thermal stratification and full salinity Water column with seasonal thermal stratification and full salinity
A7.93 Water column with permanent thermal stratification and full salinity Water column with permanent thermal stratification and full salinity
A7.94 Water column with ephemeral halocline and full salinity Water column with ephemeral halocline and full salinity
A7.95 Water column with seasonal halocline and full salinity Water column with seasonal halocline and full salinity
A7.96 Water column with permanent halocline and full salinity Water column with permanent halocline and full salinity
A7.97 Water column with ephemeral oxygen stratification and full salinity Water column with ephemeral oxygen stratification and full salinity
A7.98 Water column with seasonal oxygen stratification and full salinity Water column with seasonal oxygen stratification and full salinity
A7.99 Water column with permanent oxygen stratification and full salinity Water column with permanent oxygen stratification and full salinity
A7.A Fronts in full salinity water column Fronts in full salinity water column
A7.A1 Ephemeral fronts in full salinity water column Ephemeral fronts in full salinity water column
A7.A2 Seasonal fronts in full salinity water column Seasonal fronts in full salinity water column
A7.A3 Persistent fronts in full salinity water column Persistent fronts in full salinity water column
A8 Ice-associated marine habitats Ice-associated marine habitats
A8.1 Sea ice Sea ice
A8.11 Seasonal pack-ice Seasonal pack-ice
A8.12 Permanent pack-ice Permanent pack-ice
A8.13 Ice floes Ice floes
A8.2 Freshwater ice Freshwater ice
A8.21 Large tabular iceberg Large tabular iceberg
A8.22 Medium iceberg Medium iceberg
A8.23 Small iceberg Small iceberg
A8.24 Bergy bit Bergy bit
A8.25 Growler Growler
A8.3 Brine channels Brine channels
A8.31 Brine channels in first year ice Brine channels in first year ice
A8.32 Brine channels in multi-year ice Brine channels in multi-year ice
A8.4 Under-ice habitat Under-ice habitat
A8.41 Under-ice habitat in first-year ice Under-ice habitat in first-year ice
A8.42 Under-ice habitat in multi-year ice Under-ice habitat in multi-year ice
B Coastal habitats Coastal habitats
B1 Coastal dune and sand habitats Coastal dune and sand habitats
B1.1 Angiosperm communities of sand beach driftlines Angiosperm communities of sand beach driftlines
B1.11 Boreo-Arctic sand beach annual communities Boreo-Arctic sand beach annual communities
B1.12 Middle European sand beach annual communities Middle European sand beach annual communities
B1.13 Tethyan sand beach driftline communities Tethyan sand beach driftline communities
B1.2 Sand beaches above the driftline Sand beaches above the driftline
B1.21 Unvegetated sand beaches above the driftline Unvegetated sand beaches above the driftline
B1.22 Biocenosis of supralittoral sands Biocenosis of supralittoral sands
B1.23 Boreo-arctic sand beach perennial communities Boreo-arctic sand beach perennial communities
B1.24 Sandy beach ridges with no or low vegetation Sandy beach ridges with no or low vegetation
B1.25 Sandy beach ridges dominated by shrubs or trees Sandy beach ridges dominated by shrubs or trees
B1.3 Shifting coastal dunes Shifting coastal dunes
B1.31 Embryonic shifting dunes Embryonic shifting dunes
B1.32 White dunes White dunes
B1.33 Young boreo-arctic dunes Young boreo-arctic dunes
B1.4 Coastal stable dune grassland (grey dunes) Coastal stable dune grassland (grey dunes)
B1.41 Northern fixed grey dunes Northern fixed grey dunes
B1.42 Biscay fixed grey dunes Biscay fixed grey dunes
B1.43 Mediterraneo-Atlantic fixed grey dunes Mediterraneo-Atlantic fixed grey dunes
B1.44 East Mediterranean fixed grey dunes East Mediterranean fixed grey dunes
B1.45 Atlantic dune [Mesobromion] grassland Atlantic dune [Mesobromion] grassland
B1.46 Atlantic dune thermophile fringes Atlantic dune thermophile fringes
B1.47 Dune fine-grass annual communities Dune fine-grass annual communities
B1.48 Tethyan dune deep sand therophyte communities Tethyan dune deep sand therophyte communities
B1.49 Dune Mediterranean xeric grassland Dune Mediterranean xeric grassland
B1.5 Coastal dune heaths Coastal dune heaths
B1.51 [Empetrum] brown dunes [Empetrum] brown dunes
B1.52 [Calluna vulgaris] brown dunes [Calluna vulgaris] brown dunes
B1.6 Coastal dune scrub Coastal dune scrub
B1.61 Coastal dune thickets Coastal dune thickets
B1.62 [Salix arenaria] mats [Salix arenaria] mats
B1.63 Dune [Juniperus] thickets Dune [Juniperus] thickets
B1.64 Dune sclerophyllous scrubs and thickets Dune sclerophyllous scrubs and thickets
B1.7 Coastal dune woods Coastal dune woods
B1.71 Coastal brown dunes covered with natural or almost natural coniferous forest, e.g. [Pinus silvestris] Coastal brown dunes covered with natural or almost natural coniferous forest, e.g. [Pinus silvestris]
B1.72 Coastal brown dunes covered with deciduous forest ([Fagus], [Betula], [Quercus]) Coastal brown dunes covered with deciduous forest ([Fagus], [Betula], [Quercus])
B1.8 Moist and wet dune slacks Moist and wet dune slacks
B1.81 Dune-slack pioneer swards Dune-slack pioneer swards
B1.82 Dune-slack fens Dune-slack fens
B1.83 Dune-slack grassland and heaths Dune-slack grassland and heaths
B1.84 Dune-slack reedbeds, sedgebeds and canebeds Dune-slack reedbeds, sedgebeds and canebeds
B1.85 Coastal dunes: wet dune slacks: dominated by shrubs or trees Coastal dunes: wet dune slacks: dominated by shrubs or trees
B1.9 Machair Machair
B2 Coastal shingle habitats Coastal shingle habitats
B2.1 Shingle beach driftline habitats Shingle beach driftline habitats
B2.11 Boreo-arctic gravel beach annual communities Boreo-arctic gravel beach annual communities
B2.12 Atlantic and Baltic shingle beach drift lines Atlantic and Baltic shingle beach drift lines
B2.13 Gravel beach communities of the mediterranean region Gravel beach communities of the mediterranean region
B2.14 Biocenosis of slowly drying wracks Biocenosis of slowly drying wracks
B2.2 Unvegetated mobile shingle beaches above the driftline Unvegetated mobile shingle beaches above the driftline
B2.3 Upper shingle beaches with open vegetation Upper shingle beaches with open vegetation
B2.31 Baltic [Crambe maritima] communities Baltic [Crambe maritima] communities
B2.32 Channel [Crambe maritima] communities Channel [Crambe maritima] communities
B2.33 Atlantic [Crambe maritima] communities Atlantic [Crambe maritima] communities
B2.4 Fixed shingle beaches, with herbaceous vegetation Fixed shingle beaches, with herbaceous vegetation
B2.41 Euro-Siberian gravel bank grasslands Euro-Siberian gravel bank grasslands
B2.5 Shingle and gravel beaches with scrub vegetation Shingle and gravel beaches with scrub vegetation
B2.51 Euro-Siberian gravel bank heaths Euro-Siberian gravel bank heaths
B2.6 Shingle and gravel beach woodland Shingle and gravel beach woodland
B3 Rock cliffs, ledges and shores, including the supralittoral Rock cliffs, ledges and shores, including the supralittoral
B3.1 Supralittoral rock (lichen or splash zone) Supralittoral rock (lichen or splash zone)
B3.11 Lichens or algal crusts on supralittoral rocks Lichens or algal crusts on supralittoral rocks
B3.12 Rock stacks and islets above high tide level Rock stacks and islets above high tide level
B3.2 Unvegetated rock cliffs, ledges, shores and islets Unvegetated rock cliffs, ledges, shores and islets
B3.21 High Arctic sea-cliffs and rocky shores High Arctic sea-cliffs and rocky shores
B3.22 Atlantic low Arctic sea-cliffs and rocky shores Atlantic low Arctic sea-cliffs and rocky shores
B3.23 Temperate Atlantic sea-cliffs and rocky shores Temperate Atlantic sea-cliffs and rocky shores
B3.24 Unvegetated Baltic rocky shores and cliffs Unvegetated Baltic rocky shores and cliffs
B3.25 Subtropical Atlantic sea-cliffs and rocky shores Subtropical Atlantic sea-cliffs and rocky shores
B3.26 Mediterraneo-Pontic sea-cliffs and rocky shores Mediterraneo-Pontic sea-cliffs and rocky shores
B3.3 Rock cliffs, ledges and shores, with halophytic angiosperms Rock cliffs, ledges and shores, with halophytic angiosperms
B3.31 Atlantic sea-cliff communities Atlantic sea-cliff communities
B3.32 Vegetated Baltic gently sloping rocky shores and cliffs Vegetated Baltic gently sloping rocky shores and cliffs
B3.33 Tethyan sea-cliff communities Tethyan sea-cliff communities
B3.34 Canarian and Madeiran sea-cliff communities Canarian and Madeiran sea-cliff communities
B3.35 Azorean sea-cliff communities Azorean sea-cliff communities
B3.36 Coastal lagoon cliff communities Coastal lagoon cliff communities
B3.4 Soft sea-cliffs, often vegetated Soft sea-cliffs, often vegetated
B3.41 Baltic chalk and moraine cliffs Baltic chalk and moraine cliffs
C Inland surface water habitats Inland surface water habitats
C1 Surface standing waters Surface standing waters
C1.1 Permanent oligotrophic lakes, ponds and pools Permanent oligotrophic lakes, ponds and pools
C1.11 Benthic communities of oligotrophic waterbodies Benthic communities of oligotrophic waterbodies
C1.12 Rooted submerged vegetation of oligotrophic waterbodies Rooted submerged vegetation of oligotrophic waterbodies
C1.13 Rooted floating vegetation of oligotrophic waterbodies Rooted floating vegetation of oligotrophic waterbodies
C1.14 Charophyte submerged carpets in oligotrophic waterbodies Charophyte submerged carpets in oligotrophic waterbodies
C1.15 Peatmoss and [Utricularia] communities of oligotrophic waterbodies Peatmoss and [Utricularia] communities of oligotrophic waterbodies
C1.16 Dune-slack pools Dune-slack pools
C1.2 Permanent mesotrophic lakes, ponds and pools Permanent mesotrophic lakes, ponds and pools
C1.21 Benthic communities of mesotrophic waterbodies Benthic communities of mesotrophic waterbodies
C1.22 Free-floating vegetation of mesotrophic waterbodies Free-floating vegetation of mesotrophic waterbodies
C1.23 Rooted submerged vegetation of mesotrophic waterbodies Rooted submerged vegetation of mesotrophic waterbodies
C1.24 Rooted floating vegetation of mesotrophic waterbodies Rooted floating vegetation of mesotrophic waterbodies
C1.25 Charophyte submerged carpets in mesotrophic waterbodies Charophyte submerged carpets in mesotrophic waterbodies
C1.26 Peatmoss and [Utricularia] communities of mesotrophic waterbodies Peatmoss and [Utricularia] communities of mesotrophic waterbodies
C1.3 Permanent eutrophic lakes, ponds and pools Permanent eutrophic lakes, ponds and pools
C1.31 Benthic communities of eutrophic waterbodies Benthic communities of eutrophic waterbodies
C1.32 Free-floating vegetation of eutrophic waterbodies Free-floating vegetation of eutrophic waterbodies
C1.33 Rooted submerged vegetation of eutrophic waterbodies Rooted submerged vegetation of eutrophic waterbodies
C1.34 Rooted floating vegetation of eutrophic waterbodies Rooted floating vegetation of eutrophic waterbodies
C1.4 Permanent dystrophic lakes, ponds and pools Permanent dystrophic lakes, ponds and pools
C1.41 Benthic communities of dystrophic waterbodies Benthic communities of dystrophic waterbodies
C1.42 Rooted submerged vegetation of dystrophic waterbodies Rooted submerged vegetation of dystrophic waterbodies
C1.43 Rooted floating vegetation of dystrophic waterbodies Rooted floating vegetation of dystrophic waterbodies
C1.44 Charophyte submerged carpets in dystrophic waterbodies Charophyte submerged carpets in dystrophic waterbodies
C1.45 Peatmoss and [Utricularia] communities of dystrophic waterbodies Peatmoss and [Utricularia] communities of dystrophic waterbodies
C1.46 Raised bog pools Raised bog pools
C1.47 Lagg Lagg
C1.5 Permanent inland saline and brackish lakes, ponds and pools Permanent inland saline and brackish lakes, ponds and pools
C1.51 Salt basin benthic communities Salt basin benthic communities
C1.52 Submerged charophyte carpets in inland saline or hypersaline waterbodies Submerged charophyte carpets in inland saline or hypersaline waterbodies
C1.53 Brackish water floating vegetation Brackish water floating vegetation
C1.54 Submerged macrophyte communities of inland saline and brackish waters Submerged macrophyte communities of inland saline and brackish waters
C1.6 Temporary lakes, ponds and pools (wet phase) Temporary lakes, ponds and pools (wet phase)
C1.61 Lime-deficient oligotrophic temporary waters Lime-deficient oligotrophic temporary waters
C1.62 Mesotrophic temporary waters Mesotrophic temporary waters
C1.63 Eutrophic temporary waters Eutrophic temporary waters
C1.64 Dystrophic temporary waters Dystrophic temporary waters
C1.65 Lime-rich oligo-mesotrophic temporary waters Lime-rich oligo-mesotrophic temporary waters
C1.66 Temporary inland saline and brackish waters Temporary inland saline and brackish waters
C1.67 Turlough and lake-bottom meadows Turlough and lake-bottom meadows
C1.68 Benthic communities of temporary waters Benthic communities of temporary waters
C1.69 Rooted floating vegetation of temporary waterbodies Rooted floating vegetation of temporary waterbodies
C1.7 Permanent lake ice Permanent lake ice
C2 Surface running waters Surface running waters
C2.1 Springs, spring brooks and geysers Springs, spring brooks and geysers
C2.11 Soft water springs Soft water springs
C2.12 Hard water springs Hard water springs
C2.13 Geysers Geysers
C2.14 Thermal springs Thermal springs
C2.15 Saline springs Saline springs
C2.16 Crenal streams (spring brooks) Crenal streams (spring brooks)
C2.17 Thermal spring brooks Thermal spring brooks
C2.18 Acid oligotrophic vegetation of spring brooks Acid oligotrophic vegetation of spring brooks
