Vocabulary: Hungary

Folder lau2018 (Local Administrative Units (LAU, version 2018))
Identifier hu
Label Hungary
Base URI http://dd.eionet.europa.eu/vocabulary/lau2018/hu/
Registration status Released 10 Nov 2018 08:15:50
Type Common
  • Local Administrative Units (LAU) from Eurostat
  • 2018
  • (c) European Union, 1995-2018. Reuse is authorised, provided the source is acknowledged, https://ec.europa.eu/info/legal-notice_en#copyright-notice

Bound elements for concepts

No bound elements found.

Vocabulary concepts

3,155 concepts found, displaying 1 to 20.FirstPrev12345678Last
Id Label Status Status Modified Notation
01508 Ipolyszög Valid 10.11.2018 01508
01526 Somoskőújfalu Valid 10.11.2018 01526
02015 Ráckeresztúr Valid 10.11.2018 02015
02024 Martonyi Valid 10.11.2018 02024
02033 Kakasd Valid 10.11.2018 02033
02042 Narda Valid 10.11.2018 02042
02051 Sávoly Valid 10.11.2018 02051
02060 Gönyű Valid 10.11.2018 02060
02079 Dunaremete Valid 10.11.2018 02079
02088 Mánd Valid 10.11.2018 02088
02097 Gutorfölde Valid 10.11.2018 02097
02103 Maróc Valid 10.11.2018 02103
02121 Csanádalberti Valid 10.11.2018 02121
02130 Mihályfa Valid 10.11.2018 02130
02149 Foktő Valid 10.11.2018 02149
02158 Muhi Valid 10.11.2018 02158
02167 Komádi Valid 10.11.2018 02167
02185 Csopak Valid 10.11.2018 02185
02194 Nemesvámos Valid 10.11.2018 02194
02200 Isztimér Valid 10.11.2018 02200