Concept: Management of habitats (others than agriculture and forest) to slow, stop or reverse natural processes in the measures vocabulary

Concept URI
Preferred label Management of habitats (others than agriculture and forest) to slow, stop or reverse natural processes
Definition Managing habitats (biotic and abiotic factors), excluding agriculture and forest-related habitats, to slow down, stop or reverse natural processes. This can include abiotic natural processes (e.g. erosion, silting up, drying out, salinization, eutrophication or acidification), natural succession of vegetation (in open early succsession stage habitats), natural accumulation of organic material, which is not a result of human activitiy, or lack of human activities. For example, if measures adress drying out which is a result of a human induced modification of hydrological conditions, it should not be reported under this category. Includes, for example, managing and restoring natural open (early-succession stage) habitats impacted by natural processes (e.g. maintaining heathland to prevent them from being overgrown by trees by grazing, conservation burning).
Notation CL01
Status Valid
Status Modified 2018-05-14
Accepted Date 2018-05-14
Not Accepted Date