C2.19 Lime-rich oligotrophic vegetation of spring brooks Lime-rich oligotrophic vegetation of spring brooks
C2.1A Mesotrophic vegetation of spring brooks Mesotrophic vegetation of spring brooks
C2.1B Eutrophic vegetation of spring brooks Eutrophic vegetation of spring brooks
C2.2 Permanent non-tidal, fast, turbulent watercourses Permanent non-tidal, fast, turbulent watercourses
C2.21 Epirhithral and metarhithral streams Epirhithral and metarhithral streams
C2.22 Hyporhithral streams Hyporhithral streams
C2.23 Glacial meltwaters Glacial meltwaters
C2.24 Waterfalls Waterfalls
C2.25 Acid oligotrophic vegetation of fast-flowing streams Acid oligotrophic vegetation of fast-flowing streams
C2.26 Lime-rich oligotrophic vegetation of fast-flowing streams Lime-rich oligotrophic vegetation of fast-flowing streams
C2.27 Mesotrophic vegetation of fast-flowing streams Mesotrophic vegetation of fast-flowing streams
C2.28 Eutrophic vegetation of fast-flowing streams Eutrophic vegetation of fast-flowing streams
C2.3 Permanent non-tidal, slow, smooth-flowing watercourses Permanent non-tidal, slow, smooth-flowing watercourses
C2.31 Epipotamal streams Epipotamal streams
C2.32 Metapotamal and hypopotamal streams Metapotamal and hypopotamal streams
C2.33 Mesotrophic vegetation of slow-flowing rivers Mesotrophic vegetation of slow-flowing rivers
C2.34 Eutrophic vegetation of slow-flowing rivers Eutrophic vegetation of slow-flowing rivers
C2.4 Tidal rivers, upstream from the estuary Tidal rivers, upstream from the estuary
C2.41 Brackish water tidal rivers Brackish water tidal rivers
C2.42 Freshwater tidal rivers Freshwater tidal rivers
C2.43 Mesotrophic vegetation of tidal rivers Mesotrophic vegetation of tidal rivers
C2.44 Eutrophic vegetation of tidal rivers Eutrophic vegetation of tidal rivers
C2.5 Temporary running waters (wet phase) Temporary running waters (wet phase)
C2.6 Films of water flowing over rocky watercourse margins Films of water flowing over rocky watercourse margins
C3 Littoral zone of inland surface waterbodies Littoral zone of inland surface waterbodies
C3.1 Species-rich helophyte beds Species-rich helophyte beds
C3.11 Beds of small helophytes of fast-flowing waters Beds of small helophytes of fast-flowing waters
C3.2 Water-fringing reedbeds and tall helophytes other than canes Water-fringing reedbeds and tall helophytes other than canes
C3.21 [Phragmites australis] beds [Phragmites australis] beds
C3.22 [Scirpus lacustris] beds [Scirpus lacustris] beds
C3.23 [Typha] beds [Typha] beds
C3.24 Medium-tall non-graminoid waterside communities Medium-tall non-graminoid waterside communities
C3.25 Water-fringe medium-tall grass beds Water-fringe medium-tall grass beds
C3.26 [Phalaris arundinacea] beds [Phalaris arundinacea] beds
C3.27 Halophile [Scirpus] beds Halophile [Scirpus] beds
C3.28 Riparian [Cladium mariscus] beds Riparian [Cladium mariscus] beds
C3.3 Water-fringing beds of tall canes Water-fringing beds of tall canes
C3.31 [Saccharum ravennae] communities [Saccharum ravennae] communities
C3.32 [Arundo donax] beds [Arundo donax] beds
C3.4 Species-poor beds of low-growing water-fringing or amphibious vegetation Species-poor beds of low-growing water-fringing or amphibious vegetation
C3.41 Euro-Siberian perennial amphibious communities Euro-Siberian perennial amphibious communities
C3.42 Mediterraneo-Atlantic amphibious communities Mediterraneo-Atlantic amphibious communities
C3.43 Central Eurasian amphibious communities Central Eurasian amphibious communities
C3.44 [Eleocharis parvula] and [Eleocharis acicularis] beds of inland saline and brackish waters [Eleocharis parvula] and [Eleocharis acicularis] beds of inland saline and brackish waters
C3.45 [Nasturtium officinale] ([Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum]) beds [Nasturtium officinale] ([Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum]) beds
C3.5 Pioneer and ephemeral vegetation of periodically inundated shores Pioneer and ephemeral vegetation of periodically inundated shores
C3.51 Euro-Siberian dwarf annual amphibious swards Euro-Siberian dwarf annual amphibious swards
C3.52 [Bidens] communities (of lake and pond shores) [Bidens] communities (of lake and pond shores)
C3.53 Euro-Siberian annual river mud communities Euro-Siberian annual river mud communities
C3.54 Boreo-arctic river mud communities Boreo-arctic river mud communities
C3.55 Sparsely vegetated river gravel banks Sparsely vegetated river gravel banks
C3.6 Unvegetated or sparsely vegetated shores with soft or mobile sediments Unvegetated or sparsely vegetated shores with soft or mobile sediments
C3.61 Unvegetated river sand banks Unvegetated river sand banks
C3.62 Unvegetated river gravel banks Unvegetated river gravel banks
C3.63 Unvegetated river mud banks Unvegetated river mud banks
C3.64 Exposed unvegetated freshwater lake sands and shingles Exposed unvegetated freshwater lake sands and shingles
C3.65 Exposed unvegetated freshwater lake muds Exposed unvegetated freshwater lake muds
C3.66 Exposed unvegetated beaches of inland saline and brackish waters with soft sediments Exposed unvegetated beaches of inland saline and brackish waters with soft sediments
C3.7 Unvegetated or sparsely vegetated shores with non-mobile substrates Unvegetated or sparsely vegetated shores with non-mobile substrates
C3.71 Periodically exposed river-bed rocks, pavements and blocks Periodically exposed river-bed rocks, pavements and blocks
C3.72 Periodically exposed lake-bed rocks, pavements and blocks Periodically exposed lake-bed rocks, pavements and blocks
C3.73 Draw-down zones of reservoirs with non-mobile substrates Draw-down zones of reservoirs with non-mobile substrates
C3.8 Inland spray- and steam-dependent habitats Inland spray- and steam-dependent habitats
D Mire, bog and fen habitats Mire, bog and fen habitats
D1 Raised and blanket bogs Raised and blanket bogs
D1.1 Raised bogs Raised bogs
D1.11 Active, relatively undamaged raised bogs Active, relatively undamaged raised bogs
D1.12 Damaged, inactive bogs Damaged, inactive bogs
D1.13 Condensation mires Condensation mires
D1.14 [Myrica gale] scrub on raised bogs [Myrica gale] scrub on raised bogs
D1.15 Wet bare peat and peat haggs on raised bogs Wet bare peat and peat haggs on raised bogs
D1.2 Blanket bogs Blanket bogs
D1.21 Hyperoceanic low-altitude blanket bogs, typically with dominant [Trichophorum] Hyperoceanic low-altitude blanket bogs, typically with dominant [Trichophorum]
D1.22 Montane blanket bogs, [Calluna] and [Eriophorum vaginatum] often dominant Montane blanket bogs, [Calluna] and [Eriophorum vaginatum] often dominant
D1.23 Boreo-Atlantic blanket bogs Boreo-Atlantic blanket bogs
D1.24 Wet bare peat and peat haggs on blanket bogs Wet bare peat and peat haggs on blanket bogs
D2 Valley mires, poor fens and transition mires Valley mires, poor fens and transition mires
D2.1 Valley mires Valley mires
D2.11 Acid valley mires Acid valley mires
D2.12 Basic and neutral valley mires Basic and neutral valley mires
D2.2 Poor fens Poor fens
D2.21 [Eriophorum scheuchzeri] fens [Eriophorum scheuchzeri] fens
D2.22 [Carex nigra], [Carex canescens], [Carex echinata] fens [Carex nigra], [Carex canescens], [Carex echinata] fens
D2.23 Apennine acidic fens Apennine acidic fens
D2.24 [Carex intricata] pozzines (wet depressions surrounding glacial lakes) [Carex intricata] pozzines (wet depressions surrounding glacial lakes)
D2.25 [Trichophorum cespitosum] and [Narthecium ossifragum] acidic fens [Trichophorum cespitosum] and [Narthecium ossifragum] acidic fens
D2.26 [Eriophorum angustifolium] fens [Eriophorum angustifolium] fens
D2.27 Dunal sedge acidic fens Dunal sedge acidic fens
D2.28 Illyrio-Moesian acidic fens Illyrio-Moesian acidic fens
D2.29 Boreal acidic sphagnum fens Boreal acidic sphagnum fens
D2.2A [Myrica gale] scrub on poor fens [Myrica gale] scrub on poor fens
D2.2B Caucasian acidic fens Caucasian acidic fens
D2.2C Soft water spring mires Soft water spring mires
D2.3 Transition mires and quaking bogs Transition mires and quaking bogs
D2.31 [Carex lasiocarpa] swards [Carex lasiocarpa] swards
D2.32 [Carex diandra] quaking mires [Carex diandra] quaking mires
D2.33 [Carex rostrata] quaking mires [Carex rostrata] quaking mires
D2.34 [Carex limosa] swards [Carex limosa] swards
D2.35 [Carex chordorrhiza] swards [Carex chordorrhiza] swards
D2.36 [Carex heleonastes] swards [Carex heleonastes] swards
D2.37 [Rhynchospora alba] quaking bogs [Rhynchospora alba] quaking bogs
D2.38 [Sphagnum] and [Eriophorum] rafts [Sphagnum] and [Eriophorum] rafts
D2.39 [Menyanthes trifoliata] and [Potentilla palustris] rafts [Menyanthes trifoliata] and [Potentilla palustris] rafts
D2.3A [Calla palustris] mires [Calla palustris] mires
D2.3B Brown moss carpets Brown moss carpets
D2.3C [Eriophorum vaginatum] quaking bogs [Eriophorum vaginatum] quaking bogs
D2.3D [Molinia caerulea] quaking bogs [Molinia caerulea] quaking bogs
D2.3E [Calamagrostis stricta] quaking bogs [Calamagrostis stricta] quaking bogs
D2.3F [Scirpus hudsonianus] ([Trichophorum alpinum]) quaking bogs [Scirpus hudsonianus] ([Trichophorum alpinum]) quaking bogs
D2.3G Iberian quaking bogs Iberian quaking bogs
D2.3H Wet, open, acid peat and sand, with [Rhynchospora alba] and [Drosera] Wet, open, acid peat and sand, with [Rhynchospora alba] and [Drosera]
D3 Aapa, palsa and polygon mires Aapa, palsa and polygon mires
D3.1 Palsa mires Palsa mires
D3.11 Palsa mounds Palsa mounds
D3.12 [Sphagnum fuscum] pounikko hummocks [Sphagnum fuscum] pounikko hummocks
D3.13 Palsa mire flarks Palsa mire flarks
D3.2 Aapa mires Aapa mires
D3.21 Aapa strings Aapa strings
D3.22 Aapa flarks Aapa flarks
D3.3 Polygon mires Polygon mires
D3.31 Polygon mire ridges Polygon mire ridges
D3.32 Polygon mire hollows Polygon mire hollows
D4 Base-rich fens Base-rich fens
D4.1 Rich fens, including eutrophic tall-herb fens and calcareous flushes and soaks Rich fens, including eutrophic tall-herb fens and calcareous flushes and soaks
D4.11 [Schoenus nigricans] fens [Schoenus nigricans] fens
D4.12 [Schoenus ferrugineus] fens [Schoenus ferrugineus] fens
D4.13 Subcontinental [Carex davalliana] fens Subcontinental [Carex davalliana] fens
D4.14 Pyrenean [Carex davalliana] fens Pyrenean [Carex davalliana] fens
D4.15 [Carex dioica], [Carex pulicaris] and [Carex flava] fens [Carex dioica], [Carex pulicaris] and [Carex flava] fens
D4.16 [Carex nigra] alkaline fens [Carex nigra] alkaline fens
D4.17 [Carex saxatilis] fens [Carex saxatilis] fens
D4.18 [Carex frigida] fens [Carex frigida] fens
D4.19 British [Carex demissa] - [Saxifraga aizoides] flushes British [Carex demissa] - [Saxifraga aizoides] flushes
D4.1A [Eleocharis quinqueflora] fens [Eleocharis quinqueflora] fens
D4.1B Mediterraneo-Turanian small sedge fens Mediterraneo-Turanian small sedge fens
D4.1C [Carex rostrata] alkaline fens [Carex rostrata] alkaline fens
D4.1D [Scirpus hudsonianus] ([Trichophorum alpinum]) alkaline fens [Scirpus hudsonianus] ([Trichophorum alpinum]) alkaline fens
D4.1E [Trichophorum cespitosum] alkaline fens [Trichophorum cespitosum] alkaline fens
D4.1F Middle European [Blysmus compressus] fens Middle European [Blysmus compressus] fens
D4.1G Small herb alkaline fens Small herb alkaline fens
D4.1H Calcareous dunal [Juncus] - sedge fens Calcareous dunal [Juncus] - sedge fens
D4.1I Tall herb fens Tall herb fens
D4.1J Icelandic [Carex bigelowii] fens Icelandic [Carex bigelowii] fens
D4.1K [Sesleria caerulea] fens [Sesleria caerulea] fens
D4.1L Icelandic [Equisetum palustre] fens Icelandic [Equisetum palustre] fens
D4.1M [Myrica gale] scrub on rich fens [Myrica gale] scrub on rich fens
D4.1N Hard water spring mires Hard water spring mires
D4.2 Basic mountain flushes and streamsides, with a rich arctic-montane flora Basic mountain flushes and streamsides, with a rich arctic-montane flora
D4.21 Arctoalpine [Kobresia simpliciuscula] and [Carex microglochin] swards Arctoalpine [Kobresia simpliciuscula] and [Carex microglochin] swards
D4.22 Alpine riverine [Carex maritima] ([Carex incurva]) swards Alpine riverine [Carex maritima] ([Carex incurva]) swards
D4.23 Arctoalpine riverine [Equisetum], [Typha] and [Juncus] swards Arctoalpine riverine [Equisetum], [Typha] and [Juncus] swards
D4.24 British mica flushes British mica flushes
D4.25 Boreal [Carex atrofusca] swards Boreal [Carex atrofusca] swards
D4.26 Boreal marsh-fens Boreal marsh-fens
D5 Sedge and reedbeds, normally without free-standing water Sedge and reedbeds, normally without free-standing water
D5.1 Reedbeds normally without free-standing water Reedbeds normally without free-standing water
D5.11 [Phragmites australis] beds normally without free-standing water [Phragmites australis] beds normally without free-standing water
D5.12 [Scirpus lacustris] beds normally without free-standing water [Scirpus lacustris] beds normally without free-standing water
D5.13 [Typha] beds normally without free-standing water [Typha] beds normally without free-standing water
D5.2 Beds of large sedges normally without free-standing water Beds of large sedges normally without free-standing water
D5.21 Beds of large [Carex] spp. Beds of large [Carex] spp.
D5.22 Tall [Cyperus] beds, other than [Cyperus papyrus] Tall [Cyperus] beds, other than [Cyperus papyrus]
D5.23 [Cyperus papyrus] swamps [Cyperus papyrus] swamps
D5.24 Fen [Cladium mariscus] beds Fen [Cladium mariscus] beds
D5.25 Valencia [Cladium] islands Valencia [Cladium] islands
D5.3 Swamps and marshes dominated by [Juncus effusus] or other large [Juncus] spp. Swamps and marshes dominated by [Juncus effusus] or other large [Juncus] spp.
