Vocabulary: Place of work

Folder eurostat (Eurostat dictionaries)
Identifier workplace
Label Place of work
Base URI http://dd.eionet.europa.eu/vocabulary/eurostat/workplace/
Registration status Released 04 Sep 2023 14:03:24
Type Common

Bound elements for concepts

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Vocabulary concepts

12 concepts found, displaying all concepts.
Id Label Status Status Modified Notation
CLIENT Clients' place Valid 08.04.2020 CLIENT
EMPL_OWN Employer's premises or own premises Valid 08.04.2020 EMPL_OWN
HOM Home Valid 08.04.2020 HOM
NAP Not applicable Valid 08.04.2020 NAP
NAT_IN In the territory of the reporting … Valid 31.08.2023 NAT_IN
NAT_OUT Not in the territory of the reporting … Valid 31.08.2023 NAT_OUT
NAT_UNK Unknown place of work in the reporting … Valid 31.08.2023 NAT_UNK
NFIX Not fixed Valid 31.08.2023 NFIX
NFIX_OTH Not fixed or other Valid 08.04.2020 NFIX_OTH
NRP No response Valid 08.04.2020 NRP
TOTAL Total Valid 08.04.2020 TOTAL
UNK Unknown Valid 31.08.2023 UNK