Vocabulary: Transition from the previous year situation

Folder eurostat (Eurostat dictionaries)
Identifier trans1y
Label Transition from the previous year situation
Base URI http://dd.eionet.europa.eu/vocabulary/eurostat/trans1y/
Registration status Released 31 Aug 2012 15:05:08
Type Common
  • Original source from Eurostat at http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/NavTree_prod/everybody/BulkDownloadListing?file=dic/en/trans1y.dic

Bound elements for concepts

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Vocabulary concepts

19 concepts found, displaying all concepts.
Id Label Status Status Modified Notation
NO_CHG No change Valid 31.08.2012 NO_CHG
TOTAL Total Valid 31.08.2012 TOTAL
TO_1DW Transition to 1 income decile down Valid 31.08.2012 TO_1DW
TO_1UP Transition to 1 income decile up Valid 31.08.2012 TO_1UP
TO_EMP Transition to employed person Valid 31.08.2012 TO_EMP
TO_FT Transition to full-time work Valid 31.08.2012 TO_FT
TO_GEQUA Transition to the same or higher … Valid 31.08.2012 TO_GEQUA
TO_GESEC Transition to the same or higher … Valid 31.08.2012 TO_GESEC
TO_GT1DW Transition to more than 1 income decile … Valid 31.08.2012 TO_GT1DW
TO_GT1UP Transition to more than 1 income decile … Valid 31.08.2012 TO_GT1UP
TO_INAC Transition to inactivity Valid 31.08.2012 TO_INAC
TO_LTQUA Transition to lower qualification level … Valid 31.08.2012 TO_LTQUA
TO_LTSEC Transition to less employment security … Valid 31.08.2012 TO_LTSEC
TO_NONE Transition to no income Valid 31.08.2012 TO_NONE
TO_NSAL Transition to employed person except … Valid 31.08.2012 TO_NSAL
TO_PERM Transition to employee with a permanent … Valid 31.08.2012 TO_PERM
TO_PT Transition to part-time work Valid 31.08.2012 TO_PT
TO_TEMP Transition to employee with a temporary … Valid 31.08.2012 TO_TEMP
TO_UNE Transition to unemployment Valid 31.08.2012 TO_UNE