D6 Inland saline and brackish marshes and reedbeds Inland saline and brackish marshes and reedbeds
D6.1 Inland saltmarshes Inland saltmarshes
D6.11 Interior European [Puccinellia distans] meadows Interior European [Puccinellia distans] meadows
D6.12 Interior European saltmarsh [Juncus gerardi] and [Elymus repens] beds Interior European saltmarsh [Juncus gerardi] and [Elymus repens] beds
D6.13 Interior European [Halimione pedunculata] beds Interior European [Halimione pedunculata] beds
D6.14 Swards of Carpathian travertine concretions Swards of Carpathian travertine concretions
D6.15 Interior Iberian [Microcnemum] and [Salicornia] swards Interior Iberian [Microcnemum] and [Salicornia] swards
D6.16 Interior central European and Anatolian [Salicornia], [Microcnemum], [Suaeda] and [Salsola] swards Interior central European and Anatolian [Salicornia], [Microcnemum], [Suaeda] and [Salsola] swards
D6.2 Inland saline or brackish species-poor helophyte beds normally without free-standing water Inland saline or brackish species-poor helophyte beds normally without free-standing water
D6.21 Dry halophile [Phragmites] beds Dry halophile [Phragmites] beds
D6.22 [Cyperus laevigatus] beds [Cyperus laevigatus] beds
D6.23 Interior Iberian salt pan meadows Interior Iberian salt pan meadows
E Grassland and tall forb habitats Grassland and tall forb habitats
E1 Dry grasslands Dry grasslands
E1.1 Open thermophile pioneer vegetation of sandy or detritic ground Open thermophile pioneer vegetation of sandy or detritic ground
E1.11 Euro-Siberian rock debris swards Euro-Siberian rock debris swards
E1.12 Euro-Siberian pioneer calcareous sand swards Euro-Siberian pioneer calcareous sand swards
E1.2 Perennial calcareous grassland and basic steppes Perennial calcareous grassland and basic steppes
E1.21 Helleno-Balkanic [Satureja montana] steppes Helleno-Balkanic [Satureja montana] steppes
E1.22 Arid subcontinental steppic grassland ([Festucion valesiacae]) Arid subcontinental steppic grassland ([Festucion valesiacae])
E1.23 Meso-xerophile subcontinental meadow-steppes ([Cirsio-Brachypodion]) Meso-xerophile subcontinental meadow-steppes ([Cirsio-Brachypodion])
E1.24 Central alpine arid grassland ([Stipo-Poion]) Central alpine arid grassland ([Stipo-Poion])
E1.25 Alvar steppes Alvar steppes
E1.26 Sub-Atlantic semi-dry calcareous grassland Sub-Atlantic semi-dry calcareous grassland
E1.27 Sub-Atlantic very dry calcareous grassland Sub-Atlantic very dry calcareous grassland
E1.28 Central European calcaro-siliceous grassland Central European calcaro-siliceous grassland
E1.29 [Festuca pallens] grassland [Festuca pallens] grassland
E1.2A [Brachypodium phoenicoides] swards [Brachypodium phoenicoides] swards
E1.2B Serpentine steppes Serpentine steppes
E1.2C Pannonic loess steppic grassland Pannonic loess steppic grassland
E1.2D Ponto-Sarmatic steppes Ponto-Sarmatic steppes
E1.2E Irano-Anatolian steppes Irano-Anatolian steppes
E1.2F Pannonic sand steppes Pannonic sand steppes
E1.2G Ponto-Sarmatic sand steppes Ponto-Sarmatic sand steppes
E1.2H Irano-Anatolian sand steppes Irano-Anatolian sand steppes
E1.3 Mediterranean xeric grassland Mediterranean xeric grassland
E1.31 West Mediterranean xeric grassland West Mediterranean xeric grassland
E1.32 South-western Mediterranean perennial pastures South-western Mediterranean perennial pastures
E1.33 East Mediterranean xeric grassland East Mediterranean xeric grassland
E1.4 Mediterranean tall-grass and [Artemisia] steppes Mediterranean tall-grass and [Artemisia] steppes
E1.41 [Stipa tenacissima] steppes [Stipa tenacissima] steppes
E1.42 [Lygeum spartum] steppes [Lygeum spartum] steppes
E1.43 Mediterranean steppes dominated by tall grasses other than [Stipa tenacissima] or [Lygeum spartum] Mediterranean steppes dominated by tall grasses other than [Stipa tenacissima] or [Lygeum spartum]
E1.44 Cane steppes Cane steppes
E1.45 Sub-Mediterranean [Artemisia] steppes Sub-Mediterranean [Artemisia] steppes
E1.5 Mediterraneo-montane grassland Mediterraneo-montane grassland
E1.51 Mediterraneo-montane steppes Mediterraneo-montane steppes
E1.52 [Aphyllanthes] grassland and supra-Mediterranean steppes [Aphyllanthes] grassland and supra-Mediterranean steppes
E1.53 Iberian [Festuca] frost-influenced grassland Iberian [Festuca] frost-influenced grassland
E1.54 Central and southern Apennine dry grassland Central and southern Apennine dry grassland
E1.55 Eastern sub-Mediterranean dry grassland Eastern sub-Mediterranean dry grassland
E1.6 Subnitrophilous grassland Subnitrophilous grassland
E1.61 Mediterranean subnitrophilous grass communities Mediterranean subnitrophilous grass communities
E1.62 Meseta subnitrophilous crucifer communities Meseta subnitrophilous crucifer communities
E1.63 Iberian south-eastern subnitrophilous herb communities Iberian south-eastern subnitrophilous herb communities
E1.64 Eastern Mediterranean subnitrophilous herb communities Eastern Mediterranean subnitrophilous herb communities
E1.65 Non-Mediterranean subnitrophilous grassland Non-Mediterranean subnitrophilous grassland
E1.7 Non-Mediterranean dry acid and neutral closed grassland Non-Mediterranean dry acid and neutral closed grassland
E1.71 [Nardus stricta] swards [Nardus stricta] swards
E1.72 [Agrostis] - [Festuca] grassland [Agrostis] - [Festuca] grassland
E1.73 [Deschampsia flexuosa] grassland [Deschampsia flexuosa] grassland
E1.74 [Calamagrostis epigejos] stands [Calamagrostis epigejos] stands
E1.75 [Carex arenaria] grassland [Carex arenaria] grassland
E1.8 Mediterranean dry acid and neutral closed grassland Mediterranean dry acid and neutral closed grassland
E1.81 Mediterranean therophytic siliceous grassland Mediterranean therophytic siliceous grassland
E1.82 Iberian [Festuca elegans] grassland Iberian [Festuca elegans] grassland
E1.83 Mediterraneo-montane [Nardus stricta] swards Mediterraneo-montane [Nardus stricta] swards
E1.9 Non-Mediterranean dry acid and neutral open grassland, including inland dune grassland Non-Mediterranean dry acid and neutral open grassland, including inland dune grassland
E1.91 Dwarf annual siliceous grassland Dwarf annual siliceous grassland
E1.92 Perennial open siliceous grassland Perennial open siliceous grassland
E1.93 [Corynephorus] grassland [Corynephorus] grassland
E1.94 Inland dune pioneer grassland Inland dune pioneer grassland
E1.95 Inland dune siliceous grassland Inland dune siliceous grassland
E1.96 Northern fluviatile dunes Northern fluviatile dunes
E1.97 Southern fluviatile dunes Southern fluviatile dunes
E1.98 Breckland inland dunes Breckland inland dunes
E1.99 Rhône riverine dunes Rhône riverine dunes
E1.9A Southern Iberian inland dunes Southern Iberian inland dunes
E1.9B Pannonic inland dunes Pannonic inland dunes
E1.9C Pontic inland dunes Pontic inland dunes
E1.9D Standing stone inland dunes Standing stone inland dunes
E1.9E Irano-Anatolian inland dunes Irano-Anatolian inland dunes
E1.A Mediterranean dry acid and neutral open grassland Mediterranean dry acid and neutral open grassland
E1.A1 Mediterranean annual deep-sand communities Mediterranean annual deep-sand communities
E1.A2 Supramediterranean perennial siliceous grasslands Supramediterranean perennial siliceous grasslands
E1.B Heavy-metal grassland Heavy-metal grassland
E1.B1 Atlantic heavy-metal grassland Atlantic heavy-metal grassland
E1.B2 Calaminarian grassland Calaminarian grassland
E1.B3 Central European heavy-metal grassland Central European heavy-metal grassland
E1.B4 Calaminarian [Silene vulgaris] grassland Calaminarian [Silene vulgaris] grassland
E1.B5 Alpine heavy-metal grassland Alpine heavy-metal grassland
E2 Mesic grasslands Mesic grasslands
E2.1 Permanent mesotrophic pastures and aftermath-grazed meadows Permanent mesotrophic pastures and aftermath-grazed meadows
E2.11 Unbroken pastures Unbroken pastures
E2.12 Ditch-broken pastures Ditch-broken pastures
E2.13 Abandoned pastures Abandoned pastures
E2.14 Species-rich lowland flood meadows Species-rich lowland flood meadows
E2.15 Macaronesian mesic grassland Macaronesian mesic grassland
E2.2 Low and medium altitude hay meadows Low and medium altitude hay meadows
E2.21 Atlantic hay meadows Atlantic hay meadows
E2.22 Sub-Atlantic lowland hay meadows Sub-Atlantic lowland hay meadows
E2.23 Medio-European submontane hay meadows Medio-European submontane hay meadows
E2.24 Boreal and sub-boreal meadows Boreal and sub-boreal meadows
E2.25 Continental meadows Continental meadows
E2.3 Mountain hay meadows Mountain hay meadows
E2.31 Alpic mountain hay meadows Alpic mountain hay meadows
E2.32 Ponto-Caucasian hay meadows Ponto-Caucasian hay meadows
E2.4 Iberian summer pastures (vallicares) Iberian summer pastures (vallicares)
E2.41 Perennial vallicares Perennial vallicares
E2.42 Annual vallicares Annual vallicares
E2.43 Andalusian [Armeria] vallicares Andalusian [Armeria] vallicares
E2.5 Meadows of the steppe zone Meadows of the steppe zone
E2.6 Agriculturally-improved, re-seeded and heavily fertilized grassland, including sports fields and grass lawns Agriculturally-improved, re-seeded and heavily fertilized grassland, including sports fields and grass lawns
E2.61 Dry or moist agriculturally-improved grassland Dry or moist agriculturally-improved grassland
E2.62 Wet agriculturally-improved grassland, often with drainage ditches Wet agriculturally-improved grassland, often with drainage ditches
E2.63 Turf sports fields Turf sports fields
E2.64 Park lawns Park lawns
E2.65 Small-scale lawns Small-scale lawns
E2.7 Unmanaged mesic grassland Unmanaged mesic grassland
E3 Seasonally wet and wet grasslands Seasonally wet and wet grasslands
E3.1 Mediterranean tall humid grassland Mediterranean tall humid grassland
E3.11 [Serapias] grassland [Serapias] grassland
E3.2 Mediterranean short humid grassland Mediterranean short humid grassland
E3.3 Sub-mediterranean humid meadows Sub-mediterranean humid meadows
E3.31 Helleno-Moesian riverine and humid [Trifolium] meadows Helleno-Moesian riverine and humid [Trifolium] meadows
E3.32 Apennine humid meadows Apennine humid meadows
E3.33 Dalmatian riverine and humid meadows Dalmatian riverine and humid meadows
E3.34 Illyrio-Moesian riverine and humid [Trifolium] meadows Illyrio-Moesian riverine and humid [Trifolium] meadows
E3.35 Anatolian supra-Mediterranean humid grassland Anatolian supra-Mediterranean humid grassland
E3.4 Moist or wet eutrophic and mesotrophic grassland Moist or wet eutrophic and mesotrophic grassland
E3.41 Atlantic and sub-Atlantic humid meadows Atlantic and sub-Atlantic humid meadows
E3.42 [Juncus acutiflorus] meadows [Juncus acutiflorus] meadows
E3.43 Subcontinental riverine meadows Subcontinental riverine meadows
E3.44 Flood swards and related communities Flood swards and related communities
E3.45 Recently abandoned hay meadows Recently abandoned hay meadows
E3.46 Continental humid meadows Continental humid meadows
E3.47 Northern boreal alluvial meadows Northern boreal alluvial meadows
E3.5 Moist or wet oligotrophic grassland Moist or wet oligotrophic grassland
E3.51 [Molinia caerulea] meadows and related communities [Molinia caerulea] meadows and related communities
E3.52 Heath [Juncus] meadows and humid [Nardus stricta] swards Heath [Juncus] meadows and humid [Nardus stricta] swards
E3.53 Continental oligotrophic humid grassland Continental oligotrophic humid grassland
E4 Alpine and subalpine grasslands Alpine and subalpine grasslands
E4.1 Snow-patch grassland Snow-patch grassland
E4.11 Boreo-alpine acidocline snow-patch grassland and herb habitats Boreo-alpine acidocline snow-patch grassland and herb habitats
E4.12 Boreo-alpine calcicline snow-patch grassland and herb habitats Boreo-alpine calcicline snow-patch grassland and herb habitats
E4.13 Ponto-Caucasian snow-patch grassland Ponto-Caucasian snow-patch grassland
E4.14 Boreo-alpine fern snow-bed grassland Boreo-alpine fern snow-bed grassland
E4.2 Moss and lichen dominated mountain summits, ridges and exposed slopes Moss and lichen dominated mountain summits, ridges and exposed slopes
E4.21 Oroboreal [Carex bigelowii]-[Rhacomitrium] moss-heaths Oroboreal [Carex bigelowii]-[Rhacomitrium] moss-heaths
E4.22 Rock pavement lichen communities Rock pavement lichen communities
E4.23 Rock pavement, plateau and summital moss heaths Rock pavement, plateau and summital moss heaths
E4.24 Icelandic lava flow moss heaths Icelandic lava flow moss heaths
E4.25 Moss and lichen fjell fields Moss and lichen fjell fields
E4.3 Acid alpine and subalpine grassland Acid alpine and subalpine grassland
E4.31 Alpic [Nardus stricta] swards and related communities Alpic [Nardus stricta] swards and related communities
E4.32 Oroboreal acidocline grassland Oroboreal acidocline grassland
E4.33 Thermo-Alpigenous subalpine acidophilous grassland Thermo-Alpigenous subalpine acidophilous grassland
E4.34 Alpigenous acidophilous grassland Alpigenous acidophilous grassland
E4.35 Oro-Hellenic closed grassland Oro-Hellenic closed grassland
E4.36 Oro-Iberian acidophilous grassland Oro-Iberian acidophilous grassland
E4.37 Oro-Corsican grassland Oro-Corsican grassland
E4.38 Oro-Apennine closed grassland Oro-Apennine closed grassland
E4.39 Oro-Moesian acidophilous grassland Oro-Moesian acidophilous grassland
E4.3A Western Asian acidophilous alpine grassland Western Asian acidophilous alpine grassland
