Vocabulary: Definition of activities according to Regulation 166/2006 Annex I

Folder eprtr (European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register)
Identifier activity
Label Definition of activities according to Regulation 166/2006 Annex I
Base URI http://dd.eionet.europa.eu/vocabulary/eprtr/activity/
Registration status Released 16 Dec 2013 17:46:36
Type Common

Bound elements for concepts

Element Type Status
skos:broader Quantitative
  • Step 1
  • Step 2
  • Step 3
  • Step 4
  • Step 5
30 Sep 2013
skos:narrower Quantitative
  • Step 1
  • Step 2
  • Step 3
  • Step 4
  • Step 5
17 Sep 2015

Vocabulary concepts

77 concepts found, displaying 1 to 20.FirstPrev1234Last
Id Label Status Status Modified Notation
7 Intensive livestock production and … Valid 01.01.2007 7
8 Animal and vegetable products from the … Valid 01.01.2007 8
9 Other activities Valid 01.01.2007 9
10 Mineral oil and gas refineries Valid 01.01.2007 1.(a)
11 Installations for gasification and … Valid 01.01.2007 1.(b)
12 Thermal power stations and other … Valid 01.01.2007 1.(c)
13 Coke ovens Valid 01.01.2007 1.(d)
14 Coal rolling mills Valid 01.01.2007 1.(e)
15 Installations for the manufacture of … Valid 01.01.2007 1.(f)
16 Metal ore (including sulphide ore) … Valid 01.01.2007 2.(a)
17 Installations for the production of pig … Valid 01.01.2007 2.(b)
18 Installations for the processing of … Valid 01.01.2007 2.(c)
19 Ferrous metal foundries Valid 01.01.2007 2.(d)
20 Installations: Valid 01.01.2007 2.(e)
21 Installations for surface treatment of … Valid 01.01.2007 2.(f)
22 Underground mining and related … Valid 01.01.2007 3.(a)
23 Opencast mining and quarrying Valid 01.01.2007 3.(b)
24 Installations for the production of: Valid 01.01.2007 3.(c)
25 Installations for the production of … Valid 01.01.2007 3.(d)
26 Installations for the manufacture of … Valid 01.01.2007 3.(e)