Vocabulary: Size classes in gross tonnage

Folder eurostat (Eurostat dictionaries)
Identifier tonnage
Label Size classes in gross tonnage
Base URI http://dd.eionet.europa.eu/vocabulary/eurostat/tonnage/
Registration status Released 10 Aug 2018 17:34:14
Type Common
  • Original source from Eurostat at http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/NavTree_prod/everybody/BulkDownloadListing?file=dic/en/tonnage.dic

Bound elements for concepts

No bound elements found.

Vocabulary concepts

34 concepts found, displaying 1 to 20.FirstPrev12Last
Id Label Status Status Modified Notation
GT100-149 From 100 to 149 gross tonnage Valid 26.06.2015 GT100-149
GT100-499 From 100 to 499 gross tonnage Valid 18.10.2010 GT100-499
GT1000-1999 From 1 000 to 1 999 gross tonnage Valid 18.10.2010 GT1000-1999
GT10000-19999 From 10 000 to 19 999 gross tonnage Valid 18.10.2010 GT10000-19999
GT100000-149999 From 100 000 to 149 999 gross tonnage Valid 18.10.2010 GT100000-149999
GT150-249 From 150 to 249 gross tonnage Valid 26.06.2015 GT150-249
GT150000-199999 From 150 000 to 199 999 gross tonnage Valid 18.10.2010 GT150000-199999
GT2000-2999 From 2 000 to 2 999 gross tonnage Valid 18.10.2010 GT2000-2999
GT20000-29999 From 20 000 to 29 999 gross tonnage Valid 18.10.2010 GT20000-29999
GT200000-249999 From 200 000 to 249 999 gross tonnage Valid 18.10.2010 GT200000-249999
GT25-49 From 25 to 49 gross tonnage Valid 26.06.2015 GT25-49
GT250-499 From 250 to 499 gross tonnage Valid 26.06.2015 GT250-499
GT250000-299999 From 250 000 to 299 999 gross tonnage Valid 18.10.2010 GT250000-299999
GT3000-3999 From 3 000 to 3 999 gross tonnage Valid 18.10.2010 GT3000-3999
GT30000-39999 From 30 000 to 39 999 gross tonnage Valid 18.10.2010 GT30000-39999
GT4000-4999 From 4 000 to 4 999 gross tonnage Valid 18.10.2010 GT4000-4999
GT40000-49999 From 40 000 to 49 999 gross tonnage Valid 18.10.2010 GT40000-49999
GT50-99 From 50 to 99 gross tonnage Valid 26.06.2015 GT50-99
GT500-999 From 500 to 999 gross tonnage Valid 18.10.2010 GT500-999
GT5000-5999 From 5 000 to 5 999 gross tonnage Valid 18.10.2010 GT5000-5999