E4.4 Calciphilous alpine and subalpine grassland Calciphilous alpine and subalpine grassland
E4.41 Closed calciphile alpine grassland Closed calciphile alpine grassland
E4.42 Wind edge [Kobresia myosuroides] swards Wind edge [Kobresia myosuroides] swards
E4.43 Calciphilous stepped and garland grassland Calciphilous stepped and garland grassland
E4.44 Ponto-Caucasian alpine grassland Ponto-Caucasian alpine grassland
E4.5 Alpine and subalpine enriched grassland Alpine and subalpine enriched grassland
E4.51 Subalpine [Trisetum flavescens] hay meadows Subalpine [Trisetum flavescens] hay meadows
E4.52 [Leontodon hispidus] pastures [Leontodon hispidus] pastures
E5 Woodland fringes and clearings and tall forb habitats Woodland fringes and clearings and tall forb habitats
E5.1 Over-grazed arid Mediterranean garrigues (ermes) Over-grazed arid Mediterranean garrigues (ermes)
E5.11 [Asphodelus] fields [Asphodelus] fields
E5.12 Thistle fields Thistle fields
E5.13 [Phlomis] brushes [Phlomis] brushes
E5.14 [Ferula] stands [Ferula] stands
E5.2 Thermophile woodland fringes Thermophile woodland fringes
E5.21 Xero-thermophile fringes Xero-thermophile fringes
E5.22 Mesophile fringes Mesophile fringes
E5.3 [Pteridium aquilinum] fields [Pteridium aquilinum] fields
E5.31 Sub-Atlantic [Pteridium aquilinum] fields Sub-Atlantic [Pteridium aquilinum] fields
E5.32 Macaronesian [Pteridium aquilinum] fields Macaronesian [Pteridium aquilinum] fields
E5.33 Supra-Mediterranean [Pteridium aquilinum] fields Supra-Mediterranean [Pteridium aquilinum] fields
E5.4 Moist or wet tall-herb and fern fringes and meadows Moist or wet tall-herb and fern fringes and meadows
E5.41 Screens or veils of perennial tall herbs lining watercourses Screens or veils of perennial tall herbs lining watercourses
E5.42 Tall-herb communities of humid meadows Tall-herb communities of humid meadows
E5.43 Shady woodland edge fringes Shady woodland edge fringes
E5.44 Mediterranean grasslands on alluvial river banks Mediterranean grasslands on alluvial river banks
E5.5 Subalpine moist or wet tall-herb and fern habitats Subalpine moist or wet tall-herb and fern habitats
E5.51 Alpic tall-herb communities Alpic tall-herb communities
E5.52 Alpigene tall grass communities Alpigene tall grass communities
E5.53 Pyreneo-Iberian tall-herb communities Pyreneo-Iberian tall-herb communities
E5.54 Ibero-Mauritanian tall-herb communities Ibero-Mauritanian tall-herb communities
E5.55 Corsican [Cymbalaria] tall-herb communities Corsican [Cymbalaria] tall-herb communities
E5.56 Corsican [Doronicum] tall-herb communities Corsican [Doronicum] tall-herb communities
E5.57 Eastern oro-Mediterranean and Balkan tall-herb communities Eastern oro-Mediterranean and Balkan tall-herb communities
E5.58 Alpine [Rumex] communities Alpine [Rumex] communities
E5.59 Oro-boreal tall-herb communities Oro-boreal tall-herb communities
E5.5A Ponto-Caucasian tall-herb communities Ponto-Caucasian tall-herb communities
E5.5B Alpine and subalpine fern stands Alpine and subalpine fern stands
E5.6 Anthropogenic forb-rich habitats Anthropogenic forb-rich habitats
E5.61 Lowland habitats colonised by tall nitrophilous herbs Lowland habitats colonised by tall nitrophilous herbs
E5.62 Weed communities of recently abandoned urban and suburban constructions Weed communities of recently abandoned urban and suburban constructions
E5.63 Weed communities of recently abandoned rural constructions Weed communities of recently abandoned rural constructions
E5.64 Weed communities of recently abandoned extractive industrial sites Weed communities of recently abandoned extractive industrial sites
E5.65 Land reclamation forb fields Land reclamation forb fields
E6 Inland saline grass and herb-dominated habitats Inland saline grass and herb-dominated habitats
E6.1 Mediterranean inland saline grass and herb-dominated habitats Mediterranean inland saline grass and herb-dominated habitats
E6.11 Mediterranean [Limonium] salt steppes Mediterranean [Limonium] salt steppes
E6.12 Mediterranean [Lygeum spartum] salt steppes Mediterranean [Lygeum spartum] salt steppes
E6.13 Mediterranean inland halo-nitrophilous pioneer communities Mediterranean inland halo-nitrophilous pioneer communities
E6.2 Continental inland saline grass and herb-dominated habitats Continental inland saline grass and herb-dominated habitats
E6.21 Pannonic salt steppes and saltmarshes Pannonic salt steppes and saltmarshes
E6.22 Ponto-Sarmatic salt steppes and saltmarshes Ponto-Sarmatic salt steppes and saltmarshes
E6.23 Central Eurasian solonchak grassland dominated by [Crypsis] Central Eurasian solonchak grassland dominated by [Crypsis]
E7 Sparsely wooded grasslands Sparsely wooded grasslands
E7.1 Atlantic parkland Atlantic parkland
E7.2 Sub-continental parkland Sub-continental parkland
E7.3 Dehesa Dehesa
F Heathland, scrub and tundra habitats Heathland, scrub and tundra habitats
F1 Tundra Tundra
F1.1 Shrub tundra Shrub tundra
F1.11 Western shrub tundra Western shrub tundra
F1.2 Moss and lichen tundra Moss and lichen tundra
F1.21 [Cladonia] - espalier willow tundra [Cladonia] - espalier willow tundra
F1.22 Moss tundra Moss tundra
F2 Arctic, alpine and subalpine scrub habitats Arctic, alpine and subalpine scrub habitats
F2.1 Snow-patch dwarf willow scrub Snow-patch dwarf willow scrub
F2.11 Boreo-alpine acidocline snow-patch [Salix herbacea] scrub Boreo-alpine acidocline snow-patch [Salix herbacea] scrub
F2.12 Boreo-alpine calcicline snow-patch [Salix polaris] scrub Boreo-alpine calcicline snow-patch [Salix polaris] scrub
F2.13 Ponto-Caucasian snow-patch dwarf [Salix] scrub Ponto-Caucasian snow-patch dwarf [Salix] scrub
F2.2 Evergreen alpine and subalpine heath and scrub Evergreen alpine and subalpine heath and scrub
F2.21 Alpide dwarf ericoid wind heaths Alpide dwarf ericoid wind heaths
F2.22 Alpide acidocline [Rhododendron] heaths Alpide acidocline [Rhododendron] heaths
F2.23 Southern Palaearctic mountain dwarf [Juniperus] scrub Southern Palaearctic mountain dwarf [Juniperus] scrub
F2.24 Alpigenic high mountain [Empetrum - Vaccinium] heaths Alpigenic high mountain [Empetrum - Vaccinium] heaths
F2.25 Boreo-alpine and arctic heaths Boreo-alpine and arctic heaths
F2.26 [Bruckenthalia] heaths [Bruckenthalia] heaths
F2.27 Alpide [Arctostaphylos uva-ursi] and [Arctostaphylos alpinus] heaths Alpide [Arctostaphylos uva-ursi] and [Arctostaphylos alpinus] heaths
F2.28 Alpide [Rhododendron hirsutum] - [Erica] heaths Alpide [Rhododendron hirsutum] - [Erica] heaths
F2.29 [Dryas octopetala] mats [Dryas octopetala] mats
F2.2A Alpide high mountain dwarf [Vaccinium] heaths Alpide high mountain dwarf [Vaccinium] heaths
F2.2B Alpide high mountain [Genista] and [Chamaecytisus] heaths Alpide high mountain [Genista] and [Chamaecytisus] heaths
F2.3 Subalpine and oroboreal bush communities Subalpine and oroboreal bush communities
F2.31 Mountain [Alnus] brush Mountain [Alnus] brush
F2.32 Subalpine and oroboreal [Salix] brush Subalpine and oroboreal [Salix] brush
F2.33 Subalpine mixed brushes Subalpine mixed brushes
F2.34 Oroboreal [Betula] scrub Oroboreal [Betula] scrub
F2.4 [Pinus mugo] scrub [Pinus mugo] scrub
F2.41 Inner Alpine [Pinus mugo] scrub Inner Alpine [Pinus mugo] scrub
F2.42 Outer Alpine [Pinus mugo] scrub Outer Alpine [Pinus mugo] scrub
F2.43 South-western [Pinus mugo] scrub South-western [Pinus mugo] scrub
F2.44 Apennine [Pinus mugo] scrub Apennine [Pinus mugo] scrub
F2.45 Hercynian [Pinus mugo] scrub Hercynian [Pinus mugo] scrub
F2.46 Carpathian [Pinus mugo] scrub Carpathian [Pinus mugo] scrub
F2.47 Pelago-Dinaride [Pinus mugo] scrub Pelago-Dinaride [Pinus mugo] scrub
F2.48 Balkano-Rhodopide [Pinus mugo] scrub Balkano-Rhodopide [Pinus mugo] scrub
F3 Temperate and mediterraneo-montane scrub habitats Temperate and mediterraneo-montane scrub habitats
F3.1 Temperate thickets and scrub Temperate thickets and scrub
F3.11 Medio-European rich-soil thickets Medio-European rich-soil thickets
F3.12 [Buxus sempervirens] thickets [Buxus sempervirens] thickets
F3.13 Atlantic poor soil thickets Atlantic poor soil thickets
F3.14 Temperate [Cytisus scoparius] fields Temperate [Cytisus scoparius] fields
F3.15 [Ulex europaeus] thickets [Ulex europaeus] thickets
F3.16 [Juniperus communis] scrub [Juniperus communis] scrub
F3.17 [Corylus] thickets [Corylus] thickets
F3.18 Inland dune thickets Inland dune thickets
F3.2 Mediterraneo-montane broadleaved deciduous thickets Mediterraneo-montane broadleaved deciduous thickets
F3.21 Montane [Cytisus purgans] fields Montane [Cytisus purgans] fields
F3.22 South-western sub-mediterranean deciduous thickets South-western sub-mediterranean deciduous thickets
F3.23 Tyrrhenian sub-mediterranean deciduous thickets Tyrrhenian sub-mediterranean deciduous thickets
F3.24 Subcontinental and continental deciduous thickets Subcontinental and continental deciduous thickets
F4 Temperate shrub heathland Temperate shrub heathland
F4.1 Wet heaths Wet heaths
F4.11 Northern wet heaths Northern wet heaths
F4.12 Southern wet heaths Southern wet heaths
F4.13 [Molinia caerulea] wet heaths [Molinia caerulea] wet heaths
F4.2 Dry heaths Dry heaths
F4.21 Sub-montane [Vaccinium] - [Calluna] heaths Sub-montane [Vaccinium] - [Calluna] heaths
F4.22 Sub-Atlantic [Calluna] - [Genista] heaths Sub-Atlantic [Calluna] - [Genista] heaths
F4.23 Atlantic [Erica] - [Ulex] heaths Atlantic [Erica] - [Ulex] heaths
F4.24 Ibero-Atlantic [Erica - Ulex - Cistus] heaths Ibero-Atlantic [Erica - Ulex - Cistus] heaths
F4.25 Boreo-Atlantic [Erica cinerea] heaths Boreo-Atlantic [Erica cinerea] heaths
F4.26 Inland dune heaths Inland dune heaths
F4.3 Macaronesian heaths Macaronesian heaths
F4.31 Canarian heaths Canarian heaths
F4.32 Madeiran cloud heaths Madeiran cloud heaths
F4.33 Madeiran summital heaths Madeiran summital heaths
F4.34 Azorean lowland heaths Azorean lowland heaths
F4.35 Upland Azorean [Erica azorica] and [Juniperus brevifolia] heaths Upland Azorean [Erica azorica] and [Juniperus brevifolia] heaths
F4.36 Azorean summital heaths Azorean summital heaths
F5 Maquis, matorral and thermo-Mediterranean brushes Maquis, matorral and thermo-Mediterranean brushes
F5.1 Arborescent matorral Arborescent matorral
F5.11 Evergreen [Quercus] matorral Evergreen [Quercus] matorral
F5.12 [Olea europaea] and [Pistacia lentiscus] matorral [Olea europaea] and [Pistacia lentiscus] matorral
F5.13 [Juniper] matorral [Juniper] matorral
F5.14 [Pinus] matorral [Pinus] matorral
F5.15 [Tetraclinis articulata] matorral [Tetraclinis articulata] matorral
F5.16 Deciduous [Quercus] matorral Deciduous [Quercus] matorral
F5.17 Arid zone matorral Arid zone matorral
F5.18 [Laurus nobilis] matorral [Laurus nobilis] matorral
F5.19 [Cupressus] matorral [Cupressus] matorral
F5.1A [Zelkova] matorral [Zelkova] matorral
F5.2 Maquis Maquis
F5.21 High maquis High maquis
F5.22 Low ericaceous maquis Low ericaceous maquis
F5.23 Tall [Cistus] maquis Tall [Cistus] maquis
F5.24 Low [Cistus] maquis Low [Cistus] maquis
F5.25 Low [Cistus - Lavandula stoechas] maquis Low [Cistus - Lavandula stoechas] maquis
F5.26 Low sparse maquis Low sparse maquis
F5.27 [Cytisus]-dominated maquis [Cytisus]-dominated maquis
F5.3 Pseudomaquis Pseudomaquis
F5.31 Helleno-Balkanic pseudomaquis Helleno-Balkanic pseudomaquis
F5.32 Italo-French pseudomaquis Italo-French pseudomaquis
F5.33 Iberian pseudomaquis Iberian pseudomaquis
F5.34 Western Asian pseudomaquis Western Asian pseudomaquis
F5.4 [Spartium junceum] fields [Spartium junceum] fields
F5.5 Thermo-Mediterranean shrub habitats Thermo-Mediterranean shrub habitats
F5.51 Thermo-Mediterranean brushes, thickets and heath-garrigues Thermo-Mediterranean brushes, thickets and heath-garrigues
F5.52 [Euphorbia dendroides] formations [Euphorbia dendroides] formations
F5.53 [Ampelodesmos mauritanica] -dominated garrigues [Ampelodesmos mauritanica] -dominated garrigues
F5.54 [Chamaerops humilis] brush [Chamaerops humilis] brush
F5.55 Mediterranean pre-desert scrub Mediterranean pre-desert scrub
F5.56 Thermo-Mediterranean broom fields (retamares) Thermo-Mediterranean broom fields (retamares)
F5.57 Mediterranean gorse-heaths Mediterranean gorse-heaths
F5.58 Iberian thermo-Mediterranean garrigues Iberian thermo-Mediterranean garrigues
F5.59 [Stauracanthus boivinii] gorse-heaths [Stauracanthus boivinii] gorse-heaths
F5.5A Western Tethyan xero-psammitic brushes Western Tethyan xero-psammitic brushes
F5.5B Cabo de Sao Vicente brushes Cabo de Sao Vicente brushes
F5.5C Thermo-Mediterranean heaths Thermo-Mediterranean heaths
F6 Garrigue Garrigue
F6.1 Western garrigues Western garrigues
F6.11 Western [Quercus coccifera] garrigues Western [Quercus coccifera] garrigues
F6.12 Western [Rosmarinus officinalis] garrigues Western [Rosmarinus officinalis] garrigues
F6.13 Western [Cistus] garrigues Western [Cistus] garrigues
F6.14 Western [Euphorbia] garrigues Western [Euphorbia] garrigues
F6.15 Western [Juniperus oxycedrus] garrigues Western [Juniperus oxycedrus] garrigues
F6.16 Western [Lavandula] garrigues Western [Lavandula] garrigues
F6.17 Western [Teucrium] and other labiate garrigues Western [Teucrium] and other labiate garrigues
F6.18 Western [Genista] garrigues Western [Genista] garrigues
F6.19 Western [Calicotome] garrigues Western [Calicotome] garrigues
