Code | Label | Definition |
A | Marine habitats | Marine habitats |
A1 | Littoral rock and other hard substrata | Littoral rock and other hard substrata |
A1.1 | Littoral rock very exposed to wave action | Littoral rock very exposed to wave action |
A1.11 | Mussels and/or barnacles on very exposed littoral rock | Mussels and/or barnacles on very exposed littoral rock |
A1.12 | Robust fucoids or red seaweeds on very exposed littoral rock | Robust fucoids or red seaweeds on very exposed littoral rock |
A1.13 | Communities of the upper mediolittoral rock | Communities of the upper mediolittoral rock |
A1.14 | Communities of the lower mediolittoral rock very exposed to wave action | Communities of the lower mediolittoral rock very exposed to wave action |
A1.2 | Littoral rock moderately exposed to wave action | Littoral rock moderately exposed to wave action |
A1.21 | Mussels and/or barnacles on littoral rock moderately exposed to wave action | Mussels and/or barnacles on littoral rock moderately exposed to wave action |
A1.22 | Fucoids and barnacles on moderately exposed littoral rock | Fucoids and barnacles on moderately exposed littoral rock |
A1.23 | Red seaweeds on moderately exposed littoral rock | Red seaweeds on moderately exposed littoral rock |
A1.24 | Ephemeral green or red seaweeds (freshwater- or sand-influenced) on moderately exposed littoral rock | Ephemeral green or red seaweeds (freshwater- or sand-influenced) on moderately exposed littoral rock |
A1.25 | Mussels and fucoids on moderately exposed littoral rock | Mussels and fucoids on moderately exposed littoral rock |
A1.26 | [Sabellaria] reefs on littoral rock | [Sabellaria] reefs on littoral rock |
A1.27 | Communities of the lower mediolittoral rock moderately exposed to wave action | Communities of the lower mediolittoral rock moderately exposed to wave action |
A1.3 | Littoral rock sheltered from wave action | Littoral rock sheltered from wave action |
A1.31 | Dense fucoids on sheltered littoral rock | Dense fucoids on sheltered littoral rock |
A1.32 | Fucoids, barnacles or ephemeral seaweeds on sheltered littoral mixed substrata | Fucoids, barnacles or ephemeral seaweeds on sheltered littoral mixed substrata |
A1.33 | Mussel beds on sheltered littoral mixed substrata | Mussel beds on sheltered littoral mixed substrata |
A1.34 | Red algal turf in lower eulittoral, sheltered from wave action | Red algal turf in lower eulittoral, sheltered from wave action |
A1.35 | Communities of the lower mediolittoral rock sheltered from wave action | Communities of the lower mediolittoral rock sheltered from wave action |
A1.4 | Rock habitats exposed by action of wind (e.g. hydrolittoral) | Rock habitats exposed by action of wind (e.g. hydrolittoral) |
A1.41 | Hydrolittoral soft rock | Hydrolittoral soft rock |
A1.42 | Hydrolittoral solid rock (bedrock) | Hydrolittoral solid rock (bedrock) |
A1.43 | Hydrolittoral hard clay | Hydrolittoral hard clay |
A1.44 | Hydrolittoral [Mytilus edulis] beds | Hydrolittoral [Mytilus edulis] beds |
A1.45 | Hydrolittoral peat | Hydrolittoral peat |
A1.5 | Rockpools | Rockpools |
A1.51 | Communities of littoral rockpools | Communities of littoral rockpools |
A1.52 | Communities of rockpools in the supralittoral zone | Communities of rockpools in the supralittoral zone |
A1.53 | Brackish permanent pools in the geolittoral zone | Brackish permanent pools in the geolittoral zone |
A1.6 | Littoral caves and overhangs | Littoral caves and overhangs |
A1.61 | Communities of littoral caves and overhangs | Communities of littoral caves and overhangs |
A2 | Littoral sediments | Littoral sediments |
A2.1 | Littoral gravels and coarse sands | Littoral gravels and coarse sands |
A2.11 | Shingle and gravel shores | Shingle and gravel shores |
A2.12 | Estuarine coarse sediment shores | Estuarine coarse sediment shores |
A2.13 | Communities of the mediolittoral coarse detritic bottoms | Communities of the mediolittoral coarse detritic bottoms |
A2.2 | Littoral sands and muddy sands | Littoral sands and muddy sands |
A2.21 | Sandy and muddy sand shores with 90-100% air exposure | Sandy and muddy sand shores with 90-100% air exposure |
A2.22 | Sandy and muddy sand shores with 70-90% air exposure | Sandy and muddy sand shores with 70-90% air exposure |
A2.23 | Sandy and muddy sand shores with <70% air exposure | Sandy and muddy sand shores with <70% air exposure |
A2.24 | Sand shores | Sand shores |
A2.25 | Muddy sand shores | Muddy sand shores |
A2.3 | Littoral muds | Littoral muds |
A2.31 | Muddy shores with 90-100% air exposure | Muddy shores with 90-100% air exposure |
A2.32 | Muddy shores with 70-90% air exposure | Muddy shores with 70-90% air exposure |
A2.33 | Muddy shores with <70% air exposure | Muddy shores with <70% air exposure |
A2.34 | Saltmarsh creeks | Saltmarsh creeks |
A2.35 | Saltmarsh pools | Saltmarsh pools |
A2.36 | Sandy mud shores | Sandy mud shores |
A2.37 | Soft mud shores | Soft mud shores |
A2.4 | Littoral combination sediments | Littoral combination sediments |
A2.41 | Sheltered combination sediment shores | Sheltered combination sediment shores |
A2.5 | Habitats with sediments exposed by action of wind (e.g. hydrolittoral) | Habitats with sediments exposed by action of wind (e.g. hydrolittoral) |
A2.51 | Hydrolittoral stony substrates | Hydrolittoral stony substrates |
A2.52 | Hydrolittoral gravel substrates | Hydrolittoral gravel substrates |
A2.53 | Hydrolittoral sandy substrates | Hydrolittoral sandy substrates |
A2.54 | Hydrolittoral muddy substrates | Hydrolittoral muddy substrates |
A2.55 | Hydrolittoral mixed sediment substrates | Hydrolittoral mixed sediment substrates |
A2.56 | Geolittoral wetlands and meadows: reed, rush and sedge stands | Geolittoral wetlands and meadows: reed, rush and sedge stands |
A2.6 | Coastal saltmarshes and saline reedbeds | Coastal saltmarshes and saline reedbeds |
A2.61 | Saltmarsh driftlines | Saltmarsh driftlines |
A2.62 | Species-rich upper saltmarshes | Species-rich upper saltmarshes |
A2.63 | Mid-upper saltmarshes and saline reedbeds | Mid-upper saltmarshes and saline reedbeds |
A2.64 | Low-mid saltmarshes | Low-mid saltmarshes |
A2.65 | Pioneer saltmarshes | Pioneer saltmarshes |
A2.7 | Littoral sediments dominated by aquatic angiosperms | Littoral sediments dominated by aquatic angiosperms |
A2.71 | [Zostera] beds on littoral sediments | [Zostera] beds on littoral sediments |
A2.72 | [Eleocharis] beds | [Eleocharis] beds |
A2.73 | [Ruppia] beds on littoral sediments | [Ruppia] beds on littoral sediments |
A2.74 | Methane seeps in littoral sediments | Methane seeps in littoral sediments |
A2.8 | Biogenic structures on littoral sediments | Biogenic structures on littoral sediments |
A2.81 | Biogenic features (scars) on littoral mixed sediments | Biogenic features (scars) on littoral mixed sediments |
A3 | Sublittoral rock and other hard substrata | Sublittoral rock and other hard substrata |
A3.1 | Infralittoral rock very exposed to wave action and/or currents and tidal streams | Infralittoral rock very exposed to wave action and/or currents and tidal streams |
A3.11 | Kelp with cushion fauna, foliose red seaweeds or coralline crusts (exposed rock) | Kelp with cushion fauna, foliose red seaweeds or coralline crusts (exposed rock) |
A3.12 | Fauna and seaweeds on vertical exposed infralittoral rock | Fauna and seaweeds on vertical exposed infralittoral rock |
A3.13 | Communities of infralittoral algae very exposed to wave action | Communities of infralittoral algae very exposed to wave action |
A3.14 | Areas dominated by encrusting algae | Areas dominated by encrusting algae |
A3.15 | Areas dominated by frondose algae, other than kelp | Areas dominated by frondose algae, other than kelp |
A3.2 | Infralittoral rock moderately exposed to wave action and/or currents and tidal streams | Infralittoral rock moderately exposed to wave action and/or currents and tidal streams |
A3.21 | Kelp and red seaweeds on moderately exposed infralittoral rock | Kelp and red seaweeds on moderately exposed infralittoral rock |
A3.22 | Grazed kelp with algal crusts on moderately exposed infralittoral rock | Grazed kelp with algal crusts on moderately exposed infralittoral rock |
A3.23 | Sand-tolerant or disturbed kelp and seaweed on moderately exposed infralittoral rock | Sand-tolerant or disturbed kelp and seaweed on moderately exposed infralittoral rock |
A3.24 | Fauna and seaweeds on vertical moderately exposed infralittoral rock | Fauna and seaweeds on vertical moderately exposed infralittoral rock |
A3.25 | Communities of infralittoral algae moderately exposed to wave action | Communities of infralittoral algae moderately exposed to wave action |
A3.26 | Baltic brackish water sublittoral biocenoses of hard substrata influenced by varying salinity | Baltic brackish water sublittoral biocenoses of hard substrata influenced by varying salinity |
A3.27 | Animal-dominated communities of moderately exposed infralittoral rock | Animal-dominated communities of moderately exposed infralittoral rock |
A3.3 | Infralittoral rock sheltered from wave action and currents and tidal streams | Infralittoral rock sheltered from wave action and currents and tidal streams |
A3.31 | Silted kelp communities on sheltered infralittoral rock | Silted kelp communities on sheltered infralittoral rock |
A3.32 | Estuarine faunal communities on shallow rock or mixed substrata | Estuarine faunal communities on shallow rock or mixed substrata |
A3.33 | Submerged fucoids, green and red seaweeds on reduced/low salinity infralittoral rock | Submerged fucoids, green and red seaweeds on reduced/low salinity infralittoral rock |
A3.34 | Communities of infralittoral algae sheltered from wave action | Communities of infralittoral algae sheltered from wave action |
A3.35 | Animal-dominated communities of sheltered infralittoral rock in full salinity | Animal-dominated communities of sheltered infralittoral rock in full salinity |
A3.4 | Caves, overhangs and surge gullies in the infralittoral zone | Caves, overhangs and surge gullies in the infralittoral zone |
A3.41 | Robust fauna on infralittoral surge gullies and cave walls | Robust fauna on infralittoral surge gullies and cave walls |
A3.5 | Circalittoral rock very exposed to wave action or currents and tidal streams | Circalittoral rock very exposed to wave action or currents and tidal streams |
A3.51 | Faunal crusts or short turfs on exposed circalittoral rock | Faunal crusts or short turfs on exposed circalittoral rock |
A3.52 | [Alcyonium]-dominated communities on tide-swept circalittoral rock | [Alcyonium]-dominated communities on tide-swept circalittoral rock |
A3.53 | Barnacle, cushion sponge and [Tubularia] communities on very tide-swept circalittoral rock | Barnacle, cushion sponge and [Tubularia] communities on very tide-swept circalittoral rock |
A3.6 | Circalittoral rock moderately exposed to wave action or currents and tidal streams | Circalittoral rock moderately exposed to wave action or currents and tidal streams |
A3.61 | Mixed faunal turf communities on moderately exposed circalittoral rock | Mixed faunal turf communities on moderately exposed circalittoral rock |
A3.62 | Sand-influenced bryozoan and hydroid turfs on moderately exposed circalittoral rock | Sand-influenced bryozoan and hydroid turfs on moderately exposed circalittoral rock |
A3.63 | [Sabellaria spinulosa] communities on circalittoral rock | [Sabellaria spinulosa] communities on circalittoral rock |
A3.64 | Mussel beds on moderately exposed circalittoral rock | Mussel beds on moderately exposed circalittoral rock |
A3.65 | Brittlestar beds on circalittoral rock or mixed substrata | Brittlestar beds on circalittoral rock or mixed substrata |
A3.66 | Grazed faunal communities on moderately exposed or sheltered circalittoral rock | Grazed faunal communities on moderately exposed or sheltered circalittoral rock |
A3.67 | Silt-influenced ascidian communities on moderately exposed circalittoral rock | Silt-influenced ascidian communities on moderately exposed circalittoral rock |
A3.68 | Communities on soft moderately exposed circalittoral rock | Communities on soft moderately exposed circalittoral rock |
A3.69 | Faunal turfs on vertical circalittoral rock | Faunal turfs on vertical circalittoral rock |
A3.6A | Coralligenous communities moderately exposed to hydrodynamic action | Coralligenous communities moderately exposed to hydrodynamic action |
A3.7 | Circalittoral rock sheltered from wave action and currents including tidal streams | Circalittoral rock sheltered from wave action and currents including tidal streams |
A3.71 | Brachiopods and solitary ascidian communities on sheltered circalittoral rock | Brachiopods and solitary ascidian communities on sheltered circalittoral rock |
A3.72 | Sheltered [Modiolus] beds | Sheltered [Modiolus] beds |
A3.73 | Coralligenous communities sheltered from hydrodynamic action | Coralligenous communities sheltered from hydrodynamic action |
A3.8 | Deep circalittoral rock habitats exposed to strong currents | Deep circalittoral rock habitats exposed to strong currents |
A3.81 | Animal communities of deep circalittoral rock habitats exposed to strong currents | Animal communities of deep circalittoral rock habitats exposed to strong currents |
A3.9 | Deep circalittoral rock habitats exposed to moderately strong currents | Deep circalittoral rock habitats exposed to moderately strong currents |
A3.91 | Animal communities of deep circalittoral rock habitats exposed to moderately strong currents | Animal communities of deep circalittoral rock habitats exposed to moderately strong currents |
A3.A | Deep circalittoral rock habitats exposed to weak or no currents | Deep circalittoral rock habitats exposed to weak or no currents |
A3.A1 | Animal communities of deep circalittoral rock habitats exposed to weak or no currents | Animal communities of deep circalittoral rock habitats exposed to weak or no currents |
A3.B | Caves and overhangs below the infralittoral zone | Caves and overhangs below the infralittoral zone |
A3.B1 | Communities of circalittoral caves and overhangs | Communities of circalittoral caves and overhangs |
A3.B2 | Caves in total darkness, including deep-sea caves | Caves in total darkness, including deep-sea caves |
A3.C | Vents and seeps in sublittoral rock | Vents and seeps in sublittoral rock |
A3.C1 | Bubbling reefs in the sublittoral euphotic zone | Bubbling reefs in the sublittoral euphotic zone |
A3.C2 | Bubbling reefs in the aphotic zone | Bubbling reefs in the aphotic zone |
A3.C3 | Freshwater seeps in sublittoral rock | Freshwater seeps in sublittoral rock |
A3.C4 | Oil seeps in sublittoral rock | Oil seeps in sublittoral rock |
A3.C5 | Vents in sublittoral rock | Vents in sublittoral rock |
A4 | Sublittoral sediments | Sublittoral sediments |
A4.1 | Sublittoral mobile cobbles, gravels and coarse sands | Sublittoral mobile cobbles, gravels and coarse sands |
A4.11 | Animal communities in shallow-water gravels | Animal communities in shallow-water gravels |
A4.12 | Animal communities in shallow-water coarse sands | Animal communities in shallow-water coarse sands |
A4.13 | Animal communities of circalittoral mobile cobbles, gravels and sands | Animal communities of circalittoral mobile cobbles, gravels and sands |
A4.14 | Animals communities in deeper coarse sands | Animals communities in deeper coarse sands |
A4.15 | Animal communities in variable or reduced salinity gravels and coarse sands | Animal communities in variable or reduced salinity gravels and coarse sands |
A4.2 | Sublittoral sands and muddy sands | Sublittoral sands and muddy sands |
A4.21 | Animal communities in fully marine shallow clean sands | Animal communities in fully marine shallow clean sands |
A4.22 | Communities of fine sands in very shallow waters | Communities of fine sands in very shallow waters |
A4.23 | Communities of well sorted fine sands | Communities of well sorted fine sands |
A4.24 | Animal communities in variable or reduced salinity shallow clean sands | Animal communities in variable or reduced salinity shallow clean sands |
A4.25 | Animal communities in fully marine shallow-water muddy sands | Animal communities in fully marine shallow-water muddy sands |
A4.26 | Animal communities in variable or reduced salinity muddy sands | Animal communities in variable or reduced salinity muddy sands |
A4.27 | Animal communities of circalittoral muddy sands | Animal communities of circalittoral muddy sands |
A4.28 | Communities of the muddy detritic bottom | Communities of the muddy detritic bottom |
A4.3 | Sublittoral muds | Sublittoral muds |
A4.31 | Shallow fully marine mud communities | Shallow fully marine mud communities |
A4.32 | Variable or reduced salinity sublittoral muds | Variable or reduced salinity sublittoral muds |
A4.33 | Communities of superficial muddy sands in sheltered waters | Communities of superficial muddy sands in sheltered waters |
A4.34 | Communities of coastal terrigenous muds | Communities of coastal terrigenous muds |
A4.35 | Periodically and permanently anoxic sublittoral muds | Periodically and permanently anoxic sublittoral muds |
A4.36 | Animal communities of circalittoral muds | Animal communities of circalittoral muds |
A4.4 | Sublittoral combination sediments | Sublittoral combination sediments |
A4.41 | Kelp and seaweeds on shallow-water mixed sediments | Kelp and seaweeds on shallow-water mixed sediments |
A4.42 | Animal communities in shallow-water mixed sediments | Animal communities in shallow-water mixed sediments |
A4.43 | Variable and reduced salinity sublittoral mixed sediments | Variable and reduced salinity sublittoral mixed sediments |
A4.44 | Animal communities of circalittoral mixed sediments | Animal communities of circalittoral mixed sediments |
A4.45 | Communities of the coastal detritic bottom | Communities of the coastal detritic bottom |
A4.5 | Shallow sublittoral sediments dominated by angiosperms | Shallow sublittoral sediments dominated by angiosperms |
