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Identifier soecEndYear
Short name soecEndYear
Dataset UWWTDArt17
Table FLAInvestments
Reference URL
Name soecEndYear
Definition End of the Reference period for which the data is provided
Methodology for obtaining data This value is required.

The investment information is needed per period (e.g. 1 January 2015 to end 2015 or 1 January 2015 to end 2020).
The end date of each reference period must be in the format YYYY-12-31.
Each line concerns the end date of one period. It is possible to have several periods in the reporting.
from 1 January XXXX to end YYYY
from 1 January XXXX to end YYYY
from 1 January XXXX to end YYYY
from 1 January XXXX to end YYYY

As the Commission would like to provide comparison between past/current and expected situations and to aggregate this information at EU level, it will intend to use the information from 2020 and 2022 to consider the current situation and from 2023 to 2027 to consider the expected situation. If possible MS are encouraged to include information on specific measures related to: i) storm water overflows; ii) water reuse and iii) sewage sludge use.
Datatype date
Public or Internal undefined
Is language used No