F6.1A Western composite garrigues Western composite garrigues
F6.1B Western [Erica] garrigues Western [Erica] garrigues
F6.1C Western [Globularia] garrigues Western [Globularia] garrigues
F6.1D Western [Helianthemum] and [Fumana] garrigues Western [Helianthemum] and [Fumana] garrigues
F6.1E [Lithodora fruticosa] garrigues [Lithodora fruticosa] garrigues
F6.1F Western [Thymelaea] garrigues Western [Thymelaea] garrigues
F6.1G Western [Bupleurum] garrigues Western [Bupleurum] garrigues
F6.1H Western [Ulex] garrigues Western [Ulex] garrigues
F6.1I Western [Ononis fruticosa] garrigues Western [Ononis fruticosa] garrigues
F6.1J Western [Anthyllis cytisoides] garrigues Western [Anthyllis cytisoides] garrigues
F6.1K Western [Dictamnus] garrigues Western [Dictamnus] garrigues
F6.2 Eastern garrigues Eastern garrigues
F6.21 Eastern [Quercus coccifera] garrigues Eastern [Quercus coccifera] garrigues
F6.22 Eastern [Rosmarinus officinalis] garrigues Eastern [Rosmarinus officinalis] garrigues
F6.23 Eastern [Cistus] garrigues Eastern [Cistus] garrigues
F6.24 Eastern [Euphorbia] garrigues Eastern [Euphorbia] garrigues
F6.25 Eastern [Juniperus oxycedrus] garrigues Eastern [Juniperus oxycedrus] garrigues
F6.26 Eastern [Lavandula] garrigues Eastern [Lavandula] garrigues
F6.27 Eastern [Teucrium] and other labiates garrigues Eastern [Teucrium] and other labiates garrigues
F6.28 Eastern [Paliurus spina-christi] garrigues Eastern [Paliurus spina-christi] garrigues
F6.29 Eastern broom garrigues Eastern broom garrigues
F6.2A [Ebenus cretica] brushes [Ebenus cretica] brushes
F6.2B Eastern [Helichrysum] and other composite garrigues Eastern [Helichrysum] and other composite garrigues
F6.2C Eastern [Erica] garrigues Eastern [Erica] garrigues
F6.2D [Arbutus andrachne] garrigues [Arbutus andrachne] garrigues
F6.2E Eastern [Globularia] garrigues Eastern [Globularia] garrigues
F6.2F Eastern [Helianthemum] and [Fumana] garrigues Eastern [Helianthemum] and [Fumana] garrigues
F6.2G Eastern [Thymelaea] garrigues Eastern [Thymelaea] garrigues
F6.2H Eastern [Bupleurum] garrigues Eastern [Bupleurum] garrigues
F6.2I East Mediterranean pre-desert scrub East Mediterranean pre-desert scrub
F6.3 Illyrian garrigues Illyrian garrigues
F6.31 Illyrian [Quercus coccifera] garrigues Illyrian [Quercus coccifera] garrigues
F6.32 Illyrian [Rosmarinus officinalis] garrigues Illyrian [Rosmarinus officinalis] garrigues
F6.33 Illyrian [Cistus] garrigues Illyrian [Cistus] garrigues
F6.34 Illyrian [Euphorbia] garrigues Illyrian [Euphorbia] garrigues
F6.35 Illyrian [Juniperus oxycedrus] garrigues Illyrian [Juniperus oxycedrus] garrigues
F6.36 Illyrian [Teucrium] and other labiates garrigues Illyrian [Teucrium] and other labiates garrigues
F6.37 Illyrian [Paliurus spina-christi] garrigues Illyrian [Paliurus spina-christi] garrigues
F6.38 Illyrian broom garrigues Illyrian broom garrigues
F6.39 Illyrian [Helichrysum] and other composite garrigues Illyrian [Helichrysum] and other composite garrigues
F6.3A Illyrian [Erica] garrigues Illyrian [Erica] garrigues
F6.4 Black Sea garrigues Black Sea garrigues
F6.41 Crimean garrigues Crimean garrigues
F6.42 South-Euxinian garrigues South-Euxinian garrigues
F6.43 Thracian garrigues Thracian garrigues
F6.5 Macaronesian garrigues Macaronesian garrigues
F6.6 Supra-Mediterranean garrigues Supra-Mediterranean garrigues
F6.61 [Lavandula angustifolia] garrigues [Lavandula angustifolia] garrigues
F6.62 [Genista cinerea] garrigues [Genista cinerea] garrigues
F6.63 Ibero-Gallic supra-Mediterranean dwarf-shrub garrigues Ibero-Gallic supra-Mediterranean dwarf-shrub garrigues
F6.64 Supra-Mediterranean [Buxus sempervirens] scrub Supra-Mediterranean [Buxus sempervirens] scrub
F6.65 Italian supra-Mediterranean garrigues Italian supra-Mediterranean garrigues
F6.66 Balkan peninsula supra-Mediterranean garrigues Balkan peninsula supra-Mediterranean garrigues
F6.7 Mediterranean gypsum scrubs Mediterranean gypsum scrubs
F6.71 Central Iberian gypsum scrubs Central Iberian gypsum scrubs
F6.72 Ebro gypsum scrubs Ebro gypsum scrubs
F6.73 South-eastern Iberian gypsum scrubs South-eastern Iberian gypsum scrubs
F6.8 Xero-halophile scrubs Xero-halophile scrubs
F6.81 Canarian xero-halophilous scrubs Canarian xero-halophilous scrubs
F6.82 Mediterranean halo-nitrophilous scrubs Mediterranean halo-nitrophilous scrubs
F7 Spiny Mediterranean heaths (phrygana, hedgehog-heaths and related coastal cliff vegetation) Spiny Mediterranean heaths (phrygana, hedgehog-heaths and related coastal cliff vegetation)
F7.1 West Mediterranean spiny heaths West Mediterranean spiny heaths
F7.11 West Mediterranean mainland clifftop phrygana West Mediterranean mainland clifftop phrygana
F7.12 Balearic clifftop phrygana Balearic clifftop phrygana
F7.2 Central Mediterranean spiny heaths Central Mediterranean spiny heaths
F7.21 Sardinian [Centaurea horrida] phrygana Sardinian [Centaurea horrida] phrygana
F7.22 Sardinian [Genista acanthoclada] phrygana Sardinian [Genista acanthoclada] phrygana
F7.23 Corsican and Sardinian [Genista] phrygana Corsican and Sardinian [Genista] phrygana
F7.24 Pantelleria phrygana Pantelleria phrygana
F7.25 Central Mediterranean [Sarcopoterium] phrygana Central Mediterranean [Sarcopoterium] phrygana
F7.26 [Hypericum aegyptiacum] phrygana [Hypericum aegyptiacum] phrygana
F7.3 East Mediterranean phrygana East Mediterranean phrygana
F7.31 Aegean phrygana Aegean phrygana
F7.32 Mid-elevation phrygana of Crete Mid-elevation phrygana of Crete
F7.33 Thracian phrygana Thracian phrygana
F7.34 East Mediterranean bathas East Mediterranean bathas
F7.4 Hedgehog-heaths Hedgehog-heaths
F7.41 Pyrenean hedgehog-heaths Pyrenean hedgehog-heaths
F7.42 Cordilleran hedgehog-heaths Cordilleran hedgehog-heaths
F7.43 Nevadan hedgehog-heaths Nevadan hedgehog-heaths
F7.44 Franco-Iberian hedgehog-heaths Franco-Iberian hedgehog-heaths
F7.45 Cyrno-Sardinian hedgehog-heaths Cyrno-Sardinian hedgehog-heaths
F7.46 Mount Etna hedgehog-heaths Mount Etna hedgehog-heaths
F7.47 Madonie and Apennine hedgehog-heaths Madonie and Apennine hedgehog-heaths
F7.48 Helleno-Balkanic sylvatic [Astragalus] hedgehog-heaths Helleno-Balkanic sylvatic [Astragalus] hedgehog-heaths
F7.49 Hellenic oro-Mediterranean hedgehog-heaths Hellenic oro-Mediterranean hedgehog-heaths
F7.4A Hellenic alti-Mediterranean hedgehog-heaths Hellenic alti-Mediterranean hedgehog-heaths
F7.4B Cretan hedgehog-heaths Cretan hedgehog-heaths
F7.4C Aegean summital hedgehog-heaths Aegean summital hedgehog-heaths
F7.4D Southern Hellenic [Genista acanthoclada] hedgehog-heaths Southern Hellenic [Genista acanthoclada] hedgehog-heaths
F7.4E [Astragalus sempervirens] hedgehog-heaths [Astragalus sempervirens] hedgehog-heaths
F7.4F Canarian cushion-heaths Canarian cushion-heaths
F7.4G Cyprian hedgehog-heaths Cyprian hedgehog-heaths
F7.4H Mediterraneo-Anatolian hedgehog-heaths Mediterraneo-Anatolian hedgehog-heaths
F7.4I Western central Eurasian hedgehog-heaths Western central Eurasian hedgehog-heaths
F8 Thermo-Atlantic xerophytic habitats Thermo-Atlantic xerophytic habitats
F8.1 Canarian xerophytic habitats Canarian xerophytic habitats
F8.11 Western Canarian [Euphorbia] communities Western Canarian [Euphorbia] communities
F8.12 Western Canarian saxicolous formations Western Canarian saxicolous formations
F8.13 Eastern Canarian xerophytic communities Eastern Canarian xerophytic communities
F8.14 Canarian [Launaea] scrub Canarian [Launaea] scrub
F8.2 Madeiran xerophytic habitats Madeiran xerophytic habitats
F8.21 Madeiran [Euphorbia] formations Madeiran [Euphorbia] formations
F8.22 Madeiran saxicolous formations Madeiran saxicolous formations
F8.23 Desertas dry scrub Desertas dry scrub
F9 Riverine and fen scrubs Riverine and fen scrubs
F9.1 Riverine and lakeshore [Salix] scrub Riverine and lakeshore [Salix] scrub
F9.11 Orogenous riverine brush Orogenous riverine brush
F9.12 Lowland and collinar riverine [Salix] scrub Lowland and collinar riverine [Salix] scrub
F9.13 Montane river gravel low brush Montane river gravel low brush
F9.14 Gravel bank thickets and woods Gravel bank thickets and woods
F9.2 [Salix] carr and fen scrub [Salix] carr and fen scrub
F9.3 Southern riparian galleries and thickets Southern riparian galleries and thickets
F9.31 [Nerium oleander], [Vitex agnus-castus] and [Tamarix] galleries [Nerium oleander], [Vitex agnus-castus] and [Tamarix] galleries
F9.32 South-western Iberian tamujares, formed by [Securinega tinctoria] South-western Iberian tamujares, formed by [Securinega tinctoria]
F9.33 Lauriphyllous galleries of the Cordillera Oretana Lauriphyllous galleries of the Cordillera Oretana
F9.34 [Myrica gale] - [Salix] scrub of the Cordillera Oretana [Myrica gale] - [Salix] scrub of the Cordillera Oretana
FA Hedgerows Hedgerows
FA.1 Hedgerows of exotic species Hedgerows of exotic species
FA.2 Highly-managed hedgerows of native species Highly-managed hedgerows of native species
FA.3 Species-rich hedgerows of native species Species-rich hedgerows of native species
FA.4 Species-poor hedgerows of native species Species-poor hedgerows of native species
FB Shrub plantations Shrub plantations
FB.1 Shrub plantations for whole-plant harvesting Shrub plantations for whole-plant harvesting
FB.2 Shrub plantations for leaf or branch harvest Shrub plantations for leaf or branch harvest
FB.21 Tea plantations Tea plantations
FB.22 Osier beds Osier beds
FB.3 Shrub plantations for ornamental purposes or for fruit, other than vineyards Shrub plantations for ornamental purposes or for fruit, other than vineyards
FB.31 Shrub and low-stem tree orchards Shrub and low-stem tree orchards
FB.32 Ornamental shrub plantations Ornamental shrub plantations
FB.4 Vineyards Vineyards
G Woodland and forest habitats and other wooded land Woodland and forest habitats and other wooded land
G1 Broadleaved deciduous woodland Broadleaved deciduous woodland
G1.1 Riparian [Salix], [Alnus] and [Betula] woodland Riparian [Salix], [Alnus] and [Betula] woodland
G1.11 Riverine [Salix] woodland Riverine [Salix] woodland
G1.12 Boreo-alpine riparian galleries Boreo-alpine riparian galleries
G1.13 Southern [Alnus] and [Betula] galleries Southern [Alnus] and [Betula] galleries
G1.2 Fluvial [Fraxinus] - [Alnus] and [Quercus] - [Ulmus] - [Fraxinus] woodland Fluvial [Fraxinus] - [Alnus] and [Quercus] - [Ulmus] - [Fraxinus] woodland
G1.21 Riverine [Fraxinus] - [Alnus] woodland, wet at high but not at low water Riverine [Fraxinus] - [Alnus] woodland, wet at high but not at low water
G1.22 Mixed [Quercus] - [Ulmus] - [Fraxinus] woodland of great rivers Mixed [Quercus] - [Ulmus] - [Fraxinus] woodland of great rivers
G1.3 Mediterranean [Populus], [Fraxinus], [Ulmus] and related riparian woodland Mediterranean [Populus], [Fraxinus], [Ulmus] and related riparian woodland
G1.31 Mediterranean riparian [Populus] forests Mediterranean riparian [Populus] forests
G1.32 Mediterranean riparian [Ulmus] forests Mediterranean riparian [Ulmus] forests
G1.33 Mediterranean riparian [Fraxinus] woods Mediterranean riparian [Fraxinus] woods
G1.34 Mediterranean riverine [Ostrya carpinifolia] galleries Mediterranean riverine [Ostrya carpinifolia] galleries
G1.35 Mediterraneo-Pontic riverine [Fraxinus] forests Mediterraneo-Pontic riverine [Fraxinus] forests
G1.36 Ponto-Sarmatic mixed [Populus] riverine forests Ponto-Sarmatic mixed [Populus] riverine forests
G1.37 Irano-Anatolian mixed riverine forests Irano-Anatolian mixed riverine forests
G1.38 [Platanus orientalis] woods [Platanus orientalis] woods
G1.39 [Liquidambar orientalis] woods [Liquidambar orientalis] woods
G1.4 Broadleaved swamp woodland not on acid peat Broadleaved swamp woodland not on acid peat
G1.41 [Alnus] swamp woods not on acid peat [Alnus] swamp woods not on acid peat
G1.42 [Quercus] swamp woods [Quercus] swamp woods
G1.43 [Populus tremula] swamp woods [Populus tremula] swamp woods
G1.44 Wet-ground woodland of the Black and Caspian Seas Wet-ground woodland of the Black and Caspian Seas
G1.5 Broadleaved swamp woodland on acid peat Broadleaved swamp woodland on acid peat
G1.51 Sphagnum [Betula] woods Sphagnum [Betula] woods
G1.52 [Alnus] swamp woods on acid peat [Alnus] swamp woods on acid peat
G1.6 [Fagus] woodland [Fagus] woodland
G1.61 Medio-European acidophilous [Fagus] forests Medio-European acidophilous [Fagus] forests
G1.62 Atlantic acidophilous [Fagus] forests Atlantic acidophilous [Fagus] forests
G1.63 Medio-European neutrophile [Fagus] forests Medio-European neutrophile [Fagus] forests
G1.64 Pyreneo-Cantabrian neutrophile [Fagus] forests Pyreneo-Cantabrian neutrophile [Fagus] forests
G1.65 Medio-European subalpine [Fagus] woods Medio-European subalpine [Fagus] woods
G1.66 Medio-European limestone [Fagus] forests Medio-European limestone [Fagus] forests
G1.67 Southern medio-European [Fagus] forests Southern medio-European [Fagus] forests
G1.68 Southern Italian [Fagus] forests Southern Italian [Fagus] forests
G1.69 Moesian [Fagus] forests Moesian [Fagus] forests
G1.6A Hellenic [Fagus] forests Hellenic [Fagus] forests
G1.6B Mediterraneo-Moesian [Fagus] forests Mediterraneo-Moesian [Fagus] forests
G1.6C Illyrian [Fagus] forests Illyrian [Fagus] forests
G1.6D Dacian [Fagus] forests Dacian [Fagus] forests
G1.6E Pontic [Fagus] forests Pontic [Fagus] forests