A4.51 | [Cymodocea] beds | [Cymodocea] beds |
A4.52 | [Halophila] beds | [Halophila] beds |
A4.53 | [Zostera] beds in infralittoral sediments | [Zostera] beds in infralittoral sediments |
A4.54 | [Ruppia] and [Zannichellia] communities | [Ruppia] and [Zannichellia] communities |
A4.55 | Sublittoral macrophyte beds of coastal brackish waters | Sublittoral macrophyte beds of coastal brackish waters |
A4.56 | [Posidonia] beds | [Posidonia] beds |
A4.6 | Biogenic structures over sublittoral sediments | Biogenic structures over sublittoral sediments |
A4.61 | Seaweeds and maerl on coarse shallow-water sediments | Seaweeds and maerl on coarse shallow-water sediments |
A4.62 | Maerl beds on shallow-water muddy mixed sediments | Maerl beds on shallow-water muddy mixed sediments |
A4.63 | Oyster beds | Oyster beds |
A4.64 | Structures formed by mussels over sublittoral sediment | Structures formed by mussels over sublittoral sediment |
A4.65 | Maerl beds on deep-water muddy sediments | Maerl beds on deep-water muddy sediments |
A4.7 | Deep shelf sediment habitats | Deep shelf sediment habitats |
A4.71 | Animal communities of deep circalittoral gravel bottoms | Animal communities of deep circalittoral gravel bottoms |
A4.72 | Animal communities of deep circalittoral sandy bottoms | Animal communities of deep circalittoral sandy bottoms |
A4.73 | Animal communities of deep circalittoral shell gravel bottoms | Animal communities of deep circalittoral shell gravel bottoms |
A4.74 | Animal communities of deep circalittoral muddy bottoms | Animal communities of deep circalittoral muddy bottoms |
A4.75 | Animal communities of deep circalittoral mixed sediment bottoms | Animal communities of deep circalittoral mixed sediment bottoms |
A4.76 | Communities of shelf-edge detritic bottom | Communities of shelf-edge detritic bottom |
A4.8 | Seeps and vents in sublittoral sediments | Seeps and vents in sublittoral sediments |
A4.81 | Freshwater seeps in sublittoral sediments | Freshwater seeps in sublittoral sediments |
A4.82 | Methane seeps in sublittoral sediments | Methane seeps in sublittoral sediments |
A4.83 | Oil seeps in sublittoral sediments | Oil seeps in sublittoral sediments |
A4.84 | Vents in sublittoral sediments | Vents in sublittoral sediments |
A5 | Deep-sea bed | Deep-sea bed |
A5.1 | Deep-sea rock and artificial hard substrates | Deep-sea rock and artificial hard substrates |
A5.11 | Deep-sea bedrock | Deep-sea bedrock |
A5.12 | Deep-sea artificial hard substrates | Deep-sea artificial hard substrates |
A5.13 | Deep-sea manganese nodules | Deep-sea manganese nodules |
A5.14 | Boulders on the deep-sea bed | Boulders on the deep-sea bed |
A5.2 | Deep-sea combination substrates | Deep-sea combination substrates |
A5.21 | Deep-sea lag deposits | Deep-sea lag deposits |
A5.22 | Deep-sea biogenic gravels (shells, coral debris) | Deep-sea biogenic gravels (shells, coral debris) |
A5.23 | Deep-sea calcareous pavements | Deep-sea calcareous pavements |
A5.24 | Communities of allochthonous material | Communities of allochthonous material |
A5.3 | Deep-sea sand substrates | Deep-sea sand substrates |
A5.31 | Communities of bathyal detritic sands with [Grypheus vitreus] | Communities of bathyal detritic sands with [Grypheus vitreus] |
A5.4 | Deep-sea muddy sand substrates | Deep-sea muddy sand substrates |
A5.5 | Deep-sea muds | Deep-sea muds |
A5.51 | Abyssal hills | Abyssal hills |
A5.52 | Communities of bathyal muds | Communities of bathyal muds |
A5.53 | Communities of abyssal muds | Communities of abyssal muds |
A5.6 | Deep-sea bioherms | Deep-sea bioherms |
A5.61 | Deep-sea bioherm dominated by scleractinian coral framework | Deep-sea bioherm dominated by scleractinian coral framework |
A5.62 | Deep-sea bioherm dominated by Porifera | Deep-sea bioherm dominated by Porifera |
A5.63 | Communities of deep-sea corals | Communities of deep-sea corals |
A5.7 | Canyons, channels, slope failures and slumps on the continental slope | Canyons, channels, slope failures and slumps on the continental slope |
A5.71 | Active downslope channels | Active downslope channels |
A5.72 | Inactive downslope channels | Inactive downslope channels |
A5.73 | Alongslope channels | Alongslope channels |
A5.74 | Turbidites and fans | Turbidites and fans |
A5.8 | Deep-sea trenches | Deep-sea trenches |
A5.9 | Deep-sea reducing habitats | Deep-sea reducing habitats |
A5.91 | Seeps in the deep-sea bed | Seeps in the deep-sea bed |
A5.92 | Gas hydrates in deep-sea | Gas hydrates in deep-sea |
A5.93 | Cetacean and other carcasses on the deep-sea bed | Cetacean and other carcasses on the deep-sea bed |
A5.A | Deep-sea bed influenced by hypoxic water column | Deep-sea bed influenced by hypoxic water column |
A6 | Isolated 'oceanic' features: seamounts, ridges and the submerged flanks of oceanic islands | Isolated 'oceanic' features: seamounts, ridges and the submerged flanks of oceanic islands |
A6.1 | Permanently submerged flanks of oceanic islands | Permanently submerged flanks of oceanic islands |
A6.2 | Seamounts, knolls and banks | Seamounts, knolls and banks |
A6.21 | Summit communities of seamount, knoll or bank within euphotic zone | Summit communities of seamount, knoll or bank within euphotic zone |
A6.22 | Summit communities of seamount, knoll or bank within the mesopelagic zone, i.e. interacting with diurnally migrating plankton | Summit communities of seamount, knoll or bank within the mesopelagic zone, i.e. interacting with diurnally migrating plankton |
A6.23 | Deep summit communities of seamount, knoll or bank (i.e. below mesopelagic zone) | Deep summit communities of seamount, knoll or bank (i.e. below mesopelagic zone) |
A6.24 | Flanks of seamount, knoll or bank | Flanks of seamount, knoll or bank |
A6.25 | Base of seamount, knoll or bank | Base of seamount, knoll or bank |
A6.3 | Oceanic ridges | Oceanic ridges |
A6.31 | Communities of ridge flanks | Communities of ridge flanks |
A6.32 | Communities of ridge axial trough (i.e. non-vent fauna) | Communities of ridge axial trough (i.e. non-vent fauna) |
A6.33 | Oceanic ridge without hydrothermal effects | Oceanic ridge without hydrothermal effects |
A6.4 | Isolated ‘oceanic’ features influenced by hypoxic water column | Isolated ‘oceanic’ features influenced by hypoxic water column |
A6.5 | Vents in the deep sea | Vents in the deep sea |
A6.51 | Active vent fields | Active vent fields |
A6.52 | Inactive vent fields | Inactive vent fields |
A7 | Pelagic water column | Pelagic water column |
A7.1 | Neuston | Neuston |
A7.11 | Temporary neuston layer | Temporary neuston layer |
A7.12 | Permanent neuston layer | Permanent neuston layer |
A7.2 | Completely mixed water column with reduced salinity | Completely mixed water column with reduced salinity |
A7.21 | Completely mixed water column with reduced salinity and short residence time | Completely mixed water column with reduced salinity and short residence time |
A7.22 | Completely mixed water column with reduced salinity and medium residence time | Completely mixed water column with reduced salinity and medium residence time |
A7.23 | Completely mixed water column with reduced salinity and long residence time | Completely mixed water column with reduced salinity and long residence time |
A7.3 | Completely mixed water column with full salinity | Completely mixed water column with full salinity |
A7.31 | Completely mixed water column with full salinity and short residence time | Completely mixed water column with full salinity and short residence time |
A7.32 | Completely mixed water column with full salinity and medium residence time | Completely mixed water column with full salinity and medium residence time |
A7.33 | Completely mixed water column with full salinity and long residence time | Completely mixed water column with full salinity and long residence time |
A7.4 | Partially mixed water column with reduced salinity and medium or long residence time | Partially mixed water column with reduced salinity and medium or long residence time |
A7.41 | Partially mixed water column with reduced salinity and medium residence time | Partially mixed water column with reduced salinity and medium residence time |
A7.42 | Partially mixed water column with reduced salinity and long residence time | Partially mixed water column with reduced salinity and long residence time |
A7.5 | Unstratified water column with reduced salinity | Unstratified water column with reduced salinity |
A7.51 | Euphotic (epipelagic) zone in unstratified reduced salinity water | Euphotic (epipelagic) zone in unstratified reduced salinity water |
A7.52 | Mesopelagic zone in unstratified reduced salinity water | Mesopelagic zone in unstratified reduced salinity water |
A7.53 | Bathypelagic zone in unstratified reduced salinity water | Bathypelagic zone in unstratified reduced salinity water |
A7.54 | Abyssopelagic zone in unstratified reduced salinity water | Abyssopelagic zone in unstratified reduced salinity water |
A7.6 | Vertically stratified water column with reduced salinity | Vertically stratified water column with reduced salinity |
A7.61 | Water column with ephemeral thermal stratification and reduced salinity | Water column with ephemeral thermal stratification and reduced salinity |
A7.62 | Water column with seasonal thermal stratification and reduced salinity | Water column with seasonal thermal stratification and reduced salinity |
A7.63 | Water column with permanent thermal stratification and reduced salinity | Water column with permanent thermal stratification and reduced salinity |
A7.64 | Water column with ephemeral halocline and reduced salinity | Water column with ephemeral halocline and reduced salinity |
A7.65 | Water column with seasonal halocline and reduced salinity | Water column with seasonal halocline and reduced salinity |
A7.66 | Water column with permanent halocline and reduced salinity | Water column with permanent halocline and reduced salinity |
A7.67 | Water column with ephemeral oxygen stratification and reduced salinity | Water column with ephemeral oxygen stratification and reduced salinity |
A7.68 | Water column with seasonal oxygen stratification and reduced salinity | Water column with seasonal oxygen stratification and reduced salinity |
A7.69 | Water column with permanent oxygen stratification and reduced salinity | Water column with permanent oxygen stratification and reduced salinity |
A7.7 | Fronts in reduced salinity water column | Fronts in reduced salinity water column |
A7.71 | Ephemeral fronts in reduced salinity water column | Ephemeral fronts in reduced salinity water column |
A7.72 | Seasonal fronts in reduced salinity water column | Seasonal fronts in reduced salinity water column |
A7.73 | Persistent fronts in reduced salinity water column | Persistent fronts in reduced salinity water column |
A7.8 | Unstratified water column with full salinity | Unstratified water column with full salinity |
A7.81 | Euphotic (epipelagic) zone in unstratified full salinity water | Euphotic (epipelagic) zone in unstratified full salinity water |
A7.82 | Mesopelagic zone in unstratified full salinity water | Mesopelagic zone in unstratified full salinity water |
A7.83 | Bathypelagic zone in unstratified full salinity water | Bathypelagic zone in unstratified full salinity water |
A7.84 | Abyssopelagic zone in unstratified full salinity water | Abyssopelagic zone in unstratified full salinity water |
A7.9 | Vertically stratified water column with full salinity | Vertically stratified water column with full salinity |
A7.91 | Water column with ephemeral thermal stratification and full salinity | Water column with ephemeral thermal stratification and full salinity |
A7.92 | Water column with seasonal thermal stratification and full salinity | Water column with seasonal thermal stratification and full salinity |
A7.93 | Water column with permanent thermal stratification and full salinity | Water column with permanent thermal stratification and full salinity |
A7.94 | Water column with ephemeral halocline and full salinity | Water column with ephemeral halocline and full salinity |
A7.95 | Water column with seasonal halocline and full salinity | Water column with seasonal halocline and full salinity |
A7.96 | Water column with permanent halocline and full salinity | Water column with permanent halocline and full salinity |
A7.97 | Water column with ephemeral oxygen stratification and full salinity | Water column with ephemeral oxygen stratification and full salinity |
A7.98 | Water column with seasonal oxygen stratification and full salinity | Water column with seasonal oxygen stratification and full salinity |
A7.99 | Water column with permanent oxygen stratification and full salinity | Water column with permanent oxygen stratification and full salinity |
A7.A | Fronts in full salinity water column | Fronts in full salinity water column |
A7.A1 | Ephemeral fronts in full salinity water column | Ephemeral fronts in full salinity water column |
A7.A2 | Seasonal fronts in full salinity water column | Seasonal fronts in full salinity water column |
A7.A3 | Persistent fronts in full salinity water column | Persistent fronts in full salinity water column |
A8 | Ice-associated marine habitats | Ice-associated marine habitats |
A8.1 | Sea ice | Sea ice |
A8.11 | Seasonal pack-ice | Seasonal pack-ice |
A8.12 | Permanent pack-ice | Permanent pack-ice |
A8.13 | Ice floes | Ice floes |
A8.2 | Freshwater ice | Freshwater ice |
A8.21 | Large tabular iceberg | Large tabular iceberg |
A8.22 | Medium iceberg | Medium iceberg |
A8.23 | Small iceberg | Small iceberg |
A8.24 | Bergy bit | Bergy bit |
A8.25 | Growler | Growler |
A8.3 | Brine channels | Brine channels |
A8.31 | Brine channels in first year ice | Brine channels in first year ice |
A8.32 | Brine channels in multi-year ice | Brine channels in multi-year ice |
A8.4 | Under-ice habitat | Under-ice habitat |
A8.41 | Under-ice habitat in first-year ice | Under-ice habitat in first-year ice |
A8.42 | Under-ice habitat in multi-year ice | Under-ice habitat in multi-year ice |
B | Coastal habitats | Coastal habitats |
B1 | Coastal dune and sand habitats | Coastal dune and sand habitats |
B1.1 | Angiosperm communities of sand beach driftlines | Angiosperm communities of sand beach driftlines |
B1.11 | Boreo-Arctic sand beach annual communities | Boreo-Arctic sand beach annual communities |
B1.12 | Middle European sand beach annual communities | Middle European sand beach annual communities |
B1.13 | Tethyan sand beach driftline communities | Tethyan sand beach driftline communities |
B1.2 | Sand beaches above the driftline | Sand beaches above the driftline |
B1.21 | Unvegetated sand beaches above the driftline | Unvegetated sand beaches above the driftline |
B1.22 | Biocenosis of supralittoral sands | Biocenosis of supralittoral sands |
B1.23 | Boreo-arctic sand beach perennial communities | Boreo-arctic sand beach perennial communities |
B1.24 | Sandy beach ridges with no or low vegetation | Sandy beach ridges with no or low vegetation |
B1.25 | Sandy beach ridges dominated by shrubs or trees | Sandy beach ridges dominated by shrubs or trees |
B1.3 | Shifting coastal dunes | Shifting coastal dunes |
B1.31 | Embryonic shifting dunes | Embryonic shifting dunes |
B1.32 | White dunes | White dunes |
B1.33 | Young boreo-arctic dunes | Young boreo-arctic dunes |
B1.4 | Coastal stable dune grassland (grey dunes) | Coastal stable dune grassland (grey dunes) |
B1.41 | Northern fixed grey dunes | Northern fixed grey dunes |
B1.42 | Biscay fixed grey dunes | Biscay fixed grey dunes |
B1.43 | Mediterraneo-Atlantic fixed grey dunes | Mediterraneo-Atlantic fixed grey dunes |
B1.44 | East Mediterranean fixed grey dunes | East Mediterranean fixed grey dunes |
B1.45 | Atlantic dune [Mesobromion] grassland | Atlantic dune [Mesobromion] grassland |
B1.46 | Atlantic dune thermophile fringes | Atlantic dune thermophile fringes |
B1.47 | Dune fine-grass annual communities | Dune fine-grass annual communities |
B1.48 | Tethyan dune deep sand therophyte communities | Tethyan dune deep sand therophyte communities |
B1.49 | Dune Mediterranean xeric grassland | Dune Mediterranean xeric grassland |
B1.5 | Coastal dune heaths | Coastal dune heaths |
B1.51 | [Empetrum] brown dunes | [Empetrum] brown dunes |
B1.52 | [Calluna vulgaris] brown dunes | [Calluna vulgaris] brown dunes |
B1.6 | Coastal dune scrub | Coastal dune scrub |
B1.61 | Coastal dune thickets | Coastal dune thickets |
B1.62 | [Salix arenaria] mats | [Salix arenaria] mats |
B1.63 | Dune [Juniperus] thickets | Dune [Juniperus] thickets |
B1.64 | Dune sclerophyllous scrubs and thickets | Dune sclerophyllous scrubs and thickets |
B1.7 | Coastal dune woods | Coastal dune woods |
B1.71 | Coastal brown dunes covered with natural or almost natural coniferous forest, e.g. [Pinus silvestris] | Coastal brown dunes covered with natural or almost natural coniferous forest, e.g. [Pinus silvestris] |
B1.72 | Coastal brown dunes covered with deciduous forest ([Fagus], [Betula], [Quercus]) | Coastal brown dunes covered with deciduous forest ([Fagus], [Betula], [Quercus]) |
B1.8 | Moist and wet dune slacks | Moist and wet dune slacks |
B1.81 | Dune-slack pioneer swards | Dune-slack pioneer swards |
B1.82 | Dune-slack fens | Dune-slack fens |
B1.83 | Dune-slack grassland and heaths | Dune-slack grassland and heaths |
B1.84 | Dune-slack reedbeds, sedgebeds and canebeds | Dune-slack reedbeds, sedgebeds and canebeds |
B1.85 | Coastal dunes: wet dune slacks: dominated by shrubs or trees | Coastal dunes: wet dune slacks: dominated by shrubs or trees |
B1.9 | Machair | Machair |
B2 | Coastal shingle habitats | Coastal shingle habitats |
B2.1 | Shingle beach driftline habitats | Shingle beach driftline habitats |
B2.11 | Boreo-arctic gravel beach annual communities | Boreo-arctic gravel beach annual communities |
B2.12 | Atlantic and Baltic shingle beach drift lines | Atlantic and Baltic shingle beach drift lines |
B2.13 | Gravel beach communities of the mediterranean region | Gravel beach communities of the mediterranean region |
