View element definition


Identifier Data_format
Short name Data_format
Dataset CDDA
Table Siteboundaries
Reference URL
Name Data format
Definition Format of GIS deliverable.
Methodology for obtaining data Data formats:
EEA is able to use GIS digital data in most standard mapping formats. ArcInfo export format and ArcView shape files are ideal, but Mapinfo interchange files or dxf files are also acceptable when sufficiently described.

Different data structures may exist in different countries for geographical layers and attribute tables. Whatever format is used, it should be possible to extract from the delivered GIS data, separate layers for each of the designation types in "Designation" table and individual points, lines or polygons should refer to at least one of the CDDA site codes as indicated in the "Sites" table.

If one site is designated under several designations it might be present in different GIS layers. In such cases, attention should be given that exactly the same boundary is present in the different layers.

See also EEA guidelines for geographic data and maps (2003) <;
Datatype string
Minimum size 0
Maximum size 50
Public or Internal Administrative attribute
Reporting obligation