G1.6F Dobrogea [Fagus] forest Dobrogea [Fagus] forest
G1.6G Crimean [Fagus] forests Crimean [Fagus] forests
G1.6H Caucasian [Fagus] forests Caucasian [Fagus] forests
G1.6I Caspian [Fagus] forests Caspian [Fagus] forests
G1.6J Eastern oro-Mediterranean [Fagus] forests Eastern oro-Mediterranean [Fagus] forests
G1.7 Thermophilous deciduous woodland Thermophilous deciduous woodland
G1.71 Western [Quercus pubescens] woods and related communities Western [Quercus pubescens] woods and related communities
G1.72 Cyrno-Sardinian [Quercus pubescens] woods Cyrno-Sardinian [Quercus pubescens] woods
G1.73 Eastern [Quercus pubescens] woods Eastern [Quercus pubescens] woods
G1.74 Italo-Illyrian [Ostrya carpinifolia] sub-thermophilous [Quercus] woods Italo-Illyrian [Ostrya carpinifolia] sub-thermophilous [Quercus] woods
G1.75 South-eastern sub-thermophilous [Quercus] woods South-eastern sub-thermophilous [Quercus] woods
G1.76 Balkano-Anatolian thermophilous [Quercus] forests Balkano-Anatolian thermophilous [Quercus] forests
G1.77 Afro-Iberian thermophilous [Quercus] forests Afro-Iberian thermophilous [Quercus] forests
G1.78 [Quercus trojana] woodland [Quercus trojana] woodland
G1.79 Mediterranean [Quercus macrolepis] woodland Mediterranean [Quercus macrolepis] woodland
G1.7A Steppe [Quercus] woods Steppe [Quercus] woods
G1.7B [Quercus pyrenaica] woodland [Quercus pyrenaica] woodland
G1.7C Mixed thermophilous woodland Mixed thermophilous woodland
G1.7D [Castanea sativa] woodland [Castanea sativa] woodland
G1.8 Acidophilous [Quercus]-dominated woodland Acidophilous [Quercus]-dominated woodland
G1.81 Atlantic [Quercus robur] - [Betula] woods Atlantic [Quercus robur] - [Betula] woods
G1.82 Atlantic acidophilous [Fagus] - [Quercus] forests Atlantic acidophilous [Fagus] - [Quercus] forests
G1.83 Atlantic [Quercus petraea] woods Atlantic [Quercus petraea] woods
G1.84 Aquitano-Ligerian [Quercus] forests on podsols Aquitano-Ligerian [Quercus] forests on podsols
G1.85 Aquitano-Ligerian [Quercus] forests on leached or acid soils Aquitano-Ligerian [Quercus] forests on leached or acid soils
G1.86 Ibero-Atlantic acidophilous [Quercus] forests Ibero-Atlantic acidophilous [Quercus] forests
G1.87 Medio-European acidophilous [Quercus] forests Medio-European acidophilous [Quercus] forests
G1.88 Insubrian acidophilous [Quercus] forests Insubrian acidophilous [Quercus] forests
G1.89 Portuguese [Quercus robur] forests Portuguese [Quercus robur] forests
G1.8A Continental [Quercus petraea] forests Continental [Quercus petraea] forests
G1.9 Non-riverine woodland with [Betula], [Populus tremula], [Sorbus aucuparia] or [Corylus avellana] Non-riverine woodland with [Betula], [Populus tremula], [Sorbus aucuparia] or [Corylus avellana]
G1.91 [Betula] woodland not on marshy terrain [Betula] woodland not on marshy terrain
G1.92 [Populus tremula] woodland [Populus tremula] woodland
G1.93 [Sorbus aucuparia] woodland [Sorbus aucuparia] woodland
G1.94 Inland dune [Quercus] - [Betula] woods Inland dune [Quercus] - [Betula] woods
G1.95 [Populus tremula] and [Betula] woods with [Sambucus] [Populus tremula] and [Betula] woods with [Sambucus]
G1.96 [Corylus avellana] woods [Corylus avellana] woods
G1.A Meso- and eutrophic [Quercus], [Carpinus], [Fraxinus], [Acer], [Tilia], [Ulmus] and related woodland Meso- and eutrophic [Quercus], [Carpinus], [Fraxinus], [Acer], [Tilia], [Ulmus] and related woodland
G1.A1 [Quercus] - [Fraxinus] - [Carpinus betulus] woodland on eutrophic and mesotrophic soils [Quercus] - [Fraxinus] - [Carpinus betulus] woodland on eutrophic and mesotrophic soils
G1.A2 Non-riverine [Fraxinus] woodland Non-riverine [Fraxinus] woodland
G1.A3 [Carpinus betulus] woodland [Carpinus betulus] woodland
G1.A4 Ravine and slope woodland Ravine and slope woodland
G1.A5 [Tilia] woodland [Tilia] woodland
G1.A6 Non-riverine [Ulmus] woodland Non-riverine [Ulmus] woodland
G1.A7 Mixed deciduous woodland of the Black and Caspian Seas Mixed deciduous woodland of the Black and Caspian Seas
G1.A8 Eurosiberian maple woods Eurosiberian maple woods
G1.B Non-riverine [Alnus] woodland Non-riverine [Alnus] woodland
G1.B1 [Alnus cordata] woods [Alnus cordata] woods
G1.B2 Nemoral [Alnus] woods Nemoral [Alnus] woods
G1.B3 Boreal and boreonemoral [Alnus] woods Boreal and boreonemoral [Alnus] woods
G1.C Highly artificial broadleaved deciduous forestry plantations Highly artificial broadleaved deciduous forestry plantations
G1.C1 [Populus] plantations [Populus] plantations
G1.C2 Deciduous exotic [Quercus] plantations Deciduous exotic [Quercus] plantations
G1.C3 [Robinia] plantations [Robinia] plantations
G1.C4 Other broadleaved deciduous plantations Other broadleaved deciduous plantations
G1.D Fruit and nut tree orchards Fruit and nut tree orchards
G1.D1 [Castanea sativa] plantations [Castanea sativa] plantations
G1.D2 [Juglans] groves [Juglans] groves
G1.D3 [Prunus amygdalus] groves [Prunus amygdalus] groves
G1.D4 Fruit orchards Fruit orchards
G1.D5 Other high-stem orchards Other high-stem orchards
G2 Broadleaved evergreen woodland Broadleaved evergreen woodland
G2.1 Mediterranean evergreen [Quercus] woodland Mediterranean evergreen [Quercus] woodland
G2.11 [Quercus suber] woodland [Quercus suber] woodland
G2.12 [Quercus ilex] woodland [Quercus ilex] woodland
G2.13 [Quercus coccifera] and [Quercus alnifolia] woodland [Quercus coccifera] and [Quercus alnifolia] woodland
G2.2 Eurasian continental sclerophyllous woodland Eurasian continental sclerophyllous woodland
G2.21 Mediterraneo-Atlantic [Laurus] - [Quercus] woodland Mediterraneo-Atlantic [Laurus] - [Quercus] woodland
G2.22 Ponto-Hyrcanian sclerophyllous forests Ponto-Hyrcanian sclerophyllous forests
G2.3 Macaronesian [Laurus] woodland Macaronesian [Laurus] woodland
G2.31 Azorean laurisilvas Azorean laurisilvas
G2.32 Madeiran laurisilvas Madeiran laurisilvas
G2.33 Canarian laurisilvas Canarian laurisilvas
G2.4 [Olea europaea] - [Ceratonia siliqua] woodland [Olea europaea] - [Ceratonia siliqua] woodland
G2.41 Wild [Olea europaea] woodland Wild [Olea europaea] woodland
G2.42 [Ceratonia siliqua] woodland [Ceratonia siliqua] woodland
G2.43 Canarian [Olea europaea] woodland Canarian [Olea europaea] woodland
G2.5 [Phoenix] groves [Phoenix] groves
G2.51 Cretan [Phoenix theophrasti] groves Cretan [Phoenix theophrasti] groves
G2.52 Canarian [Phoenix canariensis] groves Canarian [Phoenix canariensis] groves
G2.53 Anatolian [Phoenix theophrasti] groves Anatolian [Phoenix theophrasti] groves
G2.6 [Ilex aquifolium] woods [Ilex aquifolium] woods
G2.7 Canarian heath woodland Canarian heath woodland
G2.71 Canarian fayal-brezal Canarian fayal-brezal
G2.72 [Visnea] - [Arbutus] forests [Visnea] - [Arbutus] forests
G2.73 Hierran fayal Hierran fayal
G2.8 Highly artificial broadleaved evergreen forestry plantations Highly artificial broadleaved evergreen forestry plantations
G2.81 [Eucalyptus] plantations [Eucalyptus] plantations
G2.82 Evergreen exotic [Quercus] plantations Evergreen exotic [Quercus] plantations
G2.83 Other evergreen broadleaved tree plantations Other evergreen broadleaved tree plantations
G2.9 Evergreen orchards and groves Evergreen orchards and groves
G2.91 [Olea europaea] groves [Olea europaea] groves
G2.92 Citrus orchards Citrus orchards
G2.93 [Phoenix] groves [Phoenix] groves
G2.94 Other evergreen orchards Other evergreen orchards
G3 Coniferous woodland Coniferous woodland
G3.1 [Abies] and [Picea] woodland [Abies] and [Picea] woodland
G3.11 Neutrophile medio-European [Abies] forests Neutrophile medio-European [Abies] forests
G3.12 Calciphilous [Abies alba] forests Calciphilous [Abies alba] forests
G3.13 Acidophilous [Abies alba] forests Acidophilous [Abies alba] forests
G3.14 Corsican [Abies alba] forests Corsican [Abies alba] forests
G3.15 Southern Apennine [Abies alba] forests Southern Apennine [Abies alba] forests
G3.16 Moesian [Abies alba] forests Moesian [Abies alba] forests
G3.17 Balkano-Pontic [Abies] forests Balkano-Pontic [Abies] forests
G3.18 Aegean [Abies] forests Aegean [Abies] forests
G3.19 [Abies pinsapo] forests [Abies pinsapo] forests
G3.1A Relict [Abies nebrodensis] stands Relict [Abies nebrodensis] stands
G3.1B Alpine and Carpathian sub-alpine [Picea] forests Alpine and Carpathian sub-alpine [Picea] forests
G3.1C Inner range montane [Picea] forests Inner range montane [Picea] forests
G3.1D Hercynian subalpine [Picea] forests Hercynian subalpine [Picea] forests
G3.1E Southern European [Picea abies] forests Southern European [Picea abies] forests
G3.1F Enclave [Picea abies] forests Enclave [Picea abies] forests
G3.1G [Picea omorika] forests [Picea omorika] forests
G3.1H [Picea orientalis] forests [Picea orientalis] forests
G3.1I [Abies] reforestation [Abies] reforestation
G3.1J [Picea abies] reforestation [Picea abies] reforestation
G3.2 Alpine [Larix] - [Pinus cembra] woodland Alpine [Larix] - [Pinus cembra] woodland
G3.21 Eastern Alpine siliceous [Larix] and [Pinus cembra] forests Eastern Alpine siliceous [Larix] and [Pinus cembra] forests
G3.22 Eastern Alpine calcicolous [Larix] and [Pinus cembra] forests Eastern Alpine calcicolous [Larix] and [Pinus cembra] forests
G3.23 Western [Larix], mountain pine and [Pinus cembra] forests Western [Larix], mountain pine and [Pinus cembra] forests
G3.24 Alpine secondary [Larix] formations Alpine secondary [Larix] formations
G3.25 Carpathian [Larix] and [Pinus cembra] forests Carpathian [Larix] and [Pinus cembra] forests
G3.26 [Larix polonica] forests [Larix polonica] forests
G3.3 [Pinus uncinata] woodland [Pinus uncinata] woodland
G3.31 [Pinus uncinata] forests with [Rhododendron ferrugineum] [Pinus uncinata] forests with [Rhododendron ferrugineum]
G3.32 Xerocline [Pinus uncinata] forests Xerocline [Pinus uncinata] forests
G3.33 [Pinus uncinata] reforestation [Pinus uncinata] reforestation
G3.4 [Pinus sylvestris] woodland south of the taiga [Pinus sylvestris] woodland south of the taiga
G3.41 Caledonian forest Caledonian forest
G3.42 Middle European [Pinus sylvestris] forests Middle European [Pinus sylvestris] forests
G3.43 Inner-Alpine [Ononis] steppe forests Inner-Alpine [Ononis] steppe forests
G3.44 Spring heath [Pinus sylvestris] forests Spring heath [Pinus sylvestris] forests
G3.45 Inner Alpine [Minuartia laricifolia] steppe forests Inner Alpine [Minuartia laricifolia] steppe forests
G3.46 Pyrenean mesophile [Pinus sylvestris] forests Pyrenean mesophile [Pinus sylvestris] forests
G3.47 Central Massif [Pinus sylvestris] forests Central Massif [Pinus sylvestris] forests
G3.48 South-western Alpine mesophile [Pinus sylvestris] forests South-western Alpine mesophile [Pinus sylvestris] forests
G3.49 Supra-Mediterranean [Pinus sylvestris] forests Supra-Mediterranean [Pinus sylvestris] forests
G3.4A Iberian calcareous [Pinus sylvestris] woods Iberian calcareous [Pinus sylvestris] woods
G3.4B Iberian silicicolous [Pinus sylvestris] forests Iberian silicicolous [Pinus sylvestris] forests
G3.4C South-eastern European [Pinus sylvestris] forests South-eastern European [Pinus sylvestris] forests
G3.4D Po terrace [Pinus sylvestris] forests Po terrace [Pinus sylvestris] forests
G3.4E Ponto-Caucasian [Pinus sylvestris] forests Ponto-Caucasian [Pinus sylvestris] forests
G3.4F European [Pinus sylvestris] reforestation European [Pinus sylvestris] reforestation
G3.5 [Pinus nigra] woodland [Pinus nigra] woodland
G3.51 Alpino-Apennine [Pinus nigra] forests Alpino-Apennine [Pinus nigra] forests
G3.52 Western Balkanic [Pinus nigra] forests Western Balkanic [Pinus nigra] forests
G3.53 [Pinus salzmannii] forests [Pinus salzmannii] forests
G3.54 Corsican [Pinus laricio] forests Corsican [Pinus laricio] forests
G3.55 Calabrian [Pinus laricio] forests Calabrian [Pinus laricio] forests
G3.56 [Pinus pallasiana] and [Pinus banatica] forests [Pinus pallasiana] and [Pinus banatica] forests
G3.57 [Pinus nigra] reforestation [Pinus nigra] reforestation
G3.6 Subalpine mediterranean [Pinus] woodland Subalpine mediterranean [Pinus] woodland
G3.61 [Pinus leucodermis] forests [Pinus leucodermis] forests
G3.62 [Pinus peuce] woods [Pinus peuce] woods
G3.7 Lowland to montane mediterranean [Pinus] woodland (excluding [Pinus nigra]) Lowland to montane mediterranean [Pinus] woodland (excluding [Pinus nigra])
G3.71 Maritime [Pinus pinaster ssp. atlantica] forests Maritime [Pinus pinaster ssp. atlantica] forests
G3.72 [Pinus pinaster ssp. pinaster] ([Pinus mesogeensis]) forests [Pinus pinaster ssp. pinaster] ([Pinus mesogeensis]) forests
G3.73 [Pinus pinea] forests [Pinus pinea] forests
G3.74 [Pinus halepensis] forests [Pinus halepensis] forests
G3.75 [Pinus brutia] forests [Pinus brutia] forests
G3.8 Canary Island [Pinus canariensis] woodland Canary Island [Pinus canariensis] woodland
G3.81 [Pinus canariensis] - [Cistus symphytifolius] forests [Pinus canariensis] - [Cistus symphytifolius] forests
G3.82 [Pinus canariensis] - dry scrub forests [Pinus canariensis] - dry scrub forests
G3.83 [Pinus canariensis] - heath forests [Pinus canariensis] - heath forests
G3.84 [Pinus canariensis] - [Adenocarpus viscosus] woods [Pinus canariensis] - [Adenocarpus viscosus] woods
G3.85 [Pinus canariensis] - [Juniperus cedrus] woods [Pinus canariensis] - [Juniperus cedrus] woods
G3.9 Coniferous woodland dominated by [Cupressaceae] or [Taxaceae] Coniferous woodland dominated by [Cupressaceae] or [Taxaceae]
