Vocabulary: This code list allows details of authorisations given by reporting countries to change operating conditions under Article 51 of 2010/75/EU.

Folder euregistryonindustrialsites (EU Registry on Industrial Sites)
Identifier Article51Value
Label This code list allows details of authorisations given by reporting countries to change operating conditions under Article 51 of 2010/75/EU.
Base URI http://dd.eionet.europa.eu/vocabulary/euregistryonindustrialsites/Article51Value/
Registration status Released 26 Sep 2018 06:10:56
Type Common

Bound elements for concepts

No bound elements found.

Vocabulary concepts

7 concepts found, displaying all concepts.
Id Label Status Status Modified Notation
Art50-1 Article 50 - 1 Valid 07.06.2016 Art50-1
Art50-1-2 Article 50(1) and Article 50(2) apply. Valid 26.09.2018 Art50-1-2
Art50-1-2-3 Article 50(1), Article 50(2) and Article … Valid 26.09.2018 Art50-1-2-3
Art50-1-3 Article 50(1) and 50(3) apply. Valid 26.09.2018 Art50-1-3
Art50-2 Article 50 - 2 Valid 07.06.2016 Art50-2
Art50-2-3 Article 50(2) and Article 50(3) apply. Valid 26.09.2018 Art50-2-3
Art50-3 Article 50 - 3 Valid 07.06.2016 Art50-3