B2.14 | Biocenosis of slowly drying wracks | Biocenosis of slowly drying wracks |
B2.2 | Unvegetated mobile shingle beaches above the driftline | Unvegetated mobile shingle beaches above the driftline |
B2.3 | Upper shingle beaches with open vegetation | Upper shingle beaches with open vegetation |
B2.31 | Baltic [Crambe maritima] communities | Baltic [Crambe maritima] communities |
B2.32 | Channel [Crambe maritima] communities | Channel [Crambe maritima] communities |
B2.33 | Atlantic [Crambe maritima] communities | Atlantic [Crambe maritima] communities |
B2.4 | Fixed shingle beaches, with herbaceous vegetation | Fixed shingle beaches, with herbaceous vegetation |
B2.41 | Euro-Siberian gravel bank grasslands | Euro-Siberian gravel bank grasslands |
B2.5 | Shingle and gravel beaches with scrub vegetation | Shingle and gravel beaches with scrub vegetation |
B2.51 | Euro-Siberian gravel bank heaths | Euro-Siberian gravel bank heaths |
B2.6 | Shingle and gravel beach woodland | Shingle and gravel beach woodland |
B3 | Rock cliffs, ledges and shores, including the supralittoral | Rock cliffs, ledges and shores, including the supralittoral |
B3.1 | Supralittoral rock (lichen or splash zone) | Supralittoral rock (lichen or splash zone) |
B3.11 | Lichens or algal crusts on supralittoral rocks | Lichens or algal crusts on supralittoral rocks |
B3.12 | Rock stacks and islets above high tide level | Rock stacks and islets above high tide level |
B3.2 | Unvegetated rock cliffs, ledges, shores and islets | Unvegetated rock cliffs, ledges, shores and islets |
B3.21 | High Arctic sea-cliffs and rocky shores | High Arctic sea-cliffs and rocky shores |
B3.22 | Atlantic low Arctic sea-cliffs and rocky shores | Atlantic low Arctic sea-cliffs and rocky shores |
B3.23 | Temperate Atlantic sea-cliffs and rocky shores | Temperate Atlantic sea-cliffs and rocky shores |
B3.24 | Unvegetated Baltic rocky shores and cliffs | Unvegetated Baltic rocky shores and cliffs |
B3.25 | Subtropical Atlantic sea-cliffs and rocky shores | Subtropical Atlantic sea-cliffs and rocky shores |
B3.26 | Mediterraneo-Pontic sea-cliffs and rocky shores | Mediterraneo-Pontic sea-cliffs and rocky shores |
B3.3 | Rock cliffs, ledges and shores, with halophytic angiosperms | Rock cliffs, ledges and shores, with halophytic angiosperms |
B3.31 | Atlantic sea-cliff communities | Atlantic sea-cliff communities |
B3.32 | Vegetated Baltic gently sloping rocky shores and cliffs | Vegetated Baltic gently sloping rocky shores and cliffs |
B3.33 | Tethyan sea-cliff communities | Tethyan sea-cliff communities |
B3.34 | Canarian and Madeiran sea-cliff communities | Canarian and Madeiran sea-cliff communities |
B3.35 | Azorean sea-cliff communities | Azorean sea-cliff communities |
B3.36 | Coastal lagoon cliff communities | Coastal lagoon cliff communities |
B3.4 | Soft sea-cliffs, often vegetated | Soft sea-cliffs, often vegetated |
B3.41 | Baltic chalk and moraine cliffs | Baltic chalk and moraine cliffs |
C | Inland surface water habitats | Inland surface water habitats |
C1 | Surface standing waters | Surface standing waters |
C1.1 | Permanent oligotrophic lakes, ponds and pools | Permanent oligotrophic lakes, ponds and pools |
C1.11 | Benthic communities of oligotrophic waterbodies | Benthic communities of oligotrophic waterbodies |
C1.12 | Rooted submerged vegetation of oligotrophic waterbodies | Rooted submerged vegetation of oligotrophic waterbodies |
C1.13 | Rooted floating vegetation of oligotrophic waterbodies | Rooted floating vegetation of oligotrophic waterbodies |
C1.14 | Charophyte submerged carpets in oligotrophic waterbodies | Charophyte submerged carpets in oligotrophic waterbodies |
C1.15 | Peatmoss and [Utricularia] communities of oligotrophic waterbodies | Peatmoss and [Utricularia] communities of oligotrophic waterbodies |
C1.16 | Dune-slack pools | Dune-slack pools |
C1.2 | Permanent mesotrophic lakes, ponds and pools | Permanent mesotrophic lakes, ponds and pools |
C1.21 | Benthic communities of mesotrophic waterbodies | Benthic communities of mesotrophic waterbodies |
C1.22 | Free-floating vegetation of mesotrophic waterbodies | Free-floating vegetation of mesotrophic waterbodies |
C1.23 | Rooted submerged vegetation of mesotrophic waterbodies | Rooted submerged vegetation of mesotrophic waterbodies |
C1.24 | Rooted floating vegetation of mesotrophic waterbodies | Rooted floating vegetation of mesotrophic waterbodies |
C1.25 | Charophyte submerged carpets in mesotrophic waterbodies | Charophyte submerged carpets in mesotrophic waterbodies |
C1.26 | Peatmoss and [Utricularia] communities of mesotrophic waterbodies | Peatmoss and [Utricularia] communities of mesotrophic waterbodies |
C1.3 | Permanent eutrophic lakes, ponds and pools | Permanent eutrophic lakes, ponds and pools |
C1.31 | Benthic communities of eutrophic waterbodies | Benthic communities of eutrophic waterbodies |
C1.32 | Free-floating vegetation of eutrophic waterbodies | Free-floating vegetation of eutrophic waterbodies |
C1.33 | Rooted submerged vegetation of eutrophic waterbodies | Rooted submerged vegetation of eutrophic waterbodies |
C1.34 | Rooted floating vegetation of eutrophic waterbodies | Rooted floating vegetation of eutrophic waterbodies |
C1.4 | Permanent dystrophic lakes, ponds and pools | Permanent dystrophic lakes, ponds and pools |
C1.41 | Benthic communities of dystrophic waterbodies | Benthic communities of dystrophic waterbodies |
C1.42 | Rooted submerged vegetation of dystrophic waterbodies | Rooted submerged vegetation of dystrophic waterbodies |
C1.43 | Rooted floating vegetation of dystrophic waterbodies | Rooted floating vegetation of dystrophic waterbodies |
C1.44 | Charophyte submerged carpets in dystrophic waterbodies | Charophyte submerged carpets in dystrophic waterbodies |
C1.45 | Peatmoss and [Utricularia] communities of dystrophic waterbodies | Peatmoss and [Utricularia] communities of dystrophic waterbodies |
C1.46 | Raised bog pools | Raised bog pools |
C1.47 | Lagg | Lagg |
C1.5 | Permanent inland saline and brackish lakes, ponds and pools | Permanent inland saline and brackish lakes, ponds and pools |
C1.51 | Salt basin benthic communities | Salt basin benthic communities |
C1.52 | Submerged charophyte carpets in inland saline or hypersaline waterbodies | Submerged charophyte carpets in inland saline or hypersaline waterbodies |
C1.53 | Brackish water floating vegetation | Brackish water floating vegetation |
C1.54 | Submerged macrophyte communities of inland saline and brackish waters | Submerged macrophyte communities of inland saline and brackish waters |
C1.6 | Temporary lakes, ponds and pools (wet phase) | Temporary lakes, ponds and pools (wet phase) |
C1.61 | Lime-deficient oligotrophic temporary waters | Lime-deficient oligotrophic temporary waters |
C1.62 | Mesotrophic temporary waters | Mesotrophic temporary waters |
C1.63 | Eutrophic temporary waters | Eutrophic temporary waters |
C1.64 | Dystrophic temporary waters | Dystrophic temporary waters |
C1.65 | Lime-rich oligo-mesotrophic temporary waters | Lime-rich oligo-mesotrophic temporary waters |
C1.66 | Temporary inland saline and brackish waters | Temporary inland saline and brackish waters |
C1.67 | Turlough and lake-bottom meadows | Turlough and lake-bottom meadows |
C1.68 | Benthic communities of temporary waters | Benthic communities of temporary waters |
C1.69 | Rooted floating vegetation of temporary waterbodies | Rooted floating vegetation of temporary waterbodies |
C1.7 | Permanent lake ice | Permanent lake ice |
C2 | Surface running waters | Surface running waters |
C2.1 | Springs, spring brooks and geysers | Springs, spring brooks and geysers |
C2.11 | Soft water springs | Soft water springs |
C2.12 | Hard water springs | Hard water springs |
C2.13 | Geysers | Geysers |
C2.14 | Thermal springs | Thermal springs |
C2.15 | Saline springs | Saline springs |
C2.16 | Crenal streams (spring brooks) | Crenal streams (spring brooks) |
C2.17 | Thermal spring brooks | Thermal spring brooks |
C2.18 | Acid oligotrophic vegetation of spring brooks | Acid oligotrophic vegetation of spring brooks |
C2.19 | Lime-rich oligotrophic vegetation of spring brooks | Lime-rich oligotrophic vegetation of spring brooks |
C2.1A | Mesotrophic vegetation of spring brooks | Mesotrophic vegetation of spring brooks |
C2.1B | Eutrophic vegetation of spring brooks | Eutrophic vegetation of spring brooks |
C2.2 | Permanent non-tidal, fast, turbulent watercourses | Permanent non-tidal, fast, turbulent watercourses |
C2.21 | Epirhithral and metarhithral streams | Epirhithral and metarhithral streams |
C2.22 | Hyporhithral streams | Hyporhithral streams |
C2.23 | Glacial meltwaters | Glacial meltwaters |
C2.24 | Waterfalls | Waterfalls |
C2.25 | Acid oligotrophic vegetation of fast-flowing streams | Acid oligotrophic vegetation of fast-flowing streams |
C2.26 | Lime-rich oligotrophic vegetation of fast-flowing streams | Lime-rich oligotrophic vegetation of fast-flowing streams |
C2.27 | Mesotrophic vegetation of fast-flowing streams | Mesotrophic vegetation of fast-flowing streams |
C2.28 | Eutrophic vegetation of fast-flowing streams | Eutrophic vegetation of fast-flowing streams |
C2.3 | Permanent non-tidal, slow, smooth-flowing watercourses | Permanent non-tidal, slow, smooth-flowing watercourses |
C2.31 | Epipotamal streams | Epipotamal streams |
C2.32 | Metapotamal and hypopotamal streams | Metapotamal and hypopotamal streams |
C2.33 | Mesotrophic vegetation of slow-flowing rivers | Mesotrophic vegetation of slow-flowing rivers |
C2.34 | Eutrophic vegetation of slow-flowing rivers | Eutrophic vegetation of slow-flowing rivers |
C2.4 | Tidal rivers, upstream from the estuary | Tidal rivers, upstream from the estuary |
C2.41 | Brackish water tidal rivers | Brackish water tidal rivers |
C2.42 | Freshwater tidal rivers | Freshwater tidal rivers |
C2.43 | Mesotrophic vegetation of tidal rivers | Mesotrophic vegetation of tidal rivers |
C2.44 | Eutrophic vegetation of tidal rivers | Eutrophic vegetation of tidal rivers |
C2.5 | Temporary running waters (wet phase) | Temporary running waters (wet phase) |
C2.6 | Films of water flowing over rocky watercourse margins | Films of water flowing over rocky watercourse margins |
C3 | Littoral zone of inland surface waterbodies | Littoral zone of inland surface waterbodies |
C3.1 | Species-rich helophyte beds | Species-rich helophyte beds |
C3.11 | Beds of small helophytes of fast-flowing waters | Beds of small helophytes of fast-flowing waters |
C3.2 | Water-fringing reedbeds and tall helophytes other than canes | Water-fringing reedbeds and tall helophytes other than canes |
C3.21 | [Phragmites australis] beds | [Phragmites australis] beds |
C3.22 | [Scirpus lacustris] beds | [Scirpus lacustris] beds |
C3.23 | [Typha] beds | [Typha] beds |
C3.24 | Medium-tall non-graminoid waterside communities | Medium-tall non-graminoid waterside communities |
C3.25 | Water-fringe medium-tall grass beds | Water-fringe medium-tall grass beds |
C3.26 | [Phalaris arundinacea] beds | [Phalaris arundinacea] beds |
C3.27 | Halophile [Scirpus] beds | Halophile [Scirpus] beds |
C3.28 | Riparian [Cladium mariscus] beds | Riparian [Cladium mariscus] beds |
C3.3 | Water-fringing beds of tall canes | Water-fringing beds of tall canes |
C3.31 | [Saccharum ravennae] communities | [Saccharum ravennae] communities |
C3.32 | [Arundo donax] beds | [Arundo donax] beds |
C3.4 | Species-poor beds of low-growing water-fringing or amphibious vegetation | Species-poor beds of low-growing water-fringing or amphibious vegetation |
C3.41 | Euro-Siberian perennial amphibious communities | Euro-Siberian perennial amphibious communities |
C3.42 | Mediterraneo-Atlantic amphibious communities | Mediterraneo-Atlantic amphibious communities |
C3.43 | Central Eurasian amphibious communities | Central Eurasian amphibious communities |
C3.44 | [Eleocharis parvula] and [Eleocharis acicularis] beds of inland saline and brackish waters | [Eleocharis parvula] and [Eleocharis acicularis] beds of inland saline and brackish waters |
C3.45 | [Nasturtium officinale] ([Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum]) beds | [Nasturtium officinale] ([Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum]) beds |
C3.5 | Pioneer and ephemeral vegetation of periodically inundated shores | Pioneer and ephemeral vegetation of periodically inundated shores |
C3.51 | Euro-Siberian dwarf annual amphibious swards | Euro-Siberian dwarf annual amphibious swards |
C3.52 | [Bidens] communities (of lake and pond shores) | [Bidens] communities (of lake and pond shores) |
C3.53 | Euro-Siberian annual river mud communities | Euro-Siberian annual river mud communities |
C3.54 | Boreo-arctic river mud communities | Boreo-arctic river mud communities |
C3.55 | Sparsely vegetated river gravel banks | Sparsely vegetated river gravel banks |
C3.6 | Unvegetated or sparsely vegetated shores with soft or mobile sediments | Unvegetated or sparsely vegetated shores with soft or mobile sediments |
C3.61 | Unvegetated river sand banks | Unvegetated river sand banks |
C3.62 | Unvegetated river gravel banks | Unvegetated river gravel banks |
C3.63 | Unvegetated river mud banks | Unvegetated river mud banks |
C3.64 | Exposed unvegetated freshwater lake sands and shingles | Exposed unvegetated freshwater lake sands and shingles |
C3.65 | Exposed unvegetated freshwater lake muds | Exposed unvegetated freshwater lake muds |
C3.66 | Exposed unvegetated beaches of inland saline and brackish waters with soft sediments | Exposed unvegetated beaches of inland saline and brackish waters with soft sediments |
C3.7 | Unvegetated or sparsely vegetated shores with non-mobile substrates | Unvegetated or sparsely vegetated shores with non-mobile substrates |
C3.71 | Periodically exposed river-bed rocks, pavements and blocks | Periodically exposed river-bed rocks, pavements and blocks |
C3.72 | Periodically exposed lake-bed rocks, pavements and blocks | Periodically exposed lake-bed rocks, pavements and blocks |
C3.73 | Draw-down zones of reservoirs with non-mobile substrates | Draw-down zones of reservoirs with non-mobile substrates |
C3.8 | Inland spray- and steam-dependent habitats | Inland spray- and steam-dependent habitats |
D | Mire, bog and fen habitats | Mire, bog and fen habitats |
D1 | Raised and blanket bogs | Raised and blanket bogs |
D1.1 | Raised bogs | Raised bogs |
D1.11 | Active, relatively undamaged raised bogs | Active, relatively undamaged raised bogs |
D1.12 | Damaged, inactive bogs | Damaged, inactive bogs |
D1.13 | Condensation mires | Condensation mires |
D1.14 | [Myrica gale] scrub on raised bogs | [Myrica gale] scrub on raised bogs |
D1.15 | Wet bare peat and peat haggs on raised bogs | Wet bare peat and peat haggs on raised bogs |
D1.2 | Blanket bogs | Blanket bogs |
D1.21 | Hyperoceanic low-altitude blanket bogs, typically with dominant [Trichophorum] | Hyperoceanic low-altitude blanket bogs, typically with dominant [Trichophorum] |
D1.22 | Montane blanket bogs, [Calluna] and [Eriophorum vaginatum] often dominant | Montane blanket bogs, [Calluna] and [Eriophorum vaginatum] often dominant |
D1.23 | Boreo-Atlantic blanket bogs | Boreo-Atlantic blanket bogs |
D1.24 | Wet bare peat and peat haggs on blanket bogs | Wet bare peat and peat haggs on blanket bogs |
D2 | Valley mires, poor fens and transition mires | Valley mires, poor fens and transition mires |
D2.1 | Valley mires | Valley mires |
D2.11 | Acid valley mires | Acid valley mires |
D2.12 | Basic and neutral valley mires | Basic and neutral valley mires |
D2.2 | Poor fens | Poor fens |
D2.21 | [Eriophorum scheuchzeri] fens | [Eriophorum scheuchzeri] fens |
D2.22 | [Carex nigra], [Carex canescens], [Carex echinata] fens | [Carex nigra], [Carex canescens], [Carex echinata] fens |
D2.23 | Apennine acidic fens | Apennine acidic fens |
D2.24 | [Carex intricata] pozzines (wet depressions surrounding glacial lakes) | [Carex intricata] pozzines (wet depressions surrounding glacial lakes) |
D2.25 | [Trichophorum cespitosum] and [Narthecium ossifragum] acidic fens | [Trichophorum cespitosum] and [Narthecium ossifragum] acidic fens |
D2.26 | [Eriophorum angustifolium] fens | [Eriophorum angustifolium] fens |
D2.27 | Dunal sedge acidic fens | Dunal sedge acidic fens |
D2.28 | Illyrio-Moesian acidic fens | Illyrio-Moesian acidic fens |
D2.29 | Boreal acidic sphagnum fens | Boreal acidic sphagnum fens |
D2.2A | [Myrica gale] scrub on poor fens | [Myrica gale] scrub on poor fens |
D2.2B | Caucasian acidic fens | Caucasian acidic fens |
D2.2C | Soft water spring mires | Soft water spring mires |
D2.3 | Transition mires and quaking bogs | Transition mires and quaking bogs |
D2.31 | [Carex lasiocarpa] swards | [Carex lasiocarpa] swards |
D2.32 | [Carex diandra] quaking mires | [Carex diandra] quaking mires |
D2.33 | [Carex rostrata] quaking mires | [Carex rostrata] quaking mires |
D2.34 | [Carex limosa] swards | [Carex limosa] swards |
D2.35 | [Carex chordorrhiza] swards | [Carex chordorrhiza] swards |
D2.36 | [Carex heleonastes] swards | [Carex heleonastes] swards |
D2.37 | [Rhynchospora alba] quaking bogs | [Rhynchospora alba] quaking bogs |
D2.38 | [Sphagnum] and [Eriophorum] rafts | [Sphagnum] and [Eriophorum] rafts |
D2.39 | [Menyanthes trifoliata] and [Potentilla palustris] rafts | [Menyanthes trifoliata] and [Potentilla palustris] rafts |
D2.3A | [Calla palustris] mires | [Calla palustris] mires |
D2.3B | Brown moss carpets | Brown moss carpets |
D2.3C | [Eriophorum vaginatum] quaking bogs | [Eriophorum vaginatum] quaking bogs |
D2.3D | [Molinia caerulea] quaking bogs | [Molinia caerulea] quaking bogs |
D2.3E | [Calamagrostis stricta] quaking bogs | [Calamagrostis stricta] quaking bogs |
D2.3F | [Scirpus hudsonianus] ([Trichophorum alpinum]) quaking bogs | [Scirpus hudsonianus] ([Trichophorum alpinum]) quaking bogs |
D2.3G | Iberian quaking bogs | Iberian quaking bogs |
