Vocabulary: This code list contains the potential options under which a confidentiality claim for data can be made.

Folder euregistryonindustrialsites (EU Registry on Industrial Sites)
Identifier ReasonValue
Label This code list contains the potential options under which a confidentiality claim for data can be made.
Base URI http://dd.eionet.europa.eu/vocabulary/euregistryonindustrialsites/ReasonValue/
Registration status Released 21 Nov 2018 12:35:03
Type Common

Bound elements for concepts

No bound elements found.

Vocabulary concepts

8 concepts found, displaying all concepts.
Id Label Status Status Modified Notation
Article4(2)(a) Disclosure of the information would … Valid 07.06.2016 Art4-2a
Article4(2)(b) Disclosure of the information would … Valid 07.06.2016 Art4-2b
Article4(2)(c) Disclosure of the information would … Valid 07.06.2016 Art4-2c
Article4(2)(d) Disclosure of the information would … Valid 07.06.2016 Art4-2d
Article4(2)(e) Disclosure of the information would … Valid 07.06.2016 Art4-2e
Article4(2)(f) Disclosure of the information would … Valid 07.06.2016 Art4-2f
Article4(2)(g) Disclosure of the information would … Valid 07.06.2016 Art4-2g
Article4(2)(h) Disclosure of the information would … Valid 07.06.2016 Art4-2h