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There are 0 QA scripts and 4 conversion scripts registered for this table.
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Identifier sites
Short name Sites
Dataset CDDA
Reference URL
Name Sites Data
Short Description The table contains the information on the individual designated areas at national level.
Definition Information on the site records for each designation type creating "sites" (the field "CDDA sites" in the Designations table must be set to "Yes")
Methodology for obtaining data Geographical co-ordinates:
The geographical co-ordinates can be stored in two different ways: decimal degrees (LAT, LON) or degrees, minutes and seconds in separate fields (LAT_NS, LATDEG, LATMIN, LATSEC, LON_EW, LONDEG, LONMIN, LONSEC). You are free to choose whatever system is easier for you.

Any point within the boundary of the designated area is considered to be correct. In the case of "multi-polygon" areas, expert judgement should provide the best location of the central point, usually within the largest sub-area, but always within site boundaries.

The use of GIS data to fill those fields is highly recommended, especially for countries that have already boundary information in a GIS format available.


Element name Datatype Element type
* Latitude degrees (LATDEG) integer Quantitative
* Altitude minimum (ALTITUDE_MIN) integer Quantitative
* Latitude (LAT) decimal Quantitative
* IUCN category (IUCNCAT) string Fixed values
* To be deleted (To_be_deleted) string Fixed values
* Longitude degrees (LONDEG) integer Quantitative
* Administrative Region Code (NUTS) string Quantitative
* Longitude minutes (LONMIN) integer Quantitative
* EIONET institute (EIONET_INSTITUTE) string Quantitative
* Latitude minutes (LATMIN) integer Quantitative
* Latitude seconds (LATSEC) integer Quantitative
* SITE_CODE (SITE_CODE)   (FK) integer Quantitative
* Notes (NOTES) string Quantitative
* Longitude seconds (LONSEC) integer Quantitative
* Site name (AREANAME) string Quantitative
* National designation type code (DESIG_ABBR)   (FK) string Quantitative
* Longitude EW (LON_EW) string Quantitative
* Parent ISO code (PARENT_ISO) string Quantitative
* Year (YEAR) string Quantitative
* EIONET change type (EIONET_CHNG_TYPE) string Fixed values
* Longitude (LON) decimal Quantitative
* National Site Code (SITE_CODE_NAT) string Quantitative
* EIONET edited by (EIONET_EDITED_BY) string Quantitative
* EIONET change date (EIONET_CHNG_DATE) date Quantitative
* Size (SIZE) decimal Quantitative
* ISO3 code (ISO3) string Quantitative
* Altitude maximum (ALTITUDE_MAX) integer Quantitative
(an asterisk in front of element name indicates that the element is mandatory in this table)