Vocabulary: Animal housing

Folder eurostat (Eurostat dictionaries)
Identifier hous_ani
Label Animal housing
Base URI http://dd.eionet.europa.eu/vocabulary/eurostat/hous_ani/
Registration status Released 23 Nov 2023 14:03:18
Type Common

Bound elements for concepts

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Vocabulary concepts

18 concepts found, displaying all concepts.
Id Label Status Status Modified Notation
AVNLT Aviary house (without litter) Valid 28.08.2023 AVNLT
CAG Cages Valid 28.08.2023 CAG
CAG_DPPIT Cages with deep pits Valid 28.08.2023 CAG_DPPIT
CAG_MNRBLT Cages with manure belt Valid 28.08.2023 CAG_MNRBLT
CAG_STLT Cages with stilt house Valid 28.08.2023 CAG_STLT
DPLT Deep litter housing Valid 28.08.2023 DPLT
DPLT_ENTI Entire deep litter surface Valid 28.08.2023 DPLT_ENTI
LSE_CUB Loose/cubicle housing Valid 28.08.2023 LSE_CUB
OTH Other Valid 28.08.2023 OTH
OUT Free range - outdoors Valid 28.08.2023 OUT
OUT_ALW Always outdoors Valid 28.08.2023 OUT_ALW
OUT_PART Partly outdoors Valid 28.08.2023 OUT_PART
SLTD_FUL Fully slatted floor Valid 28.08.2023 SLTD_FUL
SLTD_PART Partially slatted floor Valid 28.08.2023 SLTD_PART
SO_X_DPLT Solid floor housing (excluding deep … Valid 28.08.2023 SO_X_DPLT
TOTAL Total Valid 23.11.2023 TOTAL
TSTL Tie stall Valid 28.08.2023 TSTL
WACS_EXERY Housing with access to exersice yards Valid 28.08.2023 WACS_EXERY