Vocabulary: Skills and competences

Folder eurostat (Eurostat dictionaries)
Identifier skills
Label Skills and competences
Base URI http://dd.eionet.europa.eu/vocabulary/eurostat/skills/
Registration status Released 29 Mar 2016 13:08:22
Type Common

Bound elements for concepts

No bound elements found.

Vocabulary concepts

13 concepts found, displaying all concepts.
Id Label Status Status Modified Notation
ADMIN Office administration skills Valid 14.03.2016 ADMIN
COMM Oral or written communication skills Valid 14.03.2016 COMM
CUS_HDL Customer handling skills Valid 14.03.2016 CUS_HDL
FOR_LANG Foreign language skills Valid 14.03.2016 FOR_LANG
IT_GEN General IT skills Valid 14.03.2016 IT_GEN
IT_PROF Professional IT skills Valid 14.03.2016 IT_PROF
MGMT Management skills Valid 14.03.2016 MGMT
NUM_LIT Numeracy and/or literacy skills Valid 14.03.2016 NUM_LIT
OTH Other skills and competences Valid 14.03.2016 OTH
PB_SOLV Problem solving skills Valid 14.03.2016 PB_SOLV
SPEC Technical, practical or job-specific … Valid 14.03.2016 SPEC
TEAM Team working skills Valid 14.03.2016 TEAM
UNK Unknown Valid 29.03.2016 UNK