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Identifier WISE-SoE_Biology
Short name WISE SoE - Biology
Registration status Released 27 September 2023
Reference URL
Name WISE SoE - Biology data (WISE-2)
Keywords Water, water quality, Biology
Short Description Biological data from rivers, lakes, transitional and coastal waters
Definition Biological data from rivers, lakes, transitional and coastal waters collected annually through the WISE-SoE reporting. The data are expected to be collected within monitoring programs defined under the Water Framework Directive and used in the classification of the ecological status or potential of rivers, lakes, transitional and coastal water bodies.
Methodology for obtaining data OVERVIEW:

Biological data as EQR values in rivers, lakes, transitional and coastal waters (as defined under the Water Framework Directive), are requested either at the monitoring site level (BiologyEQRData table) or at the water body level (BiologyEQRDataByWaterBody table). The BiologyEQRClassificationProcedure table provides information on the EQR values used as boundaries for the classification of the ecological status or ecological potential of the water bodies for a given biological determinand and water body type. This information is needed for the calculation from national EQR values to normalised EQR values.

1. Coverage and reference period

The data should preferably be derived from national monitoring programs defined under the Water Framework Directive. Whenever possible, the countries reporting under the WFD should use WFD monitoring sites and WFD water bodies. The use of EIONET monitoring sites and EIONET water bodies should be restricted to exceptional situations (e.g. small water bodies that are not WFD waterbodies).

The countries that do not report under WFD must use EIONET identifiers.

Submit data collected up to the end of the previous year (e.g. in 2022, submit data collected until the end of 2021).

2. Data content: EQR values

Use the BiologyEQRData table to report the annual mean value of Ecological Quality Ratio (EQR) data from rivers, lakes, transitional and coastal monitoring sites. Alternatively, use the BiologyEQRDataByWaterBody to report them at the water body level, if reporting at the monitoring site level is not possible. EQR data can be reported as national EQR values together with the associated status class boundaries and/or as normalised EQR values (without the need for class boundaries).

3. Data content: classification tables.

Check and revise the class boundary values using the pre-filled BiologyEQRClassificationProcedure table.The pre-filled table is available in the CDR (use 'Add prefilled file(s)' in activated WISE2 Draft envelope).

4. Data publication

The data will be primarily used to derive indicator values, and display temporal and geographical trends in European data products, upon which EEA assessment reports are based. Processed and quality-checked data are also published in the Waterbase - Biology.

5. Spatial reference data

The data reported under the WISE-2 flow must be linked to a monitoring site (or to a water body, for data aggregated by water body), using an existing spatial identifier.
The location, identification and characteristics of the spatial objects must have been provided via the WFD Spatial data flow (or WISE-5 data flow, for countries that do not report under the Water Framework Directive).
If a monitoring site or water body is reported under the WFD, use the WFD identifier as the unique identifier.
During the quality control procedures of the data reported under WISE-2, the consistency of these identifiers will be checked against the spatial data already reported.
The spatial data do not have to be reported annually. However, updates to the spatial data (e.g. new monitoring sites, changes in the identifiers, etc.) must be reported under the WFD Spatial data flow (or WISE-5 data flow, for countries that do not report under the Water Framework Directive). Only then can new identifiers be used in the WISE-2 reporting

6. Water body types

For monitoring sites and water bodies where a water body type has already been reported to the WFD [surfaceWaterBodyTypeCode], the same water body type must be used in WISE-2 reporting (since 2021). For the WISE-2 reporting in 2022, the allowed set of water body types will still be limited to those reported to WFD under the 2nd RBMP. For subsequent WISE-2 reportings, this set will be expanded with the additional water body types reported under the 3rd RBMP

7. Reporting data at water body level

Data can be reported at the water body level as an alternative to monitoring site level. The aggregation process should consist of two phases: first, calculate the annual average value by monitoring site; then use the results to calculate the annual average value by water body. Using this approach, the influence of different number of samples at monitoring site level is eliminated.

8. Other recommendations

Please provide long time series without gaps and as complete a geographic coverage as possible. Please ensure that reported data are representative for all status classes (e.g. not dominated by sites in good or high status).

9. Reporting format and delivery

Use the reporting templates (MS Excel or XML schemas) and these specifications when formatting and collating the data delivery. The templates can be downloaded from the data dictionary.

Data can be delivered in XML files or in MS Excel file format. Please do not use formulas in MS Excel files and do not rename the sheets or column names. The file name can be renamed.

A delivery can be split into multiple files if necessary. All the files must, however, be uploaded to the same envelope. The classification table must be uploaded as one single table.

Upload the data files to the Central Data Repository at A WISE-2 folder has been created by the EEA under your country’s collection.

If you have any questions about the format and content of the data request please contact the helpdesk, e-mail:
Planned updating frequency Annual
Version September 2023
Reporting obligation

Data model

Click thumbnail to view large version of the data model

Dataset tables

Full name Short name
Annual biology EQR data by monitoring si ... BiologyEQRData
Annual biology EQR data by water body BiologyEQRDataByWaterBody
Classification procedure for ecological ... BiologyEQRClassificationProcedure

Other versions

Dataset number Status Release date
3306 Released 29 October 2019 [view]