D2.3H | Wet, open, acid peat and sand, with [Rhynchospora alba] and [Drosera] | Wet, open, acid peat and sand, with [Rhynchospora alba] and [Drosera] |
D3 | Aapa, palsa and polygon mires | Aapa, palsa and polygon mires |
D3.1 | Palsa mires | Palsa mires |
D3.11 | Palsa mounds | Palsa mounds |
D3.12 | [Sphagnum fuscum] pounikko hummocks | [Sphagnum fuscum] pounikko hummocks |
D3.13 | Palsa mire flarks | Palsa mire flarks |
D3.2 | Aapa mires | Aapa mires |
D3.21 | Aapa strings | Aapa strings |
D3.22 | Aapa flarks | Aapa flarks |
D3.3 | Polygon mires | Polygon mires |
D3.31 | Polygon mire ridges | Polygon mire ridges |
D3.32 | Polygon mire hollows | Polygon mire hollows |
D4 | Base-rich fens | Base-rich fens |
D4.1 | Rich fens, including eutrophic tall-herb fens and calcareous flushes and soaks | Rich fens, including eutrophic tall-herb fens and calcareous flushes and soaks |
D4.11 | [Schoenus nigricans] fens | [Schoenus nigricans] fens |
D4.12 | [Schoenus ferrugineus] fens | [Schoenus ferrugineus] fens |
D4.13 | Subcontinental [Carex davalliana] fens | Subcontinental [Carex davalliana] fens |
D4.14 | Pyrenean [Carex davalliana] fens | Pyrenean [Carex davalliana] fens |
D4.15 | [Carex dioica], [Carex pulicaris] and [Carex flava] fens | [Carex dioica], [Carex pulicaris] and [Carex flava] fens |
D4.16 | [Carex nigra] alkaline fens | [Carex nigra] alkaline fens |
D4.17 | [Carex saxatilis] fens | [Carex saxatilis] fens |
D4.18 | [Carex frigida] fens | [Carex frigida] fens |
D4.19 | British [Carex demissa] - [Saxifraga aizoides] flushes | British [Carex demissa] - [Saxifraga aizoides] flushes |
D4.1A | [Eleocharis quinqueflora] fens | [Eleocharis quinqueflora] fens |
D4.1B | Mediterraneo-Turanian small sedge fens | Mediterraneo-Turanian small sedge fens |
D4.1C | [Carex rostrata] alkaline fens | [Carex rostrata] alkaline fens |
D4.1D | [Scirpus hudsonianus] ([Trichophorum alpinum]) alkaline fens | [Scirpus hudsonianus] ([Trichophorum alpinum]) alkaline fens |
D4.1E | [Trichophorum cespitosum] alkaline fens | [Trichophorum cespitosum] alkaline fens |
D4.1F | Middle European [Blysmus compressus] fens | Middle European [Blysmus compressus] fens |
D4.1G | Small herb alkaline fens | Small herb alkaline fens |
D4.1H | Calcareous dunal [Juncus] - sedge fens | Calcareous dunal [Juncus] - sedge fens |
D4.1I | Tall herb fens | Tall herb fens |
D4.1J | Icelandic [Carex bigelowii] fens | Icelandic [Carex bigelowii] fens |
D4.1K | [Sesleria caerulea] fens | [Sesleria caerulea] fens |
D4.1L | Icelandic [Equisetum palustre] fens | Icelandic [Equisetum palustre] fens |
D4.1M | [Myrica gale] scrub on rich fens | [Myrica gale] scrub on rich fens |
D4.1N | Hard water spring mires | Hard water spring mires |
D4.2 | Basic mountain flushes and streamsides, with a rich arctic-montane flora | Basic mountain flushes and streamsides, with a rich arctic-montane flora |
D4.21 | Arctoalpine [Kobresia simpliciuscula] and [Carex microglochin] swards | Arctoalpine [Kobresia simpliciuscula] and [Carex microglochin] swards |
D4.22 | Alpine riverine [Carex maritima] ([Carex incurva]) swards | Alpine riverine [Carex maritima] ([Carex incurva]) swards |
D4.23 | Arctoalpine riverine [Equisetum], [Typha] and [Juncus] swards | Arctoalpine riverine [Equisetum], [Typha] and [Juncus] swards |
D4.24 | British mica flushes | British mica flushes |
D4.25 | Boreal [Carex atrofusca] swards | Boreal [Carex atrofusca] swards |
D4.26 | Boreal marsh-fens | Boreal marsh-fens |
D5 | Sedge and reedbeds, normally without free-standing water | Sedge and reedbeds, normally without free-standing water |
D5.1 | Reedbeds normally without free-standing water | Reedbeds normally without free-standing water |
D5.11 | [Phragmites australis] beds normally without free-standing water | [Phragmites australis] beds normally without free-standing water |
D5.12 | [Scirpus lacustris] beds normally without free-standing water | [Scirpus lacustris] beds normally without free-standing water |
D5.13 | [Typha] beds normally without free-standing water | [Typha] beds normally without free-standing water |
D5.2 | Beds of large sedges normally without free-standing water | Beds of large sedges normally without free-standing water |
D5.21 | Beds of large [Carex] spp. | Beds of large [Carex] spp. |
D5.22 | Tall [Cyperus] beds, other than [Cyperus papyrus] | Tall [Cyperus] beds, other than [Cyperus papyrus] |
D5.23 | [Cyperus papyrus] swamps | [Cyperus papyrus] swamps |
D5.24 | Fen [Cladium mariscus] beds | Fen [Cladium mariscus] beds |
D5.25 | Valencia [Cladium] islands | Valencia [Cladium] islands |
D5.3 | Swamps and marshes dominated by [Juncus effusus] or other large [Juncus] spp. | Swamps and marshes dominated by [Juncus effusus] or other large [Juncus] spp. |
D6 | Inland saline and brackish marshes and reedbeds | Inland saline and brackish marshes and reedbeds |
D6.1 | Inland saltmarshes | Inland saltmarshes |
D6.11 | Interior European [Puccinellia distans] meadows | Interior European [Puccinellia distans] meadows |
D6.12 | Interior European saltmarsh [Juncus gerardi] and [Elymus repens] beds | Interior European saltmarsh [Juncus gerardi] and [Elymus repens] beds |
D6.13 | Interior European [Halimione pedunculata] beds | Interior European [Halimione pedunculata] beds |
D6.14 | Swards of Carpathian travertine concretions | Swards of Carpathian travertine concretions |
D6.15 | Interior Iberian [Microcnemum] and [Salicornia] swards | Interior Iberian [Microcnemum] and [Salicornia] swards |
D6.16 | Interior central European and Anatolian [Salicornia], [Microcnemum], [Suaeda] and [Salsola] swards | Interior central European and Anatolian [Salicornia], [Microcnemum], [Suaeda] and [Salsola] swards |
D6.2 | Inland saline or brackish species-poor helophyte beds normally without free-standing water | Inland saline or brackish species-poor helophyte beds normally without free-standing water |
D6.21 | Dry halophile [Phragmites] beds | Dry halophile [Phragmites] beds |
D6.22 | [Cyperus laevigatus] beds | [Cyperus laevigatus] beds |
D6.23 | Interior Iberian salt pan meadows | Interior Iberian salt pan meadows |
E | Grassland and tall forb habitats | Grassland and tall forb habitats |
E1 | Dry grasslands | Dry grasslands |
E1.1 | Open thermophile pioneer vegetation of sandy or detritic ground | Open thermophile pioneer vegetation of sandy or detritic ground |
E1.11 | Euro-Siberian rock debris swards | Euro-Siberian rock debris swards |
E1.12 | Euro-Siberian pioneer calcareous sand swards | Euro-Siberian pioneer calcareous sand swards |
E1.2 | Perennial calcareous grassland and basic steppes | Perennial calcareous grassland and basic steppes |
E1.21 | Helleno-Balkanic [Satureja montana] steppes | Helleno-Balkanic [Satureja montana] steppes |
E1.22 | Arid subcontinental steppic grassland ([Festucion valesiacae]) | Arid subcontinental steppic grassland ([Festucion valesiacae]) |
E1.23 | Meso-xerophile subcontinental meadow-steppes ([Cirsio-Brachypodion]) | Meso-xerophile subcontinental meadow-steppes ([Cirsio-Brachypodion]) |
E1.24 | Central alpine arid grassland ([Stipo-Poion]) | Central alpine arid grassland ([Stipo-Poion]) |
E1.25 | Alvar steppes | Alvar steppes |
E1.26 | Sub-Atlantic semi-dry calcareous grassland | Sub-Atlantic semi-dry calcareous grassland |
E1.27 | Sub-Atlantic very dry calcareous grassland | Sub-Atlantic very dry calcareous grassland |
E1.28 | Central European calcaro-siliceous grassland | Central European calcaro-siliceous grassland |
E1.29 | [Festuca pallens] grassland | [Festuca pallens] grassland |
E1.2A | [Brachypodium phoenicoides] swards | [Brachypodium phoenicoides] swards |
E1.2B | Serpentine steppes | Serpentine steppes |
E1.2C | Pannonic loess steppic grassland | Pannonic loess steppic grassland |
E1.2D | Ponto-Sarmatic steppes | Ponto-Sarmatic steppes |
E1.2E | Irano-Anatolian steppes | Irano-Anatolian steppes |
E1.2F | Pannonic sand steppes | Pannonic sand steppes |
E1.2G | Ponto-Sarmatic sand steppes | Ponto-Sarmatic sand steppes |
E1.2H | Irano-Anatolian sand steppes | Irano-Anatolian sand steppes |
E1.3 | Mediterranean xeric grassland | Mediterranean xeric grassland |
E1.31 | West Mediterranean xeric grassland | West Mediterranean xeric grassland |
E1.32 | South-western Mediterranean perennial pastures | South-western Mediterranean perennial pastures |
E1.33 | East Mediterranean xeric grassland | East Mediterranean xeric grassland |
E1.4 | Mediterranean tall-grass and [Artemisia] steppes | Mediterranean tall-grass and [Artemisia] steppes |
E1.41 | [Stipa tenacissima] steppes | [Stipa tenacissima] steppes |
E1.42 | [Lygeum spartum] steppes | [Lygeum spartum] steppes |
E1.43 | Mediterranean steppes dominated by tall grasses other than [Stipa tenacissima] or [Lygeum spartum] | Mediterranean steppes dominated by tall grasses other than [Stipa tenacissima] or [Lygeum spartum] |
E1.44 | Cane steppes | Cane steppes |
E1.45 | Sub-Mediterranean [Artemisia] steppes | Sub-Mediterranean [Artemisia] steppes |
E1.5 | Mediterraneo-montane grassland | Mediterraneo-montane grassland |
E1.51 | Mediterraneo-montane steppes | Mediterraneo-montane steppes |
E1.52 | [Aphyllanthes] grassland and supra-Mediterranean steppes | [Aphyllanthes] grassland and supra-Mediterranean steppes |
E1.53 | Iberian [Festuca] frost-influenced grassland | Iberian [Festuca] frost-influenced grassland |
E1.54 | Central and southern Apennine dry grassland | Central and southern Apennine dry grassland |
E1.55 | Eastern sub-Mediterranean dry grassland | Eastern sub-Mediterranean dry grassland |
E1.6 | Subnitrophilous grassland | Subnitrophilous grassland |
E1.61 | Mediterranean subnitrophilous grass communities | Mediterranean subnitrophilous grass communities |
E1.62 | Meseta subnitrophilous crucifer communities | Meseta subnitrophilous crucifer communities |
E1.63 | Iberian south-eastern subnitrophilous herb communities | Iberian south-eastern subnitrophilous herb communities |
E1.64 | Eastern Mediterranean subnitrophilous herb communities | Eastern Mediterranean subnitrophilous herb communities |
E1.65 | Non-Mediterranean subnitrophilous grassland | Non-Mediterranean subnitrophilous grassland |
E1.7 | Non-Mediterranean dry acid and neutral closed grassland | Non-Mediterranean dry acid and neutral closed grassland |
E1.71 | [Nardus stricta] swards | [Nardus stricta] swards |
E1.72 | [Agrostis] - [Festuca] grassland | [Agrostis] - [Festuca] grassland |
E1.73 | [Deschampsia flexuosa] grassland | [Deschampsia flexuosa] grassland |
E1.74 | [Calamagrostis epigejos] stands | [Calamagrostis epigejos] stands |
E1.75 | [Carex arenaria] grassland | [Carex arenaria] grassland |
E1.8 | Mediterranean dry acid and neutral closed grassland | Mediterranean dry acid and neutral closed grassland |
E1.81 | Mediterranean therophytic siliceous grassland | Mediterranean therophytic siliceous grassland |
E1.82 | Iberian [Festuca elegans] grassland | Iberian [Festuca elegans] grassland |
E1.83 | Mediterraneo-montane [Nardus stricta] swards | Mediterraneo-montane [Nardus stricta] swards |
E1.9 | Non-Mediterranean dry acid and neutral open grassland, including inland dune grassland | Non-Mediterranean dry acid and neutral open grassland, including inland dune grassland |
E1.91 | Dwarf annual siliceous grassland | Dwarf annual siliceous grassland |
E1.92 | Perennial open siliceous grassland | Perennial open siliceous grassland |
E1.93 | [Corynephorus] grassland | [Corynephorus] grassland |
E1.94 | Inland dune pioneer grassland | Inland dune pioneer grassland |
E1.95 | Inland dune siliceous grassland | Inland dune siliceous grassland |
E1.96 | Northern fluviatile dunes | Northern fluviatile dunes |
E1.97 | Southern fluviatile dunes | Southern fluviatile dunes |
E1.98 | Breckland inland dunes | Breckland inland dunes |
E1.99 | Rhône riverine dunes | Rhône riverine dunes |
E1.9A | Southern Iberian inland dunes | Southern Iberian inland dunes |
E1.9B | Pannonic inland dunes | Pannonic inland dunes |
E1.9C | Pontic inland dunes | Pontic inland dunes |
E1.9D | Standing stone inland dunes | Standing stone inland dunes |
E1.9E | Irano-Anatolian inland dunes | Irano-Anatolian inland dunes |
E1.A | Mediterranean dry acid and neutral open grassland | Mediterranean dry acid and neutral open grassland |
E1.A1 | Mediterranean annual deep-sand communities | Mediterranean annual deep-sand communities |
E1.A2 | Supramediterranean perennial siliceous grasslands | Supramediterranean perennial siliceous grasslands |
E1.B | Heavy-metal grassland | Heavy-metal grassland |
E1.B1 | Atlantic heavy-metal grassland | Atlantic heavy-metal grassland |
E1.B2 | Calaminarian grassland | Calaminarian grassland |
E1.B3 | Central European heavy-metal grassland | Central European heavy-metal grassland |
E1.B4 | Calaminarian [Silene vulgaris] grassland | Calaminarian [Silene vulgaris] grassland |
E1.B5 | Alpine heavy-metal grassland | Alpine heavy-metal grassland |
E2 | Mesic grasslands | Mesic grasslands |
E2.1 | Permanent mesotrophic pastures and aftermath-grazed meadows | Permanent mesotrophic pastures and aftermath-grazed meadows |
E2.11 | Unbroken pastures | Unbroken pastures |
E2.12 | Ditch-broken pastures | Ditch-broken pastures |
E2.13 | Abandoned pastures | Abandoned pastures |
E2.14 | Species-rich lowland flood meadows | Species-rich lowland flood meadows |
E2.15 | Macaronesian mesic grassland | Macaronesian mesic grassland |
E2.2 | Low and medium altitude hay meadows | Low and medium altitude hay meadows |
E2.21 | Atlantic hay meadows | Atlantic hay meadows |
E2.22 | Sub-Atlantic lowland hay meadows | Sub-Atlantic lowland hay meadows |
E2.23 | Medio-European submontane hay meadows | Medio-European submontane hay meadows |
E2.24 | Boreal and sub-boreal meadows | Boreal and sub-boreal meadows |
E2.25 | Continental meadows | Continental meadows |
E2.3 | Mountain hay meadows | Mountain hay meadows |
E2.31 | Alpic mountain hay meadows | Alpic mountain hay meadows |
E2.32 | Ponto-Caucasian hay meadows | Ponto-Caucasian hay meadows |
E2.4 | Iberian summer pastures (vallicares) | Iberian summer pastures (vallicares) |
E2.41 | Perennial vallicares | Perennial vallicares |
E2.42 | Annual vallicares | Annual vallicares |
E2.43 | Andalusian [Armeria] vallicares | Andalusian [Armeria] vallicares |
E2.5 | Meadows of the steppe zone | Meadows of the steppe zone |
E2.6 | Agriculturally-improved, re-seeded and heavily fertilized grassland, including sports fields and grass lawns | Agriculturally-improved, re-seeded and heavily fertilized grassland, including sports fields and grass lawns |
E2.61 | Dry or moist agriculturally-improved grassland | Dry or moist agriculturally-improved grassland |
E2.62 | Wet agriculturally-improved grassland, often with drainage ditches | Wet agriculturally-improved grassland, often with drainage ditches |
E2.63 | Turf sports fields | Turf sports fields |
E2.64 | Park lawns | Park lawns |
E2.65 | Small-scale lawns | Small-scale lawns |
E2.7 | Unmanaged mesic grassland | Unmanaged mesic grassland |
E3 | Seasonally wet and wet grasslands | Seasonally wet and wet grasslands |
E3.1 | Mediterranean tall humid grassland | Mediterranean tall humid grassland |
E3.11 | [Serapias] grassland | [Serapias] grassland |
E3.2 | Mediterranean short humid grassland | Mediterranean short humid grassland |
E3.3 | Sub-mediterranean humid meadows | Sub-mediterranean humid meadows |
E3.31 | Helleno-Moesian riverine and humid [Trifolium] meadows | Helleno-Moesian riverine and humid [Trifolium] meadows |
E3.32 | Apennine humid meadows | Apennine humid meadows |
E3.33 | Dalmatian riverine and humid meadows | Dalmatian riverine and humid meadows |
E3.34 | Illyrio-Moesian riverine and humid [Trifolium] meadows | Illyrio-Moesian riverine and humid [Trifolium] meadows |
E3.35 | Anatolian supra-Mediterranean humid grassland | Anatolian supra-Mediterranean humid grassland |
E3.4 | Moist or wet eutrophic and mesotrophic grassland | Moist or wet eutrophic and mesotrophic grassland |
E3.41 | Atlantic and sub-Atlantic humid meadows | Atlantic and sub-Atlantic humid meadows |
E3.42 | [Juncus acutiflorus] meadows | [Juncus acutiflorus] meadows |
E3.43 | Subcontinental riverine meadows | Subcontinental riverine meadows |
E3.44 | Flood swards and related communities | Flood swards and related communities |
E3.45 | Recently abandoned hay meadows | Recently abandoned hay meadows |
E3.46 | Continental humid meadows | Continental humid meadows |
E3.47 | Northern boreal alluvial meadows | Northern boreal alluvial meadows |
E3.5 | Moist or wet oligotrophic grassland | Moist or wet oligotrophic grassland |
E3.51 | [Molinia caerulea] meadows and related communities | [Molinia caerulea] meadows and related communities |
E3.52 | Heath [Juncus] meadows and humid [Nardus stricta] swards | Heath [Juncus] meadows and humid [Nardus stricta] swards |
E3.53 | Continental oligotrophic humid grassland | Continental oligotrophic humid grassland |
E4 | Alpine and subalpine grasslands | Alpine and subalpine grasslands |
E4.1 | Snow-patch grassland | Snow-patch grassland |
E4.11 | Boreo-alpine acidocline snow-patch grassland and herb habitats | Boreo-alpine acidocline snow-patch grassland and herb habitats |
E4.12 | Boreo-alpine calcicline snow-patch grassland and herb habitats | Boreo-alpine calcicline snow-patch grassland and herb habitats |
E4.13 | Ponto-Caucasian snow-patch grassland | Ponto-Caucasian snow-patch grassland |
E4.14 | Boreo-alpine fern snow-bed grassland | Boreo-alpine fern snow-bed grassland |
E4.2 | Moss and lichen dominated mountain summits, ridges and exposed slopes | Moss and lichen dominated mountain summits, ridges and exposed slopes |
E4.21 | Oroboreal [Carex bigelowii]-[Rhacomitrium] moss-heaths | Oroboreal [Carex bigelowii]-[Rhacomitrium] moss-heaths |
E4.22 | Rock pavement lichen communities | Rock pavement lichen communities |
E4.23 | Rock pavement, plateau and summital moss heaths | Rock pavement, plateau and summital moss heaths |
E4.24 | Icelandic lava flow moss heaths | Icelandic lava flow moss heaths |
E4.25 | Moss and lichen fjell fields | Moss and lichen fjell fields |
