View dataset definition

Identifier Emissions
Short name WISE SoE - Emissions
Registration status Released 01 December 2022
Reference URL
Name WISE SoE - Emissions (WISE-1)
Keywords Emissions, Water
Short Description Data on emissions from point and diffuse sources to inland surface, transitional and coastal waters and riverine input loads to transitional and coastal waters.
Definition Data on:
Emissions: annual load of nutrients, organic matter and other chemical substances from point and diffuse sources, spatially aggregated at river basin district (RBD) or river basin district sub-unit level to inland surface, transitional and coastal waters.

Riverine inputs: annual riverine input load of nutrients, organic matter and other chemical substances at the monitoring site level (quality and flow rate stations).

Note: There are no plans to request Direct discharges in the current (2022) or in future data calls. It is planned to restructure the dataflow in this respect for the next reporting cycle (expected in 2023).
Direct discharges: annual load of nutrients, organic matter and other chemical substances directly discharged to transitional and coastal waters, aggregated at the water body level.
Methodology for obtaining data Emissions data should be submitted based on a source (gross) oriented approach. Source (gross) oriented approaches estimate the emission to - but not within - a water body and do not account for retention (loss) processes within that water body.
Riverine input loads describe a total pollutant load at the river mouth or a downstream point and account for in-river processes.

All parameters (nutrients, organic matter and other chemical substances) and the requested related units of measure are available in a single code list. The estimated annual loads are expressed in tonne per year (t/a) or in kilogram per year (kg/a) depending on the substance (

1. Reference period
Emissions: for annual loads from point sources, data collected from the beginning to the end of the previous year should be submitted (e.g. for 2022 call, submit data related to year 2021). If the national inventories are not compiled and delivered on a yearly basis, then a 2-year reporting interval for emissions from point sources is requested.
For estimated or modelled annual loads from diffuse sources, a maximum 6-year reporting interval is requested, but if new data are available, a 3-year reporting interval is appreciated.

Riverine inputs: annual riverine input loads collected from the beginning to the end of the previous year should be submitted (e.g. for 2022 call, submit data related to year 2021). The data should be derived from existing national or regional monitoring programmes within each EEA Member Country.

2. Spatial reference
For the spatial reference, existing spatial identifiers needs to be used. During the quality control procedures of the data reported, the consistency of these spatial identifiers will be checked against the spatial data already reported under the WISE Spatial data flows (WFD Spatial Data for countries reporting under the Water Framework Directive, WISE-5 for the remaining countries). The location, identification and characteristics of new spatial units or monitoring sites must be provided via the WISE Spatial data flows. Please note that the spatial data don't have to be reported annually. However, updates to the spatial data (e.g. new sub-units, changes in the identifiers, etc.) must be reported before the spatial identifiers can be used to report the associated time series under WISE-1.

Emissions: data should be reported at the RBD sub-unit level for all parameters and source categories. If reporting at sub-unit level is not possible (or if the river basin district is not divided into sub-units), then data should be aggregated by river basin district. Reporting at country level should be used only in the exceptional cases when river basin districts are not delineated.

Riverine inputs: data are requested at the monitoring site level (quality and flow rate station).

3. Data content
Information already reported under reporting obligations on WFD, UWWTD, the E-PRTR or the Marine Conventions is not expected to be re-submitted under WISE SoE Emissions. For each relevant substance, annual emissions already reported under E-PRTR will be included in the European data set (Waterbase - Emissions). Available data (including those reported under WFD and UWWTD) will be used in developing subsequent assessments. Regarding the synergies with the WFD, reporting under the WFD obligation ( can refer to data reported here under the WISE SoE data flow.

However, to improve the quality of these assessments, it would be much appreciated if Member Countries could provide data more detailed or more complete than those reported under the WFD, UWWTD, E-PRTR or the Marine Conventions to the SoE Emissions.

4. Source categories for Emissions
Emission data should be submitted for different source categories. Source categories are hierarchically structured, which allows the reporting at the level(s) of disaggregation most compatible with the national inventories.
When, within the same spatial unit for a source category, data is reported at a lower level, then do NOT report data already included at an upper level. Similarly, do not include data reported at a lower level in a higher level source category.

For example:
- If, for a certain spatial unit and a given determinand, sub-source categories 'I3' and/or 'I4' are reported, the sum of emissions under source category 'I' must not be reported.
- If, for a certain spatial unit and a given determinand, source categories 'I' is reported, the emissions under sub-source category 'I3' and/or 'I4' must not be reported.
Within the same RBD or sub-unit, for a particular source category and a particular substance, values must be reported at the same hierarchical level.
All source categories (point and diffuse) are available in a single code list.

