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Identifier EUNIS_habitats_level_4
Short name EUNIS_habitats_level_4_for_CDDA
Dataset CDDA
Reference URL
Name EUNIS habitats level 4 for CDDA
Short Description Lookup table for EUNIS habitats prefilled by ETC BD in January 2005.
Definition EUNIS habitat classification level 1 to level 4.
Methodology for obtaining data ETC BD has prefilled this table in the CDDA-XX-YYYYMM.mdb database with the latest version of the EUNIS habitat classification to support countries in completing the Site habitats table.


Element name Datatype Element type
* Scientific name of habitat (Scientific_name) string Quantitative
* EUNIS habitat classification (EUNIS_Hab) string Fixed values
* EUNIS Habitat classification level (Hab_level) string Fixed values
(an asterisk in front of element name indicates that the element is mandatory in this table)