Vocabulary: International Standard Classification of Occupations for European Union purposes (ISCO-88 (COM))

Folder eurostat (Eurostat dictionaries)
Identifier isco88
Label International Standard Classification of Occupations for European Union purposes (ISCO-88 (COM))
Base URI http://dd.eionet.europa.eu/vocabulary/eurostat/isco88/
Registration status Released 08 Aug 2011 13:03:44
Type Common
  • Original source from Eurostat at http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/NavTree_prod/everybody/BulkDownloadListing?file=dic/en/isco88.dic

Bound elements for concepts

No bound elements found.

Vocabulary concepts

166 concepts found, displaying 161 to 166.First23456789NextLast
Id Label Status Status Modified Notation
ISCO932 Manufacturing labourers Valid 08.08.2011 ISCO932
ISCO933 Transport labourers and freight handlers Valid 08.08.2011 ISCO933
NRP No response Valid 08.08.2011 NRP
OTH Other occupations Valid 08.08.2011 OTH
TOTAL Total Valid 08.08.2011 TOTAL
UNK Unknown Valid 08.08.2011 UNK