Vocabulary: Urban Atlas 2012 nomenclature

Folder landcover (Landcover nomenclatures)
Identifier uatl2012
Label Urban Atlas 2012 nomenclature
Base URI http://dd.eionet.europa.eu/vocabulary/landcover/uatl2012/
Registration status Released 13 May 2015 07:05:42
Type Common
  • The Urban Atlas is providing pan-European comparable land use and land cover data for Functional Urban Areas
  • 2012

Bound elements for concepts

No bound elements found.

Vocabulary concepts

28 concepts found, displaying 1 to 20.FirstPrev12Last
Id Label Status Status Modified Notation
11100 Continuous Urban Fabric (S.L. > 80%) Valid 12.05.2015 11100
11210 Discontinuous Dense Urban Fabric (S.L. : … Valid 12.05.2015 11210
11220 Discontinuous Medium Density Urban … Valid 12.05.2015 11220
11230 Discontinuous Low Density Urban Fabric … Valid 12.05.2015 11230
11240 Discontinuous Very Low Density Urban … Valid 12.05.2015 11240
11300 Isolated Structures Valid 12.05.2015 11300
12100 Industrial, commercial, public, military … Valid 12.05.2015 12100
12210 Fast transit roads and associated land Valid 12.05.2015 12210
12220 Other roads and associated land Valid 12.05.2015 12220
12230 Railways and associated land Valid 12.05.2015 12230
12300 Port areas Valid 12.05.2015 12300
12400 Airports Valid 12.05.2015 12400
13100 Mineral extraction and dump sites Valid 12.05.2015 13100
13300 Construction sites Valid 12.05.2015 13300
13400 Land without current use Valid 12.05.2015 13400
14100 Green urban areas Valid 12.05.2015 14100
14200 Sports and leisure facilities Valid 12.05.2015 14200
20000 Agricultural + Semi-natural areas + … Valid 12.05.2015 20000
21000 Arable land (annual crops) Valid 12.05.2015 21000
22000 Permanent crops Valid 12.05.2015 22000