Vocabulary: Length

Folder eurostat (Eurostat dictionaries)
Identifier length
Label Length
Base URI http://dd.eionet.europa.eu/vocabulary/eurostat/length/
Registration status Released 11 Aug 2021 14:03:12
Type Common

Bound elements for concepts

No bound elements found.

Vocabulary concepts

38 concepts found, displaying 1 to 20.FirstPrev12Last
Id Label Status Status Modified Notation
KM1000-1499 From 1 000 to 1 499 km Valid 11.08.2021 KM1000-1499
KM1000-1999 From 1 000 to 1 999 km Valid 10.07.2015 KM1000-1999
KM150-299 From 150 to 299 km Valid 10.07.2015 KM150-299
KM150-499 From 150 to 499 km Valid 10.07.2015 KM150-499
KM1500-1999 From 1 500 to 1 999 km Valid 11.08.2021 KM1500-1999
KM2000-5999 From 2 000 to 5 999 km Valid 10.07.2015 KM2000-5999
KM300-499 From 300 to 499 km Valid 10.07.2015 KM300-499
KM50-149 From 50 to 149 km Valid 10.07.2015 KM50-149
KM500-999 From 500 to 999 km Valid 10.07.2015 KM500-999
KM_GE2000 2 000 km or over Valid 11.08.2021 KM_GE2000
KM_GE300 300 km or over Valid 10.07.2015 KM_GE300
KM_GE500 500 km or over Valid 10.07.2015 KM_GE500
KM_GE6000 6 000 km or over Valid 10.07.2015 KM_GE6000
KM_LT300 Less than 300 km Valid 10.07.2015 KM_LT300
KM_LT50 Less than 50 km Valid 10.07.2015 KM_LT50
M10-11 From 10 to 11 metres Valid 10.07.2015 M10-11
M100-149 From 100 to 149 metres Valid 10.07.2015 M100-149
M12-14 From 12 to 14 metres Valid 10.07.2015 M12-14
M15-16 From 15 to 16 metres Valid 10.07.2015 M15-16
M17 17 metres Valid 10.07.2015 M17