Vocabulary: Switzerland

Folder lau2018 (Local Administrative Units (LAU, version 2018))
Identifier ch
Label Switzerland
Base URI http://dd.eionet.europa.eu/vocabulary/lau2018/ch/
Registration status Released 10 Nov 2018 07:54:19
Type Common
  • Local Administrative Units (LAU) from Eurostat
  • 2018
  • (c) European Union, 1995-2018. Reuse is authorised, provided the source is acknowledged, https://ec.europa.eu/info/legal-notice_en#copyright-notice

Bound elements for concepts

No bound elements found.

Vocabulary concepts

2,240 concepts found, displaying 121 to 140.First345678910Last
Id Label Status Status Modified Notation
CH0178 Russikon Valid 10.11.2018 CH0178
CH0180 Weisslingen Valid 10.11.2018 CH0180
CH0181 Wila Valid 10.11.2018 CH0181
CH0182 Wildberg Valid 10.11.2018 CH0182
CH0191 Dübendorf Valid 10.11.2018 CH0191
CH0192 Egg Valid 10.11.2018 CH0192
CH0193 Fällanden Valid 10.11.2018 CH0193
CH0194 Greifensee Valid 10.11.2018 CH0194
CH0195 Maur Valid 10.11.2018 CH0195
CH0196 Mönchaltorf Valid 10.11.2018 CH0196
CH0197 Schwerzenbach Valid 10.11.2018 CH0197
CH0198 Uster Valid 10.11.2018 CH0198
CH0199 Volketswil Valid 10.11.2018 CH0199
CH0200 Wangen-Brüttisellen Valid 10.11.2018 CH0200
CH0211 Altikon Valid 10.11.2018 CH0211
CH0213 Brütten Valid 10.11.2018 CH0213
CH0214 Dägerlen Valid 10.11.2018 CH0214
CH0215 Dättlikon Valid 10.11.2018 CH0215
CH0216 Dinhard Valid 10.11.2018 CH0216
CH0217 Elgg Valid 10.11.2018 CH0217