Vocabulary: Description missing in source

Folder eurostat (Eurostat dictionaries)
Identifier cp_food
Label Description missing in source
Base URI http://dd.eionet.europa.eu/vocabulary/eurostat/cp_food/
Registration status Released 03 Sep 2015 16:00:02
Type Common
  • Original source from Eurostat at http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/NavTree_prod/everybody/BulkDownloadListing?file=dic/en/cp_food.dic

Bound elements for concepts

No bound elements found.

Vocabulary concepts

20 concepts found, displaying all concepts.
Id Label Status Status Modified Notation
CP011 Food Valid 20.04.2010 CP011
CP0111 Bread and cereals Valid 20.04.2010 CP0111
CP0112 Meat Valid 20.04.2010 CP0112
CP01121 Beef and veal Valid 03.09.2015 CP01121
CP011211 Beef Valid 20.04.2010 CP011211
CP01122 Pork Valid 20.04.2010 CP01122
CP01124 Poultry Valid 20.04.2010 CP01124
CP0113 Fish and seafood Valid 20.04.2010 CP0113
CP0114 Milk, cheese and eggs Valid 20.04.2010 CP0114
CP01141 Fresh whole milk Valid 20.04.2010 CP01141
CP01144 Cheese Valid 20.04.2010 CP01144
CP01145 Cheese and curd Valid 03.09.2015 CP01145
CP01146 Eggs Valid 20.04.2010 CP01146
CP01147 Eggs Valid 03.09.2015 CP01147
CP0115 Oils and fats Valid 20.04.2010 CP0115
CP0116 Fruit Valid 20.04.2010 CP0116
CP011613 Apples Valid 20.04.2010 CP011613
CP0117 Vegetables Valid 20.04.2010 CP0117
CP01174 Potatoes Valid 20.04.2010 CP01174
CP0118 Sugar, jam, honey, chocolate and … Valid 20.04.2010 CP0118