Vocabulary: Codelist of species

Folder art17_2018 (Habitats directive Art. 17 reporting in year 2018)
Identifier HDspecies
Label Codelist of species
Base URI http://dd.eionet.europa.eu/vocabulary/art17_2018/HDspecies/
Registration status Public draft 22 Mar 2019 18:23:10
Type Common

Bound elements for concepts

No bound elements found.

Vocabulary concepts

1,510 concepts found, displaying 41 to 60.First12345678Last
Id Label Status Status Modified Notation
1048 Aeshna viridis Valid 22.03.2019 1048
1049 Baetica ustulata Valid 22.03.2019 1049
1050 Saga pedo Valid 22.03.2019 1050
1051 Apteromantis aptera Valid 22.03.2019 1051
1053 Zerynthia polyxena Valid 22.03.2019 1053
1054 Papilio alexanor Valid 22.03.2019 1054
1055 Papilio hospiton Valid 22.03.2019 1055
1056 Parnassius mnemosyne Valid 22.03.2019 1056
1057 Parnassius apollo Valid 22.03.2019 1057
1058 Maculinea arion Valid 22.03.2019 1058
1059 Maculinea teleius Valid 22.03.2019 1059
1060 Lycaena dispar Valid 22.03.2019 1060
1061 Maculinea nausithous Valid 22.03.2019 1061
1062 Melanargia arge Valid 22.03.2019 1062
1063 Plebicula golgus Valid 22.03.2019 1063
1064 Fabriciana elisa Valid 22.03.2019 1064
1065 Euphydryas aurinia Valid 22.03.2019 1065
1066 Apatura metis Valid 22.03.2019 1066
1067 Lopinga achine Valid 22.03.2019 1067
1069 Erebia sudetica Valid 22.03.2019 1069