Vocabulary: ESSPROS-receipts - sector of origin

Folder eurostat (Eurostat dictionaries)
Identifier spsector
Label ESSPROS-receipts - sector of origin
Base URI http://dd.eionet.europa.eu/vocabulary/eurostat/spsector/
Registration status Released 15 Apr 2015 14:00:56
Type Common
  • Original source from Eurostat at http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/NavTree_prod/everybody/BulkDownloadListing?file=dic/en/spsector.dic

Bound elements for concepts

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Vocabulary concepts

12 concepts found, displaying all concepts.
Id Label Status Status Modified Notation
CORPORATION Corporations (non-financial and … Valid 20.04.2010 CORPORATION
GG_CENT General government central Valid 20.04.2010 GG_CENT
GG_LOC General government state and local Valid 20.04.2010 GG_LOC
GG_SS General government social security funds Valid 20.04.2010 GG_SS
GG_TOT Total general government Valid 20.04.2010 GG_TOT
HOUSE Households including transactions … Valid 20.04.2010 HOUSE
NONPROF Non-profit institutions serving … Valid 20.04.2010 NONPROF
REST Rest of the world including transactions … Valid 20.04.2010 REST
RESTNOREROUTE Rest of the world Valid 20.04.2010 RESTNOREROUTE
TOTAL Total receipts including transactions … Valid 20.04.2010 TOTAL
TOTALNOREROUTE Total receipts Valid 20.04.2010 TOTALNOREROUTE