Vocabulary: Codelist of species

Folder art17_2018 (Habitats directive Art. 17 reporting in year 2018)
Identifier HDspecies
Label Codelist of species
Base URI http://dd.eionet.europa.eu/vocabulary/art17_2018/HDspecies/
Registration status Public draft 22 Mar 2019 18:23:10
Type Common

Bound elements for concepts

No bound elements found.

Vocabulary concepts

1,510 concepts found, displaying 1 to 20.FirstPrev12345678Last
Id Label Status Status Modified Notation
1001 Corallium rubrum Valid 22.03.2019 1001
1002 Discula tabellata Valid 22.03.2019 1002
1003 Discula testudinalis Valid 22.03.2019 1003
1006 Geomitra moniziana Valid 22.03.2019 1006
1007 Elona quimperiana Valid 22.03.2019 1007
1008 Centrostephanus longispinus Valid 22.03.2019 1008
1011 Caseolus calculus Valid 22.03.2019 1011
1012 Patella ferruginea Valid 22.03.2019 1012
1013 Vertigo geyeri Valid 22.03.2019 1013
1014 Vertigo angustior Valid 22.03.2019 1014
1015 Vertigo genesii Valid 22.03.2019 1015
1016 Vertigo moulinsiana Valid 22.03.2019 1016
1017 Leiostyla abbreviata Valid 22.03.2019 1017
1018 Leiostyla cassida Valid 22.03.2019 1018
1019 Leiostyla corneocostata Valid 22.03.2019 1019
1020 Leiostyla gibba Valid 22.03.2019 1020
1021 Leiostyla lamellosa Valid 22.03.2019 1021
1022 Discus defloratus Valid 22.03.2019 1022
1024 Geomalacus maculosus Valid 22.03.2019 1024
1025 Idiomela subplicata Valid 22.03.2019 1025