E4.3 | Acid alpine and subalpine grassland | Acid alpine and subalpine grassland |
E4.31 | Alpic [Nardus stricta] swards and related communities | Alpic [Nardus stricta] swards and related communities |
E4.32 | Oroboreal acidocline grassland | Oroboreal acidocline grassland |
E4.33 | Thermo-Alpigenous subalpine acidophilous grassland | Thermo-Alpigenous subalpine acidophilous grassland |
E4.34 | Alpigenous acidophilous grassland | Alpigenous acidophilous grassland |
E4.35 | Oro-Hellenic closed grassland | Oro-Hellenic closed grassland |
E4.36 | Oro-Iberian acidophilous grassland | Oro-Iberian acidophilous grassland |
E4.37 | Oro-Corsican grassland | Oro-Corsican grassland |
E4.38 | Oro-Apennine closed grassland | Oro-Apennine closed grassland |
E4.39 | Oro-Moesian acidophilous grassland | Oro-Moesian acidophilous grassland |
E4.3A | Western Asian acidophilous alpine grassland | Western Asian acidophilous alpine grassland |
E4.4 | Calciphilous alpine and subalpine grassland | Calciphilous alpine and subalpine grassland |
E4.41 | Closed calciphile alpine grassland | Closed calciphile alpine grassland |
E4.42 | Wind edge [Kobresia myosuroides] swards | Wind edge [Kobresia myosuroides] swards |
E4.43 | Calciphilous stepped and garland grassland | Calciphilous stepped and garland grassland |
E4.44 | Ponto-Caucasian alpine grassland | Ponto-Caucasian alpine grassland |
E4.5 | Alpine and subalpine enriched grassland | Alpine and subalpine enriched grassland |
E4.51 | Subalpine [Trisetum flavescens] hay meadows | Subalpine [Trisetum flavescens] hay meadows |
E4.52 | [Leontodon hispidus] pastures | [Leontodon hispidus] pastures |
E5 | Woodland fringes and clearings and tall forb habitats | Woodland fringes and clearings and tall forb habitats |
E5.1 | Over-grazed arid Mediterranean garrigues (ermes) | Over-grazed arid Mediterranean garrigues (ermes) |
E5.11 | [Asphodelus] fields | [Asphodelus] fields |
E5.12 | Thistle fields | Thistle fields |
E5.13 | [Phlomis] brushes | [Phlomis] brushes |
E5.14 | [Ferula] stands | [Ferula] stands |
E5.2 | Thermophile woodland fringes | Thermophile woodland fringes |
E5.21 | Xero-thermophile fringes | Xero-thermophile fringes |
E5.22 | Mesophile fringes | Mesophile fringes |
E5.3 | [Pteridium aquilinum] fields | [Pteridium aquilinum] fields |
E5.31 | Sub-Atlantic [Pteridium aquilinum] fields | Sub-Atlantic [Pteridium aquilinum] fields |
E5.32 | Macaronesian [Pteridium aquilinum] fields | Macaronesian [Pteridium aquilinum] fields |
E5.33 | Supra-Mediterranean [Pteridium aquilinum] fields | Supra-Mediterranean [Pteridium aquilinum] fields |
E5.4 | Moist or wet tall-herb and fern fringes and meadows | Moist or wet tall-herb and fern fringes and meadows |
E5.41 | Screens or veils of perennial tall herbs lining watercourses | Screens or veils of perennial tall herbs lining watercourses |
E5.42 | Tall-herb communities of humid meadows | Tall-herb communities of humid meadows |
E5.43 | Shady woodland edge fringes | Shady woodland edge fringes |
E5.44 | Mediterranean grasslands on alluvial river banks | Mediterranean grasslands on alluvial river banks |
E5.5 | Subalpine moist or wet tall-herb and fern habitats | Subalpine moist or wet tall-herb and fern habitats |
E5.51 | Alpic tall-herb communities | Alpic tall-herb communities |
E5.52 | Alpigene tall grass communities | Alpigene tall grass communities |
E5.53 | Pyreneo-Iberian tall-herb communities | Pyreneo-Iberian tall-herb communities |
E5.54 | Ibero-Mauritanian tall-herb communities | Ibero-Mauritanian tall-herb communities |
E5.55 | Corsican [Cymbalaria] tall-herb communities | Corsican [Cymbalaria] tall-herb communities |
E5.56 | Corsican [Doronicum] tall-herb communities | Corsican [Doronicum] tall-herb communities |
E5.57 | Eastern oro-Mediterranean and Balkan tall-herb communities | Eastern oro-Mediterranean and Balkan tall-herb communities |
E5.58 | Alpine [Rumex] communities | Alpine [Rumex] communities |
E5.59 | Oro-boreal tall-herb communities | Oro-boreal tall-herb communities |
E5.5A | Ponto-Caucasian tall-herb communities | Ponto-Caucasian tall-herb communities |
E5.5B | Alpine and subalpine fern stands | Alpine and subalpine fern stands |
E5.6 | Anthropogenic forb-rich habitats | Anthropogenic forb-rich habitats |
E5.61 | Lowland habitats colonised by tall nitrophilous herbs | Lowland habitats colonised by tall nitrophilous herbs |
E5.62 | Weed communities of recently abandoned urban and suburban constructions | Weed communities of recently abandoned urban and suburban constructions |
E5.63 | Weed communities of recently abandoned rural constructions | Weed communities of recently abandoned rural constructions |
E5.64 | Weed communities of recently abandoned extractive industrial sites | Weed communities of recently abandoned extractive industrial sites |
E5.65 | Land reclamation forb fields | Land reclamation forb fields |
E6 | Inland saline grass and herb-dominated habitats | Inland saline grass and herb-dominated habitats |
E6.1 | Mediterranean inland saline grass and herb-dominated habitats | Mediterranean inland saline grass and herb-dominated habitats |
E6.11 | Mediterranean [Limonium] salt steppes | Mediterranean [Limonium] salt steppes |
E6.12 | Mediterranean [Lygeum spartum] salt steppes | Mediterranean [Lygeum spartum] salt steppes |
E6.13 | Mediterranean inland halo-nitrophilous pioneer communities | Mediterranean inland halo-nitrophilous pioneer communities |
E6.2 | Continental inland saline grass and herb-dominated habitats | Continental inland saline grass and herb-dominated habitats |
E6.21 | Pannonic salt steppes and saltmarshes | Pannonic salt steppes and saltmarshes |
E6.22 | Ponto-Sarmatic salt steppes and saltmarshes | Ponto-Sarmatic salt steppes and saltmarshes |
E6.23 | Central Eurasian solonchak grassland dominated by [Crypsis] | Central Eurasian solonchak grassland dominated by [Crypsis] |
E7 | Sparsely wooded grasslands | Sparsely wooded grasslands |
E7.1 | Atlantic parkland | Atlantic parkland |
E7.2 | Sub-continental parkland | Sub-continental parkland |
E7.3 | Dehesa | Dehesa |
F | Heathland, scrub and tundra habitats | Heathland, scrub and tundra habitats |
F1 | Tundra | Tundra |
F1.1 | Shrub tundra | Shrub tundra |
F1.11 | Western shrub tundra | Western shrub tundra |
F1.2 | Moss and lichen tundra | Moss and lichen tundra |
F1.21 | [Cladonia] - espalier willow tundra | [Cladonia] - espalier willow tundra |
F1.22 | Moss tundra | Moss tundra |
F2 | Arctic, alpine and subalpine scrub habitats | Arctic, alpine and subalpine scrub habitats |
F2.1 | Snow-patch dwarf willow scrub | Snow-patch dwarf willow scrub |
F2.11 | Boreo-alpine acidocline snow-patch [Salix herbacea] scrub | Boreo-alpine acidocline snow-patch [Salix herbacea] scrub |
F2.12 | Boreo-alpine calcicline snow-patch [Salix polaris] scrub | Boreo-alpine calcicline snow-patch [Salix polaris] scrub |
F2.13 | Ponto-Caucasian snow-patch dwarf [Salix] scrub | Ponto-Caucasian snow-patch dwarf [Salix] scrub |
F2.2 | Evergreen alpine and subalpine heath and scrub | Evergreen alpine and subalpine heath and scrub |
F2.21 | Alpide dwarf ericoid wind heaths | Alpide dwarf ericoid wind heaths |
F2.22 | Alpide acidocline [Rhododendron] heaths | Alpide acidocline [Rhododendron] heaths |
F2.23 | Southern Palaearctic mountain dwarf [Juniperus] scrub | Southern Palaearctic mountain dwarf [Juniperus] scrub |
F2.24 | Alpigenic high mountain [Empetrum - Vaccinium] heaths | Alpigenic high mountain [Empetrum - Vaccinium] heaths |
F2.25 | Boreo-alpine and arctic heaths | Boreo-alpine and arctic heaths |
F2.26 | [Bruckenthalia] heaths | [Bruckenthalia] heaths |
F2.27 | Alpide [Arctostaphylos uva-ursi] and [Arctostaphylos alpinus] heaths | Alpide [Arctostaphylos uva-ursi] and [Arctostaphylos alpinus] heaths |
F2.28 | Alpide [Rhododendron hirsutum] - [Erica] heaths | Alpide [Rhododendron hirsutum] - [Erica] heaths |
F2.29 | [Dryas octopetala] mats | [Dryas octopetala] mats |
F2.2A | Alpide high mountain dwarf [Vaccinium] heaths | Alpide high mountain dwarf [Vaccinium] heaths |
F2.2B | Alpide high mountain [Genista] and [Chamaecytisus] heaths | Alpide high mountain [Genista] and [Chamaecytisus] heaths |
F2.3 | Subalpine and oroboreal bush communities | Subalpine and oroboreal bush communities |
F2.31 | Mountain [Alnus] brush | Mountain [Alnus] brush |
F2.32 | Subalpine and oroboreal [Salix] brush | Subalpine and oroboreal [Salix] brush |
F2.33 | Subalpine mixed brushes | Subalpine mixed brushes |
F2.34 | Oroboreal [Betula] scrub | Oroboreal [Betula] scrub |
F2.4 | [Pinus mugo] scrub | [Pinus mugo] scrub |
F2.41 | Inner Alpine [Pinus mugo] scrub | Inner Alpine [Pinus mugo] scrub |
F2.42 | Outer Alpine [Pinus mugo] scrub | Outer Alpine [Pinus mugo] scrub |
F2.43 | South-western [Pinus mugo] scrub | South-western [Pinus mugo] scrub |
F2.44 | Apennine [Pinus mugo] scrub | Apennine [Pinus mugo] scrub |
F2.45 | Hercynian [Pinus mugo] scrub | Hercynian [Pinus mugo] scrub |
F2.46 | Carpathian [Pinus mugo] scrub | Carpathian [Pinus mugo] scrub |
F2.47 | Pelago-Dinaride [Pinus mugo] scrub | Pelago-Dinaride [Pinus mugo] scrub |
F2.48 | Balkano-Rhodopide [Pinus mugo] scrub | Balkano-Rhodopide [Pinus mugo] scrub |
F3 | Temperate and mediterraneo-montane scrub habitats | Temperate and mediterraneo-montane scrub habitats |
F3.1 | Temperate thickets and scrub | Temperate thickets and scrub |
F3.11 | Medio-European rich-soil thickets | Medio-European rich-soil thickets |
F3.12 | [Buxus sempervirens] thickets | [Buxus sempervirens] thickets |
F3.13 | Atlantic poor soil thickets | Atlantic poor soil thickets |
F3.14 | Temperate [Cytisus scoparius] fields | Temperate [Cytisus scoparius] fields |
F3.15 | [Ulex europaeus] thickets | [Ulex europaeus] thickets |
F3.16 | [Juniperus communis] scrub | [Juniperus communis] scrub |
F3.17 | [Corylus] thickets | [Corylus] thickets |
F3.18 | Inland dune thickets | Inland dune thickets |
F3.2 | Mediterraneo-montane broadleaved deciduous thickets | Mediterraneo-montane broadleaved deciduous thickets |
F3.21 | Montane [Cytisus purgans] fields | Montane [Cytisus purgans] fields |
F3.22 | South-western sub-mediterranean deciduous thickets | South-western sub-mediterranean deciduous thickets |
F3.23 | Tyrrhenian sub-mediterranean deciduous thickets | Tyrrhenian sub-mediterranean deciduous thickets |
F3.24 | Subcontinental and continental deciduous thickets | Subcontinental and continental deciduous thickets |
F4 | Temperate shrub heathland | Temperate shrub heathland |
F4.1 | Wet heaths | Wet heaths |
F4.11 | Northern wet heaths | Northern wet heaths |
F4.12 | Southern wet heaths | Southern wet heaths |
F4.13 | [Molinia caerulea] wet heaths | [Molinia caerulea] wet heaths |
F4.2 | Dry heaths | Dry heaths |
F4.21 | Sub-montane [Vaccinium] - [Calluna] heaths | Sub-montane [Vaccinium] - [Calluna] heaths |
F4.22 | Sub-Atlantic [Calluna] - [Genista] heaths | Sub-Atlantic [Calluna] - [Genista] heaths |
F4.23 | Atlantic [Erica] - [Ulex] heaths | Atlantic [Erica] - [Ulex] heaths |
F4.24 | Ibero-Atlantic [Erica - Ulex - Cistus] heaths | Ibero-Atlantic [Erica - Ulex - Cistus] heaths |
F4.25 | Boreo-Atlantic [Erica cinerea] heaths | Boreo-Atlantic [Erica cinerea] heaths |
F4.26 | Inland dune heaths | Inland dune heaths |
F4.3 | Macaronesian heaths | Macaronesian heaths |
F4.31 | Canarian heaths | Canarian heaths |
F4.32 | Madeiran cloud heaths | Madeiran cloud heaths |
F4.33 | Madeiran summital heaths | Madeiran summital heaths |
F4.34 | Azorean lowland heaths | Azorean lowland heaths |
F4.35 | Upland Azorean [Erica azorica] and [Juniperus brevifolia] heaths | Upland Azorean [Erica azorica] and [Juniperus brevifolia] heaths |
F4.36 | Azorean summital heaths | Azorean summital heaths |
F5 | Maquis, matorral and thermo-Mediterranean brushes | Maquis, matorral and thermo-Mediterranean brushes |
F5.1 | Arborescent matorral | Arborescent matorral |
F5.11 | Evergreen [Quercus] matorral | Evergreen [Quercus] matorral |
F5.12 | [Olea europaea] and [Pistacia lentiscus] matorral | [Olea europaea] and [Pistacia lentiscus] matorral |
F5.13 | [Juniper] matorral | [Juniper] matorral |
F5.14 | [Pinus] matorral | [Pinus] matorral |
F5.15 | [Tetraclinis articulata] matorral | [Tetraclinis articulata] matorral |
F5.16 | Deciduous [Quercus] matorral | Deciduous [Quercus] matorral |
F5.17 | Arid zone matorral | Arid zone matorral |
F5.18 | [Laurus nobilis] matorral | [Laurus nobilis] matorral |
F5.19 | [Cupressus] matorral | [Cupressus] matorral |
F5.1A | [Zelkova] matorral | [Zelkova] matorral |
F5.2 | Maquis | Maquis |
F5.21 | High maquis | High maquis |
F5.22 | Low ericaceous maquis | Low ericaceous maquis |
F5.23 | Tall [Cistus] maquis | Tall [Cistus] maquis |
F5.24 | Low [Cistus] maquis | Low [Cistus] maquis |
F5.25 | Low [Cistus - Lavandula stoechas] maquis | Low [Cistus - Lavandula stoechas] maquis |
F5.26 | Low sparse maquis | Low sparse maquis |
F5.27 | [Cytisus]-dominated maquis | [Cytisus]-dominated maquis |
F5.3 | Pseudomaquis | Pseudomaquis |
F5.31 | Helleno-Balkanic pseudomaquis | Helleno-Balkanic pseudomaquis |
F5.32 | Italo-French pseudomaquis | Italo-French pseudomaquis |
F5.33 | Iberian pseudomaquis | Iberian pseudomaquis |
F5.34 | Western Asian pseudomaquis | Western Asian pseudomaquis |
F5.4 | [Spartium junceum] fields | [Spartium junceum] fields |
F5.5 | Thermo-Mediterranean shrub habitats | Thermo-Mediterranean shrub habitats |
F5.51 | Thermo-Mediterranean brushes, thickets and heath-garrigues | Thermo-Mediterranean brushes, thickets and heath-garrigues |
F5.52 | [Euphorbia dendroides] formations | [Euphorbia dendroides] formations |
F5.53 | [Ampelodesmos mauritanica] -dominated garrigues | [Ampelodesmos mauritanica] -dominated garrigues |
F5.54 | [Chamaerops humilis] brush | [Chamaerops humilis] brush |
F5.55 | Mediterranean pre-desert scrub | Mediterranean pre-desert scrub |
F5.56 | Thermo-Mediterranean broom fields (retamares) | Thermo-Mediterranean broom fields (retamares) |
F5.57 | Mediterranean gorse-heaths | Mediterranean gorse-heaths |
F5.58 | Iberian thermo-Mediterranean garrigues | Iberian thermo-Mediterranean garrigues |
F5.59 | [Stauracanthus boivinii] gorse-heaths | [Stauracanthus boivinii] gorse-heaths |
F5.5A | Western Tethyan xero-psammitic brushes | Western Tethyan xero-psammitic brushes |
F5.5B | Cabo de Sao Vicente brushes | Cabo de Sao Vicente brushes |
F5.5C | Thermo-Mediterranean heaths | Thermo-Mediterranean heaths |
F6 | Garrigue | Garrigue |
F6.1 | Western garrigues | Western garrigues |
F6.11 | Western [Quercus coccifera] garrigues | Western [Quercus coccifera] garrigues |
F6.12 | Western [Rosmarinus officinalis] garrigues | Western [Rosmarinus officinalis] garrigues |
F6.13 | Western [Cistus] garrigues | Western [Cistus] garrigues |
F6.14 | Western [Euphorbia] garrigues | Western [Euphorbia] garrigues |
F6.15 | Western [Juniperus oxycedrus] garrigues | Western [Juniperus oxycedrus] garrigues |
F6.16 | Western [Lavandula] garrigues | Western [Lavandula] garrigues |
F6.17 | Western [Teucrium] and other labiate garrigues | Western [Teucrium] and other labiate garrigues |
F6.18 | Western [Genista] garrigues | Western [Genista] garrigues |
F6.19 | Western [Calicotome] garrigues | Western [Calicotome] garrigues |
F6.1A | Western composite garrigues | Western composite garrigues |
F6.1B | Western [Erica] garrigues | Western [Erica] garrigues |
F6.1C | Western [Globularia] garrigues | Western [Globularia] garrigues |
F6.1D | Western [Helianthemum] and [Fumana] garrigues | Western [Helianthemum] and [Fumana] garrigues |
F6.1E | [Lithodora fruticosa] garrigues | [Lithodora fruticosa] garrigues |
F6.1F | Western [Thymelaea] garrigues | Western [Thymelaea] garrigues |
F6.1G | Western [Bupleurum] garrigues | Western [Bupleurum] garrigues |
F6.1H | Western [Ulex] garrigues | Western [Ulex] garrigues |
F6.1I | Western [Ononis fruticosa] garrigues | Western [Ononis fruticosa] garrigues |
F6.1J | Western [Anthyllis cytisoides] garrigues | Western [Anthyllis cytisoides] garrigues |
F6.1K | Western [Dictamnus] garrigues | Western [Dictamnus] garrigues |
F6.2 | Eastern garrigues | Eastern garrigues |
F6.21 | Eastern [Quercus coccifera] garrigues | Eastern [Quercus coccifera] garrigues |
F6.22 | Eastern [Rosmarinus officinalis] garrigues | Eastern [Rosmarinus officinalis] garrigues |
F6.23 | Eastern [Cistus] garrigues | Eastern [Cistus] garrigues |
F6.24 | Eastern [Euphorbia] garrigues | Eastern [Euphorbia] garrigues |
F6.25 | Eastern [Juniperus oxycedrus] garrigues | Eastern [Juniperus oxycedrus] garrigues |
F6.26 | Eastern [Lavandula] garrigues | Eastern [Lavandula] garrigues |
F6.27 | Eastern [Teucrium] and other labiates garrigues | Eastern [Teucrium] and other labiates garrigues |
F6.28 | Eastern [Paliurus spina-christi] garrigues | Eastern [Paliurus spina-christi] garrigues |
F6.29 | Eastern broom garrigues | Eastern broom garrigues |
F6.2A | [Ebenus cretica] brushes | [Ebenus cretica] brushes |
F6.2B | Eastern [Helichrysum] and other composite garrigues | Eastern [Helichrysum] and other composite garrigues |
F6.2C | Eastern [Erica] garrigues | Eastern [Erica] garrigues |
F6.2D | [Arbutus andrachne] garrigues | [Arbutus andrachne] garrigues |
F6.2E | Eastern [Globularia] garrigues | Eastern [Globularia] garrigues |
F6.2F | Eastern [Helianthemum] and [Fumana] garrigues | Eastern [Helianthemum] and [Fumana] garrigues |
F6.2G | Eastern [Thymelaea] garrigues | Eastern [Thymelaea] garrigues |
F6.2H | Eastern [Bupleurum] garrigues | Eastern [Bupleurum] garrigues |
F6.2I | East Mediterranean pre-desert scrub | East Mediterranean pre-desert scrub |
F6.3 | Illyrian garrigues | Illyrian garrigues |
F6.31 | Illyrian [Quercus coccifera] garrigues | Illyrian [Quercus coccifera] garrigues |
F6.32 | Illyrian [Rosmarinus officinalis] garrigues | Illyrian [Rosmarinus officinalis] garrigues |
F6.33 | Illyrian [Cistus] garrigues | Illyrian [Cistus] garrigues |
F6.34 | Illyrian [Euphorbia] garrigues | Illyrian [Euphorbia] garrigues |
F6.35 | Illyrian [Juniperus oxycedrus] garrigues | Illyrian [Juniperus oxycedrus] garrigues |
