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Identifier sitehabitats
Short name Sitehabitats
Dataset CDDA
Reference URL
Name Site Habitats
Definition This table accumulates data on habitats and habitat cover within the site boundary.
Methodology for obtaining data For habitat-types, the EUNIS Habitat classification is used as the reference, at least to the second level, but if possible even to the fourth level of the hierarchy. The habitat definition list has been added as the table EUNIS_habitats_level_4_for CDDA.

Additional information can be obtained by contacting ETC/BD or visiting the EUNIS database at


Element name Datatype Element type
* EUNIS habitat classification (EUNIS_Hab) string Fixed values
* Site code (SITE_CODE)   (FK) decimal Quantitative
* Cover (Cover) integer Quantitative
(an asterisk in front of element name indicates that the element is mandatory in this table)