Vocabulary: AQD - Purpose of Sampling Point

Folder aq (Air Quality Directive e-Reporting)
Identifier samplingpointpurpose
Label AQD - Purpose of Sampling Point
Base URI http://dd.eionet.europa.eu/vocabulary/aq/samplingpointpurpose/
Registration status Public draft 12 Apr 2017 12:11:22
Type Common
  • Used to describe the purpose of a Sampling Point. This is done via aqd:AQD_SamplingPoint/ef:involveIn (e.g. <ef:involveIn xlink:href="http://dd.eionet.europa.eu/vocabulary/aq/samplingpointpurpose/AEI" xsi:nil="false"/>
  • 0.0

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Vocabulary concepts

3 concepts found, displaying all concepts.
Id Label Status Status Modified Notation
AEI Used for National Assessment Exposure … Valid 08.06.2013 AEI
NS Natural Sources (used for) Valid 08.06.2013 NS
WSS Winter-sanding or -salting (used for) Valid 08.06.2013 WSS