F6.36 | Illyrian [Teucrium] and other labiates garrigues | Illyrian [Teucrium] and other labiates garrigues |
F6.37 | Illyrian [Paliurus spina-christi] garrigues | Illyrian [Paliurus spina-christi] garrigues |
F6.38 | Illyrian broom garrigues | Illyrian broom garrigues |
F6.39 | Illyrian [Helichrysum] and other composite garrigues | Illyrian [Helichrysum] and other composite garrigues |
F6.3A | Illyrian [Erica] garrigues | Illyrian [Erica] garrigues |
F6.4 | Black Sea garrigues | Black Sea garrigues |
F6.41 | Crimean garrigues | Crimean garrigues |
F6.42 | South-Euxinian garrigues | South-Euxinian garrigues |
F6.43 | Thracian garrigues | Thracian garrigues |
F6.5 | Macaronesian garrigues | Macaronesian garrigues |
F6.6 | Supra-Mediterranean garrigues | Supra-Mediterranean garrigues |
F6.61 | [Lavandula angustifolia] garrigues | [Lavandula angustifolia] garrigues |
F6.62 | [Genista cinerea] garrigues | [Genista cinerea] garrigues |
F6.63 | Ibero-Gallic supra-Mediterranean dwarf-shrub garrigues | Ibero-Gallic supra-Mediterranean dwarf-shrub garrigues |
F6.64 | Supra-Mediterranean [Buxus sempervirens] scrub | Supra-Mediterranean [Buxus sempervirens] scrub |
F6.65 | Italian supra-Mediterranean garrigues | Italian supra-Mediterranean garrigues |
F6.66 | Balkan peninsula supra-Mediterranean garrigues | Balkan peninsula supra-Mediterranean garrigues |
F6.7 | Mediterranean gypsum scrubs | Mediterranean gypsum scrubs |
F6.71 | Central Iberian gypsum scrubs | Central Iberian gypsum scrubs |
F6.72 | Ebro gypsum scrubs | Ebro gypsum scrubs |
F6.73 | South-eastern Iberian gypsum scrubs | South-eastern Iberian gypsum scrubs |
F6.8 | Xero-halophile scrubs | Xero-halophile scrubs |
F6.81 | Canarian xero-halophilous scrubs | Canarian xero-halophilous scrubs |
F6.82 | Mediterranean halo-nitrophilous scrubs | Mediterranean halo-nitrophilous scrubs |
F7 | Spiny Mediterranean heaths (phrygana, hedgehog-heaths and related coastal cliff vegetation) | Spiny Mediterranean heaths (phrygana, hedgehog-heaths and related coastal cliff vegetation) |
F7.1 | West Mediterranean spiny heaths | West Mediterranean spiny heaths |
F7.11 | West Mediterranean mainland clifftop phrygana | West Mediterranean mainland clifftop phrygana |
F7.12 | Balearic clifftop phrygana | Balearic clifftop phrygana |
F7.2 | Central Mediterranean spiny heaths | Central Mediterranean spiny heaths |
F7.21 | Sardinian [Centaurea horrida] phrygana | Sardinian [Centaurea horrida] phrygana |
F7.22 | Sardinian [Genista acanthoclada] phrygana | Sardinian [Genista acanthoclada] phrygana |
F7.23 | Corsican and Sardinian [Genista] phrygana | Corsican and Sardinian [Genista] phrygana |
F7.24 | Pantelleria phrygana | Pantelleria phrygana |
F7.25 | Central Mediterranean [Sarcopoterium] phrygana | Central Mediterranean [Sarcopoterium] phrygana |
F7.26 | [Hypericum aegyptiacum] phrygana | [Hypericum aegyptiacum] phrygana |
F7.3 | East Mediterranean phrygana | East Mediterranean phrygana |
F7.31 | Aegean phrygana | Aegean phrygana |
F7.32 | Mid-elevation phrygana of Crete | Mid-elevation phrygana of Crete |
F7.33 | Thracian phrygana | Thracian phrygana |
F7.34 | East Mediterranean bathas | East Mediterranean bathas |
F7.4 | Hedgehog-heaths | Hedgehog-heaths |
F7.41 | Pyrenean hedgehog-heaths | Pyrenean hedgehog-heaths |
F7.42 | Cordilleran hedgehog-heaths | Cordilleran hedgehog-heaths |
F7.43 | Nevadan hedgehog-heaths | Nevadan hedgehog-heaths |
F7.44 | Franco-Iberian hedgehog-heaths | Franco-Iberian hedgehog-heaths |
F7.45 | Cyrno-Sardinian hedgehog-heaths | Cyrno-Sardinian hedgehog-heaths |
F7.46 | Mount Etna hedgehog-heaths | Mount Etna hedgehog-heaths |
F7.47 | Madonie and Apennine hedgehog-heaths | Madonie and Apennine hedgehog-heaths |
F7.48 | Helleno-Balkanic sylvatic [Astragalus] hedgehog-heaths | Helleno-Balkanic sylvatic [Astragalus] hedgehog-heaths |
F7.49 | Hellenic oro-Mediterranean hedgehog-heaths | Hellenic oro-Mediterranean hedgehog-heaths |
F7.4A | Hellenic alti-Mediterranean hedgehog-heaths | Hellenic alti-Mediterranean hedgehog-heaths |
F7.4B | Cretan hedgehog-heaths | Cretan hedgehog-heaths |
F7.4C | Aegean summital hedgehog-heaths | Aegean summital hedgehog-heaths |
F7.4D | Southern Hellenic [Genista acanthoclada] hedgehog-heaths | Southern Hellenic [Genista acanthoclada] hedgehog-heaths |
F7.4E | [Astragalus sempervirens] hedgehog-heaths | [Astragalus sempervirens] hedgehog-heaths |
F7.4F | Canarian cushion-heaths | Canarian cushion-heaths |
F7.4G | Cyprian hedgehog-heaths | Cyprian hedgehog-heaths |
F7.4H | Mediterraneo-Anatolian hedgehog-heaths | Mediterraneo-Anatolian hedgehog-heaths |
F7.4I | Western central Eurasian hedgehog-heaths | Western central Eurasian hedgehog-heaths |
F8 | Thermo-Atlantic xerophytic habitats | Thermo-Atlantic xerophytic habitats |
F8.1 | Canarian xerophytic habitats | Canarian xerophytic habitats |
F8.11 | Western Canarian [Euphorbia] communities | Western Canarian [Euphorbia] communities |
F8.12 | Western Canarian saxicolous formations | Western Canarian saxicolous formations |
F8.13 | Eastern Canarian xerophytic communities | Eastern Canarian xerophytic communities |
F8.14 | Canarian [Launaea] scrub | Canarian [Launaea] scrub |
F8.2 | Madeiran xerophytic habitats | Madeiran xerophytic habitats |
F8.21 | Madeiran [Euphorbia] formations | Madeiran [Euphorbia] formations |
F8.22 | Madeiran saxicolous formations | Madeiran saxicolous formations |
F8.23 | Desertas dry scrub | Desertas dry scrub |
F9 | Riverine and fen scrubs | Riverine and fen scrubs |
F9.1 | Riverine and lakeshore [Salix] scrub | Riverine and lakeshore [Salix] scrub |
F9.11 | Orogenous riverine brush | Orogenous riverine brush |
F9.12 | Lowland and collinar riverine [Salix] scrub | Lowland and collinar riverine [Salix] scrub |
F9.13 | Montane river gravel low brush | Montane river gravel low brush |
F9.14 | Gravel bank thickets and woods | Gravel bank thickets and woods |
F9.2 | [Salix] carr and fen scrub | [Salix] carr and fen scrub |
F9.3 | Southern riparian galleries and thickets | Southern riparian galleries and thickets |
F9.31 | [Nerium oleander], [Vitex agnus-castus] and [Tamarix] galleries | [Nerium oleander], [Vitex agnus-castus] and [Tamarix] galleries |
F9.32 | South-western Iberian tamujares, formed by [Securinega tinctoria] | South-western Iberian tamujares, formed by [Securinega tinctoria] |
F9.33 | Lauriphyllous galleries of the Cordillera Oretana | Lauriphyllous galleries of the Cordillera Oretana |
F9.34 | [Myrica gale] - [Salix] scrub of the Cordillera Oretana | [Myrica gale] - [Salix] scrub of the Cordillera Oretana |
FA | Hedgerows | Hedgerows |
FA.1 | Hedgerows of exotic species | Hedgerows of exotic species |
FA.2 | Highly-managed hedgerows of native species | Highly-managed hedgerows of native species |
FA.3 | Species-rich hedgerows of native species | Species-rich hedgerows of native species |
FA.4 | Species-poor hedgerows of native species | Species-poor hedgerows of native species |
FB | Shrub plantations | Shrub plantations |
FB.1 | Shrub plantations for whole-plant harvesting | Shrub plantations for whole-plant harvesting |
FB.2 | Shrub plantations for leaf or branch harvest | Shrub plantations for leaf or branch harvest |
FB.21 | Tea plantations | Tea plantations |
FB.22 | Osier beds | Osier beds |
FB.3 | Shrub plantations for ornamental purposes or for fruit, other than vineyards | Shrub plantations for ornamental purposes or for fruit, other than vineyards |
FB.31 | Shrub and low-stem tree orchards | Shrub and low-stem tree orchards |
FB.32 | Ornamental shrub plantations | Ornamental shrub plantations |
FB.4 | Vineyards | Vineyards |
G | Woodland and forest habitats and other wooded land | Woodland and forest habitats and other wooded land |
G1 | Broadleaved deciduous woodland | Broadleaved deciduous woodland |
G1.1 | Riparian [Salix], [Alnus] and [Betula] woodland | Riparian [Salix], [Alnus] and [Betula] woodland |
G1.11 | Riverine [Salix] woodland | Riverine [Salix] woodland |
G1.12 | Boreo-alpine riparian galleries | Boreo-alpine riparian galleries |
G1.13 | Southern [Alnus] and [Betula] galleries | Southern [Alnus] and [Betula] galleries |
G1.2 | Fluvial [Fraxinus] - [Alnus] and [Quercus] - [Ulmus] - [Fraxinus] woodland | Fluvial [Fraxinus] - [Alnus] and [Quercus] - [Ulmus] - [Fraxinus] woodland |
G1.21 | Riverine [Fraxinus] - [Alnus] woodland, wet at high but not at low water | Riverine [Fraxinus] - [Alnus] woodland, wet at high but not at low water |
G1.22 | Mixed [Quercus] - [Ulmus] - [Fraxinus] woodland of great rivers | Mixed [Quercus] - [Ulmus] - [Fraxinus] woodland of great rivers |
G1.3 | Mediterranean [Populus], [Fraxinus], [Ulmus] and related riparian woodland | Mediterranean [Populus], [Fraxinus], [Ulmus] and related riparian woodland |
G1.31 | Mediterranean riparian [Populus] forests | Mediterranean riparian [Populus] forests |
G1.32 | Mediterranean riparian [Ulmus] forests | Mediterranean riparian [Ulmus] forests |
G1.33 | Mediterranean riparian [Fraxinus] woods | Mediterranean riparian [Fraxinus] woods |
G1.34 | Mediterranean riverine [Ostrya carpinifolia] galleries | Mediterranean riverine [Ostrya carpinifolia] galleries |
G1.35 | Mediterraneo-Pontic riverine [Fraxinus] forests | Mediterraneo-Pontic riverine [Fraxinus] forests |
G1.36 | Ponto-Sarmatic mixed [Populus] riverine forests | Ponto-Sarmatic mixed [Populus] riverine forests |
G1.37 | Irano-Anatolian mixed riverine forests | Irano-Anatolian mixed riverine forests |
G1.38 | [Platanus orientalis] woods | [Platanus orientalis] woods |
G1.39 | [Liquidambar orientalis] woods | [Liquidambar orientalis] woods |
G1.4 | Broadleaved swamp woodland not on acid peat | Broadleaved swamp woodland not on acid peat |
G1.41 | [Alnus] swamp woods not on acid peat | [Alnus] swamp woods not on acid peat |
G1.42 | [Quercus] swamp woods | [Quercus] swamp woods |
G1.43 | [Populus tremula] swamp woods | [Populus tremula] swamp woods |
G1.44 | Wet-ground woodland of the Black and Caspian Seas | Wet-ground woodland of the Black and Caspian Seas |
G1.5 | Broadleaved swamp woodland on acid peat | Broadleaved swamp woodland on acid peat |
G1.51 | Sphagnum [Betula] woods | Sphagnum [Betula] woods |
G1.52 | [Alnus] swamp woods on acid peat | [Alnus] swamp woods on acid peat |
G1.6 | [Fagus] woodland | [Fagus] woodland |
G1.61 | Medio-European acidophilous [Fagus] forests | Medio-European acidophilous [Fagus] forests |
G1.62 | Atlantic acidophilous [Fagus] forests | Atlantic acidophilous [Fagus] forests |
G1.63 | Medio-European neutrophile [Fagus] forests | Medio-European neutrophile [Fagus] forests |
G1.64 | Pyreneo-Cantabrian neutrophile [Fagus] forests | Pyreneo-Cantabrian neutrophile [Fagus] forests |
G1.65 | Medio-European subalpine [Fagus] woods | Medio-European subalpine [Fagus] woods |
G1.66 | Medio-European limestone [Fagus] forests | Medio-European limestone [Fagus] forests |
G1.67 | Southern medio-European [Fagus] forests | Southern medio-European [Fagus] forests |
G1.68 | Southern Italian [Fagus] forests | Southern Italian [Fagus] forests |
G1.69 | Moesian [Fagus] forests | Moesian [Fagus] forests |
G1.6A | Hellenic [Fagus] forests | Hellenic [Fagus] forests |
G1.6B | Mediterraneo-Moesian [Fagus] forests | Mediterraneo-Moesian [Fagus] forests |
G1.6C | Illyrian [Fagus] forests | Illyrian [Fagus] forests |
G1.6D | Dacian [Fagus] forests | Dacian [Fagus] forests |
G1.6E | Pontic [Fagus] forests | Pontic [Fagus] forests |
G1.6F | Dobrogea [Fagus] forest | Dobrogea [Fagus] forest |
G1.6G | Crimean [Fagus] forests | Crimean [Fagus] forests |
G1.6H | Caucasian [Fagus] forests | Caucasian [Fagus] forests |
G1.6I | Caspian [Fagus] forests | Caspian [Fagus] forests |
G1.6J | Eastern oro-Mediterranean [Fagus] forests | Eastern oro-Mediterranean [Fagus] forests |
G1.7 | Thermophilous deciduous woodland | Thermophilous deciduous woodland |
G1.71 | Western [Quercus pubescens] woods and related communities | Western [Quercus pubescens] woods and related communities |
G1.72 | Cyrno-Sardinian [Quercus pubescens] woods | Cyrno-Sardinian [Quercus pubescens] woods |
G1.73 | Eastern [Quercus pubescens] woods | Eastern [Quercus pubescens] woods |
G1.74 | Italo-Illyrian [Ostrya carpinifolia] sub-thermophilous [Quercus] woods | Italo-Illyrian [Ostrya carpinifolia] sub-thermophilous [Quercus] woods |
G1.75 | South-eastern sub-thermophilous [Quercus] woods | South-eastern sub-thermophilous [Quercus] woods |
G1.76 | Balkano-Anatolian thermophilous [Quercus] forests | Balkano-Anatolian thermophilous [Quercus] forests |
G1.77 | Afro-Iberian thermophilous [Quercus] forests | Afro-Iberian thermophilous [Quercus] forests |
G1.78 | [Quercus trojana] woodland | [Quercus trojana] woodland |
G1.79 | Mediterranean [Quercus macrolepis] woodland | Mediterranean [Quercus macrolepis] woodland |
G1.7A | Steppe [Quercus] woods | Steppe [Quercus] woods |
G1.7B | [Quercus pyrenaica] woodland | [Quercus pyrenaica] woodland |
G1.7C | Mixed thermophilous woodland | Mixed thermophilous woodland |
G1.7D | [Castanea sativa] woodland | [Castanea sativa] woodland |
G1.8 | Acidophilous [Quercus]-dominated woodland | Acidophilous [Quercus]-dominated woodland |
G1.81 | Atlantic [Quercus robur] - [Betula] woods | Atlantic [Quercus robur] - [Betula] woods |
G1.82 | Atlantic acidophilous [Fagus] - [Quercus] forests | Atlantic acidophilous [Fagus] - [Quercus] forests |
G1.83 | Atlantic [Quercus petraea] woods | Atlantic [Quercus petraea] woods |
G1.84 | Aquitano-Ligerian [Quercus] forests on podsols | Aquitano-Ligerian [Quercus] forests on podsols |
G1.85 | Aquitano-Ligerian [Quercus] forests on leached or acid soils | Aquitano-Ligerian [Quercus] forests on leached or acid soils |
G1.86 | Ibero-Atlantic acidophilous [Quercus] forests | Ibero-Atlantic acidophilous [Quercus] forests |
G1.87 | Medio-European acidophilous [Quercus] forests | Medio-European acidophilous [Quercus] forests |
G1.88 | Insubrian acidophilous [Quercus] forests | Insubrian acidophilous [Quercus] forests |
G1.89 | Portuguese [Quercus robur] forests | Portuguese [Quercus robur] forests |
G1.8A | Continental [Quercus petraea] forests | Continental [Quercus petraea] forests |
G1.9 | Non-riverine woodland with [Betula], [Populus tremula], [Sorbus aucuparia] or [Corylus avellana] | Non-riverine woodland with [Betula], [Populus tremula], [Sorbus aucuparia] or [Corylus avellana] |
G1.91 | [Betula] woodland not on marshy terrain | [Betula] woodland not on marshy terrain |
G1.92 | [Populus tremula] woodland | [Populus tremula] woodland |
G1.93 | [Sorbus aucuparia] woodland | [Sorbus aucuparia] woodland |
G1.94 | Inland dune [Quercus] - [Betula] woods | Inland dune [Quercus] - [Betula] woods |
G1.95 | [Populus tremula] and [Betula] woods with [Sambucus] | [Populus tremula] and [Betula] woods with [Sambucus] |
G1.96 | [Corylus avellana] woods | [Corylus avellana] woods |
G1.A | Meso- and eutrophic [Quercus], [Carpinus], [Fraxinus], [Acer], [Tilia], [Ulmus] and related woodland | Meso- and eutrophic [Quercus], [Carpinus], [Fraxinus], [Acer], [Tilia], [Ulmus] and related woodland |
G1.A1 | [Quercus] - [Fraxinus] - [Carpinus betulus] woodland on eutrophic and mesotrophic soils | [Quercus] - [Fraxinus] - [Carpinus betulus] woodland on eutrophic and mesotrophic soils |
G1.A2 | Non-riverine [Fraxinus] woodland | Non-riverine [Fraxinus] woodland |
G1.A3 | [Carpinus betulus] woodland | [Carpinus betulus] woodland |
G1.A4 | Ravine and slope woodland | Ravine and slope woodland |
G1.A5 | [Tilia] woodland | [Tilia] woodland |
G1.A6 | Non-riverine [Ulmus] woodland | Non-riverine [Ulmus] woodland |
G1.A7 | Mixed deciduous woodland of the Black and Caspian Seas | Mixed deciduous woodland of the Black and Caspian Seas |
G1.A8 | Eurosiberian maple woods | Eurosiberian maple woods |
G1.B | Non-riverine [Alnus] woodland | Non-riverine [Alnus] woodland |
G1.B1 | [Alnus cordata] woods | [Alnus cordata] woods |
G1.B2 | Nemoral [Alnus] woods | Nemoral [Alnus] woods |
G1.B3 | Boreal and boreonemoral [Alnus] woods | Boreal and boreonemoral [Alnus] woods |
G1.C | Highly artificial broadleaved deciduous forestry plantations | Highly artificial broadleaved deciduous forestry plantations |
G1.C1 | [Populus] plantations | [Populus] plantations |
G1.C2 | Deciduous exotic [Quercus] plantations | Deciduous exotic [Quercus] plantations |
G1.C3 | [Robinia] plantations | [Robinia] plantations |
G1.C4 | Other broadleaved deciduous plantations | Other broadleaved deciduous plantations |
G1.D | Fruit and nut tree orchards | Fruit and nut tree orchards |
G1.D1 | [Castanea sativa] plantations | [Castanea sativa] plantations |
G1.D2 | [Juglans] groves | [Juglans] groves |
G1.D3 | [Prunus amygdalus] groves | [Prunus amygdalus] groves |
G1.D4 | Fruit orchards | Fruit orchards |
G1.D5 | Other high-stem orchards | Other high-stem orchards |
G2 | Broadleaved evergreen woodland | Broadleaved evergreen woodland |
G2.1 | Mediterranean evergreen [Quercus] woodland | Mediterranean evergreen [Quercus] woodland |
G2.11 | [Quercus suber] woodland | [Quercus suber] woodland |
G2.12 | [Quercus ilex] woodland | [Quercus ilex] woodland |
G2.13 | [Quercus coccifera] and [Quercus alnifolia] woodland | [Quercus coccifera] and [Quercus alnifolia] woodland |
G2.2 | Eurasian continental sclerophyllous woodland | Eurasian continental sclerophyllous woodland |
G2.21 | Mediterraneo-Atlantic [Laurus] - [Quercus] woodland | Mediterraneo-Atlantic [Laurus] - [Quercus] woodland |
G2.22 | Ponto-Hyrcanian sclerophyllous forests | Ponto-Hyrcanian sclerophyllous forests |
G2.3 | Macaronesian [Laurus] woodland | Macaronesian [Laurus] woodland |
G2.31 | Azorean laurisilvas | Azorean laurisilvas |
G2.32 | Madeiran laurisilvas | Madeiran laurisilvas |
G2.33 | Canarian laurisilvas | Canarian laurisilvas |
G2.4 | [Olea europaea] - [Ceratonia siliqua] woodland | [Olea europaea] - [Ceratonia siliqua] woodland |
G2.41 | Wild [Olea europaea] woodland | Wild [Olea europaea] woodland |
G2.42 | [Ceratonia siliqua] woodland | [Ceratonia siliqua] woodland |
G2.43 | Canarian [Olea europaea] woodland | Canarian [Olea europaea] woodland |
G2.5 | [Phoenix] groves | [Phoenix] groves |
