Concept: [Chthamalus] spp. and [Lichina pygmaea] on steep exposed upper eulittoral rock in the eunishabitats vocabulary

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Preferred label [Chthamalus] spp. and [Lichina pygmaea] on steep exposed upper eulittoral rock
Definition Areas of steep and vertical rock in the upper eulittoral on very exposed to moderately exposed shores characterised by tufts of the dark brownish lichen [Lichina pygmaea] and the barnacles [Chthamalus montagui] and [Chthamalus stellatus], although long-established patches of [L. pygmaea] ultimately exclude barnacles. The rigid branching thallus of [L. pygmaea] provides an ideal habitat for the bivalve [Lasaea adasoni], the winkles [Littorina saxatilis] and [Melarhaphe neritoides]. The anemone [Actinia equina] and the mussel [Mytilus edulis] are confined to moist cracks and crevices, while the limpet [Patella vulgata] is found on the open bedrock. In the south-west the top shell [Gibbula umbilicalis] can be found on [L. pygmaea]. On the north-east coast this biotope does not have [Chthamalus] spp., [L. pygmaea] being the most important characterising species on these sites. Situation: The band of [L. pygmaea] lies between the [Verrucaria maura] zone (Ver.B or Ver.Ver) above and the barnacle-[P. vulgata] zone (Sem) below. Other upper shore biotopes (Ver.B or Ver.Ver) may contain occasional patches of [L. pygmaea], particularly on steep sunny faces, though not forming a distinct zone. [L. pygmaea] also occurs on less steeply-sloping shores if they are in a sunny aspect. In some areas, a high abundance of [L. pygmaea] results in a distinct zone, particularly in the south. On [Chthamalus] spp[]. dominated shores (south and west coasts) the band of [L. pygmaea] lies within the barnacle zone, whereas on [Semibalanus balanoides] dominated shores (north and east coasts) Cht.Lpyg lies astride the upper limit of the barnacles (Sem).
Notation A1.1122
Status Valid
Status Modified 31.01.2014
Accepted Date 31.01.2014
Not Accepted Date
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