Point sources are categorised as follows:

PT – Point sources (PT = U + I +O)
U – Point - Urban waste water treated and untreated (U = U1 + U2)
U1 – Point - Urban waste water - untreated (U1 = U11 + U12 + U13 + U14)
U11 – Point - Urban waste water - untreated - less than 2 000 p.e.
U12 – Point - Urban waste water - untreated - in agglomerations between 2 000 and 10 000 p.e.
U13 – Point - Urban waste water - untreated - between 10 000 and 100 000 p.e.
U14 – Point - Urban waste water - untreated - more than 100 000 p.e.
U2 – Point - Urban waste water treated (U2 = U21 + U22 + U23 + U24)
U21 – Point - Urban waste water - treated - less than 2 000 p.e.
U22 – Point - Urban waste water - treated - between 2 000 and 10 000 p.e.
U23 – Point - Urban waste water - treated - between 10 000 and 100 000 p.e.
U24 – Point - Urban waste water - treated - more than 100 000 p.e.
I – Point sources - Industrial waste water (I = I3 + I4)
I3 – Point - Industrial waste water - treated
I4 – Point - Industrial waste water - untreated
O – Point - Other point emissions (O = O1 + O2 + O3 + O4 + O5)
O1 – Point - Contaminated sites or abandoned industrial sites
O2 – Point - Waste disposal sites
O3 – Point - Mine waters
O4 – Point - Aquaculture
O5 – Point - Other

Diffuse sources are categorised as follows:

NP – Diffuse sources (NP = NP1 + NP2 + …+ NP8)
NP1 – Diffuse - Agricultural emissions
NP2 – Diffuse - Atmospheric deposition
NP3 – Diffuse - Unconnected dwellings emissions
NP4 – Diffuse - Urban run-off
NP5 – Diffuse - Storm overflow emissions
NP7 – Diffuse - Other diffuse emissions (NP7 = NP71 + NP72 + … + NP75)
NP71 – Diffuse - Forestry emissions
NP72 – Diffuse - Transport emissions
NP73 – Diffuse - Mining emissions
NP74 – Diffuse - Aquaculture emissions
NP75 – Diffuse - Other
NP8 – Diffuse - Background emissions

Sub-categories for other point sources (O1 - O5) and other diffuse sources (NP71 - NP75) were introduced to allow a better alignment with the Water Framework Directive list of pressures.
Point emissions from urban waste water untreated or from urban treatment plants in sub-categories U11 and U21, as well as diffuse emissions from unconnected dwellings in sub-category NP3 are requested only if significant.

A phased approach to reporting is expected, with the detail of emission apportionment increasing progressively over time.

5. Formats and data delivery
Decimal separators: Use a decimal point '.' as decimal separator. Do not use a comma ','.

Missing values: If the emission value or the riverine input value is not reported, or in other exceptional circumstances described in the relevant code list, the fields "resultObservationStatus" (Observation status flag) and, if needed, "Remarks" (Remarks) should be used to provide further clarification.

Data delivery: Use the reporting templates (MS Excel (.xls or .xlsx) or XML) and these specifications when formatting and collating the data delivery. The templates can be downloaded under the following link ( see Exports).

Please do not use formulas in MS Excel files and do not rename the worksheets or column names. The file name can be changed.

Upload the data using Reportnet 3 See for reporting guidance.

If you have any questions about the format and content of the data request please contact the WISE SoE helpdesk, e-mail:
Version December 2022
Reporting obligation

Data model

Click thumbnail to view large version of the data model

Dataset tables

Full name Short name
Direct Discharges DirectDischarges
Emissions from point and diffuse sources Emissions
Riverine Input Loads RiverineInputLoads

Other versions

Dataset number Status Release date
3521 Released 29 September 2023 [view]
3180 Released 10 December 2015 [view]
3091 Released 22 July 2013 [view]
3053 Released 31 July 2012 [view]
2917 Released 31 August 2011 [view]
2873 Released 25 August 2010 [view]
2870 Released 14 July 2010 [view]
2863 Released 09 July 2010 [view]
2846 Released 09 July 2010 [view]
2812 Released 30 July 2009 [view]
2806 Released 21 July 2009 [view]
2804 Released 21 July 2009 [view]
2803 Released 21 July 2009 [view]
2802 Released 15 July 2009 [view]
2801 Released 15 July 2009 [view]