G2.51 | Cretan [Phoenix theophrasti] groves | Cretan [Phoenix theophrasti] groves |
G2.52 | Canarian [Phoenix canariensis] groves | Canarian [Phoenix canariensis] groves |
G2.53 | Anatolian [Phoenix theophrasti] groves | Anatolian [Phoenix theophrasti] groves |
G2.6 | [Ilex aquifolium] woods | [Ilex aquifolium] woods |
G2.7 | Canarian heath woodland | Canarian heath woodland |
G2.71 | Canarian fayal-brezal | Canarian fayal-brezal |
G2.72 | [Visnea] - [Arbutus] forests | [Visnea] - [Arbutus] forests |
G2.73 | Hierran fayal | Hierran fayal |
G2.8 | Highly artificial broadleaved evergreen forestry plantations | Highly artificial broadleaved evergreen forestry plantations |
G2.81 | [Eucalyptus] plantations | [Eucalyptus] plantations |
G2.82 | Evergreen exotic [Quercus] plantations | Evergreen exotic [Quercus] plantations |
G2.83 | Other evergreen broadleaved tree plantations | Other evergreen broadleaved tree plantations |
G2.9 | Evergreen orchards and groves | Evergreen orchards and groves |
G2.91 | [Olea europaea] groves | [Olea europaea] groves |
G2.92 | Citrus orchards | Citrus orchards |
G2.93 | [Phoenix] groves | [Phoenix] groves |
G2.94 | Other evergreen orchards | Other evergreen orchards |
G3 | Coniferous woodland | Coniferous woodland |
G3.1 | [Abies] and [Picea] woodland | [Abies] and [Picea] woodland |
G3.11 | Neutrophile medio-European [Abies] forests | Neutrophile medio-European [Abies] forests |
G3.12 | Calciphilous [Abies alba] forests | Calciphilous [Abies alba] forests |
G3.13 | Acidophilous [Abies alba] forests | Acidophilous [Abies alba] forests |
G3.14 | Corsican [Abies alba] forests | Corsican [Abies alba] forests |
G3.15 | Southern Apennine [Abies alba] forests | Southern Apennine [Abies alba] forests |
G3.16 | Moesian [Abies alba] forests | Moesian [Abies alba] forests |
G3.17 | Balkano-Pontic [Abies] forests | Balkano-Pontic [Abies] forests |
G3.18 | Aegean [Abies] forests | Aegean [Abies] forests |
G3.19 | [Abies pinsapo] forests | [Abies pinsapo] forests |
G3.1A | Relict [Abies nebrodensis] stands | Relict [Abies nebrodensis] stands |
G3.1B | Alpine and Carpathian sub-alpine [Picea] forests | Alpine and Carpathian sub-alpine [Picea] forests |
G3.1C | Inner range montane [Picea] forests | Inner range montane [Picea] forests |
G3.1D | Hercynian subalpine [Picea] forests | Hercynian subalpine [Picea] forests |
G3.1E | Southern European [Picea abies] forests | Southern European [Picea abies] forests |
G3.1F | Enclave [Picea abies] forests | Enclave [Picea abies] forests |
G3.1G | [Picea omorika] forests | [Picea omorika] forests |
G3.1H | [Picea orientalis] forests | [Picea orientalis] forests |
G3.1I | [Abies] reforestation | [Abies] reforestation |
G3.1J | [Picea abies] reforestation | [Picea abies] reforestation |
G3.2 | Alpine [Larix] - [Pinus cembra] woodland | Alpine [Larix] - [Pinus cembra] woodland |
G3.21 | Eastern Alpine siliceous [Larix] and [Pinus cembra] forests | Eastern Alpine siliceous [Larix] and [Pinus cembra] forests |
G3.22 | Eastern Alpine calcicolous [Larix] and [Pinus cembra] forests | Eastern Alpine calcicolous [Larix] and [Pinus cembra] forests |
G3.23 | Western [Larix], mountain pine and [Pinus cembra] forests | Western [Larix], mountain pine and [Pinus cembra] forests |
G3.24 | Alpine secondary [Larix] formations | Alpine secondary [Larix] formations |
G3.25 | Carpathian [Larix] and [Pinus cembra] forests | Carpathian [Larix] and [Pinus cembra] forests |
G3.26 | [Larix polonica] forests | [Larix polonica] forests |
G3.3 | [Pinus uncinata] woodland | [Pinus uncinata] woodland |
G3.31 | [Pinus uncinata] forests with [Rhododendron ferrugineum] | [Pinus uncinata] forests with [Rhododendron ferrugineum] |
G3.32 | Xerocline [Pinus uncinata] forests | Xerocline [Pinus uncinata] forests |
G3.33 | [Pinus uncinata] reforestation | [Pinus uncinata] reforestation |
G3.4 | [Pinus sylvestris] woodland south of the taiga | [Pinus sylvestris] woodland south of the taiga |
G3.41 | Caledonian forest | Caledonian forest |
G3.42 | Middle European [Pinus sylvestris] forests | Middle European [Pinus sylvestris] forests |
G3.43 | Inner-Alpine [Ononis] steppe forests | Inner-Alpine [Ononis] steppe forests |
G3.44 | Spring heath [Pinus sylvestris] forests | Spring heath [Pinus sylvestris] forests |
G3.45 | Inner Alpine [Minuartia laricifolia] steppe forests | Inner Alpine [Minuartia laricifolia] steppe forests |
G3.46 | Pyrenean mesophile [Pinus sylvestris] forests | Pyrenean mesophile [Pinus sylvestris] forests |
G3.47 | Central Massif [Pinus sylvestris] forests | Central Massif [Pinus sylvestris] forests |
G3.48 | South-western Alpine mesophile [Pinus sylvestris] forests | South-western Alpine mesophile [Pinus sylvestris] forests |
G3.49 | Supra-Mediterranean [Pinus sylvestris] forests | Supra-Mediterranean [Pinus sylvestris] forests |
G3.4A | Iberian calcareous [Pinus sylvestris] woods | Iberian calcareous [Pinus sylvestris] woods |
G3.4B | Iberian silicicolous [Pinus sylvestris] forests | Iberian silicicolous [Pinus sylvestris] forests |
G3.4C | South-eastern European [Pinus sylvestris] forests | South-eastern European [Pinus sylvestris] forests |
G3.4D | Po terrace [Pinus sylvestris] forests | Po terrace [Pinus sylvestris] forests |
G3.4E | Ponto-Caucasian [Pinus sylvestris] forests | Ponto-Caucasian [Pinus sylvestris] forests |
G3.4F | European [Pinus sylvestris] reforestation | European [Pinus sylvestris] reforestation |
G3.5 | [Pinus nigra] woodland | [Pinus nigra] woodland |
G3.51 | Alpino-Apennine [Pinus nigra] forests | Alpino-Apennine [Pinus nigra] forests |
G3.52 | Western Balkanic [Pinus nigra] forests | Western Balkanic [Pinus nigra] forests |
G3.53 | [Pinus salzmannii] forests | [Pinus salzmannii] forests |
G3.54 | Corsican [Pinus laricio] forests | Corsican [Pinus laricio] forests |
G3.55 | Calabrian [Pinus laricio] forests | Calabrian [Pinus laricio] forests |
G3.56 | [Pinus pallasiana] and [Pinus banatica] forests | [Pinus pallasiana] and [Pinus banatica] forests |
G3.57 | [Pinus nigra] reforestation | [Pinus nigra] reforestation |
G3.6 | Subalpine mediterranean [Pinus] woodland | Subalpine mediterranean [Pinus] woodland |
G3.61 | [Pinus leucodermis] forests | [Pinus leucodermis] forests |
G3.62 | [Pinus peuce] woods | [Pinus peuce] woods |
G3.7 | Lowland to montane mediterranean [Pinus] woodland (excluding [Pinus nigra]) | Lowland to montane mediterranean [Pinus] woodland (excluding [Pinus nigra]) |
G3.71 | Maritime [Pinus pinaster ssp. atlantica] forests | Maritime [Pinus pinaster ssp. atlantica] forests |
G3.72 | [Pinus pinaster ssp. pinaster] ([Pinus mesogeensis]) forests | [Pinus pinaster ssp. pinaster] ([Pinus mesogeensis]) forests |
G3.73 | [Pinus pinea] forests | [Pinus pinea] forests |
G3.74 | [Pinus halepensis] forests | [Pinus halepensis] forests |
G3.75 | [Pinus brutia] forests | [Pinus brutia] forests |
G3.8 | Canary Island [Pinus canariensis] woodland | Canary Island [Pinus canariensis] woodland |
G3.81 | [Pinus canariensis] - [Cistus symphytifolius] forests | [Pinus canariensis] - [Cistus symphytifolius] forests |
G3.82 | [Pinus canariensis] - dry scrub forests | [Pinus canariensis] - dry scrub forests |
G3.83 | [Pinus canariensis] - heath forests | [Pinus canariensis] - heath forests |
G3.84 | [Pinus canariensis] - [Adenocarpus viscosus] woods | [Pinus canariensis] - [Adenocarpus viscosus] woods |
G3.85 | [Pinus canariensis] - [Juniperus cedrus] woods | [Pinus canariensis] - [Juniperus cedrus] woods |
G3.9 | Coniferous woodland dominated by [Cupressaceae] or [Taxaceae] | Coniferous woodland dominated by [Cupressaceae] or [Taxaceae] |
G3.91 | Western Palaearctic [Cupressus] forests | Western Palaearctic [Cupressus] forests |
G3.92 | Spanish [Juniperus thurifera] woods | Spanish [Juniperus thurifera] woods |
G3.93 | Greek [Juniperus excelsa] woods | Greek [Juniperus excelsa] woods |
G3.94 | [Juniperus foetidissima] woods | [Juniperus foetidissima] woods |
G3.95 | [Juniperus drupacea] woods | [Juniperus drupacea] woods |
G3.96 | [Tetraclinis articulata] forests | [Tetraclinis articulata] forests |
G3.97 | Western Palaearctic [Taxus baccata] woods | Western Palaearctic [Taxus baccata] woods |
G3.98 | Macaronesian [Juniperus] woods | Macaronesian [Juniperus] woods |
G3.99 | [Juniperus oxycedrus] woods | [Juniperus oxycedrus] woods |
G3.9A | [Juniperus phoenicea] woods | [Juniperus phoenicea] woods |
G3.9B | Hyrcanian [Platycladus orientalis] ([Thuja orientalis]) forests | Hyrcanian [Platycladus orientalis] ([Thuja orientalis]) forests |
G3.9C | [Cedrus] woodland | [Cedrus] woodland |
G3.A | [Picea] taiga woodland | [Picea] taiga woodland |
G3.A1 | [Vaccinium myrtillus] western [Picea] taiga | [Vaccinium myrtillus] western [Picea] taiga |
G3.A2 | Fern western [Picea] taiga | Fern western [Picea] taiga |
G3.A3 | Small-herb western [Picea] taiga | Small-herb western [Picea] taiga |
G3.A4 | Tall-herb western [Picea] taiga | Tall-herb western [Picea] taiga |
G3.A5 | Pretundra [Picea obovata] taiga | Pretundra [Picea obovata] taiga |
G3.B | [Pinus] taiga woodland | [Pinus] taiga woodland |
G3.B1 | [Calluna vulgaris] - [Empetrum] western taiga | [Calluna vulgaris] - [Empetrum] western taiga |
G3.B2 | [Vaccinium vitis-idaea] [Pinus] and [Picea] - [Pinus] taiga | [Vaccinium vitis-idaea] [Pinus] and [Picea] - [Pinus] taiga |
G3.B3 | Herb-rich and grassy pine taiga | Herb-rich and grassy pine taiga |
G3.B4 | Lichen [Pinus] taiga | Lichen [Pinus] taiga |
G3.C | [Larix] taiga woodland | [Larix] taiga woodland |
G3.C1 | [Larix russica] taiga | [Larix russica] taiga |
G3.D | Boreal bog conifer woodland | Boreal bog conifer woodland |
G3.D1 | Boreal [Pinus sylvestris] bog woods | Boreal [Pinus sylvestris] bog woods |
G3.D2 | Boreal sphagnum [Pinus sylvestris] fen woods | Boreal sphagnum [Pinus sylvestris] fen woods |
G3.D3 | Boreal brown moss [Pinus sylvestris] fen woods | Boreal brown moss [Pinus sylvestris] fen woods |
G3.D4 | Boreal [Picea] and [Picea] - [Betula] fen and bog woods | Boreal [Picea] and [Picea] - [Betula] fen and bog woods |
G3.D5 | Boreal [Picea] swamp woods | Boreal [Picea] swamp woods |
G3.E | Nemoral bog conifer woodland | Nemoral bog conifer woodland |
G3.E1 | [Pinus mugo] bog woods | [Pinus mugo] bog woods |
G3.E2 | Nemoral [Pinus sylvestris] mire woods | Nemoral [Pinus sylvestris] mire woods |
G3.E3 | Balkan [Pinus sylvestris] mire woods | Balkan [Pinus sylvestris] mire woods |
G3.E4 | Steppe [Pinus sylvestris] mire woods | Steppe [Pinus sylvestris] mire woods |
G3.E5 | Nemoral peatmoss [Picea] woods | Nemoral peatmoss [Picea] woods |
G3.E6 | Nemoral bog [Picea] woods | Nemoral bog [Picea] woods |
G3.F | Highly artificial coniferous plantations | Highly artificial coniferous plantations |
G3.F1 | Native conifer plantations | Native conifer plantations |
G3.F2 | Exotic conifer plantations | Exotic conifer plantations |
G4 | Mixed deciduous and coniferous woodland | Mixed deciduous and coniferous woodland |
G4.1 | Mixed swamp woodland | Mixed swamp woodland |
G4.2 | Mixed taiga woodland with [Betula] | Mixed taiga woodland with [Betula] |
G4.3 | Mixed sub-taiga woodland with acidophilous [Quercus] | Mixed sub-taiga woodland with acidophilous [Quercus] |
G4.31 | Boreonemoral lichen-dwarf shrub mixed forests | Boreonemoral lichen-dwarf shrub mixed forests |
G4.32 | Boreonemoral heath-grass mixed forests | Boreonemoral heath-grass mixed forests |
G4.33 | Boreonemoral herb-rich mixed forests | Boreonemoral herb-rich mixed forests |
G4.4 | Mixed [Pinus sylvestris] - [Betula] woodland | Mixed [Pinus sylvestris] - [Betula] woodland |
G4.5 | Mixed [Pinus sylvestris] - [Fagus] woodland | Mixed [Pinus sylvestris] - [Fagus] woodland |
G4.6 | Mixed [Abies] - [Picea] - [Fagus] woodland | Mixed [Abies] - [Picea] - [Fagus] woodland |
G4.7 | Mixed [Pinus sylvestris] - acidophilous [Quercus] woodland | Mixed [Pinus sylvestris] - acidophilous [Quercus] woodland |
G4.71 | Subcontinental nemoral [Pinus] - [Quercus] forests | Subcontinental nemoral [Pinus] - [Quercus] forests |
G4.72 | Continental nemoral [Pinus] - [Quercus] forests | Continental nemoral [Pinus] - [Quercus] forests |
G4.8 | Mixed non-riverine deciduous and coniferous woodland | Mixed non-riverine deciduous and coniferous woodland |
G4.9 | Mixed deciduous woodland with [Cupressaceae] or [Taxaceae] | Mixed deciduous woodland with [Cupressaceae] or [Taxaceae] |
G4.A | Mixed woodland with [Cupressaceae], [Taxaceae] and evergreen oak | Mixed woodland with [Cupressaceae], [Taxaceae] and evergreen oak |
G4.B | Mixed mediterranean [Pinus] - thermophilous [Quercus] woodland | Mixed mediterranean [Pinus] - thermophilous [Quercus] woodland |
G4.C | Mixed [Pinus sylvestris] - thermophilous [Quercus] woodland | Mixed [Pinus sylvestris] - thermophilous [Quercus] woodland |
G4.D | Mixed [Pinus nigra] - evergreen [Quercus] woodland | Mixed [Pinus nigra] - evergreen [Quercus] woodland |
G4.E | Mixed mediterranean pine - evergreen oak woodland | Mixed mediterranean pine - evergreen oak woodland |
G4.F | Mixed forestry plantations | Mixed forestry plantations |
G5 | Lines of trees, small anthropogenic woodlands, recently felled woodland, early-stage woodland and coppice | Lines of trees, small anthropogenic woodlands, recently felled woodland, early-stage woodland and coppice |
G5.1 | Lines of trees | Lines of trees |
G5.2 | Small broadleaved deciduous anthropogenic woodlands | Small broadleaved deciduous anthropogenic woodlands |
G5.3 | Small broadleaved evergreen anthropogenic woodlands | Small broadleaved evergreen anthropogenic woodlands |
G5.4 | Small coniferous anthropogenic woodlands | Small coniferous anthropogenic woodlands |
G5.5 | Small mixed broadleaved and coniferous anthropogenic woodlands | Small mixed broadleaved and coniferous anthropogenic woodlands |
G5.6 | Early-stage natural and semi-natural woodlands and regrowth | Early-stage natural and semi-natural woodlands and regrowth |
G5.61 | Deciduous scrub woodland | Deciduous scrub woodland |
G5.62 | Mixed scrub woodland | Mixed scrub woodland |
G5.63 | Coniferous scrub woodland | Coniferous scrub woodland |
G5.64 | Raised bog pre-woods | Raised bog pre-woods |
G5.7 | Coppice and early-stage plantations | Coppice and early-stage plantations |
G5.71 | Coppice | Coppice |
G5.72 | Early-stage broadleaved deciduous plantations | Early-stage broadleaved deciduous plantations |
G5.73 | Early-stage broadleaved evergreen plantations | Early-stage broadleaved evergreen plantations |
G5.74 | Early-stage coniferous plantations | Early-stage coniferous plantations |
G5.75 | Early-stage mixed broadleaved and coniferous plantations | Early-stage mixed broadleaved and coniferous plantations |
G5.76 | Trees planted for early whole-tree harvesting | Trees planted for early whole-tree harvesting |
G5.8 | Recently felled areas | Recently felled areas |
G5.81 | Recently felled areas, formerly broadleaved trees | Recently felled areas, formerly broadleaved trees |
G5.82 | Recently felled areas, formerly coniferous trees | Recently felled areas, formerly coniferous trees |
G5.83 | Recently felled areas, formerly mixed broadleaved and coniferous trees | Recently felled areas, formerly mixed broadleaved and coniferous trees |
H | Inland unvegetated or sparsely vegetated habitats | Inland unvegetated or sparsely vegetated habitats |
H1 | Terrestrial underground caves, cave systems, passages and waterbodies | Terrestrial underground caves, cave systems, passages and waterbodies |
H1.1 | Cave entrances | Cave entrances |
H1.2 | Cave interiors | Cave interiors |
H1.21 | Troglobiont vertebrate caves | Troglobiont vertebrate caves |
H1.22 | Subtroglophile vertebrate caves | Subtroglophile vertebrate caves |
H1.23 | Troglobiont invertebrate caves | Troglobiont invertebrate caves |
H1.24 | Troglophile invertebrate caves | Troglophile invertebrate caves |
H1.25 | Subtroglophile invertebrate caves | Subtroglophile invertebrate caves |
H1.26 | Caves without vertebrates or invertebrates | Caves without vertebrates or invertebrates |
H1.3 | Dark underground passages | Dark underground passages |
H1.4 | Lava tubes | Lava tubes |
H1.41 | Icelandic lava tubes | Icelandic lava tubes |
H1.42 | Macaronesian lava tubes | Macaronesian lava tubes |
H1.43 | Tethyan lava tubes | Tethyan lava tubes |
H1.5 | Underground standing waterbodies | Underground standing waterbodies |
H1.51 | Permanent underground standing waterbodies | Permanent underground standing waterbodies |
H1.52 | Temporary underground standing waterbodies | Temporary underground standing waterbodies |
H1.6 | Underground running waterbodies | Underground running waterbodies |
H1.61 | Permanent underground running waterbodies | Permanent underground running waterbodies |
H1.62 | Temporary underground running waterbodies | Temporary underground running waterbodies |
H1.7 | Disused underground mines and tunnels | Disused underground mines and tunnels |
H2 | Screes | Screes |
H2.1 | Cold siliceous screes | Cold siliceous screes |
H2.2 | Cold limestone screes | Cold limestone screes |
H2.3 | Temperate-montane acid siliceous screes | Temperate-montane acid siliceous screes |
H2.31 | Alpine siliceous screes | Alpine siliceous screes |
H2.32 | Medio-European upland siliceous screes | Medio-European upland siliceous screes |
H2.4 | Temperate-montane calcareous and ultra-basic screes | Temperate-montane calcareous and ultra-basic screes |
H2.41 | Alpine calcschist screes | Alpine calcschist screes |
H2.42 | [Thlaspi rotundifolium] screes | [Thlaspi rotundifolium] screes |
H2.43 | Fine calcareous screes | Fine calcareous screes |
H2.44 | Carpathian calcareous screes | Carpathian calcareous screes |
H2.45 | Rhodopide calcareous screes | Rhodopide calcareous screes |
H2.5 | Acid siliceous screes of warm exposures | Acid siliceous screes of warm exposures |
H2.51 | Pyreneo-Alpine thermo-siliceous screes | Pyreneo-Alpine thermo-siliceous screes |
H2.52 | Oro-Cantabrian siliceous screes | Oro-Cantabrian siliceous screes |
H2.53 | Ibero-Pyrenean acidophile fern screes | Ibero-Pyrenean acidophile fern screes |
