Vocabulary: Industrial reduction measure value

Folder noise (Environmental Noise - END)
Identifier IndustryMeasureValue
Label Industrial reduction measure value
Base URI http://dd.eionet.europa.eu/vocabulary/noise/IndustryMeasureValue/
Registration status Public draft 12 Dec 2022 14:09:08
Type Common
  • Noise abatement measures for industrial noise

Bound elements for concepts

Element Type Status
skos:broadMatch Quantitative
  • Step 1
  • Step 2
  • Step 3
  • Step 4
  • Step 5
30 Sep 2013
skos:narrowMatch Quantitative
  • Step 1
  • Step 2
  • Step 3
  • Step 4
  • Step 5
30 Sep 2013

Vocabulary concepts

34 concepts found, displaying 1 to 20.FirstPrev12Last
Id Label Status Status Modified Notation
bufferZones Buffer zones Valid 13.02.2021 bufferZones
buildingInsulationMeasure Building insulation Valid 13.02.2021 buildingInsulationMeasure
changeinEmissionLevels Change in emission levels Valid 13.02.2021 changeinEmissionLevels
closedInfrastructure Closed infrastructure Valid 13.02.2021 closedInfrastructure
closureIndustry Closure of industry Valid 13.02.2021 closureIndustry
communication Communication munication Valid 13.02.2021 communication
communityEngagement Community engagement Valid 13.02.2021 communityEngagement
complaintManagement Complaint management Valid 13.02.2021 complaintManagement
educationAwarenessActivities Education and awareness raising … Valid 13.02.2021 educationAwarenessActivities
enclosure Enclosure in industry Valid 13.02.2021 enclosure
greenArea Availability of green areas Valid 13.02.2021 greenArea
greenNoiseBarrier Green noise barriers and maintenance Valid 13.02.2021 greenNoiseBarrier
informationDissemination Information dissemination Valid 13.02.2021 informationDissemination
infrastructureChange Infrastructure change Valid 13.02.2021 infrastructureChange
landUsePlanning Land use planning Valid 13.02.2021 landUsePlanning
measureAtPath Measures at the path Valid 13.02.2021 measureAtPath
measureAtSource Measures at the source Valid 13.02.2021 measureAtSource
measuresForBehaviouralChange Measures for behavioural changes Valid 13.02.2021 measuresForBehaviouralChange
newInfrastructure New infrastructure Valid 13.02.2021 newInfrastructure
noMeasure No measure Valid 12.12.2022 noMeasure