G3.91 Western Palaearctic [Cupressus] forests Western Palaearctic [Cupressus] forests
G3.92 Spanish [Juniperus thurifera] woods Spanish [Juniperus thurifera] woods
G3.93 Greek [Juniperus excelsa] woods Greek [Juniperus excelsa] woods
G3.94 [Juniperus foetidissima] woods [Juniperus foetidissima] woods
G3.95 [Juniperus drupacea] woods [Juniperus drupacea] woods
G3.96 [Tetraclinis articulata] forests [Tetraclinis articulata] forests
G3.97 Western Palaearctic [Taxus baccata] woods Western Palaearctic [Taxus baccata] woods
G3.98 Macaronesian [Juniperus] woods Macaronesian [Juniperus] woods
G3.99 [Juniperus oxycedrus] woods [Juniperus oxycedrus] woods
G3.9A [Juniperus phoenicea] woods [Juniperus phoenicea] woods
G3.9B Hyrcanian [Platycladus orientalis] ([Thuja orientalis]) forests Hyrcanian [Platycladus orientalis] ([Thuja orientalis]) forests
G3.9C [Cedrus] woodland [Cedrus] woodland
G3.A [Picea] taiga woodland [Picea] taiga woodland
G3.A1 [Vaccinium myrtillus] western [Picea] taiga [Vaccinium myrtillus] western [Picea] taiga
G3.A2 Fern western [Picea] taiga Fern western [Picea] taiga
G3.A3 Small-herb western [Picea] taiga Small-herb western [Picea] taiga
G3.A4 Tall-herb western [Picea] taiga Tall-herb western [Picea] taiga
G3.A5 Pretundra [Picea obovata] taiga Pretundra [Picea obovata] taiga
G3.B [Pinus] taiga woodland [Pinus] taiga woodland
G3.B1 [Calluna vulgaris] - [Empetrum] western taiga [Calluna vulgaris] - [Empetrum] western taiga
G3.B2 [Vaccinium vitis-idaea] [Pinus] and [Picea] - [Pinus] taiga [Vaccinium vitis-idaea] [Pinus] and [Picea] - [Pinus] taiga
G3.B3 Herb-rich and grassy pine taiga Herb-rich and grassy pine taiga
G3.B4 Lichen [Pinus] taiga Lichen [Pinus] taiga
G3.C [Larix] taiga woodland [Larix] taiga woodland
G3.C1 [Larix russica] taiga [Larix russica] taiga
G3.D Boreal bog conifer woodland Boreal bog conifer woodland
G3.D1 Boreal [Pinus sylvestris] bog woods Boreal [Pinus sylvestris] bog woods
G3.D2 Boreal sphagnum [Pinus sylvestris] fen woods Boreal sphagnum [Pinus sylvestris] fen woods
G3.D3 Boreal brown moss [Pinus sylvestris] fen woods Boreal brown moss [Pinus sylvestris] fen woods
G3.D4 Boreal [Picea] and [Picea] - [Betula] fen and bog woods Boreal [Picea] and [Picea] - [Betula] fen and bog woods
G3.D5 Boreal [Picea] swamp woods Boreal [Picea] swamp woods
G3.E Nemoral bog conifer woodland Nemoral bog conifer woodland
G3.E1 [Pinus mugo] bog woods [Pinus mugo] bog woods
G3.E2 Nemoral [Pinus sylvestris] mire woods Nemoral [Pinus sylvestris] mire woods
G3.E3 Balkan [Pinus sylvestris] mire woods Balkan [Pinus sylvestris] mire woods
G3.E4 Steppe [Pinus sylvestris] mire woods Steppe [Pinus sylvestris] mire woods
G3.E5 Nemoral peatmoss [Picea] woods Nemoral peatmoss [Picea] woods
G3.E6 Nemoral bog [Picea] woods Nemoral bog [Picea] woods
G3.F Highly artificial coniferous plantations Highly artificial coniferous plantations
G3.F1 Native conifer plantations Native conifer plantations
G3.F2 Exotic conifer plantations Exotic conifer plantations
G4 Mixed deciduous and coniferous woodland Mixed deciduous and coniferous woodland
G4.1 Mixed swamp woodland Mixed swamp woodland
G4.2 Mixed taiga woodland with [Betula] Mixed taiga woodland with [Betula]
G4.3 Mixed sub-taiga woodland with acidophilous [Quercus] Mixed sub-taiga woodland with acidophilous [Quercus]
G4.31 Boreonemoral lichen-dwarf shrub mixed forests Boreonemoral lichen-dwarf shrub mixed forests
G4.32 Boreonemoral heath-grass mixed forests Boreonemoral heath-grass mixed forests
G4.33 Boreonemoral herb-rich mixed forests Boreonemoral herb-rich mixed forests
G4.4 Mixed [Pinus sylvestris] - [Betula] woodland Mixed [Pinus sylvestris] - [Betula] woodland
G4.5 Mixed [Pinus sylvestris] - [Fagus] woodland Mixed [Pinus sylvestris] - [Fagus] woodland
G4.6 Mixed [Abies] - [Picea] - [Fagus] woodland Mixed [Abies] - [Picea] - [Fagus] woodland
G4.7 Mixed [Pinus sylvestris] - acidophilous [Quercus] woodland Mixed [Pinus sylvestris] - acidophilous [Quercus] woodland
G4.71 Subcontinental nemoral [Pinus] - [Quercus] forests Subcontinental nemoral [Pinus] - [Quercus] forests
G4.72 Continental nemoral [Pinus] - [Quercus] forests Continental nemoral [Pinus] - [Quercus] forests
G4.8 Mixed non-riverine deciduous and coniferous woodland Mixed non-riverine deciduous and coniferous woodland
G4.9 Mixed deciduous woodland with [Cupressaceae] or [Taxaceae] Mixed deciduous woodland with [Cupressaceae] or [Taxaceae]
G4.A Mixed woodland with [Cupressaceae], [Taxaceae] and evergreen oak Mixed woodland with [Cupressaceae], [Taxaceae] and evergreen oak
G4.B Mixed mediterranean [Pinus] - thermophilous [Quercus] woodland Mixed mediterranean [Pinus] - thermophilous [Quercus] woodland
G4.C Mixed [Pinus sylvestris] - thermophilous [Quercus] woodland Mixed [Pinus sylvestris] - thermophilous [Quercus] woodland
G4.D Mixed [Pinus nigra] - evergreen [Quercus] woodland Mixed [Pinus nigra] - evergreen [Quercus] woodland
G4.E Mixed mediterranean pine - evergreen oak woodland Mixed mediterranean pine - evergreen oak woodland
G4.F Mixed forestry plantations Mixed forestry plantations
G5 Lines of trees, small anthropogenic woodlands, recently felled woodland, early-stage woodland and coppice Lines of trees, small anthropogenic woodlands, recently felled woodland, early-stage woodland and coppice
G5.1 Lines of trees Lines of trees
G5.2 Small broadleaved deciduous anthropogenic woodlands Small broadleaved deciduous anthropogenic woodlands
G5.3 Small broadleaved evergreen anthropogenic woodlands Small broadleaved evergreen anthropogenic woodlands
G5.4 Small coniferous anthropogenic woodlands Small coniferous anthropogenic woodlands
G5.5 Small mixed broadleaved and coniferous anthropogenic woodlands Small mixed broadleaved and coniferous anthropogenic woodlands
G5.6 Early-stage natural and semi-natural woodlands and regrowth Early-stage natural and semi-natural woodlands and regrowth
G5.61 Deciduous scrub woodland Deciduous scrub woodland
G5.62 Mixed scrub woodland Mixed scrub woodland
G5.63 Coniferous scrub woodland Coniferous scrub woodland
G5.64 Raised bog pre-woods Raised bog pre-woods
G5.7 Coppice and early-stage plantations Coppice and early-stage plantations
G5.71 Coppice Coppice
G5.72 Early-stage broadleaved deciduous plantations Early-stage broadleaved deciduous plantations
G5.73 Early-stage broadleaved evergreen plantations Early-stage broadleaved evergreen plantations
G5.74 Early-stage coniferous plantations Early-stage coniferous plantations
G5.75 Early-stage mixed broadleaved and coniferous plantations Early-stage mixed broadleaved and coniferous plantations
G5.76 Trees planted for early whole-tree harvesting Trees planted for early whole-tree harvesting
G5.8 Recently felled areas Recently felled areas
G5.81 Recently felled areas, formerly broadleaved trees Recently felled areas, formerly broadleaved trees
G5.82 Recently felled areas, formerly coniferous trees Recently felled areas, formerly coniferous trees
G5.83 Recently felled areas, formerly mixed broadleaved and coniferous trees Recently felled areas, formerly mixed broadleaved and coniferous trees
H Inland unvegetated or sparsely vegetated habitats Inland unvegetated or sparsely vegetated habitats
H1 Terrestrial underground caves, cave systems, passages and waterbodies Terrestrial underground caves, cave systems, passages and waterbodies
H1.1 Cave entrances Cave entrances
H1.2 Cave interiors Cave interiors
H1.21 Troglobiont vertebrate caves Troglobiont vertebrate caves
H1.22 Subtroglophile vertebrate caves Subtroglophile vertebrate caves
H1.23 Troglobiont invertebrate caves Troglobiont invertebrate caves
H1.24 Troglophile invertebrate caves Troglophile invertebrate caves
H1.25 Subtroglophile invertebrate caves Subtroglophile invertebrate caves
H1.26 Caves without vertebrates or invertebrates Caves without vertebrates or invertebrates
H1.3 Dark underground passages Dark underground passages
H1.4 Lava tubes Lava tubes
H1.41 Icelandic lava tubes Icelandic lava tubes
H1.42 Macaronesian lava tubes Macaronesian lava tubes
H1.43 Tethyan lava tubes Tethyan lava tubes
H1.5 Underground standing waterbodies Underground standing waterbodies
H1.51 Permanent underground standing waterbodies Permanent underground standing waterbodies
H1.52 Temporary underground standing waterbodies Temporary underground standing waterbodies
H1.6 Underground running waterbodies Underground running waterbodies
H1.61 Permanent underground running waterbodies Permanent underground running waterbodies
H1.62 Temporary underground running waterbodies Temporary underground running waterbodies
H1.7 Disused underground mines and tunnels Disused underground mines and tunnels
H2 Screes Screes
H2.1 Cold siliceous screes Cold siliceous screes
H2.2 Cold limestone screes Cold limestone screes
H2.3 Temperate-montane acid siliceous screes Temperate-montane acid siliceous screes
H2.31 Alpine siliceous screes Alpine siliceous screes
H2.32 Medio-European upland siliceous screes Medio-European upland siliceous screes
H2.4 Temperate-montane calcareous and ultra-basic screes Temperate-montane calcareous and ultra-basic screes
H2.41 Alpine calcschist screes Alpine calcschist screes
H2.42 [Thlaspi rotundifolium] screes [Thlaspi rotundifolium] screes
H2.43 Fine calcareous screes Fine calcareous screes
H2.44 Carpathian calcareous screes Carpathian calcareous screes
H2.45 Rhodopide calcareous screes Rhodopide calcareous screes
H2.5 Acid siliceous screes of warm exposures Acid siliceous screes of warm exposures
H2.51 Pyreneo-Alpine thermo-siliceous screes Pyreneo-Alpine thermo-siliceous screes
H2.52 Oro-Cantabrian siliceous screes Oro-Cantabrian siliceous screes
H2.53 Ibero-Pyrenean acidophile fern screes Ibero-Pyrenean acidophile fern screes
H2.54 Carpetano-Iberian siliceous screes Carpetano-Iberian siliceous screes
H2.55 Nevadan siliceous screes Nevadan siliceous screes
H2.56 Central Mediterranean siliceous screes Central Mediterranean siliceous screes
H2.57 Anatolian siliceous screes Anatolian siliceous screes
H2.6 Calcareous and ultra-basic screes of warm exposures Calcareous and ultra-basic screes of warm exposures
H2.61 Peri-Alpine thermophilous screes Peri-Alpine thermophilous screes
H2.62 Cevenno-Provençal screes Cevenno-Provençal screes
H2.63 Pyrenean calcareous screes Pyrenean calcareous screes
H2.64 Oro-Cantabrian calcareous screes Oro-Cantabrian calcareous screes
H2.65 Iberian calciphile fern screes Iberian calciphile fern screes
H2.66 Southern Iberian calcareous screes Southern Iberian calcareous screes
H2.67 Central Mediterranean calcareous screes Central Mediterranean calcareous screes
H2.68 Eastern Mediterranean limestone screes Eastern Mediterranean limestone screes
H2.69 Eastern Mediterranean serpentine screes Eastern Mediterranean serpentine screes
H2.6A Cyprian screes Cyprian screes
H2.6B Illyrian montane calcareous screes Illyrian montane calcareous screes
H2.6C Illyrian sub-Mediterranean screes Illyrian sub-Mediterranean screes
H2.6D Illyrian montane serpentine screes Illyrian montane serpentine screes
H2.6E Illyrian [Achnatherum calamagrostis] screes Illyrian [Achnatherum calamagrostis] screes
H2.6F Anatolian calcareous screes Anatolian calcareous screes
H3 Inland cliffs, rock pavements and outcrops Inland cliffs, rock pavements and outcrops
H3.1 Acid siliceous inland cliffs Acid siliceous inland cliffs
H3.11 Middle European montane siliceous cliffs Middle European montane siliceous cliffs
H3.12 Oro-Iberian siliceous cliffs Oro-Iberian siliceous cliffs
H3.13 South-western Alpine siliceous cliffs South-western Alpine siliceous cliffs
H3.14 Cyrno-Sardinian montane and alpine cliffs Cyrno-Sardinian montane and alpine cliffs
H3.15 Helleno-Carpatho-Balkanic [Silene] siliceous cliffs Helleno-Carpatho-Balkanic [Silene] siliceous cliffs
H3.16 Peri-Pyrenean montane siliceous cliffs Peri-Pyrenean montane siliceous cliffs
H3.17 Western Iberian siliceous cliffs Western Iberian siliceous cliffs
H3.18 West Mediterranean thermophile siliceous cliffs West Mediterranean thermophile siliceous cliffs
H3.19 Lowland northern and middle siliceous cliffs Lowland northern and middle siliceous cliffs
H3.1A Boreal siliceous cliffs Boreal siliceous cliffs
H3.1B Bare siliceous inland cliffs Bare siliceous inland cliffs
H3.1C Disused siliceous quarries Disused siliceous quarries
H3.2 Basic and ultra-basic inland cliffs Basic and ultra-basic inland cliffs
H3.21 Tyrrheno-Adriatic eumediterranean calcicolous chasmophyte communities Tyrrheno-Adriatic eumediterranean calcicolous chasmophyte communities
H3.22 Central Pyrenean calcicolous chasmophyte communities Central Pyrenean calcicolous chasmophyte communities
H3.23 Liguro-Apennine calcicolous chasmophyte communities Liguro-Apennine calcicolous chasmophyte communities
H3.24 Western mediterraneo-montane chasmophyte communities Western mediterraneo-montane chasmophyte communities
H3.25 Alpine and sub-mediterranean chasmophyte communities Alpine and sub-mediterranean chasmophyte communities
H3.26 Hellenic eumediterranean calcicolous chasmophyte communities Hellenic eumediterranean calcicolous chasmophyte communities
H3.27 Aegeo-east-Mediterranean basiphile chasmophyte communities Aegeo-east-Mediterranean basiphile chasmophyte communities