H2.54 | Carpetano-Iberian siliceous screes | Carpetano-Iberian siliceous screes |
H2.55 | Nevadan siliceous screes | Nevadan siliceous screes |
H2.56 | Central Mediterranean siliceous screes | Central Mediterranean siliceous screes |
H2.57 | Anatolian siliceous screes | Anatolian siliceous screes |
H2.6 | Calcareous and ultra-basic screes of warm exposures | Calcareous and ultra-basic screes of warm exposures |
H2.61 | Peri-Alpine thermophilous screes | Peri-Alpine thermophilous screes |
H2.62 | Cevenno-Provençal screes | Cevenno-Provençal screes |
H2.63 | Pyrenean calcareous screes | Pyrenean calcareous screes |
H2.64 | Oro-Cantabrian calcareous screes | Oro-Cantabrian calcareous screes |
H2.65 | Iberian calciphile fern screes | Iberian calciphile fern screes |
H2.66 | Southern Iberian calcareous screes | Southern Iberian calcareous screes |
H2.67 | Central Mediterranean calcareous screes | Central Mediterranean calcareous screes |
H2.68 | Eastern Mediterranean limestone screes | Eastern Mediterranean limestone screes |
H2.69 | Eastern Mediterranean serpentine screes | Eastern Mediterranean serpentine screes |
H2.6A | Cyprian screes | Cyprian screes |
H2.6B | Illyrian montane calcareous screes | Illyrian montane calcareous screes |
H2.6C | Illyrian sub-Mediterranean screes | Illyrian sub-Mediterranean screes |
H2.6D | Illyrian montane serpentine screes | Illyrian montane serpentine screes |
H2.6E | Illyrian [Achnatherum calamagrostis] screes | Illyrian [Achnatherum calamagrostis] screes |
H2.6F | Anatolian calcareous screes | Anatolian calcareous screes |
H3 | Inland cliffs, rock pavements and outcrops | Inland cliffs, rock pavements and outcrops |
H3.1 | Acid siliceous inland cliffs | Acid siliceous inland cliffs |
H3.11 | Middle European montane siliceous cliffs | Middle European montane siliceous cliffs |
H3.12 | Oro-Iberian siliceous cliffs | Oro-Iberian siliceous cliffs |
H3.13 | South-western Alpine siliceous cliffs | South-western Alpine siliceous cliffs |
H3.14 | Cyrno-Sardinian montane and alpine cliffs | Cyrno-Sardinian montane and alpine cliffs |
H3.15 | Helleno-Carpatho-Balkanic [Silene] siliceous cliffs | Helleno-Carpatho-Balkanic [Silene] siliceous cliffs |
H3.16 | Peri-Pyrenean montane siliceous cliffs | Peri-Pyrenean montane siliceous cliffs |
H3.17 | Western Iberian siliceous cliffs | Western Iberian siliceous cliffs |
H3.18 | West Mediterranean thermophile siliceous cliffs | West Mediterranean thermophile siliceous cliffs |
H3.19 | Lowland northern and middle siliceous cliffs | Lowland northern and middle siliceous cliffs |
H3.1A | Boreal siliceous cliffs | Boreal siliceous cliffs |
H3.1B | Bare siliceous inland cliffs | Bare siliceous inland cliffs |
H3.1C | Disused siliceous quarries | Disused siliceous quarries |
H3.2 | Basic and ultra-basic inland cliffs | Basic and ultra-basic inland cliffs |
H3.21 | Tyrrheno-Adriatic eumediterranean calcicolous chasmophyte communities | Tyrrheno-Adriatic eumediterranean calcicolous chasmophyte communities |
H3.22 | Central Pyrenean calcicolous chasmophyte communities | Central Pyrenean calcicolous chasmophyte communities |
H3.23 | Liguro-Apennine calcicolous chasmophyte communities | Liguro-Apennine calcicolous chasmophyte communities |
H3.24 | Western mediterraneo-montane chasmophyte communities | Western mediterraneo-montane chasmophyte communities |
H3.25 | Alpine and sub-mediterranean chasmophyte communities | Alpine and sub-mediterranean chasmophyte communities |
H3.26 | Hellenic eumediterranean calcicolous chasmophyte communities | Hellenic eumediterranean calcicolous chasmophyte communities |
H3.27 | Aegeo-east-Mediterranean basiphile chasmophyte communities | Aegeo-east-Mediterranean basiphile chasmophyte communities |
H3.28 | Southern Hellenic [Potentilla] cliffs | Southern Hellenic [Potentilla] cliffs |
H3.29 | Central Hellenic [Potentilla] cliffs | Central Hellenic [Potentilla] cliffs |
H3.2A | Illyrio-Helleno-Balkanic [Potentilla] cliffs | Illyrio-Helleno-Balkanic [Potentilla] cliffs |
H3.2B | Lowland middle European calcareous cliff communities | Lowland middle European calcareous cliff communities |
H3.2C | Boreal calcareous cliff communities | Boreal calcareous cliff communities |
H3.2D | Mediterraneo-Anatolian calcicolous chasmophyte communities | Mediterraneo-Anatolian calcicolous chasmophyte communities |
H3.2E | Bare limestone inland cliffs | Bare limestone inland cliffs |
H3.2F | Disused chalk and limestone quarries | Disused chalk and limestone quarries |
H3.2G | Boreal and arctic serpentine and basaltic cliff communities | Boreal and arctic serpentine and basaltic cliff communities |
H3.2H | Bare inland basaltic and ultrabasic cliffs | Bare inland basaltic and ultrabasic cliffs |
H3.2I | Temperate serpentine and basaltic cliff communities | Temperate serpentine and basaltic cliff communities |
H3.2J | Mediterranean serpentine and basaltic cliff communities | Mediterranean serpentine and basaltic cliff communities |
H3.3 | Macaronesian inland cliffs | Macaronesian inland cliffs |
H3.4 | Wet inland cliffs | Wet inland cliffs |
H3.41 | Mediterranean wet inland cliffs | Mediterranean wet inland cliffs |
H3.42 | Northern wet inland cliffs | Northern wet inland cliffs |
H3.5 | Almost bare rock pavements, including limestone pavements | Almost bare rock pavements, including limestone pavements |
H3.51 | Pavements, rock slabs, rock domes | Pavements, rock slabs, rock domes |
H3.6 | Weathered rock and outcrop habitats | Weathered rock and outcrop habitats |
H3.61 | Bare weathered rock and outcrop habitats | Bare weathered rock and outcrop habitats |
H3.62 | Sparsely vegetated weathered rock and outcrop habitats | Sparsely vegetated weathered rock and outcrop habitats |
H4 | Snow or ice-dominated habitats | Snow or ice-dominated habitats |
H4.1 | Snow packs | Snow packs |
H4.2 | True glaciers | True glaciers |
H4.21 | Ice sheets and ice caps | Ice sheets and ice caps |
H4.22 | Cirque and valley glaciers | Cirque and valley glaciers |
H4.23 | Glacierets | Glacierets |
H4.3 | Rock glaciers and unvegetated ice-dominated moraines | Rock glaciers and unvegetated ice-dominated moraines |
H4.31 | Rock glaciers | Rock glaciers |
H4.32 | Ice-core moraines | Ice-core moraines |
H4.33 | Unvegetated glacial moraines in the process of formation | Unvegetated glacial moraines in the process of formation |
H5 | Miscellaneous inland habitats with very sparse or no vegetation | Miscellaneous inland habitats with very sparse or no vegetation |
H5.1 | Fjell fields and other freeze-thaw features with very sparse or no vegetation | Fjell fields and other freeze-thaw features with very sparse or no vegetation |
H5.11 | Fjell fields with very sparse or no vegetation | Fjell fields with very sparse or no vegetation |
H5.2 | Glacial moraines with very sparse or no vegetation | Glacial moraines with very sparse or no vegetation |
H5.21 | Unvegetated young glacial moraines | Unvegetated young glacial moraines |
H5.22 | Sparsely vegetated glacial moraines | Sparsely vegetated glacial moraines |
H5.3 | Sparsely- or un-vegetated habitats on mineral substrates not resulting from recent ice activity | Sparsely- or un-vegetated habitats on mineral substrates not resulting from recent ice activity |
H5.31 | Clay and silt with very sparse or no vegetation | Clay and silt with very sparse or no vegetation |
H5.32 | Stable sand with very sparse or no vegetation | Stable sand with very sparse or no vegetation |
H5.33 | Lacustrine dunes | Lacustrine dunes |
H5.34 | Inland non-lacustrine dunes | Inland non-lacustrine dunes |
H5.35 | Gravel with very sparse or no vegetation | Gravel with very sparse or no vegetation |
H5.36 | Shallow rocky soils with very sparse or no vegetation | Shallow rocky soils with very sparse or no vegetation |
H5.37 | Boulder fields | Boulder fields |
H5.4 | Dry organic substrates with very sparse or no vegetation | Dry organic substrates with very sparse or no vegetation |
H5.5 | Burnt areas with very sparse or no vegetation | Burnt areas with very sparse or no vegetation |
H5.51 | Unvegetated recently burnt ground | Unvegetated recently burnt ground |
H5.52 | Sparsely vegetated burnt areas | Sparsely vegetated burnt areas |
H5.6 | Trampled areas | Trampled areas |
H5.61 | Unsurfaced pathways | Unsurfaced pathways |
H6 | Recent volcanic features | Recent volcanic features |
H6.1 | Active volcanic features | Active volcanic features |
H6.11 | Italian fumaroles | Italian fumaroles |
H6.12 | Sicilian fumaroles | Sicilian fumaroles |
H6.13 | Pantelleria fumaroles | Pantelleria fumaroles |
H6.14 | Macaronesian fumaroles | Macaronesian fumaroles |
H6.15 | Icelandic solfataras | Icelandic solfataras |
H6.16 | East Mediterranean fumaroles and solfataras | East Mediterranean fumaroles and solfataras |
H6.17 | Peri-Alpine fumaroles, solfataras and mofettes | Peri-Alpine fumaroles, solfataras and mofettes |
H6.18 | Western Asian fumaroles and solfataras | Western Asian fumaroles and solfataras |
H6.2 | Inactive recent volcanic features | Inactive recent volcanic features |
H6.21 | Teide violet community | Teide violet community |
H6.22 | Etna summital communities | Etna summital communities |
H6.23 | Western Asian orovolcanic communities | Western Asian orovolcanic communities |
H6.24 | Barren lava fields and flows | Barren lava fields and flows |
H6.25 | Volcanic ash and lapilli fields | Volcanic ash and lapilli fields |
I | Regularly or recently cultivated agricultural, horticultural and domestic habitats | Regularly or recently cultivated agricultural, horticultural and domestic habitats |
I1 | Arable land and market gardens | Arable land and market gardens |
I1.1 | Intensive unmixed crops | Intensive unmixed crops |
I1.11 | Large-scale intensive unmixed crops (>25ha) | Large-scale intensive unmixed crops (>25ha) |
I1.12 | Medium-scale intensive unmixed crops (1-25ha) | Medium-scale intensive unmixed crops (1-25ha) |
I1.13 | Small-scale intensive unmixed crops (<1ha) | Small-scale intensive unmixed crops (<1ha) |
I1.2 | Mixed crops of market gardens and horticulture | Mixed crops of market gardens and horticulture |
I1.21 | Large-scale market gardens and horticulture | Large-scale market gardens and horticulture |
I1.22 | Small-scale market gardens and horticulture, including allotments | Small-scale market gardens and horticulture, including allotments |
I1.3 | Arable land with unmixed crops grown by low-intensity agricultural methods | Arable land with unmixed crops grown by low-intensity agricultural methods |
I1.4 | Inundated or inundatable croplands, including rice fields | Inundated or inundatable croplands, including rice fields |
I1.5 | Bare tilled, fallow or recently abandoned arable land | Bare tilled, fallow or recently abandoned arable land |
I1.51 | Bare tilled land | Bare tilled land |
I1.52 | Fallow un-inundated fields with annual weed communities | Fallow un-inundated fields with annual weed communities |
I1.53 | Fallow un-inundated fields with annual and perennial weed communities | Fallow un-inundated fields with annual and perennial weed communities |
I1.54 | Fallow inundated fields with annual weed communities | Fallow inundated fields with annual weed communities |
I1.55 | Fallow inundated fields with annual and perennial weed communities | Fallow inundated fields with annual and perennial weed communities |
I2 | Cultivated areas of gardens and parks | Cultivated areas of gardens and parks |
I2.1 | Large-scale ornamental garden areas | Large-scale ornamental garden areas |
I2.11 | Park flower beds, arbours and shrubbery | Park flower beds, arbours and shrubbery |
I2.12 | Botanical gardens | Botanical gardens |
I2.2 | Small-scale ornamental and domestic garden areas | Small-scale ornamental and domestic garden areas |
I2.21 | Ornamental garden areas | Ornamental garden areas |
I2.22 | Subsistence garden areas | Subsistence garden areas |
I2.23 | Small parks and city squares | Small parks and city squares |
I2.3 | Weed communities of recently abandoned garden areas | Weed communities of recently abandoned garden areas |
J | Constructed, industrial and other artificial habitats | Constructed, industrial and other artificial habitats |
J1 | Buildings of cities, towns and villages | Buildings of cities, towns and villages |
J1.1 | Residential buildings of city and town centres | Residential buildings of city and town centres |
J1.2 | Residential buildings of villages and urban peripheries | Residential buildings of villages and urban peripheries |
J1.3 | Urban and suburban public buildings | Urban and suburban public buildings |
J1.4 | Urban and suburban industrial and commercial sites still in active use | Urban and suburban industrial and commercial sites still in active use |
J1.41 | Urban and suburban commercial units | Urban and suburban commercial units |
J1.42 | Urban and suburban factories | Urban and suburban factories |
J1.5 | Disused constructions of cities, towns and villages | Disused constructions of cities, towns and villages |
J1.51 | Urban and suburban derelict spaces | Urban and suburban derelict spaces |
J1.6 | Urban and suburban construction and demolition sites | Urban and suburban construction and demolition sites |
J1.7 | High density temporary residential units | High density temporary residential units |
J2 | Low density buildings | Low density buildings |
J2.1 | Scattered residential buildings | Scattered residential buildings |
J2.2 | Rural public buildings | Rural public buildings |
J2.3 | Rural industrial and commercial sites still in active use | Rural industrial and commercial sites still in active use |
J2.31 | Rural commercial units | Rural commercial units |
J2.32 | Rural industrial sites | Rural industrial sites |
J2.4 | Agricultural constructions | Agricultural constructions |
J2.41 | Agricultural buildings (not isolated) | Agricultural buildings (not isolated) |
J2.42 | Isolated agricultural buildings | Isolated agricultural buildings |
J2.43 | Greenhouses | Greenhouses |
J2.5 | Constructed boundaries | Constructed boundaries |
J2.51 | Fences | Fences |
J2.52 | Field walls | Field walls |
J2.53 | Sea walls | Sea walls |
J2.6 | Disused rural constructions | Disused rural constructions |
J2.61 | Derelict spaces of disused rural constructions | Derelict spaces of disused rural constructions |
J2.7 | Rural construction and demolition sites | Rural construction and demolition sites |
J3 | Extractive industrial sites | Extractive industrial sites |
J3.1 | Active underground mines | Active underground mines |
J3.2 | Active opencast mineral extraction sites, including quarries | Active opencast mineral extraction sites, including quarries |
J3.3 | Recently abandoned above-ground spaces of extractive industrial sites | Recently abandoned above-ground spaces of extractive industrial sites |
J4 | Transport networks and other constructed hard-surfaced areas | Transport networks and other constructed hard-surfaced areas |
J4.1 | Weed communities of transport networks and other constructed hard-surfaced areas | Weed communities of transport networks and other constructed hard-surfaced areas |
J4.2 | Road networks | Road networks |
J4.3 | Rail networks | Rail networks |
J4.4 | Airport runways and aprons | Airport runways and aprons |
J4.5 | Hard-surfaced areas of ports | Hard-surfaced areas of ports |
J4.6 | Pavements and recreation areas | Pavements and recreation areas |
J4.7 | Constructed parts of cemeteries | Constructed parts of cemeteries |
J5 | Highly artificial man-made waters and associated structures | Highly artificial man-made waters and associated structures |
J5.1 | Highly artificial saline and brackish standing waters | Highly artificial saline and brackish standing waters |
J5.11 | Saline and brackish industrial lagoons and canals | Saline and brackish industrial lagoons and canals |
J5.12 | Saltworks | Saltworks |
J5.2 | Highly artificial saline and brackish running waters | Highly artificial saline and brackish running waters |
J5.3 | Highly artificial non-saline standing waters | Highly artificial non-saline standing waters |
J5.31 | Ponds and lakes with completely man-made substrate | Ponds and lakes with completely man-made substrate |
J5.32 | Intensively managed fish ponds | Intensively managed fish ponds |
J5.33 | Water storage tanks | Water storage tanks |
J5.34 | Standing waterbodies of extractive industrial sites with extreme chemistry | Standing waterbodies of extractive industrial sites with extreme chemistry |
J5.4 | Highly artificial non-saline running waters | Highly artificial non-saline running waters |
J5.41 | Non-saline water channels with completely man-made substrate | Non-saline water channels with completely man-made substrate |
J5.42 | Running discharges from extractive industrial sites with extreme chemistry | Running discharges from extractive industrial sites with extreme chemistry |
J5.43 | Subterranean artificial watercourses | Subterranean artificial watercourses |
J5.5 | Highly artificial non-saline fountains and cascades | Highly artificial non-saline fountains and cascades |
J6 | Waste deposits | Waste deposits |
J6.1 | Weed communities of waste deposits | Weed communities of waste deposits |
J6.2 | Household waste and landfill sites | Household waste and landfill sites |
J6.3 | Non-agricultural organic waste | Non-agricultural organic waste |
J6.31 | Sewage works and sludge beds | Sewage works and sludge beds |
J6.4 | Agricultural and horticultural waste | Agricultural and horticultural waste |
J6.41 | Solid agricultural and horticultural waste | Solid agricultural and horticultural waste |
J6.42 | Liquid agricultural wastes (manure) | Liquid agricultural wastes (manure) |
J6.5 | Industrial waste | Industrial waste |
J6.51 | Mining slag heaps | Mining slag heaps |
J6.52 | Industrial scrap and detritus heaps | Industrial scrap and detritus heaps |
J6.6 | Waste resulting from building construction or demolition | Waste resulting from building construction or demolition |
European Environment Agency
Kgs. Nytorv 6, DK-1050 Copenhagen K, Denmark