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Identifier Emissions
Short name WISE-SoE: Emissions
Registration status Released 21 July 2009
Reference URL
Name WISE-SoE Reporting: Emissions
Definition Data on emissions will be collected annually through the Eionet-Water process. Data and information obtained through the Eionet-Water process are primarily used to compile indicator factsheets, associated with the EEA's Core Set Indicators, upon which EEA assessment reports are based. Data collected through the Eionet-Water process are also published in Waterbase, a series of water topic-specific databases and web pages, publicly accessible via the EEA Data Service's web site. Data on the status and quantity of Europe's water resources can be viewed, analysed and downloaded from Waterbase at:
Full details of the data requested on emissions are presented in this specification and include emissions of nutrients, organic matter and hazardous substances from a range of both point and diffuse sources.
Methodology for obtaining data The data requested through the Eionet-Water process should be derived from existing national and/or regional sources within each EEA Member Country. Member Countries are asked to provide data on emissions. It is expected that these data should provide a general overview, based on truly comparable data, of emissions to water at a European level.
It is recognised that whilst Member Countries already report data under various obligations (e.g. UWWTD, E-PRTR and WFD) there may be information gaps in the data supplied in terms of the requirements of the EEA; for example, with respect to pollutant discharges from UWWT plants It is not the intention of the EEA that Member Countries should make duplicate deliveries of data, so any data already submitted via existing (legislative) reporting obligations need not be resupplied through the Eionet-Water process. Member Countries are only asked to provide missing or additional data. If data has been provided already under WFD, UWWTD, E-PRTR, or SoE Quantity reporting then please flag using value -1, - 2, - 3. - 4 or -5 respectively.

Please consider the following when compiling your data delivery:

1. Submit data up to and including 2008. Do not supply any data for 2009.
2. Submit data on annual nutrient, organic matter and hazardous substances emissions aggregated at the national RBD level. If more spatially detailed information is available at sub-unit or water body level, then this would be appreciated.
3. Submit emissions data from both source (gross) and load (net) oriented approaches where available, providing full methodological details.. Source (gross) approaches estimate the emission to – but not within - an inland waterbody and do not account for retention (loss) processes within that waterbody. Load or net approaches describe a total pollutant load (ideally separated into source categories) at the river mouth or downstream point and, account for in-river processes.
4. Provide as long a time series of data, for as many determinands and as many individual source of pollutants as possible. To facilitate comparison of emissions data between years, it is preferred that assessment methods remain consistent over time. Any change in method should be clearly indicated.
5. Modify and add to the information on the characteristics of the spatial units used (national RBDs, sub-units or water bodies) Provide this permanent data only once for each assessment unit unless there are changes between reporting periods. Provide population information for each reporting unit. If information regarding proxy pressures has already been provided under WFD reporting, please flag using value -1.
6. Provide a data description with, for example, a summary of the methodology used for quantifying significant point and diffuse sources including a description of the following where appropriate: Screening criteria, numerical models (including whether they are source (gross) or load (net) based), data sources etc. All such information should be delivered in an accompanying text file.
7. Use the templates (XML schemas or Excel) and these specifications to guide you in formatting and collating your data delivery. All are available for download from the data dictionary
8. Supply data in XML, Excel, tab-separated ASCII text or Access database format. Ensure commas are not used as decimal separators.
9. Upload your data files to your nominated repository: the Central Data Repository at or your national Eionet server.

Categories of point and diffuse sources of emissions:

Point sources to coastal and transitional waters:
D0 Direct Discharges (total)

Point sources to inland waters:
U1 Urban Waste Water Untreated (U11-U14)
U2 Urban Waste Water Treated (U21-U24)
I3 Industrial Waste Water Treated
I4 Industrial Waste Water Untreated
O5 Other Waste Water Treated
O6 Other Waste Water Untreated
G7 Point Sources to GW (total)

Difuse (non-point) sources to inland waters:
NP1 Agriculture Emissions
NP2 Atmospheric Deposition
NP3 Un-Connected Dwellings Emissions
NP4 Urban Diffuse Emissions
NP5 Storm Overflows Emissions
NP6 Abandoned Industrial Sites Emissions
NP7 Other Diffuse Emissions
NP8 Background Emissions

More details are available in the emission data dictionary accompanying file: Emission Source Discharges Scheme and Legend, which is available on:

The ETC Water contact person for the WISE-SoE Emissions reporting is Hana Prchalova, based at the CENIA, Prague, Czech Republic. If you have any questions about the format and content of the data request, please contact her by e-mail at:
Planned updating frequency Every three years for diffuse sources, annually for point sources where information is available.
Version July 2009
Owner (Accountable)

Data model

Click thumbnail to view large version of the data model

Dataset tables

Full name Short name
Nutrients and Organic Matter Emission Di ... Nutrients_Point_Emission
Nutrients and Organic Matter Emissions f ... Nutrients_Diffuse_Emission
Hazardous Substances Emission Discharges ... Haz_Subst_Point_Emission
Hazardous Substances Emissions from Diff ... Haz_Subst_Diffuse_Emission
Spatial Unit Characteristics and Pressur ... Spatial_Unit_Characterisation

Other versions

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2846 Released 09 July 2010 [view]
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