H3.28 Southern Hellenic [Potentilla] cliffs Southern Hellenic [Potentilla] cliffs
H3.29 Central Hellenic [Potentilla] cliffs Central Hellenic [Potentilla] cliffs
H3.2A Illyrio-Helleno-Balkanic [Potentilla] cliffs Illyrio-Helleno-Balkanic [Potentilla] cliffs
H3.2B Lowland middle European calcareous cliff communities Lowland middle European calcareous cliff communities
H3.2C Boreal calcareous cliff communities Boreal calcareous cliff communities
H3.2D Mediterraneo-Anatolian calcicolous chasmophyte communities Mediterraneo-Anatolian calcicolous chasmophyte communities
H3.2E Bare limestone inland cliffs Bare limestone inland cliffs
H3.2F Disused chalk and limestone quarries Disused chalk and limestone quarries
H3.2G Boreal and arctic serpentine and basaltic cliff communities Boreal and arctic serpentine and basaltic cliff communities
H3.2H Bare inland basaltic and ultrabasic cliffs Bare inland basaltic and ultrabasic cliffs
H3.2I Temperate serpentine and basaltic cliff communities Temperate serpentine and basaltic cliff communities
H3.2J Mediterranean serpentine and basaltic cliff communities Mediterranean serpentine and basaltic cliff communities
H3.3 Macaronesian inland cliffs Macaronesian inland cliffs
H3.4 Wet inland cliffs Wet inland cliffs
H3.41 Mediterranean wet inland cliffs Mediterranean wet inland cliffs
H3.42 Northern wet inland cliffs Northern wet inland cliffs
H3.5 Almost bare rock pavements, including limestone pavements Almost bare rock pavements, including limestone pavements
H3.51 Pavements, rock slabs, rock domes Pavements, rock slabs, rock domes
H3.6 Weathered rock and outcrop habitats Weathered rock and outcrop habitats
H3.61 Bare weathered rock and outcrop habitats Bare weathered rock and outcrop habitats
H3.62 Sparsely vegetated weathered rock and outcrop habitats Sparsely vegetated weathered rock and outcrop habitats
H4 Snow or ice-dominated habitats Snow or ice-dominated habitats
H4.1 Snow packs Snow packs
H4.2 True glaciers True glaciers
H4.21 Ice sheets and ice caps Ice sheets and ice caps
H4.22 Cirque and valley glaciers Cirque and valley glaciers
H4.23 Glacierets Glacierets
H4.3 Rock glaciers and unvegetated ice-dominated moraines Rock glaciers and unvegetated ice-dominated moraines
H4.31 Rock glaciers Rock glaciers
H4.32 Ice-core moraines Ice-core moraines
H4.33 Unvegetated glacial moraines in the process of formation Unvegetated glacial moraines in the process of formation
H5 Miscellaneous inland habitats with very sparse or no vegetation Miscellaneous inland habitats with very sparse or no vegetation
H5.1 Fjell fields and other freeze-thaw features with very sparse or no vegetation Fjell fields and other freeze-thaw features with very sparse or no vegetation
H5.11 Fjell fields with very sparse or no vegetation Fjell fields with very sparse or no vegetation
H5.2 Glacial moraines with very sparse or no vegetation Glacial moraines with very sparse or no vegetation
H5.21 Unvegetated young glacial moraines Unvegetated young glacial moraines
H5.22 Sparsely vegetated glacial moraines Sparsely vegetated glacial moraines
H5.3 Sparsely- or un-vegetated habitats on mineral substrates not resulting from recent ice activity Sparsely- or un-vegetated habitats on mineral substrates not resulting from recent ice activity
H5.31 Clay and silt with very sparse or no vegetation Clay and silt with very sparse or no vegetation
H5.32 Stable sand with very sparse or no vegetation Stable sand with very sparse or no vegetation
H5.33 Lacustrine dunes Lacustrine dunes
H5.34 Inland non-lacustrine dunes Inland non-lacustrine dunes
H5.35 Gravel with very sparse or no vegetation Gravel with very sparse or no vegetation
H5.36 Shallow rocky soils with very sparse or no vegetation Shallow rocky soils with very sparse or no vegetation
H5.37 Boulder fields Boulder fields
H5.4 Dry organic substrates with very sparse or no vegetation Dry organic substrates with very sparse or no vegetation
H5.5 Burnt areas with very sparse or no vegetation Burnt areas with very sparse or no vegetation
H5.51 Unvegetated recently burnt ground Unvegetated recently burnt ground
H5.52 Sparsely vegetated burnt areas Sparsely vegetated burnt areas
H5.6 Trampled areas Trampled areas
H5.61 Unsurfaced pathways Unsurfaced pathways
H6 Recent volcanic features Recent volcanic features
H6.1 Active volcanic features Active volcanic features
H6.11 Italian fumaroles Italian fumaroles
H6.12 Sicilian fumaroles Sicilian fumaroles
H6.13 Pantelleria fumaroles Pantelleria fumaroles
H6.14 Macaronesian fumaroles Macaronesian fumaroles
H6.15 Icelandic solfataras Icelandic solfataras
H6.16 East Mediterranean fumaroles and solfataras East Mediterranean fumaroles and solfataras
H6.17 Peri-Alpine fumaroles, solfataras and mofettes Peri-Alpine fumaroles, solfataras and mofettes
H6.18 Western Asian fumaroles and solfataras Western Asian fumaroles and solfataras
H6.2 Inactive recent volcanic features Inactive recent volcanic features
H6.21 Teide violet community Teide violet community
H6.22 Etna summital communities Etna summital communities
H6.23 Western Asian orovolcanic communities Western Asian orovolcanic communities
H6.24 Barren lava fields and flows Barren lava fields and flows
H6.25 Volcanic ash and lapilli fields Volcanic ash and lapilli fields
I Regularly or recently cultivated agricultural, horticultural and domestic habitats Regularly or recently cultivated agricultural, horticultural and domestic habitats
I1 Arable land and market gardens Arable land and market gardens
I1.1 Intensive unmixed crops Intensive unmixed crops
I1.11 Large-scale intensive unmixed crops (>25ha) Large-scale intensive unmixed crops (>25ha)
I1.12 Medium-scale intensive unmixed crops (1-25ha) Medium-scale intensive unmixed crops (1-25ha)
I1.13 Small-scale intensive unmixed crops (<1ha) Small-scale intensive unmixed crops (<1ha)
I1.2 Mixed crops of market gardens and horticulture Mixed crops of market gardens and horticulture
I1.21 Large-scale market gardens and horticulture Large-scale market gardens and horticulture
I1.22 Small-scale market gardens and horticulture, including allotments Small-scale market gardens and horticulture, including allotments
I1.3 Arable land with unmixed crops grown by low-intensity agricultural methods Arable land with unmixed crops grown by low-intensity agricultural methods
I1.4 Inundated or inundatable croplands, including rice fields Inundated or inundatable croplands, including rice fields
I1.5 Bare tilled, fallow or recently abandoned arable land Bare tilled, fallow or recently abandoned arable land
I1.51 Bare tilled land Bare tilled land
I1.52 Fallow un-inundated fields with annual weed communities Fallow un-inundated fields with annual weed communities
I1.53 Fallow un-inundated fields with annual and perennial weed communities Fallow un-inundated fields with annual and perennial weed communities
I1.54 Fallow inundated fields with annual weed communities Fallow inundated fields with annual weed communities
I1.55 Fallow inundated fields with annual and perennial weed communities Fallow inundated fields with annual and perennial weed communities
I2 Cultivated areas of gardens and parks Cultivated areas of gardens and parks
I2.1 Large-scale ornamental garden areas Large-scale ornamental garden areas
I2.11 Park flower beds, arbours and shrubbery Park flower beds, arbours and shrubbery
I2.12 Botanical gardens Botanical gardens
I2.2 Small-scale ornamental and domestic garden areas Small-scale ornamental and domestic garden areas
I2.21 Ornamental garden areas Ornamental garden areas
I2.22 Subsistence garden areas Subsistence garden areas
I2.23 Small parks and city squares Small parks and city squares
I2.3 Weed communities of recently abandoned garden areas Weed communities of recently abandoned garden areas
J Constructed, industrial and other artificial habitats Constructed, industrial and other artificial habitats
J1 Buildings of cities, towns and villages Buildings of cities, towns and villages
J1.1 Residential buildings of city and town centres Residential buildings of city and town centres
J1.2 Residential buildings of villages and urban peripheries Residential buildings of villages and urban peripheries
J1.3 Urban and suburban public buildings Urban and suburban public buildings
J1.4 Urban and suburban industrial and commercial sites still in active use Urban and suburban industrial and commercial sites still in active use
J1.41 Urban and suburban commercial units Urban and suburban commercial units
J1.42 Urban and suburban factories Urban and suburban factories
J1.5 Disused constructions of cities, towns and villages Disused constructions of cities, towns and villages
J1.51 Urban and suburban derelict spaces Urban and suburban derelict spaces
J1.6 Urban and suburban construction and demolition sites Urban and suburban construction and demolition sites
J1.7 High density temporary residential units High density temporary residential units
J2 Low density buildings Low density buildings
J2.1 Scattered residential buildings Scattered residential buildings
J2.2 Rural public buildings Rural public buildings
J2.3 Rural industrial and commercial sites still in active use Rural industrial and commercial sites still in active use
J2.31 Rural commercial units Rural commercial units
J2.32 Rural industrial sites Rural industrial sites
J2.4 Agricultural constructions Agricultural constructions
J2.41 Agricultural buildings (not isolated) Agricultural buildings (not isolated)
J2.42 Isolated agricultural buildings Isolated agricultural buildings
J2.43 Greenhouses Greenhouses
J2.5 Constructed boundaries Constructed boundaries
J2.51 Fences Fences
J2.52 Field walls Field walls
J2.53 Sea walls Sea walls
J2.6 Disused rural constructions Disused rural constructions
J2.61 Derelict spaces of disused rural constructions Derelict spaces of disused rural constructions
J2.7 Rural construction and demolition sites Rural construction and demolition sites
J3 Extractive industrial sites Extractive industrial sites
J3.1 Active underground mines Active underground mines
J3.2 Active opencast mineral extraction sites, including quarries Active opencast mineral extraction sites, including quarries
J3.3 Recently abandoned above-ground spaces of extractive industrial sites Recently abandoned above-ground spaces of extractive industrial sites
J4 Transport networks and other constructed hard-surfaced areas Transport networks and other constructed hard-surfaced areas
J4.1 Weed communities of transport networks and other constructed hard-surfaced areas Weed communities of transport networks and other constructed hard-surfaced areas
J4.2 Road networks Road networks
J4.3 Rail networks Rail networks
J4.4 Airport runways and aprons Airport runways and aprons
J4.5 Hard-surfaced areas of ports Hard-surfaced areas of ports
J4.6 Pavements and recreation areas Pavements and recreation areas
J4.7 Constructed parts of cemeteries Constructed parts of cemeteries
J5 Highly artificial man-made waters and associated structures Highly artificial man-made waters and associated structures
J5.1 Highly artificial saline and brackish standing waters Highly artificial saline and brackish standing waters
J5.11 Saline and brackish industrial lagoons and canals Saline and brackish industrial lagoons and canals
J5.12 Saltworks Saltworks
J5.2 Highly artificial saline and brackish running waters Highly artificial saline and brackish running waters
J5.3 Highly artificial non-saline standing waters Highly artificial non-saline standing waters
J5.31 Ponds and lakes with completely man-made substrate Ponds and lakes with completely man-made substrate
J5.32 Intensively managed fish ponds Intensively managed fish ponds
J5.33 Water storage tanks Water storage tanks
J5.34 Standing waterbodies of extractive industrial sites with extreme chemistry Standing waterbodies of extractive industrial sites with extreme chemistry
J5.4 Highly artificial non-saline running waters Highly artificial non-saline running waters
J5.41 Non-saline water channels with completely man-made substrate Non-saline water channels with completely man-made substrate
J5.42 Running discharges from extractive industrial sites with extreme chemistry Running discharges from extractive industrial sites with extreme chemistry
J5.43 Subterranean artificial watercourses Subterranean artificial watercourses
J5.5 Highly artificial non-saline fountains and cascades Highly artificial non-saline fountains and cascades
J6 Waste deposits Waste deposits
J6.1 Weed communities of waste deposits Weed communities of waste deposits
J6.2 Household waste and landfill sites Household waste and landfill sites
J6.3 Non-agricultural organic waste Non-agricultural organic waste
J6.31 Sewage works and sludge beds Sewage works and sludge beds
J6.4 Agricultural and horticultural waste Agricultural and horticultural waste
J6.41 Solid agricultural and horticultural waste Solid agricultural and horticultural waste
J6.42 Liquid agricultural wastes (manure) Liquid agricultural wastes (manure)
J6.5 Industrial waste Industrial waste
J6.51 Mining slag heaps Mining slag heaps
J6.52 Industrial scrap and detritus heaps Industrial scrap and detritus heaps
J6.6 Waste resulting from building construction or demolition Waste resulting from building construction or demolition