Vocabulary: Process status

Folder eurostat (Eurostat dictionaries)
Identifier procstat
Label Process status
Base URI http://dd.eionet.europa.eu/vocabulary/eurostat/procstat/
Registration status Released 24 Mar 2016 13:07:56
Type Common

Bound elements for concepts

No bound elements found.

Vocabulary concepts

27 concepts found, displaying 1 to 20.FirstPrev12Last
Id Label Status Status Modified Notation
APP Appealed Valid 01.03.2016 APP
APPLBL Appealable Valid 01.03.2016 APPLBL
CANC Cancelled Valid 01.03.2016 CANC
CANCPEN Cancellation pending Valid 01.03.2016 CANCPEN
DEEMNF Deemed not filed Valid 01.03.2016 DEEMNF
DEL Deleted Valid 01.03.2016 DEL
ERR Absolute error Valid 01.03.2016 ERR
EXAM To be examined Valid 01.03.2016 EXAM
EXP Expired Valid 01.03.2016 EXP
EXPDAT Design passed expiry date without … Valid 01.03.2016 EXPDAT
EXPLEG Design legally expired Valid 01.03.2016 EXPLEG
INVDEC Declared invalid Valid 01.03.2016 INVDEC
INVPEN Invalidity pending Valid 01.03.2016 INVPEN
OPEN Open application Valid 01.03.2016 OPEN
OPP Opposed Valid 01.03.2016 OPP
PEN Pending Valid 01.03.2016 PEN
PUBDEF Publication deferred Valid 01.03.2016 PUBDEF
PUBNDEF Publication not deferred Valid 01.03.2016 PUBNDEF
REF Refused Valid 01.03.2016 REF
REG Registered Valid 01.03.2016 REG