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Identifier ReceivingAreasLSA
Short name ReceivingAreasLSA
Dataset UWWTDArt15
Reference URL
Name ReceivingAreasLSA
Short Description Attributes of the Less sensitive areas
Definition Table lists designation criteria and designation dates of the Less sensitive areas.
Methodology for obtaining data In case there are not any Art. 5(4) areas designated, the table is left empty.


Element name Datatype Element type
* repCode (repCode) C string Quantitative
* rcaCode (rcaCode)  (PK) string Quantitative
* rcaName (rcaName) string Quantitative
* rcaEnvDom (rcaEnvDom) string Fixed values
* rcaZtype (rcaZtype) string Fixed values
* rca61DateDesignation (rca61DateDesignation) date Quantitative
rcaMorphology (rcaMorphology) boolean Fixed values
rcaHydrology (rcaHydrology) boolean Fixed values
rcaHydraulic (rcaHydraulic) boolean Fixed values
rcaAbsenceRisk (rcaAbsenceRisk) boolean Fixed values
rcaHyperlink (rcaHyperlink) string Quantitative
rcaBeginLife (rcaBeginLife) date Quantitative
rcaEndLife (rcaEndLife) date Quantitative
rcalsaRemarks (rcalsaRemarks) string Quantitative
(an asterisk in front of element name indicates that the element is mandatory in this table)
(the C sign marks a common element)